Boom!!!! Judge in Manafort case says Mueller only wants to hurt Trump

"The judge clearly showed that they had EXCEEDED THIER LEGAL MANDATE PRIOR to Rosenstine widening it" is the silliest statement of the day. Rosenstein's letter is legal and will guide the judge. If the judge rules against it, the ruling will be appealed and overturned within a week at the most.
YOU REALLY ARE AN IDIOT... You need to read the court transcript...
Ah, you are talking in the mirror.

Your literally do not have a clue about these things.
Where are the charges that show collusion, obstruction of Justice in the prosecution against Manafort...................... They aren't there.
They don't have to be there. Mueller can legally burn him down on what he does have. If Manifort wants to avoid that, he will share what he does know about what Mueller wants to know.
Put it in the proper courts then.

This is a shake down to crucify a man for over 300 years for so called tax evasion and money laundering. Nothing there in the scope of the case........................They are trying to burn down everyone they can find..............problem is they lit their own pants on fire in the attempt.

Their time is coming......this is only beginning. ENJOY.
So, the special counsel has two weeks to show the judge how Manafort’s indictments align with their case. I’m sure they have connections; otherwise, Meuller would have handed the evidence off to states attorneys just like he did in the case of Cohen. The judge will see the evidence, see the connection, and Manafort will continue to be a part of the special counsel investigation. Then snowflake righties will say thhi judge is an activist/deep state/ swamp rat or some other flailing of defeat.
can't make this shit up. you truly are a parrot ain't you?
At least I have an original thought, ass clown.
I haven't noticed any.
It looks like that case will get thrown out of court.
:lol: No, it doesn’t
looks like it to me. and the judge has called the ploy a ploy and it will be tumbling soon.
Possibly Herr Mewler will be defanged and stick to investigation of collusion and not inveestigating the Trump administration for anything and everything under the sun.
Mueller has his own problems.............We'll see if McCabe sings when he faces the court. Comey not far behind and others.

Then its gonna get real interesting.

One always has to remember that McCabes hard on for Flynn is based on a sexual harassment suit that a woman brought against the FBI and McCabe.

Flynn backed the woman.

McCabe then set out to destroy Flynn over this. Stay tuned.
"The judge clearly showed that they had EXCEEDED THIER LEGAL MANDATE PRIOR to Rosenstine widening it" is the silliest statement of the day. Rosenstein's letter is legal and will guide the judge. If the judge rules against it, the ruling will be appealed and overturned within a week at the most.
YOU REALLY ARE AN IDIOT... You need to read the court transcript...
Ah, you are talking in the mirror.

Your literally do not have a clue about these things.
Where are the charges that show collusion, obstruction of Justice in the prosecution against Manafort...................... They aren't there.
They don't have to be there. Mueller can legally burn him down on what he does have. If Manifort wants to avoid that, he will share what he does know about what Mueller wants to know.
Put it in the proper courts then.

This is a shake down to crucify a man for over 300 years for so called tax evasion and money laundering. Nothing there in the scope of the case........................They are trying to burn down everyone they can find..............problem is they lit their own pants on fire in the attempt.

Their time is coming......this is only beginning. ENJOY.
Only Manafort's pants are on fire, and the judge's will be if tries to make Rosenstein's remit non-enforceable.

Yes, the Trumpers' time is coming if they break the law, from the President to you.
Hamburger Hill Mueller, Rat Face Rosenstine, and Slimeball Lyin' Comey got PWND! Get over it! :p It is just going to get worse for Team Crooked Hillary! ;)
I think "Wormtongue" is a good name for Rosenstein.
And now parts that were left out in the OP.
You don’t really care about Mr. Manafort’s bank fraud,” Judge T.S. Ellis III said during a morning hearing. “You really care about getting information Mr. Manafort can give you that would reflect on Mr. Trump and lead to his prosecution or impeachment.”
Manafort was seeking to have the bank and tax fraud charges against him dismissed in federal court in Alexandria, with his lawyers arguing that the alleged crimes have nothing to do with the election or with President Trump.
Ellis agreed, but he made no immediate decision on the defense motion. He said even without such a connection the special counsel, which is investigating Russian interference in the 2016 election, may well still have the authority to bring the charges
“I’m not saying it’s illegitimate,” Ellis said.

Federal judge in Virginia grills special counsel on Manafort investigation

Firstly, he was born in Bogota, Columbia. We know what Trumps thinks of such people, don't we?

Secondly, he's a Republican. What do you expect Republicans to say? He was appointed by Reagan.

It's hardly surprising in the age of ridiculous partisan politics that a Republican judge says things pro-Republican, now is it?
"The judge clearly showed that they had EXCEEDED THIER LEGAL MANDATE PRIOR to Rosenstine widening it" is the silliest statement of the day. Rosenstein's letter is legal and will guide the judge. If the judge rules against it, the ruling will be appealed and overturned within a week at the most.
YOU REALLY ARE AN IDIOT... You need to read the court transcript...
Ah, you are talking in the mirror.

Your literally do not have a clue about these things.
Where are the charges that show collusion, obstruction of Justice in the prosecution against Manafort...................... They aren't there.
They don't have to be there. Mueller can legally burn him down on what he does have. If Manifort wants to avoid that, he will share what he does know about what Mueller wants to know.

The judge wants to tighten the lines, but he can't without being appealed, which he, the judge, will lose.

Jake the legal team for Manafort has already built a defence that proves bias because the Podesta Group represented the same Ukrainian government at the exact same time and did not register as a foreign agent.
"The judge clearly showed that they had EXCEEDED THIER LEGAL MANDATE PRIOR to Rosenstine widening it" is the silliest statement of the day. Rosenstein's letter is legal and will guide the judge. If the judge rules against it, the ruling will be appealed and overturned within a week at the most.
YOU REALLY ARE AN IDIOT... You need to read the court transcript...
Ah, you are talking in the mirror.

Your literally do not have a clue about these things.
Where are the charges that show collusion, obstruction of Justice in the prosecution against Manafort...................... They aren't there.
They don't have to be there. Mueller can legally burn him down on what he does have. If Manifort wants to avoid that, he will share what he does know about what Mueller wants to know.

The judge wants to tighten the lines, but he can't without being appealed, which he, the judge, will lose.
Which can be appealed to the Supreme Court..............and so it goes on.
And now parts that were left out in the OP.
You don’t really care about Mr. Manafort’s bank fraud,” Judge T.S. Ellis III said during a morning hearing. “You really care about getting information Mr. Manafort can give you that would reflect on Mr. Trump and lead to his prosecution or impeachment.”
Manafort was seeking to have the bank and tax fraud charges against him dismissed in federal court in Alexandria, with his lawyers arguing that the alleged crimes have nothing to do with the election or with President Trump.
Ellis agreed, but he made no immediate decision on the defense motion. He said even without such a connection the special counsel, which is investigating Russian interference in the 2016 election, may well still have the authority to bring the charges
“I’m not saying it’s illegitimate,” Ellis said.

Federal judge in Virginia grills special counsel on Manafort investigation

Firstly, he was born in Bogota, Columbia. We know what Trumps thinks of such people, don't we?

Secondly, he's a Republican. What do you expect Republicans to say? He was appointed by Reagan.

It's hardly surprising in the age of ridiculous partisan politics that a Republican judge says things pro-Republican, now is it?

OMG a Judge might be right wing.....
"The judge clearly showed that they had EXCEEDED THIER LEGAL MANDATE PRIOR to Rosenstine widening it" is the silliest statement of the day. Rosenstein's letter is legal and will guide the judge. If the judge rules against it, the ruling will be appealed and overturned within a week at the most.
YOU REALLY ARE AN IDIOT... You need to read the court transcript...
Ah, you are talking in the mirror.

Your literally do not have a clue about these things.
Where are the charges that show collusion, obstruction of Justice in the prosecution against Manafort...................... They aren't there.
They don't have to be there. Mueller can legally burn him down on what he does have. If Manifort wants to avoid that, he will share what he does know about what Mueller wants to know.

The judge wants to tighten the lines, but he can't without being appealed, which he, the judge, will lose.

Jake the legal team for Manafort has already built a defence that proves bias because the Podesta Group represented the same Ukrainian government at the exact same time and did not register as a foreign agent.
Does not matter. The gov can go after Podesta if it wants. The judge can't do a thing for Manifort based on your analysis.

Manifort's people would have to make a motion to the Judge who would have to grant it, and then the prosecution will appeal the Judge's ruling and win an easy overturn of said ruling.

That may be the plan on Manifort by the prosecution, to have SCOTUS sustain Rosenstein's remit to Mueller.

At that point, it may be probable the Trump will resign 'with honor'.
Only Manafort's pants are on fire, and the judge's will be if tries to make Rosenstein's remit non-enforceable.

Yes, the Trumpers' time is coming if they break the law, from the President to you.
geez, you are so used to getting verbal beat downs where your posts evaporate into "neener neener" arguments that all one needs to do to get you to that point is let you just keep posting, you will then self destruct on your own.
It looks like that case will get thrown out of court.
:lol: No, it doesn’t
looks like it to me. and the judge has called the ploy a ploy and it will be tumbling soon.
Possibly Herr Mewler will be defanged and stick to investigation of collusion and not inveestigating the Trump administration for anything and everything under the sun.
Mueller has his own problems.............We'll see if McCabe sings when he faces the court. Comey not far behind and others.

Then its gonna get real interesting.

One always has to remember that McCabes hard on for Flynn is based on a sexual harassment suit that a woman brought against the FBI and McCabe.

Flynn backed the woman.

McCabe then set out to destroy Flynn over this. Stay tuned.
McCabe can be charged for 3 Felony accounts of Lying under Oath already. That should be coming soon. Already had news of Comey and McCabe bitching at each other.........because they know this could throw them in Jail just like they are trying to throw others in Jail.

Their DIRTY..........people see it............the Judge sees it..........and so it goes on. The Vendetta against Mandafort has nothing to do with the crap they have been spewing for over a year and a half now.

Out of bounds with questions for Trump on Stormy.........which has nothing to do with the scope they are assigned. They are trying to crucify people for decade old accusations to try to Extort them into a deal to get something on Trump.
YOU REALLY ARE AN IDIOT... You need to read the court transcript...
Ah, you are talking in the mirror.

Your literally do not have a clue about these things.
Where are the charges that show collusion, obstruction of Justice in the prosecution against Manafort...................... They aren't there.
They don't have to be there. Mueller can legally burn him down on what he does have. If Manifort wants to avoid that, he will share what he does know about what Mueller wants to know.

The judge wants to tighten the lines, but he can't without being appealed, which he, the judge, will lose.

Jake the legal team for Manafort has already built a defence that proves bias because the Podesta Group represented the same Ukrainian government at the exact same time and did not register as a foreign agent.
Does not matter. The gov can go after Podesta if it wants. The judge can't do a thing for Manifort based on your analysis.

Manifort's people would have to make a motion to the Judge who would have to grant it, and then the prosecution will appeal the Judge's ruling and win an easy overturn of said ruling.

That may be the plan on Manifort by the prosecution, to have SCOTUS sustain Rosenstein's remit to Mueller.

At that point, it may be probable the Trump will resign 'with honor'.
That Supreme Court Ruling would specify the authority of the Independent Council. Since they have no evidence presented to the main case they are investigating doesn't mean Trump would have to do Jack Squat.
YOU REALLY ARE AN IDIOT... You need to read the court transcript...
Ah, you are talking in the mirror.

Your literally do not have a clue about these things.
Where are the charges that show collusion, obstruction of Justice in the prosecution against Manafort...................... They aren't there.
They don't have to be there. Mueller can legally burn him down on what he does have. If Manifort wants to avoid that, he will share what he does know about what Mueller wants to know.
Put it in the proper courts then.

This is a shake down to crucify a man for over 300 years for so called tax evasion and money laundering. Nothing there in the scope of the case........................They are trying to burn down everyone they can find..............problem is they lit their own pants on fire in the attempt.

Their time is coming......this is only beginning. ENJOY.
Only Manafort's pants are on fire, and the judge's will be if tries to make Rosenstein's remit non-enforceable.

Yes, the Trumpers' time is coming if they break the law, from the President to you.
Now you attack the Judge. LOL

He called them with it...........McCabe has 3 counts coming ..............As I said ENJOY.
So, the special counsel has two weeks to show the judge how Manafort’s indictments align with their case. I’m sure they have connections; otherwise, Meuller would have handed the evidence off to states attorneys just like he did in the case of Cohen. The judge will see the evidence, see the connection, and Manafort will continue to be a part of the special counsel investigation. Then snowflake righties will say that the judge is an activist/deep state/ swamp rat or some other flailing of defeat.
The judge is saying to the world the 'INTENT' of Mueller is to take down a sitting president.
No, dumb ass; the judge is saying, show me how this connects to your investigation, because to me, without seeing the evidence, it looks like you’re just using Manafort as leverage to get to Trump. Come back in two weeks with the evidence that shows a connection.
Yep exactly, pissed they thought he was a pushover
eagle, the only ruling would be on the remit, not the evidence. The SC will not direct the investigation, only rule that it is legal.

If the judge is out of line, he will be kicked into line by appellate court rulings.
eagle, the only ruling would be on the remit, not the evidence. The SC will not direct the investigation, only rule that it is legal.
If they appeal over the Judge's ruling of out of bounds then the ruling will be on the same. The Judge mentioned these charges should be in a different court, and ordered a Sealed Copy of the Scope be sent to him for review.

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