Bob Blaylock, the LDS Church, and the church's harming of children (opening a new thread)


Diamond Member
Aug 10, 2009
Jake: This means nothing other than you think priesthood ordinances have eternal consequences. All LDS denominations think that. You sink yourself when you make that connection to JS. Of course hundreds of thousands of LDS have ancestors who knew JS. Bob: "I have been a member of the genuine LDS faith for my entire life, more than half a century, as have been all my ancestors for a few generations back. I have at least one great-great-grandfather who is known to have directly associated with Joseph Smith."

Jake: So you have been a member all of your life. That means nothing other than that you believe in it. Bob: "I think I have a solid basis on which to claim far more expertise on the subject, than you could possibly have—and certainly more credibility than anyone who thinks that the genuine Mormon faith has anything meaningful to do with some of the more bizarre, distant offshoots thereof."

Jake: So you better start reading and writing more carefully. Your leaders are still making bizarre decisions, the latest being problematic "Gospel Topics" essays and persecution of LDS children of LGBT parents.

The issue the SLC-based denomination is facing is that two generations of converts want a more mainstream church and the millennial youth born into the church who demand such a church.

The white ancient Rocky Mountain pioneer descendants' leadership must start fishing and stop cutting bait. If they don't change, the genxrs and millennials will in the next twenty years

Jake: One, we are talking about LDS children who have LGBT parents who are denied the blessings of their faith: partaking of their communion, progressing with their age groups through the girls' and boys' group. Two, we are not talking about adult gays and lesbians. Three, we are talking about LDS policies that harm children. Bob: "The Mormon church's policies regarding homosexuality and other forms of sexual immorality and perversion are the same as those of every other Christian church except for those which have openly and willfully rebelled against the God that they now falsely profess to worship."

Jake: Harming children is certainly a hallmark of your leadership's policy. God does not create his policy, only fifteen old white men vested in a heritage the converts and youth and young adults of the last two generations do not hallow. They want the church to be mainstream, not say it is mainstream. Bob: "Not to speak for other churches, but this church is not a democracy, run according to the vicissitudes of a corrupt and unstable society; it is run by prophets who take their policy from God; and it has, and will continue to be run according to God's will, and not according the the folly of mortal men."

Stake Presidents and Bishops of this age groups are telling the SLC leadership "you all better think again". The change will come within three years, and before that if President Monson and Apostle Oaks die. Bob: "If the “genxrs and millennials” want a church of men, rather than a church of God, then there are other churches out there that they will find more to their liking."
Your OP, JakeStarkey, is so broken and incoherent, that I cannot discern what point, if any, you are trying to make with it.

You appear to be trying to accuse the Mormon church of “harming children”, but I see nothing in your post that substantiates this accusation.
bob's brain is broken because he has found it that the dirty secret is out.

bob blaylock is happy that the LDS children of gay parents cannot be active members in the church as they were before the LGBT announcement in November. They have to wait until they are 18, be interviwed by a priesthood leader, and will have to denounce their parents' marriage. They cannot progress with their peers in the church, they cannot take communion. The boys cannot progress to or through the Aaronic Priesthood; the girls can't move from age group class to another.

Your church attacks children.

Your young leadership will not allow it to stand. I know of challenges in SLC valley where we live in the summer and in Austin where we live (outside of it) much of the rest of the year. The same is occurring elsewhere.

Bob, talk to your Executive Stake Secretary. He inform of you the problems where you live.
Your OP, JakeStarkey is so broken and incoherent, that I cannot discern what point, if any, you are trying to make with it.

You appear to be trying to accuse the Mormon church of “harming children”, but I see nothing in your post that substantiates this accusation.
bob's brain is broken because he has found it that the dirty secret is out.

bob blaylock is happy that the LDS children of gay parents cannot be active members in the church as they were before the LGBT announcement in November. They have to wait until they are 18, be interviwed by a priesthood leader, and will have to denounce their parents' marriage. They cannot progress with their peers in the church, they cannot take communion. The boys cannot progress to or through the Aaronic Priesthood; the girls can't move from age group class to another.

Your church attacks children.

Your young leadership will not allow it to stand. I know of challenges in SLC valley where we live in the summer and in Austin where we live (outside of it) much of the rest of the year. The same is occurring elsewhere.

Bob, talk to your Executive Stake Secretary. He inform of you the problems where you live.

It is not beneficial to any young person to put that person in a position where the authority of his parents is in conflict with the authority of his church. I understand the rationale behind this policy, and I do not disagree with it, nor do I agree that it constitutes an attack against children. The “attack” occurs when children, who have no ability to understand or consent to what is being done to them, are dragged into immoral situations.

Really, your argument is yet another example of what has become one of the defining clichés of wrong-wing ideology. Rather than blaming those who willfully engage in blatantly immoral behavior, for the consequences of this behavior; you are blaming the church that opposes this behavior, for the policies that it has found necessary to mitigate the harm caused by this immorality.
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Your OP, JakeStarkey is so broken and incoherent, that I cannot discern what point, if any, you are trying to make with it.

You appear to be trying to accuse the Mormon church of “harming children”, but I see nothing in your post that substantiates this accusation.
bob's brain is broken because he has found it that the dirty secret is out.

bob blaylock is happy that the LDS children of gay parents cannot be active members in the church as they were before the LGBT announcement in November. They have to wait until they are 18, be interviwed by a priesthood leader, and will have to denounce their parents' marriage. They cannot progress with their peers in the church, they cannot take communion. The boys cannot progress to or through the Aaronic Priesthood; the girls can't move from age group class to another.

Your church attacks children.

Your young leadership will not allow it to stand. I know of challenges in SLC valley where we live in the summer and in Austin where we live (outside of it) much of the rest of the year. The same is occurring elsewhere.

Bob, talk to your Executive Stake Secretary. He inform of you the problems where you live.

It is not beneficial to any young person to put that person in a position where the authority of his parents is in conflict with the authority of his church. I understand the rationale behind this policy, and I do not disagree with it, nor do I agree that it constitutes an attack against children. The “attack” occurs when children, who have no ability to understand or consent what is being done to them, are dragged into immoral situations.

Really, your argument is yet another example of what has become one of the defining clichés of wrong-wing ideology. Rather than blaming those who willfully engage in blatantly immoral behavior, for the consequences of this behavior; you are blaming the church that opposes this behavior, for the policies that it has found necessary to mitigate the harm caused by this immorality.
This is the slippery slope of interfaithism that many churches do not see coming, Bob. It goes like this...... unless you endorse their immorality and include their beliefs with your own - you cannot be a part of the interfaith community. If you do not become (your church) a member of the interfaith community before their Amnesty plan expires - you're marked an enemy of the NWO religion they are right now constructing.
Bottom line is that Fake Jake wants the LDS church to welcome LGBT people and their sodomite agenda into the church. And even allow perverted fudge packer weddings between members inside the church. ...... :cool:
Bottom line is that Fake Jake wants the LDS church to welcome LGBT people and their sodomite agenda into the church. And even allow fudge packer weddings between members. ...... :cool:

Yes, that seems to pretty much be it.
Yes, it does - leaving out the coarse language part - Sunni man has got the gist of it. That's what comes with the "interfaithism"- one world religion - package.
This is the slippery slope of interfaithism that many churches do not see coming, Bob. It goes like this...... unless you endorse their immorality and include their beliefs with your own - you cannot be a part of the interfaith community. If you do not become (your church) a member of the interfaith community before their Amnesty plan expires - you're marked an enemy of the NWO religion they are right now constructing.
When I grew up the Church was a safe haven from the immorality of the world. A place that rejected sin in all of its forms. And people went there to learn about righteous living; and how to stay free of harmful worldly things.

But today the Church welcomes every type of sin and immorality into the sanctuary with open arms. And tells the membership they must embrace modern day perversions and decadence as normal. In order to attract new members and be accepted by everyone.

So that now there is basically no difference between the church and the world. ...... :cool:
Bottom line is that Fake Jake wants the LDS church to welcome LGBT people and their sodomite agenda into the church. And even allow perverted fudge packer weddings between members inside the church. ...... :cool:
Because I don't want the LDS church to hurt children who were members before the LGBT proclamation?

No one is suggesting the LGBT should be allowed into churches that don't what them.

However, Jere, Sunni, and Bob all want to ban children whose parents they don't like. Think again.

Jesus Blesses the Children (Mark 10:13-16; Luke 18:15-17) 13Then were there brought unto him little children, that he should put his hands on them, and pray: and the disciples rebuked them. 14But Jesus said, Suffer little children, and forbid them not, to come unto me: for of such is the kingdom of heaven. 15And he laid his hands on them, and departed thence.
At this point, JakeStarkey, you're just being willfully and stubbornly dishonest, as seems to be pretty much standard for you, to the point that there isn't any rational response that can be made to your post other than to call it out as the solid digestive waste from a male bovine that it is.

May Laurence Tureaud have compassion on you.
Jake: This means nothing other than you think priesthood ordinances have eternal consequences. All LDS denominations think that. You sink yourself when you make that connection to JS. Of course hundreds of thousands of LDS have ancestors who knew JS. Bob: "I have been a member of the genuine LDS faith for my entire life, more than half a century, as have been all my ancestors for a few generations back. I have at least one great-great-grandfather who is known to have directly associated with Joseph Smith."

Jake: So you have been a member all of your life. That means nothing other than that you believe in it. Bob: "I think I have a solid basis on which to claim far more expertise on the subject, than you could possibly have—and certainly more credibility than anyone who thinks that the genuine Mormon faith has anything meaningful to do with some of the more bizarre, distant offshoots thereof."

Jake: So you better start reading and writing more carefully. Your leaders are still making bizarre decisions, the latest being problematic "Gospel Topics" essays and persecution of LDS children of LGBT parents.

The issue the SLC-based denomination is facing is that two generations of converts want a more mainstream church and the millennial youth born into the church who demand such a church.

The white ancient Rocky Mountain pioneer descendants' leadership must start fishing and stop cutting bait. If they don't change, the genxrs and millennials will in the next twenty years

Jake: One, we are talking about LDS children who have LGBT parents who are denied the blessings of their faith: partaking of their communion, progressing with their age groups through the girls' and boys' group. Two, we are not talking about adult gays and lesbians. Three, we are talking about LDS policies that harm children. Bob: "The Mormon church's policies regarding homosexuality and other forms of sexual immorality and perversion are the same as those of every other Christian church except for those which have openly and willfully rebelled against the God that they now falsely profess to worship."

Jake: Harming children is certainly a hallmark of your leadership's policy. God does not create his policy, only fifteen old white men vested in a heritage the converts and youth and young adults of the last two generations do not hallow. They want the church to be mainstream, not say it is mainstream. Bob: "Not to speak for other churches, but this church is not a democracy, run according to the vicissitudes of a corrupt and unstable society; it is run by prophets who take their policy from God; and it has, and will continue to be run according to God's will, and not according the the folly of mortal men."

Stake Presidents and Bishops of this age groups are telling the SLC leadership "you all better think again". The change will come within three years, and before that if President Monson and Apostle Oaks die. Bob: "If the “genxrs and millennials” want a church of men, rather than a church of God, then there are other churches out there that they will find more to their liking."
I had to read thru this rant a couple of times to extricate an intro, a body, and a conclusion, and also a theme and a purpose.

Executive summary: this is about GLBT rights in the Salt Lake Mormon Church.

Good luck with that buddy !!

The Salt Lake HQ does NOT believe in the 14th Amendment nor in several of the US Supreme Court rulings like gay marriage or Roe v. Wade.

Of course the Pope In Rome is no different on these issues either.

So by analogy if the Pope has the right to run his holy church as he sees fit then the 15 Mormon apostles in Salt Lake have the same right to run theirs also.

Personally I love the Pope but I don't agree with everything he says.

But then I don't agree with everything Jesus says either -- such as loving your enemies -- which is pure insanity.

Enemies deserve to die. And to kill something you need to hate it first.
At this point, JakeStarkey, you're just being willfully and stubbornly dishonest, as seems to be pretty much standard for you, to the point that there isn't any rational response that can be made to your post other than to call it out as the solid digestive waste from a male bovine that it is.

May Laurence Tureaud have compassion on you.
Oh I get it -- you are a Salt Lake Mormon too !!

And this is an open debate.

I'll volunteer to be the impartial nonpartisan judge.

I am Catholic, Deist, Philosophical, and I have a minor in history including the history of the church (Eusebius).

Thus being Catholic I am not partial to either Mormons nor to Anti-Mormons.
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Jake: This means nothing other than you think priesthood ordinances have eternal consequences. All LDS denominations think that. You sink yourself when you make that connection to JS. Of course hundreds of thousands of LDS have ancestors who knew JS. Bob: "I have been a member of the genuine LDS faith for my entire life, more than half a century, as have been all my ancestors for a few generations back. I have at least one great-great-grandfather who is known to have directly associated with Joseph Smith."

Jake: So you have been a member all of your life. That means nothing other than that you believe in it. Bob: "I think I have a solid basis on which to claim far more expertise on the subject, than you could possibly have—and certainly more credibility than anyone who thinks that the genuine Mormon faith has anything meaningful to do with some of the more bizarre, distant offshoots thereof."

Jake: So you better start reading and writing more carefully. Your leaders are still making bizarre decisions, the latest being problematic "Gospel Topics" essays and persecution of LDS children of LGBT parents.

The issue the SLC-based denomination is facing is that two generations of converts want a more mainstream church and the millennial youth born into the church who demand such a church.

The white ancient Rocky Mountain pioneer descendants' leadership must start fishing and stop cutting bait. If they don't change, the genxrs and millennials will in the next twenty years

Jake: One, we are talking about LDS children who have LGBT parents who are denied the blessings of their faith: partaking of their communion, progressing with their age groups through the girls' and boys' group. Two, we are not talking about adult gays and lesbians. Three, we are talking about LDS policies that harm children. Bob: "The Mormon church's policies regarding homosexuality and other forms of sexual immorality and perversion are the same as those of every other Christian church except for those which have openly and willfully rebelled against the God that they now falsely profess to worship."

Jake: Harming children is certainly a hallmark of your leadership's policy. God does not create his policy, only fifteen old white men vested in a heritage the converts and youth and young adults of the last two generations do not hallow. They want the church to be mainstream, not say it is mainstream. Bob: "Not to speak for other churches, but this church is not a democracy, run according to the vicissitudes of a corrupt and unstable society; it is run by prophets who take their policy from God; and it has, and will continue to be run according to God's will, and not according the the folly of mortal men."

Stake Presidents and Bishops of this age groups are telling the SLC leadership "you all better think again". The change will come within three years, and before that if President Monson and Apostle Oaks die. Bob: "If the “genxrs and millennials” want a church of men, rather than a church of God, then there are other churches out there that they will find more to their liking."
Ok I am going to call this your "opening statement".

Your content is mostly personal opinion.

Your support is mostly anecdotal.

Your organization is really bad -- no intro nor body nor conclusion nor summary.

But you did end by making your point.

Your Debate Class grade for this is a "D" based on the following criteria:

A+ = beyond excellent

A = good on all fundamentals including support

B = above average

C = average in a world of public schooling

D = barely passing

F = compete failure.

I = incomplete.
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Your OP, JakeStarkey, is so broken and incoherent, that I cannot discern what point, if any, you are trying to make with it.

You appear to be trying to accuse the Mormon church of “harming children”, but I see nothing in your post that substantiates this accusation.

You get an "A" for your opposing opening statement.
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bob's brain is broken because he has found it that the dirty secret is out.

bob blaylock is happy that the LDS children of gay parents cannot be active members in the church as they were before the LGBT announcement in November. They have to wait until they are 18, be interviwed by a priesthood leader, and will have to denounce their parents' marriage. They cannot progress with their peers in the church, they cannot take communion. The boys cannot progress to or through the Aaronic Priesthood; the girls can't move from age group class to another.

Your church attacks children.

Your young leadership will not allow it to stand. I know of challenges in SLC valley where we live in the summer and in Austin where we live (outside of it) much of the rest of the year. The same is occurring elsewhere.

Bob, talk to your Executive Stake Secretary. He inform of you the problems where you live.
I am going to ignore your opening ad hom, unless your opponent calls attention to it.

Your statement is coherent this time.

Your grade is a "B" on this.
Your OP, JakeStarkey is so broken and incoherent, that I cannot discern what point, if any, you are trying to make with it.

You appear to be trying to accuse the Mormon church of “harming children”, but I see nothing in your post that substantiates this accusation.
bob's brain is broken because he has found it that the dirty secret is out.

bob blaylock is happy that the LDS children of gay parents cannot be active members in the church as they were before the LGBT announcement in November. They have to wait until they are 18, be interviwed by a priesthood leader, and will have to denounce their parents' marriage. They cannot progress with their peers in the church, they cannot take communion. The boys cannot progress to or through the Aaronic Priesthood; the girls can't move from age group class to another.

Your church attacks children.

Your young leadership will not allow it to stand. I know of challenges in SLC valley where we live in the summer and in Austin where we live (outside of it) much of the rest of the year. The same is occurring elsewhere.

Bob, talk to your Executive Stake Secretary. He inform of you the problems where you live.

It is not beneficial to any young person to put that person in a position where the authority of his parents is in conflict with the authority of his church. I understand the rationale behind this policy, and I do not disagree with it, nor do I agree that it constitutes an attack against children. The “attack” occurs when children, who have no ability to understand or consent to what is being done to them, are dragged into immoral situations.

Really, your argument is yet another example of what has become one of the defining clichés of wrong-wing ideology. Rather than blaming those who willfully engage in blatantly immoral behavior, for the consequences of this behavior; you are blaming the church that opposes this behavior, for the policies that it has found necessary to mitigate the harm caused by this immorality.
Personally I disagree with every word you said in this.

However the Pope In Rome would completely agree with you.

So technically and doctrinally based on mainstream Christianity (defined herein as Catholicism) you are correct.

A am giving you an "A" on this.

You are an extremely good writer as well by the way.

The rest of these posters here would not know good writing even if it bit them in the butt.
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This is the slippery slope of interfaithism that many churches do not see coming, Bob. It goes like this...... unless you endorse their immorality and include their beliefs with your own - you cannot be a part of the interfaith community. If you do not become (your church) a member of the interfaith community before their Amnesty plan expires - you're marked an enemy of the NWO religion they are right now constructing.
Most of Jememiah (a female)'s post are rather nonlinear and incoherent.

As is this one.

Jeremiah assuming that you are the partner of somebody on the debate team here (debate teams are usually 2 person teams) I am giving you standing to speak.

However in view of your failure to communicate coherently I am giving you an "F" on this.

You really need to work on logical thinking and on coherent communication.
Bottom line is that Fake Jake wants the LDS church to welcome LGBT people and their sodomite agenda into the church. And even allow perverted fudge packer weddings between members inside the church. ...... :cool:

So what is the Muslim position?

Most Muslim boys and girls are homosexual until they finally find a marriage partner.

Before marriage they will pack fudge with each other also bisexually.

I know because I have seen it with my own eyes at Kenitra NAS in Morocco off base in the American officers' housing where we lived.

There is even heterosexual and homosexual prostitution in Islam. Seen that too.

So should the Mormons become like Muslims then?

You did not have a conclusion at all in your statement.

I am giving you and "I" for Incomplete.

Try again later. Then I will re-grade your performance.
Yes, it does - leaving out the coarse language part - Sunni man has got the gist of it. That's what comes with the "interfaithism"- one world religion - package.
My personal view is that all you heretics should simply repent and re-join the Roman Catholic Church.

But you did not give a conclusion. You are just as bad as the Muslim fudge packer above.

You also therefore get an "I" for Incomplete.
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