Boom!!!! Judge in Manafort case says Mueller only wants to hurt Trump

The Judge can certainly do that, and prosecution can be appeal for the Judge to overruled.

Interesting point: if some of this material is FISA court material seized in search, does the Judge have the lawful security clearance to see the material.
The Judge can certainly do that, and prosecution can be appeal for the Judge to overruled.

Interesting point: if some of this material is FISA court material seized in search, does the Judge have the lawful security clearance to see the material.
Ain't it the truth, the biggest snowflakes around are Trumbots!

And there is this


Well talk about derp, exactly where did I say I did not except the results of the election. Be specific there bed wetter, I will be waiting BOOM!
I didn't say you did. I was showing who the snowflakes really are. who hasn't accepted the election?

Then why the meme pepe?
just to remind you libs who the snowflakes really are.

The snowflakes are actually conservatives. Afraid of everything that isn't like them. Pitiful, just plain pitiful!
Not at all. My point was to capture the essence of the Judge's comments as it relates to Mueller and his teams motive in their case against Manafort.

The judge has no idea of their motives. He only knows the details of the case before him and not the entirety of the investigation.
your honor, this dossier we're submitting into evidence was used to start this entire preceding. We would like the prosecutor to explain how we got here since this document is not validated. how did a federal judge get a warrant off of this document? we ask to have the case dismissed.
^ Truly dopey.
That is not within the purview of the case before the judge even if it were true.
sure they can. The judge can say get out of here. but they are able to submit it until that happens.

WTF are you saying?
Unfreaking real. Awesome development.

"You don't really care about Mr. Manafort's bank fraud," District Judge T.S. Ellis said to prosecutor Michael Dreeben, at times losing his temper. Ellis said prosecutors were interested in Manafort because of his potential to provide material that would lead to Trump's "prosecution or impeachment," Ellis said.

"That's what you're really interested in," said Ellis, who was appointed by President Ronald Reagan.

He repeated his suspicion several times in the hour-long court hearing."

Judge in Manafort case says Mueller's aim is to hurt Trump - CNNPolitics
It's not what he says. It's how he rules. He hasn't ruled yet as far as I know.
Wow how observant
And now parts that were left out in the OP.
You don’t really care about Mr. Manafort’s bank fraud,” Judge T.S. Ellis III said during a morning hearing. “You really care about getting information Mr. Manafort can give you that would reflect on Mr. Trump and lead to his prosecution or impeachment.”
Manafort was seeking to have the bank and tax fraud charges against him dismissed in federal court in Alexandria, with his lawyers arguing that the alleged crimes have nothing to do with the election or with President Trump.
Ellis agreed, but he made no immediate decision on the defense motion. He said even without such a connection the special counsel, which is investigating Russian interference in the 2016 election, may well still have the authority to bring the charges
“I’m not saying it’s illegitimate,” Ellis said.

Federal judge in Virginia grills special counsel on Manafort investigation

Oh fucking bite me. The point of the Judge's statement is he is pointing out the freaking motive.


"Motive" means nothing.

Law. That's what matters to patriotic Americans.

Let's just hope he's successful.
It's a kick to watch conservative snowflakes act like they know the law. :)

The IG gave the goods on McCabe. The Judge basically said what we've been saying all along. Judicial Watch has the other goods that need to be brought into investigation. Not to mention the Full IG report is not out nor the investigation of the FISA warrants from a prosecuter with the DOJ.

Mueller isn't up against amateurs...............And your side just got smacked in the face today whether you like it or not.
Pretty soon, if they don't impeach Trumpov..
He will have the ideal scenario

They fire Kelly
Leaving just he and (no security clearance) Jared in the West Wing,

Sharing intelligence on every Bank and competitor (and using it).
Making deals with Russians on the phone unhampered.. Policy for money/access, etc

It's a kick to watch conservative snowflakes act like they know the law. :)

The IG gave the goods on McCabe. The Judge basically said what we've been saying all along. Judicial Watch has the other goods that need to be brought into investigation. Not to mention the Full IG report is not out nor the investigation of the FISA warrants from a prosecuter with the DOJ. Mueller isn't up against amateurs...............And your side just got smacked in the face today whether you like it or not.
My side is the law.

McCabe is the focus of another thread, not this one.

The Judge has a right to his opinion, but he must follow the law, and if he does not, Mueller will ensure that he does.
It's a kick to watch conservative snowflakes act like they know the law. :)

The IG gave the goods on McCabe. The Judge basically said what we've been saying all along. Judicial Watch has the other goods that need to be brought into investigation. Not to mention the Full IG report is not out nor the investigation of the FISA warrants from a prosecuter with the DOJ. Mueller isn't up against amateurs...............And your side just got smacked in the face today whether you like it or not.
My side is the law.

McCabe is the focus of another thread, not this one.

The Judge has a right to his opinion, but he must follow the law, and if he does not, Mueller will ensure that he does.
Mueller is above the Judge. lol

My god you are snow balling out of control.............The Judge can make's his courtroom not Mueller.....If they don't agree they can appeal.......and then continue up the food chain to the Supreme Court.

Mueller isn't a God.......which is what you are shouting to the high heavens........his associates are under Hack right now........and the Judge just bitch slapped them.
Mueller will go to the court above the judge, to DOJ, and to FISA.

You simply can't accept, Eagle, that you don't understand. The judge cannot make up rulings. He has to follow the law.

Mueller can and will appeal to keep the judge in line.

Mueller will go to the court above the judge, to DOJ, and to FISA.

You simply can't accept, Eagle, that you don't understand. The judge cannot make up rulings. He has to follow the law.

Mueller can and will appeal to keep the judge in line.

Rulings in a court room come from the Court...........aka the Judge........not the FBI.......

You really are that stupid.
Mueller will go to the court above the judge, to DOJ, and to FISA.

You simply can't accept, Eagle, that you don't understand. The judge cannot make up rulings. He has to follow the law.

Mueller can and will appeal to keep the judge in line.

Rulings in a court room come from the Court...........aka the Judge........not the FBI....... really are that stupid.
Obviously you can't understand English, but, sure. :)
This judge has his shit together. He sees right Muellers little tactics trying to squeeze Manafort to get to Trump and the judge wont have it!

Federal judge accuses Mueller's team of 'lying,' trying to target Trump: 'C'mon man!'

A federal judge on Friday harshly rebuked Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s team during a hearing for ex-Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort – suggesting they lied about the scope of the investigation, are seeking “unfettered power” and are more interested in bringing down the president.

"You don't really care about Mr. Manafort,” U.S. District Judge T.S. Ellis III told Mueller’s team. “You really care about what information Mr. Manafort can give you to lead you to Mr. Trump and an impeachment, or whatever."

Further, Ellis demanded to see the unredacted “scope memo,” a document outlining the scope of the special counsel’s Russia probe that congressional Republicans have also sought.

The hearing, where Manafort’s team fought to dismiss an 18-count indictment on tax and bank fraud-related charges, took a confrontational turn as it was revealed that at least some of the information in the investigation derived from an earlier Justice Department probe – in the U.S. attorney’s office for the Eastern District of Virginia.

Manafort’s attorneys argue the special counsel does not have the power to indict him on the charges they have brought – and seemed to find a sympathetic ear with Ellis.

The Reagan-appointed judge asked Mueller’s team where they got the authority to indict Manafort on alleged crimes dating as far back as 2005.

The special counsel argues that Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein granted them broad authority in his May 2, 2017 letter appointing Mueller to this investigation. But after the revelation that the team is using information from the earlier DOJ probe, Ellis said that information did not “arise” out of the special counsel probe – and therefore may not be within the scope of that investigation.

“We don’t want anyone with unfettered power,” he said.

Mueller’s team says its authorities are laid out in documents including the August 2017 scope memo – and that some powers are actually secret because they involve ongoing investigations and national security matters that cannot be publicly disclosed.

Ellis seemed amused and not persuaded.

He summed up the argument of the Special Counsel’s Office as, "We said this was what [the] investigation was about, but we are not bound by it and we were lying."

He referenced the common exclamation from NFL announcers, saying: "C'mon man!"

U.S. judge says Mueller should not have 'unfettered power' in...

At a tense hearing in a federal court in Virginia on Friday, U.S. District Judge T.S. Ellis III sharply questioned whether Mueller exceeded his authority in filing tax and bank fraud charges against Trump’s former campaign manager, Paul Manafort.

Ellis said the indictment appeared to be a way for Mueller to leverage Manafort into providing information about Trump.

“The vernacular is to sing,” he said.

“You don’t really care about Mr. Manafort,” the judge said. “You really care about what information Mr. Manafort can give you to lead to Mr. Trump” and his eventual prosecution or impeachment.

“It’s unlikely you’re going to persuade me the special counsel has unfettered power to do whatever he wants,” Ellis, who was appointed by Republican President Ronald Reagan, said at a hearing on Manafort’s motion to dismiss the Virginia charges.

Manafort, who served as Trump’s campaign manager for five months, also faces federal charges in Washington, where he is accused of conspiring to launder money and failing to register as a foreign agent when he lobbied for the pro-Russia Ukrainian government.

Michael Dreeben, a deputy solicitor general working with Mueller, argued the special counsel’s investigative scope covered the activity in the indictment.

In an Aug. 2, 2017, memo, Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein authorized Mueller to investigate whether Manafort “committed a crime or crimes arising out of payments he received from the Ukrainian government before and during the tenure of President Viktor Yanukovych.”

Judge in Manafort case says Mueller's aim is to hurt Trump - CNNPolitics

A federal judge expressed deep skepticism Friday in the bank fraud case brought by special counsel Robert Mueller's office against former Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort, at one point saying he believes that Mueller's motivation is to oust President Donald Trump from office.

Although Mueller's authority has been tested in court before, Friday's hearing was notable for District Judge T.S. Ellis' decision to wade into the divisive political debate around the investigation.
"You don't really care about Mr. Manafort's bank fraud," Ellis said to prosecutor Michael Dreeben, at times losing his temper. Ellis said prosecutors were interested in Manafort because of his potential to provide material that would lead to Trump's "prosecution or impeachment," Ellis said.
"That's what you're really interested in," said Ellis, who was appointed by President Ronald Reagan.
Ellis repeated his suspicion several times in the hour-long court hearing. He said he'll make a decision at a later date about whether Manafort's case can go forward.

"We don't want anyone in this country with unfettered power. It's unlikely you're going to persuade me the special prosecutor has power to do anything he or she wants," Ellis told Dreeben. "The American people feel pretty strongly that no one has unfettered power."
When Dreeben answered Ellis' question about how the investigation and its charges date back to before the Trump campaign formed, the judge shot back, "None of that information has to do with information related to Russian government coordination and the campaign of Donald Trump."
At one point, Ellis posed a hypothetical question, speaking as if he were the prosecutor, about why Mueller's office referred a criminal investigation about Trump's personal attorney Michael Cohen to New York authorities and kept the Manafort case in Virginia.
They weren't interested in it because it didn't "further our core effort to get Trump," Ellis said, mimicking a prosecutor in the case.
Prosecutors to turn over Rosenstein memo
Mueller's prosecutors will have to turn over a full, unredacted version of the August 2 memothat Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein used to describe the criminal allegations Mueller's team could investigate, Ellis ordered.
The judge said he would like to see the full memo, which prosecutors submitted to the court in Virginia and in Washington, DC, for another case against Manafort with more than a page of redactions.

Mueller will go to the court above the judge, to DOJ, and to FISA.

You simply can't accept, Eagle, that you don't understand. The judge cannot make up rulings. He has to follow the law.

Mueller can and will appeal to keep the judge in line.

Rulings in a court room come from the Court...........aka the Judge........not the FBI....... really are that stupid.
Obviously you can't understand English, but, sure. :)
Ga ga goo goo

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