Boosters For Delta

I had my 2 shots and that is it

Yep. The uptake on the boosters will be a lot less than the first two shots. And then the Vax Church crowd will have a lot more unvaxxed to rail against. Too bad so sad.

Hey, a question: does this mean those who got their two shots in Jan are not unvaccinated? I think we could say....yes
The real question is ... what will they do when they run out of Greek letters to name the variants?

Will they start all over again with Alpha?

They'll use locations. For example, the "Delaware variant" of infectious bronchitis virus (IBV)

To be perfectly honest with you a shot's a shot and I don't know why people are making such a big deal about this. The more people refuse to get vaccinated, the longer this pandemic is going to go on and you're just making it worse for everybody then and the vaccinated has to pay for your stupid mistake.
To be perfectly honest with you a shot's a shot and I don't know why people are making such a big deal about this. The more people refuse to get vaccinated, the longer this pandemic is going to go on and you're just making it worse for everybody then and the vaccinated has to pay for your stupid mistake.
Most of the antivaxxer propaganda is social media driven by other country's concerted efforts. They don't want the USA to be vaccinated. Notice the article I posted in the OP....the WHO has come out saying that they don't want us to use it because of "vaccine inequality". Meaning they don't have the means to steal the technology or develop their own line of mRNA vaccines.

They would have to actually pay for the vaccines instead of stealing it like they have done of so many other pieces of intellectual property.

And they don't want's like one of those people who have bootlegged so many movies for so long that when they can't steal a copy of one they have been wanting to see they throw a fit.
I had my 2 shots and that is it
No one is forcing you to take them...
I personally recommend that you do. But I'm an internet nobody.

But if you read and comprehend the second article I posted you will understand the need.
No one is forcing you to take them...

People are trying to. (In other words liberals) I'm against that part, but it's sort of stupid to reject it in my mind. It's like if you were sick with cancer and somebody offered you a miracle cure for it and you refused.
People are trying to. (In other words liberals) I'm against that part, but it's sort of stupid to reject it in my mind. It's like if you were sick with cancer and somebody offered you a miracle cure for it and you refused.
My Father in law is currently in the hospital based on a political activist doctor giving bad advice...he could have had the antibody treatment but now it's too late as his oxygen levels have dropped too low. So he has an oxygen bottle...we currently aren't sure if he is going to stay hospitalized or not.

He too is one of those antivaxxers and anti-mask people...I guess he is learning the hard way. Or maybe not. He gets the flu every year too instead of taking a vaccine.
He too is one of those antivaxxers and anti-mask people...I guess he is learning the hard way. Or maybe not. He gets the flu every year too instead of taking a vaccine.

I didn't use to be an anti-masker but now I am. I'm sick of the government trying to force them on people and I'm vaccinated already so I shouldn't have to wear one.
The more people refuse to get vaccinated, the longer this pandemic is going to go on

I hate to be the one to break this to you, but it's not going to end. If 110% of all Americans get vaccinated, they will do the same thing for the next variant and the next flu season,, forever.

Acquiescence will not stop this, only rebellion.
I hate to be the one to break this to you, but it's not going to end. If 110% of all Americans get vaccinated, they will do the same thing for the next variant and the next flu season,, forever.

Acquiescence will not stop this, only rebellion.

What kind of messed up logic is that?
I hate to be the one to break this to you, but it's not going to end. If 110% of all Americans get vaccinated, they will do the same thing for the next variant and the next flu season,, forever.

Acquiescence will not stop this, only rebellion.

No...that's where you are wrong.

We know a lot about the rhythm of a pandemic. The last one (influenza) taught us a lot about them.
Currently influenza is mostly under control and outbreaks are treated accordingly with antivirals and vaccinations. WWI was basically halted because of influenza. Which is why we had WWII.

It takes about two to five years for a global pandemic to get under control. We are halfway through the second year. This one will last a bit longer because of the incubation period. Influenza has a relatively short incubation period. Covid-19 has a longer it's going to be spread around for a while.

We will be good probably after the next round of mutation and vaccines for them. Second waves and third waves are notorious because of people's behavior patterns.

Anti-mask and antivaxxer activists were around for influenza too. Except that it was the Democratic party that was behind it that time. Kinda odd how the parties swapped places this time around.
600,000 WITH covid, not really because of it. It was mostly old people and people with a comorbidity. It moved their death up a month... This isn't ebola, or we'd probably all be dead by now, lol.
The risk isn't just death. Covid is a disease of the endothelium. It attacks the lining of the organs. It just gains entry through the respiratory system.

The risk is a shorter life span.

But I think it's a great risk for you to take and I'm even willing to suffer any increase in virus mutation you might add. :)
I can’t read as I have dementia
I know that you are trying to make a joke about it...
But those who have lost their sense of smell and taste have had the infection reach their nervous system...which the brain is the chief organ. That's why those senses were lost. Most people get those senses back...but that doesn't mean that they will work like they used to.
Just saying...this virus is not like ones of the past.
Moderna says its Covid vaccine booster produced ‘robust’ immune response against delta

Looks like what I have been saying is close to becoming a reality.

Maybe we can get another emergency approval and get back to work.

WHO's comment about vaccine inequality was disturbing.... really in eugenics disturbing. But no matter...I expect that the new booster shots will be available soon.

I wonder what the efficacy is against Delta seeing as their efficacy against the original strain at 6 months is 92% compared to pfizers 84%.

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