Bombshell! Europe Drops Charges Against Edward Snowden, Offers Asylum And Protection

Good. About time. Hopefully the next president welcomes him home and gives him a medal for telling the world the truth.
Good. About time. Hopefully the next president welcomes him home and gives him a medal for telling the world the truth.

Medal? More likely METAL...... Copper coated lead, is what he'll get.
You enjoy Tyranny I see?
You retards have some strange heroes


Does Bergdahl turn you on too?
Who the hell is YOU RETARDS? Clinton is a war criminal that belongs in jail and Jenner is a sexual degenerate.
Retards = all of you Snowballers

If truth is so wonderful go ahead and tell your wife her ass does look big in that dress and let us know how that turns out for ya
Good. About time. Hopefully the next president welcomes him home and gives him a medal for telling the world the truth.

Medal? More likely METAL...... Copper coated lead, is what he'll get.
You enjoy Tyranny I see?
You retards have some strange heroes


Does Bergdahl turn you on too?
Who the hell is YOU RETARDS? Clinton is a war criminal that belongs in jail and Jenner is a sexual degenerate.
Retards = all of you Snowballers

If truth is so wonderful go ahead and tell your wife her ass does look big in that dress and let us know how that turns out for ya

Sry buddy i have never been married, i am too honest most women hate me
Good. About time. Hopefully the next president welcomes him home and gives him a medal for telling the world the truth.

Medal? More likely METAL...... Copper coated lead, is what he'll get.
You enjoy Tyranny I see?
You retards have some strange heroes


Does Bergdahl turn you on too?
Who the hell is YOU RETARDS? Clinton is a war criminal that belongs in jail and Jenner is a sexual degenerate.
Retards = all of you Snowballers

If truth is so wonderful go ahead and tell your wife her ass does look big in that dress and let us know how that turns out for ya
Sad little tyrant....must be so alone in his little cocoon all alone....When someone tells the world HEY THEY ARE SPYING ON YOU AND ITS FUCKING ILLEGAL then that person is a god damn hero! PERIOD.
Good. About time. Hopefully the next president welcomes him home and gives him a medal for telling the world the truth.

Medal? More likely METAL...... Copper coated lead, is what he'll get.
You enjoy Tyranny I see?
You retards have some strange heroes


Does Bergdahl turn you on too?
Who the hell is YOU RETARDS? Clinton is a war criminal that belongs in jail and Jenner is a sexual degenerate.
Retards = all of you Snowballers

If truth is so wonderful go ahead and tell your wife her ass does look big in that dress and let us know how that turns out for ya
Sad little tyrant....must be so alone in his little cocoon all alone....When someone tells the world HEY THEY ARE SPYING ON YOU AND ITS FUCKING ILLEGAL then that person is a god damn hero! PERIOD.

Sad little ostrich, with your head in the sand.
If you didn't know you were being spied on after the idiotically titled "Patriot Act" you forfeit any right to privacy.

Sane people don't hold a show and tell for other governments on how we gather intelligence on them
"My heroes have always been traitors,
they still are it seems........"


See? Nobody respects Obama. Nobody.

That's a logical fallacy, Snowden can't possibly be a traitor, by definition. A traitor is someone who betrays in a harmful way their fellow citizens. Since what he did was pro US citizens the best you can do is call him an enemy of the state. now if you think the desires of the government outweigh the needs of the citizens i advise you to move to china
"My heroes have always been traitors,
they still are it seems........"


See? Nobody respects Obama. Nobody.

That's a logical fallacy, Snowden can't possibly be a traitor, by definition. A traitor is someone who betrays in a harmful way their fellow citizens. Since what he did was pro US citizens the best you can do is call him an enemy of the state. now if you think the desires of the government outweigh the needs of the citizens i advise you to move to china

Never said I did. Actually, I'm a firm believer in individual rights and responsibilities and an advocate for states' rights. I despise a tyrannical federal government.
You know all those quotes from the founding fathers that people like to use because it makes them feel good and feel tough weren't just movie quotes.

"Those who would give up essential liberties for a little security deserve neither" - Benjamin Franklin -

Exactly when does this apply more than with Snowden. Yeah, some information that was better kept secret was leaked. But the net result of this is those in power in the government cannot just trust their intimidation of employees to keep their mouths shut all the time about everything. They know now someone is watching THEM and isn't afraid to speak. THAT is what keeps a democracy solvent.

The ankle biters need to be ignored as scared Chihuahuas.
You know all those quotes from the founding fathers that people like to use because it makes them feel good and feel tough weren't just movie quotes.

"Those who would give up essential liberties for a little security deserve neither" - Benjamin Franklin -

Exactly when does this apply more than with Snowden. Yeah, some information that was better kept secret was leaked. But the net result of this is those in power in the government cannot just trust their intimidation of employees to keep their mouths shut all the time about everything. They know now someone is watching THEM and isn't afraid to speak. THAT is what keeps a democracy solvent.

The ankle biters need to be ignored as scared Chihuahuas.
"Yea, some information was leaked that shouldn't have"
There's the rub.

Honestly, how low of an IQ does/did it take to NOT know we're being spied on?

Still are.
Trying to expand it even more, actually.

He may as well have said "There's no such thing as Santa"
But he did far worse with the "some information"
You know all those quotes from the founding fathers that people like to use because it makes them feel good and feel tough weren't just movie quotes.

"Those who would give up essential liberties for a little security deserve neither" - Benjamin Franklin -

Exactly when does this apply more than with Snowden. Yeah, some information that was better kept secret was leaked. But the net result of this is those in power in the government cannot just trust their intimidation of employees to keep their mouths shut all the time about everything. They know now someone is watching THEM and isn't afraid to speak. THAT is what keeps a democracy solvent.

The ankle biters need to be ignored as scared Chihuahuas.
"Yea, some information was leaked that shouldn't have"
There's the rub.

Honestly, how low of an IQ does/did it take to NOT know we're being spied on?

Still are.
Trying to expand it even more, actually.

He may as well have said "There's no such thing as Santa"
But he did far worse with the "some information"

the only things that should be redacted from leaked classified documents are the names of operatives in foreign countries and the addresses of specific locations.

and as far as I am aware and from the documents I have seen, that info was redacted so I have no qualms with what the news organizations did.

yes I am aware politicians and other government agents are making broad and generic statements to the press on how our intelligence capabilities have been hindered.

what i was specifically asking is for direct evidence that a terrorist plot that has been successfully executed was caused by a failure of our intelligence agencies post Snowden leaks

the NSA has already overcome the snowden leaks by adding cell phone targeting/tracking devices to drones in the middle east, they no longer need to get records from verizon and ATT, they literally snactch them out of the air as drones fly overhead

Really funny if you actually believe that!

yes I am aware politicians and other government agents are making broad and generic statements to the press on how our intelligence capabilities have been hindered.

what i was specifically asking is for direct evidence that a terrorist plot that has been successfully executed was caused by a failure of our intelligence agencies post Snowden leaks

the NSA has already overcome the snowden leaks by adding cell phone targeting/tracking devices to drones in the middle east, they no longer need to get records from verizon and ATT, they literally snactch them out of the air as drones fly overhead

Really funny if you actually believe that!

well i pulled that from the leaks that jeremy Scahill has been reporting on so assuming he isn't lying

yes I am aware politicians and other government agents are making broad and generic statements to the press on how our intelligence capabilities have been hindered.

what i was specifically asking is for direct evidence that a terrorist plot that has been successfully executed was caused by a failure of our intelligence agencies post Snowden leaks

the NSA has already overcome the snowden leaks by adding cell phone targeting/tracking devices to drones in the middle east, they no longer need to get records from verizon and ATT, they literally snactch them out of the air as drones fly overhead

Really funny if you actually believe that!

well i pulled that from the leaks that jeremy Scahill has been reporting on so assuming he isn't lying

You should assume every reporter is lying.
please justify and qualify this claim
It's a link

Read it yourself

yes I am aware politicians and other government agents are making broad and generic statements to the press on how our intelligence capabilities have been hindered.

what i was specifically asking is for direct evidence that a terrorist plot that has been successfully executed was caused by a failure of our intelligence agencies post Snowden leaks

the NSA has already overcome the snowden leaks by adding cell phone targeting/tracking devices to drones in the middle east, they no longer need to get records from verizon and ATT, they literally snactch them out of the air as drones fly overhead

Really funny if you actually believe that!

well i pulled that from the leaks that jeremy Scahill has been reporting on so assuming he isn't lying

You should assume every reporter is lying.

Not when you have the source material which he uploaded.

Also, i prefer to assume that the government is lying and thus by the transitive property reporters who are in bed with establishment politicians are lying.

The Intercept has what I think is an excellent model, journalism that is adversarial to the government. Remember in 2005 when the New York Times originally reported on the NSA and we learned that they cut a deal with Bush to hold that story till after the election in 2004 so he wouldn't lose votes because of it

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