Booster shots will not help much, getting the unvaccinated, vaccinated ...will help!

They are lying to you. They are taking all deaths from the very beginning, January of 2020. They are not telling you the current stats.

The entire vaccine facade is crumbling. As it should.
Believe whatever you wish, the virus will decide its future. And I hope that isn't in developing a super strain that wipes out most of humanity. That is within the realm of possibility also. Given enough time and hosts to prey on, either that will happen or it will simply die out. At this point I'd say it's a 50-50 chance.
Anyone who can get the virus is a "vector". Since natural immunity is superior to vaccinated immunity--we're not the best vectors.

But you know what, props to you for being the very last True Believer in the thread. All the other True Vaccine Believers have given up. But not Stann. I guess true to the very end.
Believe whatever you wish, the virus will decide its future. And I hope that isn't in developing a super strain that wipes out most of humanity. That is within the realm of possibility also. Given enough time and hosts to prey on, either that will happen or it will simply die out. At this point I'd say it's a 50-50 chance.

The "beliefs" are for the Cult of Vaccine. I stuck with facts--thank God--and I'm better for it. My doctor told me years ago that I got sicker the years I got flu vaccines because these types of vaccines DEPRESS YOUR IMMUNE SYSTEM.

Exactly what we're seeing with the Covid vaccines; exactly why the vaccinated are getting infection after infection. It's sad. If I hadn't been told that, I might have gotten them too.
The "beliefs" are for the Cult of Vaccine. I stuck with facts--thank God--and I'm better for it. My doctor told me years ago that I got sicker the years I got flu vaccines because these types of vaccines DEPRESS YOUR IMMUNE SYSTEM.

Exactly what we're seeing with the Covid vaccines; exactly why the vaccinated are getting infection after infection. It's sad. If I hadn't been told that, I might have gotten them too.
The healthy, human immune system is better than any vaccine. It's what keeps us alive in the face of literally billions of microscopic germs and viruses that we encounter in our lifetimes.
Belief systems work best when they're based on facts.
So which facts did you base your belief system on? The initial facts that said the vaccines prevent infection and transmission or the current facts that show the vaccines don't prevent either?
Believe whatever you wish, the virus will decide its future. And I hope that isn't in developing a super strain that wipes out most of humanity. That is within the realm of possibility also. Given enough time and hosts to prey on, either that will happen or it will simply die out. At this point I'd say it's a 50-50 chance.
Don’t worry. China has learned much about their initial bio WMD attack. Next one will be more effective.
Well this thread aged really really well .....unlike the people who were killed by the vaxxx lol

The last few days have been.... extraordinary.

Of course the first bombshell was simple confirmation of what any thinking person knew a year ago, and anyone could discover with minutes of effort: The Covid-19 "vaccines" were not vaccines; they did not operate as a vaccine in that they neither prevented infection or transmission of the virus. As such at best they were a personal mitigation against a severe or fatal outcome and there was never an argument, in law or otherwise, that allowed forcing them on people irrespective of where, why, and how.

Joe Biden's statements, along with Fauci, Birx, Trump, DeSantis and in fact all the other governors and so-called "experts" that pushed these damnable things on people and still are, without a single bit of repentance, were not errors -- they were lies, they were actionable lies, and they resulted in a monstrous money grab under false pretense that in fact imposed harm, including in many cases death on recipients. That's not over either, and won't be for years.

I remind you that Birx has publicly admitted to knowing this originally and deliberately lied. Why is she (never mind Fauci) not under indictment and locked up awaiting trial right here, right now?

Keep on listening to the debt stars experts

When they're already knocking off the most gullible of the useful idiots the end game approaches
The healthy, human immune system is better than any vaccine. It's what keeps us alive in the face of literally billions of microscopic germs and viruses that we encounter in our lifetimes.

I would agree with you in almost all cases with an exception for a few vaccines. Smallpox - great vaccine. One and done. When liberals want to defend vaccines they go for that one, as they should. MMR--Measles, Mumps, Rubella--also pretty preventative, though needs multiple dosing for diseases that are not as deadly to my knowledge.

But now we have too many that are not nearly as effective. The vaccine schedule for babies is outrageous. And what the failure of the Covid vaccines did was open a LOT of parents' eyes to this.
The vaccine works and works well for me and my wife...
I know people who can't take them and have been harmed by them.
Even the latest omicron variant is a nothing if you have had all three shots. (The one taking the SE by storm)

But there are those for whom it's deadly and harmful. The antibodies are not widely available...just because you need them doesn't mean that they will be available.
Same thing for the antivirals.

Medical procedures are not political, they are personal....I know people who have made the wrong choices based solely on allegiances to politics....their lives and their families are forever altered because of it.

Just for the record....having a politician recommend Medical treatments or lack thereof is not a good idea ever.
The vaccine works and works well for me and my wife...
I know people who can't take them and have been harmed by them.
Even the latest omicron variant is a nothing if you have had all three shots. (The one taking the SE by storm)

But there are those for whom it's deadly and harmful. The antibodies are not widely available...just because you need them doesn't mean that they will be available.
Same thing for the antivirals.

Medical procedures are not political, they are personal....I know people who have made the wrong choices based solely on allegiances to politics....their lives and their families are forever altered because of it.

Just for the record....having a politician recommend Medical treatments or lack thereof is not a good idea ever.

This entirely. The problem with the vaccines is not that they were offered to a free people; it's that they were pushed or FORCED on a population who was lied to. I'm especially disgusted for my kids, especially my youngest who had to take it for college. Now the harms they are finding out these shots inflict on young people--it should be criminal.
The vaccine works and works well for me and my wife...
I know people who can't take them and have been harmed by them.
Even the latest omicron variant is a nothing if you have had all three shots. (The one taking the SE by storm)

But there are those for whom it's deadly and harmful. The antibodies are not widely available...just because you need them doesn't mean that they will be available.
Same thing for the antivirals.

Medical procedures are not political, they are personal....I know people who have made the wrong choices based solely on allegiances to politics....their lives and their families are forever altered because of it.

Just for the record....having a politician recommend Medical treatments or lack thereof is not a good idea ever.
Covid is 100% political.

A manmade virus released upon the world and no ramifications.

Fire anyone and deny access who won’t get the mystery substance injected.

Masks work/don’t work/work/don’t work merry go round.

Two weeks to flatten the curve!
This entirely. The problem with the vaccines is not that they were offered to a free people; it's that they were pushed or FORCED on a population who was lied to. I'm especially disgusted for my kids, especially my youngest who had to take it for college. Now the harms they are finding out these shots inflict on young people--it should be criminal.
I'm not exactly sure what brainiac came up with the marketing plan for the vaccines....whichever one did it needs to become incarcerated with all the usual limitations applied to computer hackers.

But at the same time 80-90% of the "news" you hear about all of the vaccines and covid is propaganda and not news.

But at the same time I would be remiss in not stating the entities of the originators of the propaganda. We have 4 of them.

US Government

Each one has its own agenda for the propaganda it delivers. I would include the CDC and WHO but they are not independent unfortunately and are merely outlets anymore for the propaganda.
But at any rate I'll let you decide who is putting out what sort of propaganda....

In times past leaders have never relied upon the "rumor mill" to spread information to sway opinion for any group because it usually becomes a creature with a life of its own that usually bites the hand that created it. The promotion of racial inequality and anti-mask, anti-quarantine, anti-vax, and anti-Ukraine are all from the same sources. (Yes....I get the cross party lines)

Most people are relying upon propaganda as facts for their choices. Even the so called "propaganda busters" have a political agenda lately.

I have friends across the political spectrum and around the world....I watch and listen and filter out a LOT.

And I'm simply relating what I've seen and am hearing from the real experts. (Who are currently being effectively silenced)

It's not going to be a pleasant ride as long as this sort of thing continues.
Stop reacting and think for a moment. Then I'm sure you can answer your own question.
I can't read your mind. It's understandable that you would avoid the question and I don't really care if you answer or not. Just curious.

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