BOOM: Trump Reveals First Dept. He’ll Cut as President… Liberals Howl in Horror!!!!


Diamond Member
Mar 9, 2014

Conservative Tribune ^ | 12/28/2015
Speaking with Fox News host Chris Wallace this weekend, 2016 GOP presidential front-runner Donald Trump made a remarkable statement about what he planned for the Department of Education, if and when he becomes president. "I may cut Department of Education," Trump said. "I believe Common Core is a very bad thing. I believe that we should be -- you know, educating our children from Iowa, from New Hampshire, from South Carolina, from California, from New York. I think that it should be local education." Many Americans agree, especially as the Department of Education has grown into a massive bureaucracy more...
That will get rid of the federal do you get rid of the local morons?
We can't be leaving our children with a bunch of angry old pedophile female homosexuals. They hate on the boys and hit on the girls. It's disgusting.
Common Core passed in 43 states. Then Obama said he liked it, too. So the Right went full retard and said, "We have always been at war with Common Core."

Too bad their kids will have to grow up stupid and ignorant, too, because of their partisan hack retarded parents.
The more I discuss the mechanics of Common Core, the more I am convinced that we might as well attempt to teach a 1st grader Constitutional Law.
"BOOM: Trump Reveals First Dept. He’ll Cut as President… Liberals Howl in Horror!!!!"

No, they howl in laughter.
Leave education to the states minus the GOP governors who want to abolish it. Then right to the locals.
That will get rid of the federal do you get rid of the local morons?

That's the beauty of states rights. Taxpayers can vote with their feet and state officials know that they have to do a good job or the money is gone. Federal legislators don't have to worry about that and that's why feds don't even try to do anything right. THINK THINK THINK
That will get rid of the federal do you get rid of the local morons?

That's the beauty of states rights. Taxpayers can vote with their feet and state officials know that they have to do a good job or the money is gone. Federal legislators don't have to worry about that and that's why feds don't even try to do anything right. THINK THINK THINK

Conservative Tribune ^ | 12/28/2015
Speaking with Fox News host Chris Wallace this weekend, 2016 GOP presidential front-runner Donald Trump made a remarkable statement about what he planned for the Department of Education, if and when he becomes president. "I may cut Department of Education," Trump said. "I believe Common Core is a very bad thing. I believe that we should be -- you know, educating our children from Iowa, from New Hampshire, from South Carolina, from California, from New York. I think that it should be local education." Many Americans agree, especially as the Department of Education has grown into a massive bureaucracy more...

The Donald needs to wake up and smell the coffee.

WHITE HOUSE REPORT: The Every Student Succeeds Act
He should say he'll get rid of the EPA next! The base will love that!

Speaking as a member of the base, I wish he would get rid of all bureaucracies. Bureaucracies and life-long appointed judges are the two biggest threats to our freedom in this country. That's because neither has any accountability to the public and we have no redress.

Bureaucracies are used by politicians that want to do something against the American people that they don't want to take responsible for. Get rid of every single one as far as I'm concerned.
He should say he'll get rid of the EPA next! The base will love that!

Speaking as a member of the base, I wish he would get rid of all bureaucracies. Bureaucracies and life-long appointed judges are the two biggest threats to our freedom in this country. That's because neither has any accountability to the public and we have no redress.

Bureaucracies are used by politicians that want to do something against the American people that they don't want to take responsible for. Get rid of every single one as far as I'm concerned.
Nice! Go Trump!
That will get rid of the federal do you get rid of the local morons?

You have more control over the local morons than you do the federal. There are so many issues at stake on the federal level than local that many of us don't vote one-issue. We vote the whole package win, lose or draw.

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