Boehner: 'I Did My Part'


Democrat all the way!
Mar 16, 2010
The Good insane United states of America
Boehner: 'I Did My Part'
CNS ^ | December 20, 2012 | Elizabeth Harrington

Speaker of the House John Boehner (R-Ohio) said 'I did my part’ in negotiations with President Barack Obama to avert the fiscal cliff by offering a proposal to raise taxes on millionaires.

Just hours before the House plans to vote on the Speaker’s “Plan B,” which will raise the marginal tax rate for people earning $1 million or more per year to 39.6 percent, Boehner said Republicans have done “everything we can” to avoid the fiscal cliff.

The fiscal cliff refers to the expiration of the Bush tax rates and the start of automatic spending cuts (sequestration) on Jan. 2, unless Congress and the White House act. The tax issues also include the child tax deduction; the end of the 10 percent bracket; and the Alternative Minimum Tax.

“President Obama and Senate Democrats haven’t done much of anything,” Boehner said during a Capitol Hill press conference today. “Their Plan B is to slow walk us over the fiscal cliff.”

“For weeks the White House has said that if I moved on rates, that they would make substantial concessions on spending cuts and entitlement reform,” Boehner said.

“I did my part,” he said. “They’ve done nothing.”

“The president’s last offer of $1.3 trillion in new revenue [taxes] with only $850 billion worth of spending reductions fails to meet the test of ‘balanced’ that he continues to call for.”

“Frankly,” Boehner continued, “I’m convinced that the president is unwilling to stand up to his own party on the big issues that face our country. Time is running short.”

“The House will act today and it’ll be up to the Senate Democrats and the White House to act,” he said
Boehner: 'I Did My Part' | CNS News
Considering he bowed down to Pelosi and presented her plan. That got rejected too. obama dont give a damn about us
Boehner: 'I Did My Part'

until there is Law nothing has been accomplished - except moving closer to a cliff that is a lot steeper for the Republicans than the Democrats.

so no, Boehner has simply gone delusional ...
Boehner: 'I Did My Part'

Fuckin' LIAR!!!!

"House Republicans today, in addition to voting on Speaker John Boehner’s (R-OH) so-called “Plan B” — which extends the Bush tax cuts on income up to $1 million — will also vote on a bill to replace the spending cuts scheduled for the end of the year.

As The Hill reported, the bill closely mirrors a measure passed by House Republicans in May known as the “The Sequester Replacement Reconciliation Act of 2012.” (Here is the underlying legislation, which will include these minor tweaks.) That bill voids both the military spending cuts and domestic spending cuts set to take place in 2013 and replaces them with a host of cuts to domestic spending."
HEY DEMOCRATS THIS RAISES TAXES ON THE RICH!!! You win, so now pass it in the senate and sign the damn thing.

Let's see how the Democrats respond.
They got their tax hike on the hated rich...
Now let's see where we are going to cut spending!
Boehner's 'part' was to raise taxes......? what a joke....

of course the other joker will never agree to any real verifiable spending cuts....
Plan 'b' -

cuts so many things to middle class.

Do you fucking retards read???

Or just suck the talking point dick of fox???
Boehner: 'I Did My Part'

until there is Law nothing has been accomplished - except moving closer to a cliff that is a lot steeper for the Republicans than the Democrats.

so no, Boehner has simply gone delusional ...

Yeah, he doesn't decide when he's done his part. We do in 2014. If we'd wanted his plan, we'd have given him the president he wanted. Time to quit whining and get back to work or someone's going to be out of a job year after next, John.
Boehner: 'I Did My Part'

until there is Law nothing has been accomplished - except moving closer to a cliff that is a lot steeper for the Republicans than the Democrats.

so no, Boehner has simply gone delusional ...

So in essence you agree that Obama never wanted a deal in the first place.

It would nice if you dickwads would just admit it and move on.

This is all just a big game to the left.

I wouldn't be riding Obama's ass so much if I felt he was ever serious about dealing with the debt but this showed he never was.
Boehner: 'I Did My Part'
CNS ^ | December 20, 2012 | Elizabeth Harrington

Speaker of the House John Boehner (R-Ohio) said 'I did my part’ in negotiations with President Barack Obama to avert the fiscal cliff by offering a proposal to raise taxes on millionaires.

Just hours before the House plans to vote on the Speaker’s “Plan B,” which will raise the marginal tax rate for people earning $1 million or more per year to 39.6 percent, Boehner said Republicans have done “everything we can” to avoid the fiscal cliff.

The fiscal cliff refers to the expiration of the Bush tax rates and the start of automatic spending cuts (sequestration) on Jan. 2, unless Congress and the White House act. The tax issues also include the child tax deduction; the end of the 10 percent bracket; and the Alternative Minimum Tax.

“President Obama and Senate Democrats haven’t done much of anything,” Boehner said during a Capitol Hill press conference today. “Their Plan B is to slow walk us over the fiscal cliff.”

“For weeks the White House has said that if I moved on rates, that they would make substantial concessions on spending cuts and entitlement reform,” Boehner said.

“I did my part,” he said. “They’ve done nothing.”

“The president’s last offer of $1.3 trillion in new revenue [taxes] with only $850 billion worth of spending reductions fails to meet the test of ‘balanced’ that he continues to call for.”

“Frankly,” Boehner continued, “I’m convinced that the president is unwilling to stand up to his own party on the big issues that face our country. Time is running short.”

“The House will act today and it’ll be up to the Senate Democrats and the White House to act,” he said
Boehner: 'I Did My Part' | CNS News

It appears plan B does not include a solution to the debt ceiling; the Senate and Obama would be foolish to allow the Republicans to once again kick the can down the road and not govern with any semblance of responsibility.

Anyone who sees Boehner as anything but a self serving pol has been fooled. Boehner is not a leader.
Boehner: 'I Did My Part'

until there is Law nothing has been accomplished - except moving closer to a cliff that is a lot steeper for the Republicans than the Democrats.

so no, Boehner has simply gone delusional ...

Yeah, he doesn't decide when he's done his part. We do in 2014. If we'd wanted his plan, we'd have given him the president he wanted. Time to quit whining and get back to work or someone's going to be out of a job year after next, John.

Boehner was just re-elected for another term, and continues to be Speaker of the House of Representatives. Please try to stay current. Ignorant commie.

John Boehner Reelected In Ohio House Election

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