Blue Wave Drought: Reuters Shows a SIX POINT LEAD for Republicans

You guys are going to be such crybabies.

OK, to the OP: it's lie in context of the last 18 months show that according to RCP that Blue still holds, as it has for 18 months, the generic Congressional lead.

RealClearPolitics - Election Other - 2018 Generic Congressional Vote

It will triple once Mueller releases his mega reports.

When will that be?
View attachment 195988

So you have no clue.

The longer it goes the better of for trump. If they drop before the election it looks purely political. If he waits til after with no evidence continuing to be provided the people think it’s a witch hunt and that hurts democrats in November.

Either way Trump wins and has no reason to fire Mueller.

Best option democrats have is to have Mueller wrap up the investigation exposing the lack of evidence early enough that they could actually put together a positive agenda before November and pray the economy tanks

But seriously if they could do that obama wouldn’t have been such a bad president
Keep telling yourself that before bed, Avatar, if it helps you sleep.

If you really believe Mueller does not have a solid case, despite indictments of 19 people and 3 businesses, 4 plea deals and convictions, etc. (this being the tip of the iceberg), then you don't believe in factual, objective evidence.
Keep telling yourself that before bed, Avatar, if it helps you sleep.

If you really believe Mueller does not have a solid case, despite indictments of 19 people and 3 businesses, 4 plea deals and convictions, etc. (this being the tip of the iceberg), then you don't believe in factual, objective evidence.

oh I forgot. Prosecuting nobodies for crimes that have nothing to do with Russia collusion is some how evidence the president colluded with Russia
You guys are going to be such crybabies.

OK, to the OP: it's lie in context of the last 18 months show that according to RCP that Blue still holds, as it has for 18 months, the generic Congressional lead.

RealClearPolitics - Election Other - 2018 Generic Congressional Vote

It will triple once Mueller releases his mega reports.

When will that be?
View attachment 195988

So you have no clue.

The longer it goes the better of for trump. If they drop before the election it looks purely political. If he waits til after with no evidence continuing to be provided the people think it’s a witch hunt and that hurts democrats in November.

Either way Trump wins and has no reason to fire Mueller.

Best option democrats have is to have Mueller wrap up the investigation exposing the lack of evidence early enough that they could actually put together a positive agenda before November and pray the economy tanks

But seriously if they could do that obama wouldn’t have been such a bad president
He never does have a clue.. He just trolls, I've beaten his ass more times than Lakhota and he's my bitch.
Keep telling yourself that before bed, Avatar, if it helps you sleep.

If you really believe Mueller does not have a solid case, despite indictments of 19 people and 3 businesses, 4 plea deals and convictions, etc. (this being the tip of the iceberg), then you don't believe in factual, objective evidence.

oh I forgot. Prosecuting nobodies for crimes that have nothing to do with Russia collusion is some how evidence the president colluded with Russia
Cohen's crimes potentially implicate Trump more than Mueller's investigation. Cohen made audio recordings of client conversations, and FBI is reconstructing his shredded documents.
Even though, Mcconnell back Mueller probe after classified briefing, so there is alot we're not privy too yet.
Keep telling yourself that before bed, Avatar, if it helps you sleep.

If you really believe Mueller does not have a solid case, despite indictments of 19 people and 3 businesses, 4 plea deals and convictions, etc. (this being the tip of the iceberg), then you don't believe in factual, objective evidence.

oh I forgot. Prosecuting nobodies for crimes that have nothing to do with Russia collusion is some how evidence the president colluded with Russia
Cohen's crimes potentially implicate Trump more than Mueller's investigation. Cohen made audio recordings of client conversations, and FBI is reconstructing his shredded documents.
Even though, Mcconnell back Mueller probe after classified briefing, so there is alot we're not privy too yet.
What crimes?
Actually, it's a rollercoaster
May 28th, 2018 (5-day rolling)
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Follow the latest Reuters/Ipsos polls on everything from politics and elections, to social issues and current events.
May 28th, 2018 (5-day rolling)Trump
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Follow the latest Reuters/Ipsos polls on everything from politics and elections, to social issues and current events.


The blue wave is swirling down the toilet bowl along with snowflake dreams of impeaching Trump. If Republicans retain control of the House, Brennan, Clapper, Comey, Stozk, Page, Ohre, Yates and Clinton will all be wearing orange jump suits.

Blue Wave Drought: Reuters Shows a SIX POINT LEAD for Republicans | Sparta Report

The Democrats have gone from a 16 point lead in CNN’s generic ballot poll in December of 2017 to a 6 point deficit against the Republicans with Reuter’s polling just released today. Their “blue wave” hopes have seemingly vanished in the polling as the good economic and political news for President Donald Trump keeps pouring in. The activist left base of the Democrats are increasingly worried —or deluded— as they see a surprising resurgence of Republican chances to keep the House of Representatives in the November 2018 elections.

What does the Reuters poll show?

The Reuters poll has been showing some very favorable numbers for President Trump and Republicans for several weeks now, after they initially discounted their poll as a “blip” when they showed the approval ratings for Trump jumping nearly 20 points from their previous week.


Democrats will need to have at least a 7 to 10 percent lead in the generic congressional ballot polling to be able to have a chance to pickup enough seats in the House to take over the chamber. With a Republican lead of 6 points, this is ten points in the wrong direction and the trend-lines are not favorable to Democrats as they screw up their golden opportunity to have their own 1994, 2010, 2014 scenario.
Aww, you poor, fucking moron... back to suicide watch for you...

The blue wave is swirling down the toilet bowl along with snowflake dreams of impeaching Trump. If Republicans retain control of the House, Brennan, Clapper, Comey, Stozk, Page, Ohre, Yates and Clinton will all be wearing orange jump suits.

Blue Wave Drought: Reuters Shows a SIX POINT LEAD for Republicans | Sparta Report

The Democrats have gone from a 16 point lead in CNN’s generic ballot poll in December of 2017 to a 6 point deficit against the Republicans with Reuter’s polling just released today. Their “blue wave” hopes have seemingly vanished in the polling as the good economic and political news for President Donald Trump keeps pouring in. The activist left base of the Democrats are increasingly worried —or deluded— as they see a surprising resurgence of Republican chances to keep the House of Representatives in the November 2018 elections.

What does the Reuters poll show?

The Reuters poll has been showing some very favorable numbers for President Trump and Republicans for several weeks now, after they initially discounted their poll as a “blip” when they showed the approval ratings for Trump jumping nearly 20 points from their previous week.


Democrats will need to have at least a 7 to 10 percent lead in the generic congressional ballot polling to be able to have a chance to pickup enough seats in the House to take over the chamber. With a Republican lead of 6 points, this is ten points in the wrong direction and the trend-lines are not favorable to Democrats as they screw up their golden opportunity to have their own 1994, 2010, 2014 scenario.
It is fun to watch.

Keep telling yourself that before bed, Avatar, if it helps you sleep.

If you really believe Mueller does not have a solid case, despite indictments of 19 people and 3 businesses, 4 plea deals and convictions, etc. (this being the tip of the iceberg), then you don't believe in factual, objective evidence.

oh I forgot. Prosecuting nobodies for crimes that have nothing to do with Russia collusion is some how evidence the president colluded with Russia
Tough, Avatar. You can saying such things that mean nothing. You will melt when Mueller releases his findings.
You guys are going to be such crybabies.

OK, to the OP: it's lie in context of the last 18 months show that according to RCP that Blue still holds, as it has for 18 months, the generic Congressional lead.

RealClearPolitics - Election Other - 2018 Generic Congressional Vote

It will triple once Mueller releases his mega reports.

When will that be?
View attachment 195988

So you have no clue.

The longer it goes the better of for trump. If they drop before the election it looks purely political. If he waits til after with no evidence continuing to be provided the people think it’s a witch hunt and that hurts democrats in November.

Either way Trump wins and has no reason to fire Mueller.

Best option democrats have is to have Mueller wrap up the investigation exposing the lack of evidence early enough that they could actually put together a positive agenda before November and pray the economy tanks

But seriously if they could do that obama wouldn’t have been such a bad president
He never does have a clue.. He just trolls, I've beaten his ass more times than Lakhota and he's my bitch.
Now you are repeating what I have done to you, well-named. :)
Keep telling yourself that before bed, Avatar, if it helps you sleep.

If you really believe Mueller does not have a solid case, despite indictments of 19 people and 3 businesses, 4 plea deals and convictions, etc. (this being the tip of the iceberg), then you don't believe in factual, objective evidence.

oh I forgot. Prosecuting nobodies for crimes that have nothing to do with Russia collusion is some how evidence the president colluded with Russia
Cohen's crimes potentially implicate Trump more than Mueller's investigation. Cohen made audio recordings of client conversations, and FBI is reconstructing his shredded documents.
Even though, Mcconnell back Mueller probe after classified briefing, so there is alot we're not privy too yet.
What crimes?
"possible bank fraud, wire fraud and campaign finance violations"
FBI doesn't raid like that unless there is credible suspicion. Cohen's tapes have Trump's voice on them.
O/P seems to have abandoned his thread. He's easy to pick off, one of the dumber ones here.
RIght, says the kook dumbass with Trump's number made to look like a swastika.

Fascism is as fascism does. I could give you a laundry list but just the fact that he wants to destroy the free press as "fake" is enough.
He only wants to discredit the fake press, and he has done a pretty good job of it. Listening to snowflakes whine about freedom of the press couldn't be more hilarious.
The Right Stuff

"Language is an artifact, like a sword or a gun. Used skillfully, it has the power to...well, not so much to achieve things as to tear things down—including people...including the boys who came out on the strong side of that sheerly dividing line. Hey, that's what liberals are! Ideology? Economics? Social justice? Those are nothing but their prom outfits. Their politics were set for life in the schoolyard at age six. They were the weak, and forever after they resented the strong. That's why so many journalists are liberals! The very same schoolyard events that pushed them toward the written word...pushed them toward "liberalism."
Tom Wolfe, Back to Blood, p. 125

"The purpose of Newspeak was not only to provide a medium of expression for the world-view and mental habits proper to the devotees of Ingsoc, but to make all other modes of thought impossible...a heretical thought ... should be literally unthinkable, at least so far as thought is dependent on eliminating undesirable words and by stripping such words as remained of unorthodox meanings, and so far as possible of all secondary meanings whatever....Newspeak was designed not to extend but to diminish the range of thought..."

This is why 98% of liberal typing involves semantic arguments. They believe controlling words is a way to control thoughts. Childish yes...but as you say liberalism is a form of stunted emotional growth with them stuck on the "thats not fair you big bully" segment of their playground years.
Big Brother Is Watching You Watch Him on TV

1984 is misleading, implying that only those specific extremes are totalitarian. That's why it was allowed to be published. Likewise, Machiavelli, who is lightweight and superficial and missed most of the tricks of princes.

Modern Newspeak: they with a singular antecedent, "Gates' net worth" instead of Gates's, "he or she," "clueless," "oxymoron," "Muslim" instead of Moslem, "Mumbai" for Bombay, "media, data, criteria, bacteria" as singular nouns. Most of all, "Grammar Nazi!!!" to cover up the fact that college graduates aren't smart enough to deserve their jobs.
O/P seems to have abandoned his thread. He's easy to pick off, one of the dumber ones here.
RIght, says the kook dumbass with Trump's number made to look like a swastika.

Fascism is as fascism does. I could give you a laundry list but just the fact that he wants to destroy the free press as "fake" is enough.
He only wants to discredit the fake press, and he has done a pretty good job of it. Listening to snowflakes whine about freedom of the press couldn't be more hilarious.
The Right Stuff

"Language is an artifact, like a sword or a gun. Used skillfully, it has the power to...well, not so much to achieve things as to tear things down—including people...including the boys who came out on the strong side of that sheerly dividing line. Hey, that's what liberals are! Ideology? Economics? Social justice? Those are nothing but their prom outfits. Their politics were set for life in the schoolyard at age six. They were the weak, and forever after they resented the strong. That's why so many journalists are liberals! The very same schoolyard events that pushed them toward the written word...pushed them toward "liberalism."
Tom Wolfe, Back to Blood, p. 125

Was that supposed to mean something?
"The Child Is Father to the Man"

It means nothing to meaningless people.
The blue wave is swirling down the toilet bowl along with snowflake dreams of impeaching Trump. If Republicans retain control of the House, Brennan, Clapper, Comey, Stozk, Page, Ohre, Yates and Clinton will all be wearing orange jump suits.

Blue Wave Drought: Reuters Shows a SIX POINT LEAD for Republicans | Sparta Report

The Democrats have gone from a 16 point lead in CNN’s generic ballot poll in December of 2017 to a 6 point deficit against the Republicans with Reuter’s polling just released today. Their “blue wave” hopes have seemingly vanished in the polling as the good economic and political news for President Donald Trump keeps pouring in. The activist left base of the Democrats are increasingly worried —or deluded— as they see a surprising resurgence of Republican chances to keep the House of Representatives in the November 2018 elections.

What does the Reuters poll show?

The Reuters poll has been showing some very favorable numbers for President Trump and Republicans for several weeks now, after they initially discounted their poll as a “blip” when they showed the approval ratings for Trump jumping nearly 20 points from their previous week.


Democrats will need to have at least a 7 to 10 percent lead in the generic congressional ballot polling to be able to have a chance to pickup enough seats in the House to take over the chamber. With a Republican lead of 6 points, this is ten points in the wrong direction and the trend-lines are not favorable to Democrats as they screw up their golden opportunity to have their own 1994, 2010, 2014 scenario.
How will Republican candidates answer the question of why won't Trump sit for an interview with Mueller?? Will they stand by the rule of law and support a legimate lnvestigation?
The "Rule of Law" Is the Rule of Lawyers

The voters don't care about what obsesses the Beltway and its media chorus.
The blue wave is swirling down the toilet bowl along with snowflake dreams of impeaching Trump. If Republicans retain control of the House, Brennan, Clapper, Comey, Stozk, Page, Ohre, Yates and Clinton will all be wearing orange jump suits.

Blue Wave Drought: Reuters Shows a SIX POINT LEAD for Republicans | Sparta Report

The Democrats have gone from a 16 point lead in CNN’s generic ballot poll in December of 2017 to a 6 point deficit against the Republicans with Reuter’s polling just released today. Their “blue wave” hopes have seemingly vanished in the polling as the good economic and political news for President Donald Trump keeps pouring in. The activist left base of the Democrats are increasingly worried —or deluded— as they see a surprising resurgence of Republican chances to keep the House of Representatives in the November 2018 elections.

What does the Reuters poll show?

The Reuters poll has been showing some very favorable numbers for President Trump and Republicans for several weeks now, after they initially discounted their poll as a “blip” when they showed the approval ratings for Trump jumping nearly 20 points from their previous week.


Democrats will need to have at least a 7 to 10 percent lead in the generic congressional ballot polling to be able to have a chance to pickup enough seats in the House to take over the chamber. With a Republican lead of 6 points, this is ten points in the wrong direction and the trend-lines are not favorable to Democrats as they screw up their golden opportunity to have their own 1994, 2010, 2014 scenario.

Polls are fake. The President said so.

He said the election was rigged, too. Maybe he knew something, after all.
Keep telling yourself that before bed, Avatar, if it helps you sleep.

If you really believe Mueller does not have a solid case, despite indictments of 19 people and 3 businesses, 4 plea deals and convictions, etc. (this being the tip of the iceberg), then you don't believe in factual, objective evidence.

oh I forgot. Prosecuting nobodies for crimes that have nothing to do with Russia collusion is some how evidence the president colluded with Russia
Cohen's crimes potentially implicate Trump more than Mueller's investigation. Cohen made audio recordings of client conversations, and FBI is reconstructing his shredded documents.
Even though, Mcconnell back Mueller probe after classified briefing, so there is alot we're not privy too yet.
What crimes?
"possible bank fraud, wire fraud and campaign finance violations"
FBI doesn't raid like that unless there is credible suspicion. Cohen's tapes have Trump's voice on them.
Bullshit. It doesn't raid like that even when there is credible suspicion. That raid was a gross violation of all the FBI norms and standards. All those accusations are ridiculous.
Keep telling yourself that before bed, Avatar, if it helps you sleep.

If you really believe Mueller does not have a solid case, despite indictments of 19 people and 3 businesses, 4 plea deals and convictions, etc. (this being the tip of the iceberg), then you don't believe in factual, objective evidence.

oh I forgot. Prosecuting nobodies for crimes that have nothing to do with Russia collusion is some how evidence the president colluded with Russia
Cohen's crimes potentially implicate Trump more than Mueller's investigation. Cohen made audio recordings of client conversations, and FBI is reconstructing his shredded documents.
Even though, Mcconnell back Mueller probe after classified briefing, so there is alot we're not privy too yet.
What crimes?
"possible bank fraud, wire fraud and campaign finance violations"
FBI doesn't raid like that unless there is credible suspicion. Cohen's tapes have Trump's voice on them.
Bullshit. It doesn't raid like that even when there is credible suspicion. That raid was a gross violation of all the FBI norms and standards. All those accusations are ridiculous.
The raid was approved by republicans trump appointed and federal judge. The evidenced obtained fr that raid proves it was justified.

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