Boom! Collusion!

Drip drip drip of fake fake fake news that's gets nowhere.
Yes, I realize that you've been raised in an instant gratification world, but you're going to have to wait for many more weeks and months. Investigations take time.

If you think this is going away you're even more of an imbecile than I thought. Just look at who Mueller has hired, and look at what their specific field of expertise is.
Aha, so you admit even Mueller is corrupt. Funny how liberals are always lying and cheating in everything that they do, and totally comfortable with it.

And yet all we have so far is a big nothing burger with a sauce of Democratic fake outrage.
You fucking retard, how is he corrupt, from what I posted?
You just stated he's hired lawyers and prosecutors which we know are either Democrat donors or have worked for Hillary and the Clinton foundation. Maybe that isn't bias and corruption to an ignorant Leftie asswipe like you. Democrats can't get anything done unless they like and chest, can they. It really doesn't matter who Mueller hires, if there isn't anything there, which there isn't, you guys are just jacking yourselves off.
It was only a matter of time.

For what? It may all be true, but we sure see no proof here.
It is my opinion that Trump and members of his Administration colluded in the Russian attacks against the Democrat party. Resulting in an unfair advantage to candidate Trump, ultimately resulting in Hillary's defeat. AKA the Russian hack was a smashing success.

I'm just patiently waiting for the media to do their job and provide the PROOF of what I currently believe.

If they've investigated everything to the limit, and find nothing, I will accept that as fact.

What's your thoughts on the matter?

we waited for the media for 8 years to do their job.
It was only a matter of time.

For what? It may all be true, but we sure see no proof here.
It is my opinion that Trump and members of his Administration colluded in the Russian attacks against the Democrat party. Resulting in an unfair advantage to candidate Trump, ultimately resulting in Hillary's defeat. AKA the Russian hack was a smashing success.

I'm just patiently waiting for the media to do their job and provide the PROOF of what I currently believe.

If they've investigated everything to the limit, and find nothing, I will accept that as fact.

What's your thoughts on the matter?

Tell ya what.....
When you convince ALL the Blue states to turn over the voter information the Federal government requested, I'll gladly help you get to the bottom of any"Russian" influence on the vote.
It was only a matter of time.

For what? It may all be true, but we sure see no proof here.
It is my opinion that Trump and members of his Administration colluded in the Russian attacks against the Democrat party. Resulting in an unfair advantage to candidate Trump, ultimately resulting in Hillary's defeat. AKA the Russian hack was a smashing success.

I'm just patiently waiting for the media to do their job and provide the PROOF of what I currently believe.

If they've investigated everything to the limit, and find nothing, I will accept that as fact.

What's your thoughts on the matter?

Tell ya what.....
When you convince ALL the Blue states to turn over the voter information the Federal government requested, I'll gladly help you get to the bottom of any"Russian" influence on the vote.
Now 44 States Have Refused Trump Commission's Demand For Personal Info On Voters

Following a White House commission's request that states turn over voters' full names, addresses, dates of birth, political parties, social security digits, and other personal data, dozens of U.S. states have registered their on-the-record objections.

CNN reported Tuesday that 44 states have now refused a request by the Trump administration to provide certain information about registered voters, ranging from their criminal records to time spent abroad. A CNN inquiry into all 50 U.S. states found that state leaders and voting officials across the country have been fairly quick to respond to the request for voter data, sent last Wednesday by the Presidential Advisory Commission on Election Integrity--and, in most cases, to reject it.

Kansas Secretary of State Kris Kobach, vice chairman of the commission, sent the letter as part of the commission's efforts to investigate the possibility of voter fraud in various machinations, as per the presidential executive order that created the group in May. As PBS explained, "Trump has claimed without evidence since winning November’s election that it was 'rigged,' either by voter impersonation or illegal ballots cast by undocumented immigrants. Trump swept the Electoral College in November’s election, but was nearly 3 million votes shy of Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton in the popular vote."
Now 44 States Have Refused Trump Commission's Demand For Personal Info On Voters

So now 44 states have told the fat senile old orange clown to go to hell. Good for them. That fat old bastard has dreams of being the first American Emperor.

Janet Burns,

CNN, who have mysteriously dropped the Russian story.

Oh l'm sorry, have they gone back to screaming about "collusion" on CNN?

Nope, still nothing on CNN front page about collusion.

You retards are supposed to have moved on to getting him removed for being "unstable" or tweets about some old skank.
It was only a matter of time.

For what? It may all be true, but we sure see no proof here.
It is my opinion that Trump and members of his Administration colluded in the Russian attacks against the Democrat party. Resulting in an unfair advantage to candidate Trump, ultimately resulting in Hillary's defeat. AKA the Russian hack was a smashing success.

I'm just patiently waiting for the media to do their job and provide the PROOF of what I currently believe.

If they've investigated everything to the limit, and find nothing, I will accept that as fact.

What's your thoughts on the matter?

Tell ya what.....
When you convince ALL the Blue states to turn over the voter information the Federal government requested, I'll gladly help you get to the bottom of any"Russian" influence on the vote.
Now 44 States Have Refused Trump Commission's Demand For Personal Info On Voters

Following a White House commission's request that states turn over voters' full names, addresses, dates of birth, political parties, social security digits, and other personal data, dozens of U.S. states have registered their on-the-record objections.

CNN reported Tuesday that 44 states have now refused a request by the Trump administration to provide certain information about registered voters, ranging from their criminal records to time spent abroad. A CNN inquiry into all 50 U.S. states found that state leaders and voting officials across the country have been fairly quick to respond to the request for voter data, sent last Wednesday by the Presidential Advisory Commission on Election Integrity--and, in most cases, to reject it.

Kansas Secretary of State Kris Kobach, vice chairman of the commission, sent the letter as part of the commission's efforts to investigate the possibility of voter fraud in various machinations, as per the presidential executive order that created the group in May. As PBS explained, "Trump has claimed without evidence since winning November’s election that it was 'rigged,' either by voter impersonation or illegal ballots cast by undocumented immigrants. Trump swept the Electoral College in November’s election, but was nearly 3 million votes shy of Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton in the popular vote."
Now 44 States Have Refused Trump Commission's Demand For Personal Info On Voters

So now 44 states have told the fat senile old orange clown to go to hell. Good for them. That fat old bastard has dreams of being the first American Emperor.

Janet Burns,


And that has bum fuck what to do with the collusion fake news story?

I understand though, collusion gate is over, now you have a new story to cling on to.
trump lies all of the time.
You wingnuts have been outraged over Democrats supposedly lying for decades.

Just shows how phony and hypocritical you are.
No, just tired of all the crap you would put up with when your guy is president, and how easily you are outraged at a republican. You're a hypocrite.
What crap did I put up with, with President Obama (praise be unto Him!)?

  • The crap of killing bin Laden? Yes, I admit it!
  • The crap of saving the auto industry? Yes, I admit it!
  • The crap of saving us from another Great Depression? Yes, I admit it!
  • The crap of the world admiring America again after Bush? Yes, I admit it!
The crap of being anti American? YES!
Sorry, great presidents like Barack Obama are never anti-American.
I don't truly think any POTUS is/was anti-American. I think that even of the current one; however, it's clear he's abysmally ignorant of the detrimental impact his shenanigans and most of his policy proposals (will) have on the country, both internally and externally.
I don't truly think any POTUS is/was anti-American. I think that even of the current one; however, it's clear he's abysmally ignorant of the detrimental impact his shenanigans and most of his policy proposals (will) have on the country, both internally and externally.

If you were "ok" with Obama's policies, then you might be "anti-American"

Like the Iran dealings and the interference in Egypt, Obama worked against America...most likely because it is a "white Christian" nation...or was.
Drip drip drip of fake fake fake news that's gets nowhere.
Yes, I realize that you've been raised in an instant gratification world, but you're going to have to wait for many more weeks and months. Investigations take time.

If you think this is going away you're even more of an imbecile than I thought. Just look at who Mueller has hired, and look at what their specific field of expertise is.
Aha, so you admit even Mueller is corrupt. Funny how liberals are always lying and cheating in everything that they do, and totally comfortable with it.

And yet all we have so far is a big nothing burger with a sauce of Democratic fake outrage.
You fucking retard, how is he corrupt, from what I posted?
You just stated he's hired lawyers and prosecutors which we know are either Democrat donors or have worked for Hillary and the Clinton foundation. Maybe that isn't bias and corruption to an ignorant Leftie asswipe like you. Democrats can't get anything done unless they like and chest, can they. It really doesn't matter who Mueller hires, if there isn't anything there, which there isn't, you guys are just jacking yourselves off.
He hired prosecutors with expertise in money-laundering, organized crime, flipping witnesses (think Flynn & Carter Page, and soon, Manafort), Russia. And they are career prosecutors from around the country, not Democratic donors.

How sad for you.
Sorry, great presidents like Barack Obama are never anti-American.


Spoken like a true, ignorant 1st class shit stain..
The NewYorkTimes, Washington Post and a host of other LEFT leaning major sources even called his Presidency an abject failure.

Great Presidents? Obama?!?.......pfffffft

The racist MFer did everything he could to divide America and weaken America and dumb toilet cleaners see him as the Messiah?
Not that Trump is an angel...never said that. But Obama? fucking PLEASE!
What kind of communist immoral retard, would call Obama a "great President" ? that likes Presidents who spend 7 Trillion and have NOTHING to show for it. who tells ILLEGAL immigrants they can become citizens if they vote who uses the IRS to target Americans LEGALLY exercising their right to association who allows his DOJ appointee to get away with illegal meetings on private jets in spite of ongoing investigations
Operation Fast and Furious
ObamaCare - collapsing utter failure
Hillary Clinton’s secret server
Race baiting

Oh Fucking PLEASE!

No personal attacks. BasicHumanUnit
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It was only a matter of time.

For what? It may all be true, but we sure see no proof here.
It's called corroborating evidence. And it's piling up.

Do you still support Trump after his tweets today about Mika?

Who said I supported Trump? Do you? Or do you still hate his guts?
He's unfit to be President.

Do you support Trump? Let's get you on the record.
I do. And still waiting for any REAL evidence.
Drip drip drip of fake fake fake news that's gets nowhere.
Yes, I realize that you've been raised in an instant gratification world, but you're going to have to wait for many more weeks and months. Investigations take time.

If you think this is going away you're even more of an imbecile than I thought. Just look at who Mueller has hired, and look at what their specific field of expertise is.
Aha, so you admit even Mueller is corrupt. Funny how liberals are always lying and cheating in everything that they do, and totally comfortable with it.

And yet all we have so far is a big nothing burger with a sauce of Democratic fake outrage.
You fucking retard, how is he corrupt, from what I posted?
You just stated he's hired lawyers and prosecutors which we know are either Democrat donors or have worked for Hillary and the Clinton foundation. Maybe that isn't bias and corruption to an ignorant Leftie asswipe like you. Democrats can't get anything done unless they like and chest, can they. It really doesn't matter who Mueller hires, if there isn't anything there, which there isn't, you guys are just jacking yourselves off.
He hired prosecutors with expertise in money-laundering, organized crime, flipping witnesses (think Flynn & Carter Page, and soon, Manafort), Russia. And they are career prosecutors from around the country, not Democratic donors.

How sad for you.
Dimwits still grasping at hollow straws.
The NewYorkTimes, Washington Post and a host of other LEFT leaning major sources even called his Presidency an abject failure.


No personal attacks. Synthaholic

Notice, ladies & gentlemen, how he SAYS New York Times & Washington Post but posts links from the Rupert Murdoch-owned rightwing New York Post and the wingnut Washington Times.
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Drip drip drip of fake fake fake news that's gets nowhere.
Yes, I realize that you've been raised in an instant gratification world, but you're going to have to wait for many more weeks and months. Investigations take time.

If you think this is going away you're even more of an imbecile than I thought. Just look at who Mueller has hired, and look at what their specific field of expertise is.
Aha, so you admit even Mueller is corrupt. Funny how liberals are always lying and cheating in everything that they do, and totally comfortable with it.

And yet all we have so far is a big nothing burger with a sauce of Democratic fake outrage.
You fucking retard, how is he corrupt, from what I posted?
You just stated he's hired lawyers and prosecutors which we know are either Democrat donors or have worked for Hillary and the Clinton foundation. Maybe that isn't bias and corruption to an ignorant Leftie asswipe like you. Democrats can't get anything done unless they like and chest, can they. It really doesn't matter who Mueller hires, if there isn't anything there, which there isn't, you guys are just jacking yourselves off.
He hired prosecutors with expertise in money-laundering, organized crime, flipping witnesses (think Flynn & Carter Page, and soon, Manafort), Russia. And they are career prosecutors from around the country, not Democratic donors.

How sad for you.
How sad that you're a delusional Leftie ignoramus moron. Maybe on your planet this isn't the height of corruption and rigging.

Special counsel team members donated to Dems, FEC records show -

Washington (CNN)Three members of the legal team known to have been hired so far by special counsel Robert Mueller to handle the Russia investigation have given political donations almost exclusively to Democrats, according to a CNN analysis of Federal Election Commission records.

Meet the all-star team of lawyers Robert Mueller has assembled for the Trump-Russia investigation

Jeannie Rhee

Rhee is one of several attorneys to resign from the WilmerHale law firm to join Mueller's investigation.

She also has two years of DOJ experience, serving as deputy assistant attorney general under former Attorney General Eric Holder. She advised Holder and Obama administration officials on criminal law issues, as well as criminal procedure and executive issues, according to her biography on WilmerHale's website.

As many critics of Mueller's investigation have pointed out, Rhee represented Hillary Clinton in a 2015 lawsuit that sought access to her private emails. She also represented the Clinton Foundation in a 2015 racketeering lawsuit.

Rhee is also one of the members of Mueller's team under scrutiny for her political donations, and has doled out more than $16,000 to Democrats since 2008. She maxed out her donations both in 2015 and 2016 to Clinton's presidential campaign, giving a total of $5,400.

*****So let's get this straight, Mueller hires Obama and Clintonistas, the same people that happen to also be targets of his investigation, and some how that level of crookedness is okay with smile all Democraps? This is exactly why Trump was elected, because the American people got sick and tired of this deception and corruption.
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No personal attacks. Synthaholic

Notice, ladies & gentlemen, how he SAYS New York Times & Washington Post but posts links from the Rupert Murdoch-owned rightwing New York Post and the wingnut Washington Times.

No personal attacks? And this is two posts before mine - apparently it's not an attack if it's against a Liberal.

Oh Fucking PLEASE!

Synthaholic is EVERYONE's bitch!

westwall Kat
For the record that seems to mean so much to you. Some things with Trump I support. Some things with Trump I do not support. It all depends on what it is.

What are the things you support, and what are the things you oppose?

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