Boehner Blames Dems For Lack Of Gun Legislation

"The president can rail all he wants."

WASHINGTON -- If Democrats really cared about gun violence, they would have done something about it when they were running Washington, House Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio) charged Wednesday.

Boehner was responding to a question about whether or not Congress should reconsider barring the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention from studying gun violence as a health issue, especially since Republicans have repeatedly argued that addressing mental illness is the way to prevent mass shootings.

Congress has been writing restrictions against such study since the late 1990s.

Boehner said the the topic has not come up in his talks.

"I don’t think there’s been any discussions at this point. It’s not been part of the discussions," he told reporters on Capitol Hill before expressing sympathy for the nine people killed and nine more wounded in last week's massacre in Roseburg, Oregon.

"We’ve seen far too many of these," Boehner said, before putting the onus on Democrats.

"In '09 and '10, we had Democrat majorities in the House and Senate. We had a Democrat president. And this clearly was not a priority for them. The president can rail all he wants," Boehner said, referring to President Barack Obama's angry denunciation last week of Congress' failure to address the issue.

More: Boehner Criticizes Democrats Over Mass Shootings

Boehner has a very "selective" memory. In fact, Democrats only had a filibuster proof majority (60 out of 100 votes) in the Senate for 133 days under President Obama - not two years.

FOX NEWS LIES: Obama only had a majority for 133 days, not two years

About That Filibuster Proof Majority
Look what Bernie says about guns.

"“If somebody has a gun and it falls into the hands of a murderer and the murderer kills somebody with a gun, do you hold the gun manufacturer responsible?” hesaid to Jake Tapper on CNN. “Not any more than you would hold a hammer company responsible if somebody beats somebody over the head with a hammer.”

Bernie Sanders Parrots the NRA

Are hammers made exclusively to kill things?

Bug smashing.
"The president can rail all he wants."

WASHINGTON -- If Democrats really cared about gun violence, they would have done something about it when they were running Washington, House Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio) charged Wednesday.

Boehner was responding to a question about whether or not Congress should reconsider barring the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention from studying gun violence as a health issue, especially since Republicans have repeatedly argued that addressing mental illness is the way to prevent mass shootings.

Congress has been writing restrictions against such study since the late 1990s.

Boehner said the the topic has not come up in his talks.

"I don’t think there’s been any discussions at this point. It’s not been part of the discussions," he told reporters on Capitol Hill before expressing sympathy for the nine people killed and nine more wounded in last week's massacre in Roseburg, Oregon.

"We’ve seen far too many of these," Boehner said, before putting the onus on Democrats.

"In '09 and '10, we had Democrat majorities in the House and Senate. We had a Democrat president. And this clearly was not a priority for them. The president can rail all he wants," Boehner said, referring to President Barack Obama's angry denunciation last week of Congress' failure to address the issue.

More: Boehner Criticizes Democrats Over Mass Shootings

Boehner has a very "selective" memory. In fact, Democrats only had a filibuster proof majority (60 out of 100 votes) in the Senate for 133 days under President Obama - not two years.

FOX NEWS LIES: Obama only had a majority for 133 days, not two years

About That Filibuster Proof Majority
And yet the Republicans have NEVER had a filibuster proof majority yet you retards claim they control congress.
If by control you mean chaos then yes.
Which party blocked Universal Background Checks that 90% of Americans want?

Meet the 45 Senators Who Blocked Background Checks
I count 5 Dems who voted against it. They could have passed it. They didnt.
Dems blocked gun control.
Dems are hypocrites.
Dems are lying losers.
See folks the republican way in action deny and lie.

Yeah, Obama is all for gun control yet he takes out a Doctors Without Borders hospital killing 22 innocents. He's preaching to us though, even going up there where he's not wanted.
The NRA and gun makers own the GOP. They want to keep those guns flowing into places like Chicago and across America.


Yes, illegal gun sales to Black thugs and gangs are going through the roof. Hey, they are still SALES.
White thugs buy as many or more than black thugs.
It's what most biker gangs do.
The sheer number of whites buying guns both legally and illegally out paces all the other minorities combined.

The biker gangs are patriots. They support the veterans and guard their funerals against the crazies.
"The president can rail all he wants."

WASHINGTON -- If Democrats really cared about gun violence, they would have done something about it when they were running Washington, House Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio) charged Wednesday.

Boehner was responding to a question about whether or not Congress should reconsider barring the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention from studying gun violence as a health issue, especially since Republicans have repeatedly argued that addressing mental illness is the way to prevent mass shootings.

Congress has been writing restrictions against such study since the late 1990s.

Boehner said the the topic has not come up in his talks.

"I don’t think there’s been any discussions at this point. It’s not been part of the discussions," he told reporters on Capitol Hill before expressing sympathy for the nine people killed and nine more wounded in last week's massacre in Roseburg, Oregon.

"We’ve seen far too many of these," Boehner said, before putting the onus on Democrats.

"In '09 and '10, we had Democrat majorities in the House and Senate. We had a Democrat president. And this clearly was not a priority for them. The president can rail all he wants," Boehner said, referring to President Barack Obama's angry denunciation last week of Congress' failure to address the issue.

More: Boehner Criticizes Democrats Over Mass Shootings

Boehner has a very "selective" memory. In fact, Democrats only had a filibuster proof majority (60 out of 100 votes) in the Senate for 133 days under President Obama - not two years.

FOX NEWS LIES: Obama only had a majority for 133 days, not two years

About That Filibuster Proof Majority
What does the fact that the dems had control of the legislative branch for 2 years have to do with a filibuster proof majority?


Two years? Actually, only 133 days under Obama.
So, tell us again when the republicans controlled the house or senate between 2009 and 2011.

Why don't you try again.
Thinking Error: Redefining
He said filibuster proof
Can you point that quote out then. I see a direct statement that they had MAJORITIES, not filibuster proof.
The NRA and gun makers own the GOP. They want to keep those guns flowing into places like Chicago and across America.


Yes, illegal gun sales to Black thugs and gangs are going through the roof. Hey, they are still SALES.
White thugs buy as many or more than black thugs.
It's what most biker gangs do.
The sheer number of whites buying guns both legally and illegally out paces all the other minorities combined.
and what is the crime rate among those demographics...plz tell us
'Boehner has a very "selective" memory. In fact, Democrats only had a filibuster proof majority (60 out of 100 votes) in the Senate for 133 days under President Obama - not two years.'

Boehner is a liar, as are most on the reprehensible right.
"The president can rail all he wants."

WASHINGTON -- If Democrats really cared about gun violence, they would have done something about it when they were running Washington, House Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio) charged Wednesday.

Boehner was responding to a question about whether or not Congress should reconsider barring the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention from studying gun violence as a health issue, especially since Republicans have repeatedly argued that addressing mental illness is the way to prevent mass shootings.

Congress has been writing restrictions against such study since the late 1990s.

Boehner said the the topic has not come up in his talks.

"I don’t think there’s been any discussions at this point. It’s not been part of the discussions," he told reporters on Capitol Hill before expressing sympathy for the nine people killed and nine more wounded in last week's massacre in Roseburg, Oregon.

"We’ve seen far too many of these," Boehner said, before putting the onus on Democrats.

"In '09 and '10, we had Democrat majorities in the House and Senate. We had a Democrat president. And this clearly was not a priority for them. The president can rail all he wants," Boehner said, referring to President Barack Obama's angry denunciation last week of Congress' failure to address the issue.

More: Boehner Criticizes Democrats Over Mass Shootings

Boehner has a very "selective" memory. In fact, Democrats only had a filibuster proof majority (60 out of 100 votes) in the Senate for 133 days under President Obama - not two years.

FOX NEWS LIES: Obama only had a majority for 133 days, not two years

About That Filibuster Proof Majority
What does the fact that the dems had control of the legislative branch for 2 years have to do with a filibuster proof majority?


Two years? Actually, only 133 days under Obama.
So, tell us again when the republicans controlled the house or senate between 2009 and 2011.

Why don't you try again.
Thinking Error: Redefining
He said filibuster proof
So the senate is not controlled unless it is filibuster proof? That means Bush never controlled it and the republicans do not control it now.
"The president can rail all he wants."

WASHINGTON -- If Democrats really cared about gun violence, they would have done something about it when they were running Washington, House Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio) charged Wednesday.

Boehner was responding to a question about whether or not Congress should reconsider barring the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention from studying gun violence as a health issue, especially since Republicans have repeatedly argued that addressing mental illness is the way to prevent mass shootings.

Congress has been writing restrictions against such study since the late 1990s.

Boehner said the the topic has not come up in his talks.

"I don’t think there’s been any discussions at this point. It’s not been part of the discussions," he told reporters on Capitol Hill before expressing sympathy for the nine people killed and nine more wounded in last week's massacre in Roseburg, Oregon.

"We’ve seen far too many of these," Boehner said, before putting the onus on Democrats.

"In '09 and '10, we had Democrat majorities in the House and Senate. We had a Democrat president. And this clearly was not a priority for them. The president can rail all he wants," Boehner said, referring to President Barack Obama's angry denunciation last week of Congress' failure to address the issue.

More: Boehner Criticizes Democrats Over Mass Shootings

Boehner has a very "selective" memory. In fact, Democrats only had a filibuster proof majority (60 out of 100 votes) in the Senate for 133 days under President Obama - not two years.

FOX NEWS LIES: Obama only had a majority for 133 days, not two years

About That Filibuster Proof Majority
What does the fact that the dems had control of the legislative branch for 2 years have to do with a filibuster proof majority?


Two years? Actually, only 133 days under Obama.
So, tell us again when the republicans controlled the house or senate between 2009 and 2011.

Why don't you try again.
Thinking Error: Redefining
He said filibuster proof
So the senate is not controlled unless it is filibuster proof? That means Bush never controlled it and the republicans do not control it now.
Pretty much
"The president can rail all he wants."

WASHINGTON -- If Democrats really cared about gun violence, they would have done something about it when they were running Washington, House Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio) charged Wednesday.

Boehner was responding to a question about whether or not Congress should reconsider barring the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention from studying gun violence as a health issue, especially since Republicans have repeatedly argued that addressing mental illness is the way to prevent mass shootings.

Congress has been writing restrictions against such study since the late 1990s.

Boehner said the the topic has not come up in his talks.

"I don’t think there’s been any discussions at this point. It’s not been part of the discussions," he told reporters on Capitol Hill before expressing sympathy for the nine people killed and nine more wounded in last week's massacre in Roseburg, Oregon.

"We’ve seen far too many of these," Boehner said, before putting the onus on Democrats.

"In '09 and '10, we had Democrat majorities in the House and Senate. We had a Democrat president. And this clearly was not a priority for them. The president can rail all he wants," Boehner said, referring to President Barack Obama's angry denunciation last week of Congress' failure to address the issue.

More: Boehner Criticizes Democrats Over Mass Shootings

Boehner has a very "selective" memory. In fact, Democrats only had a filibuster proof majority (60 out of 100 votes) in the Senate for 133 days under President Obama - not two years.

FOX NEWS LIES: Obama only had a majority for 133 days, not two years

About That Filibuster Proof Majority
What does the fact that the dems had control of the legislative branch for 2 years have to do with a filibuster proof majority?


Two years? Actually, only 133 days under Obama.
So, tell us again when the republicans controlled the house or senate between 2009 and 2011.

Why don't you try again.
Thinking Error: Redefining
He said filibuster proof
So the senate is not controlled unless it is filibuster proof? That means Bush never controlled it and the republicans do not control it now.
It's a way of Democrats excusing themselves. They couldnt help it. They couldnt pick off even one GOP vote, despite the presence of Republicans like Olympia Snowe who reliably voted with Democrats.
Boehner's a Democrat too. So i'm not sure what's up with this one. All i can say is, good riddance.
Which party blocked Universal Background Checks that 90% of Americans want?

Meet the 45 Senators Who Blocked Background Checks
I count 5 Dems who voted against it. They could have passed it. They didnt.
Dems blocked gun control.
Dems are hypocrites.
Dems are lying losers.
See folks the republican way in action deny and lie.

Yeah, Obama is all for gun control yet he takes out a Doctors Without Borders hospital killing 22 innocents. He's preaching to us though, even going up there where he's not wanted.
now you're just makin'shit up.
Any proof the president personally ordered that strike ....
Of course not .
Talking out your ass is what you do best.
The NRA and gun makers own the GOP. They want to keep those guns flowing into places like Chicago and across America.


Yes, illegal gun sales to Black thugs and gangs are going through the roof. Hey, they are still SALES.
White thugs buy as many or more than black thugs.
It's what most biker gangs do.
The sheer number of whites buying guns both legally and illegally out paces all the other minorities combined.

The biker gangs are patriots. They support the veterans and guard their funerals against the crazies.
Like you know any real bikers.
The NRA and gun makers own the GOP. They want to keep those guns flowing into places like Chicago and across America.


Yes, illegal gun sales to Black thugs and gangs are going through the roof. Hey, they are still SALES.
White thugs buy as many or more than black thugs.
It's what most biker gangs do.
The sheer number of whites buying guns both legally and illegally out paces all the other minorities combined.
and what is the crime rate among those demographics...plz tell us
Whites Commit more crime than minorities
Simply because they are more of them/ us.

"The president can rail all he wants."

WASHINGTON -- If Democrats really cared about gun violence, they would have done something about it when they were running Washington, House Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio) charged Wednesday.

Boehner was responding to a question about whether or not Congress should reconsider barring the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention from studying gun violence as a health issue, especially since Republicans have repeatedly argued that addressing mental illness is the way to prevent mass shootings.

Congress has been writing restrictions against such study since the late 1990s.

Boehner said the the topic has not come up in his talks.

"I don’t think there’s been any discussions at this point. It’s not been part of the discussions," he told reporters on Capitol Hill before expressing sympathy for the nine people killed and nine more wounded in last week's massacre in Roseburg, Oregon.

"We’ve seen far too many of these," Boehner said, before putting the onus on Democrats.

"In '09 and '10, we had Democrat majorities in the House and Senate. We had a Democrat president. And this clearly was not a priority for them. The president can rail all he wants," Boehner said, referring to President Barack Obama's angry denunciation last week of Congress' failure to address the issue.

More: Boehner Criticizes Democrats Over Mass Shootings

Boehner has a very "selective" memory. In fact, Democrats only had a filibuster proof majority (60 out of 100 votes) in the Senate for 133 days under President Obama - not two years.

FOX NEWS LIES: Obama only had a majority for 133 days, not two years

About That Filibuster Proof Majority
Look what Bernie says about guns.

"“If somebody has a gun and it falls into the hands of a murderer and the murderer kills somebody with a gun, do you hold the gun manufacturer responsible?” hesaid to Jake Tapper on CNN. “Not any more than you would hold a hammer company responsible if somebody beats somebody over the head with a hammer.”

Bernie Sanders Parrots the NRA

Are hammers made exclusively to kill things?

guns are made also to PROTECT LIFE and family.

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