Bodies Stacked To The Ceiling As COVID-19 Surge Creates Backlog At Florida Funeral Homes, Crematories

Yes, I know. It's just a little flu.

You folks make for quite a study.
Hey dumbfuck,the best doctors in the world over THOUSANDS of them have said that but your such a dumbfuck that you only listen to the idiot box in the living room what they tell you and unlike you and trollboy Dana i back up what i say that the best doctors in the world in the thousands say its no more dangerous than the yearly flu instead of being the dumbfuck you both are falling for everything the idiot box in the living room tells you hook,line,and sinker.

you trolls play dodgeball that the yearly flu virus all of a sudden dissapeared last year.

Unfortunately it’s their ghoulish obsession which leads them to Hope this is happening and if not make up a scenario where it is.

Thanks Thanks

you nailed it.:yes_text12:
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yeah Concerned American trollboy Dana is in desperation mode the fact the whole world sees that Florida is standing up to tyranny and our corrupt government,he sure gets paid a lot by his bosses at langley for the constant ass beatings he suffers here everyday.:auiqs.jpg:
You would think democrat politicians would take notice but when we see Nancy in Napa, where the only people with masks were on the waiter's staff.
Or the democrats who escaped Texas in a super spreader jet, with not a single mask in sight we have to notice they don't.

There seems to be a form of blindness going on. They believe agenda-driven propaganda, but then when they see blatant hypocrisy right in front of their eyes that shows the PTSB don't believe their own BS, and "rules for thee, not for me" they disbelieve it.

It's a bizarre thing to see, and iyam, it's going to get worse. Not to get into another topic, but the world seems to be dividing, between people who believe lies and seem incapable of believing truth.... and people who can see through the lies and understand the bigger picture. As Johnny Cash put it, everything is goin by the book. :dunno:
You're just too smart and informed for me.

In three days this story will be shown to be false just like all the other hit pieces on Florida....go ahead beat up on Ron....we could run Donald Duck and he would beat any Dem after what Joe has done....Joe's poll number for overall job approval is dropping below 40%...a record low for modern day presidential polling....and I'm willing to bet its closer to 30%....
Conservatives know this is a failure of Republican ‘policy’ in response to the pandemic – actually a lack of policy – hence the lies and failed attempts to deflect by conservatives.

So, what's the crematorium's normal refrigeration capacity? You didn't think about it either, did you? No, you didn't, because you're a fucking rube! LOL
Crematorium owner in the story: "We're at the point where we're hoping that the state will step in and supply some refrigeration". Holy crap.

DeSantis will tell them, "fuck off commie, fake news, freedom, MAGA!" Gotta keep that base happy.

This is insane.
The dems got the CDC and the hospitals to lie...getting crematoriums to lie is easy....
And the predictable claims of "fake news".

A critical component of group pathology is denial of the obvious.
Excess deaths are looking bad


So is 1,700 deaths more than expected...

This is the reported deaths:

So the Reported number is 616...

This shows some serious underreporting....
In three days this story will be shown to be false just like all the other hit pieces....

This reminds me of when Jeff Berwick (The Dollar Vigilante) exposed the hilarious blatant propaganda coming from Sky News about the situation in Mexico City. Since he lives in Mexico, he simply went there in person and exposed the lies. This video is a must see, but unfortunately YouTube age restricted it so got to be logged in to see it.

Or see the video on odysee and fast forward to 7:17
And gotta pay homage to their latest three week running failed hoax of “get vaccinated and prove it or get fired”
Other than Covid they are 0-40 on their hoaxes, 1-40 total
Just because you don’t live in reality troll boi

The person you replied to doesn't give a rat's ass about people who are dying of the virus and the domino effect it has. On everyone.

Especially children. One or even at least once that I know of both parents died of covid.

Children don't choose to grow up without their mom or dad.

The callousness and total lack of humanity is disgusting in the person you replied to.
Crematorium owner in the story: "We're at the point where we're hoping that the state will step in and supply some refrigeration". Holy crap.

DeSantis will tell them, "fuck off commie, fake news, freedom, MAGA!" Gotta keep that base happy.

This is insane.

Hey Mac, I started a Covid thread about the increase in Oregon.
I noticed you didn't respond.
Oregon of course is a blue state, so we both know why you haven't responded to it.
The person you replied to doesn't give a rat's ass about people who are dying of the virus and the domino effect it has. On everyone.

Especially children. One or even at least once that I know of both parents died of covid.

Children don't choose to grow up without their mom or dad.

The callousness and total lack of humanity is disgusting in the person you replied to.
One Langley shill to another Langley shill playing dodgeball with my evidence it is the vaccine that’s dangerous not the virus. :thup:
Rambunctious it is so easy to take this trollboy to school.notice his dodgeball game he played of admitting I proved him wrong taking him to school tyst thousands of doctors have debunked his babble that the virus is dangerous and schooled him it is the vaccines.? Lol
Imagine something so small taking a powerful nation to the the depths it did. Reality check.
Spot on. Primary reason it happened? It requires looking at the helm and under the illusion of an “effective government”. What one finds is a shabby imitation of Marxist goals and actions, wrapped in an enigma of corporate goals to appease the moderates for the time being. Biden’s handlers aren’t even good at hiding their goals. This selected path, like similar governmental fiascos, came from the top down. The Democrats have given Americans a raw deal.

Biden’s handlers went a step farther to rush a fake curative route through via secet meetings. What they backed? First, a mRNA untested product touted as preventative, which soon changed to only reduces risk, then switched up to having same risk of exposure due to variants but reduces symptoms, to now? Vaccinated people are more likely to obtain the Delta anyway?

It’s difficult to believe anything the governmental spokespeople have to say about anything now. This Democrat administration made this bed, and now this Afghanistan fiasco, another disaster for Americans but a real gift to the Republicans.

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