Boosters For Delta

Right...that would be true for the original virus. That doesn't mean though that everyone is identical in protection against the variants...the variants are the issue here. Beta and Delta both are problematic.

How Well Does the J&J Vaccine Work Against the Delta Variant? | In the Pipeline

This is a true science blog discussing J&J's single shot vaccine (non-political like me)
And if you can get through some of the "geek speak" you can see discussed what the issues are.
You are not that bright. This the fourth wave of the commie virus, it (has to [italics]) get political.
I know that everyone is talking about Delta but Beta has been shown to circumvent the existing vaccines more easily. Eventually Delta Variant will....just a matter of time.

That's why the "booster" is going to be needed.

And hopefully this will slow things down enough for some form of normality to return. But it's not just one country that needs these's ALL the world that needs them for normality to return.

Global economics are very real. Less chocolate consumed means that people in Africa go hungry and Europe has a recession....that's how it works.

Materials are produced and processed around the whole world. We need the world and the whole world needs us....
You are wrong, Einstein, because you are not that educated about SARS-Cov-2. Pfizer isn’t playing with its schmuck when designing a booster.
To be perfectly honest with you a shot's a shot and I don't know why people are making such a big deal about this. The more people refuse to get vaccinated, the longer this pandemic is going to go on and you're just making it worse for everybody then and the vaccinated has to pay for your stupid mistake.

Getting a needle in your arm hurts. That's the real reason why ppl aren't getting them. It's not all this bullshit about magnets, 5g, microchips, alternating dna, side effects, yada yada yada.
A recent study shows 88%. No idea where you are getting this number from.

From the last article I posted from CNBC....
And that would coorrelate with the article from Science Translational Medicine magazine.

But basically immunity against the variants wanes after time while keeping immunity against the original virus. No immunity is going to last a lifetime.

I was hoping for better crossover protection against the variants...but I'm still glad for what we have. It has been slowing down the virus. But those breakthrough cases are still very troubling. Those are the ones that are the most likely to cause more mutation.
From the last article I posted from CNBC....
And that would coorrelate with the article from Science Translational Medicine magazine.

But basically immunity against the variants wanes after time while keeping immunity against the original virus. No immunity is going to last a lifetime.

I was hoping for better crossover protection against the variants...but I'm still glad for what we have. It has been slowing down the virus. But those breakthrough cases are still very troubling. Those are the ones that are the most likely to cause more mutation.

I had to look this up. According to israel the vaccine is as low as 16% effective against delta if you were vaccinated back in January, so the farther back you go the less effective it is. I don't think i need to tell you there's just something not right here. An efficacy that low affords virtually zero protection and it will continue to get worse as the months go by. How can one country have such wildly different numbers compared to everyone else? No one is showing efficacy numbers even remotely close to 16%. There would be massive breakthrough outbreaks all over the country for ppl vaccinated in jan/feb. In the US we are still seeing as high as 99% of covid patients have not been vaccinated. If what Israel reported was true we would be seeing a bare minimum of 30-40% of all new cases as breakthroughs here in the US. Again, that's not even remotely the case.
I had to look this up. According to israel the vaccine is as low as 16% effective against delta if you were vaccinated back in January, so the farther back you go the less effective it is. I don't think i need to tell you there's just something not right here. An efficacy that low affords virtually zero protection and it will continue to get worse as the months go by. How can one country have such wildly different numbers compared to everyone else? No one is showing efficacy numbers even remotely close to 16%. There would be massive breakthrough outbreaks all over the country for ppl vaccinated in jan/feb. In the US we are still seeing as high as 99% of covid patients have not been vaccinated. If what Israel reported was true we would be seeing a bare minimum of 30-40% of all new cases as breakthroughs here in the US. Again, that's not even remotely the case.
Genetics... behavior patterns...all kinds of reasons.

A vaccine is an injection of a type of poison that triggers your own immune system to fight off an infection. Everyone's immune system is different. Everyone's eating and health habits are different. And if you have traveled outside the country looking at those behaviors it becomes really apparent.

Germany, like Brazil, has a huge amount of fruit juices consumed on a daily basis. Brazilian people also shower at a minimum of two to three times per day.

Israeli don't consume so much fresh fruit or have available water for such behaviors.

These habits play a role in immunology. They don't protect perfectly but they do have an effect.
The unvaxxed prisoner should take notice that UK’s chimp virus vaccine shows problematics in predicting booster efficacy:

Pfizer Booster / AstraZeneca
The unvaxxed prisoner should take notice that UK’s chimp virus vaccine shows problematics in predicting booster efficacy:

Pfizer Booster / AstraZeneca
Probably not a good time to be naughty in the UK...

There's a lot of reasons to not take the AZ/oxford vaccine. More than one reason to take the Pfizer or Moderna vaccine. Main reason is that the science behind the stage 3 trials of the AZ vaccine was a train wreck.
Second reason why is that the formula used for development is KNOWN to be problematic in efficacy with this type and size of virus with all sorts of side effects possible.

I know that this is not something that the institutions of AZ or Oxford wishes to hear...but those in position of authority already knew this going in.

Those pesky Germans got one up on the Brits again. (BioNtech is a German company)

So... the world is wanting to steal the mRNA technology...they really don't have the technological ability necessary to actually do so. The first nation that is fully functional and vaccinated "wins". And it has created some real envy. They wish the US didn't have it because it's the Americans with the best... again.

There isn't much love for the Germans either because they too are another very wealthy country...and currently the German economy is propping up the EU....(Brexit remember)

So....let's watch the envy of the various nations get really nasty before it all shakes out.

Prediction here:
France will get caught buying large quantities of vaccine and then overcharging those desperate for it.
PRC will try to claim they have developed their own version of a mRNA vaccine and have it up for sale at a cheap price if you buy some junk bonds at the same time but the truth will be that they actually stole the recipe from someone. (Likely a vaccine factory in India)
And the WHO will condemn the US for not giving away the mRNA technology vaccines to everyone who asks while suggesting that they not use the booster shots for the new variants.

Let's just see what happens...
You really think that a booster shot will end this for you? You're dreaming.
Of course not. Now that The government knows what spineless sheeple the puplic are. They will continue this crap.
It takes about two to five years for a global pandemic to get under control. We are halfway through the second year. This one will last a bit longer because of the incubation period.

That, and people refusing to get vaccinated.

I can’t read as I have dementia

I was going to think of a comeback,.. but I forgot.

The Pfizer vaccine is only 39% effective against the Delta Variant.

Really? That's surprising because I heard that the Pfizer was the strongest and most effective. Of course, that's up against the original virus so who knows,.. I'm not all that concerned about it anyways.
Thank god by accident I had M
So did I...and I was more than happy to as the chief scientist that created Moderna's vaccine works here in town at Vanderbilt University.
There's still a ton of research ongoing surrounding this virus at Vandy. (My wife works there as well)

I hear a lot about it...most of the stuff you hear in mainstream media are either blatant lies or conclusions drawn from incomplete research.
Part of the day we live in. But the new booster shot for the variants is going to be good...then likely we will need one more for the next generation of variants and we can likely then relax afterwards. (If what has been predicted by those who should know comes true.... and that's as much as I'm at liberty to say)
I am not taking anymore unless it’s an extreme situation
Well chances are that for at least the next decade all public transportation is going to require a "vaccination" record of some sort. Especially ones involving ships, planes, or international destinations.

I know that it isn't exactly something that we want to see...we prefer anonymity when traveling. And some of us have "48 claustrophobia" meaning that we like using our passports and applying for visas on a regular basis.

Most likely it will be the result of a reciprocating reaction to some country wanting only vaccinated people traveling to their country.
Genetics... behavior patterns...all kinds of reasons.

A vaccine is an injection of a type of poison that triggers your own immune system to fight off an infection. Everyone's immune system is different. Everyone's eating and health habits are different. And if you have traveled outside the country looking at those behaviors it becomes really apparent.

Germany, like Brazil, has a huge amount of fruit juices consumed on a daily basis. Brazilian people also shower at a minimum of two to three times per day.

Israeli don't consume so much fresh fruit or have available water for such behaviors.

These habits play a role in immunology. They don't protect perfectly but they do have an effect.

This may play a certain role in natural immunity but not for a vaccine. It certainly wouldn't show a difference of over 72% from 88% to 16%. If Israelis show efficacies approaching 0% by december while it's still over 70% everywhere else then there is something very wrong going on in Israel or Israelis that has nothing to do with the pfizer vaccine itself.
This may play a certain role in natural immunity but not for a vaccine. It certainly wouldn't show a difference of over 72% from 88% to 16%. If Israelis show efficacies approaching 0% by december while it's still over 70% everywhere else then there is something very wrong going on in Israel or Israelis that has nothing to do with the pfizer vaccine itself.
They are talking about Delta Variant...not the original virus efficacy.
Oh shit!!! You better get the jab! There’s a 1 to 5 percent chance you, if you get it, could assume room temperature!!!!
I had to look this up. According to israel the vaccine is as low as 16% effective against delta if you were vaccinated back in January, so the farther back you go the less effective it is. I don't think i need to tell you there's just something not right here. An efficacy that low affords virtually zero protection and it will continue to get worse as the months go by. How can one country have such wildly different numbers compared to everyone else? No one is showing efficacy numbers even remotely close to 16%. There would be massive breakthrough outbreaks all over the country for ppl vaccinated in jan/feb. In the US we are still seeing as high as 99% of covid patients have not been vaccinated. If what Israel reported was true we would be seeing a bare minimum of 30-40% of all new cases as breakthroughs here in the US. Again, that's not even remotely the case.
You are missing important parameters of PRRSV, a pig virus that was likely the most ancient ancestor of SARS-CoVs. In addition, the longer the unvaccinated remain so, the less effective will be the vaccine. Duh
So did I...and I was more than happy to as the chief scientist that created Moderna's vaccine works here in town at Vanderbilt University.
There's still a ton of research ongoing surrounding this virus at Vandy. (My wife works there as well)

I hear a lot about it...most of the stuff you hear in mainstream media are either blatant lies or conclusions drawn from incomplete research.
Part of the day we live in. But the new booster shot for the variants is going to be good...then likely we will need one more for the next generation of variants and we can likely then relax afterwards. (If what has been predicted by those who should know comes true.... and that's as much as I'm at liberty to say)
Horse manure. Fau Chi knows about the pig link to the commie virus, and DeSantis is addressing the variants question with Regeneron. A remarkable coincidence about that funding.

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