Border Adjustment Tax Is Worthy of Support

Domestic high tech industries are having an extremely difficult time finding people who have the necessary skills to fill their open positions.

THAT is where we should be focusing. Training our workforce for tomorrow's jobs, not yesterday's low skilled jobs.
HA HA HA. Standard high-tech company :bsflag: line. What else is new ? :rolleyes:

When there's a labor shortage, wages are high. But they aren't. They're lower than ever. Why ? Because it's what the low-wage Indians are willing to work for. So they do.
You've been consistently wrong throughout this topic. So why not just keep going, right?

The top 10 most difficult tech jobs for companies to fill

Competition is especially fierce for skilled tech workers in Mass.

It’s not uncommon for skilled tech workers in Boston to receive 20 phone calls per day from hiring recruiters, luring them to other companies with promises of better pay, flexible work hours, or even perks like rooftop decks and basketball courts, The Boston Globe reports.

That’s because the demand for tech talent has never been this dire.

Did you say low wages? Not in the tech industry:

While this growth is great for software developers and network engineers fresh out of college who stand to make starting salaries upwards of $90,000, it’s creating a hiring crunch that is affecting more than just startups and tech companies.

Spoken by someone apparently not in the high tech industry. While many high tech jobs are in the $90,000 to $110,000 range, many companies, high tech or not, don't want to pay that kind of money. Especially when they can, for example, outsource to India for a fraction of that. Where they run into problems is attempting to manage projects remotely.
Domestic high tech industries are having an extremely difficult time finding people who have the necessary skills to fill their open positions.

THAT is where we should be focusing. Training our workforce for tomorrow's jobs, not yesterday's low skilled jobs.
HA HA HA. Standard high-tech company :bsflag: line. What else is new ? :rolleyes:

When there's a labor shortage, wages are high. But they aren't. They're lower than ever. Why ? Because it's what the low-wage Indians are willing to work for. So they do.
You've been consistently wrong throughout this topic. So why not just keep going, right?

The top 10 most difficult tech jobs for companies to fill

Competition is especially fierce for skilled tech workers in Mass.

It’s not uncommon for skilled tech workers in Boston to receive 20 phone calls per day from hiring recruiters, luring them to other companies with promises of better pay, flexible work hours, or even perks like rooftop decks and basketball courts, The Boston Globe reports.

That’s because the demand for tech talent has never been this dire.

Did you say low wages? Not in the tech industry:

While this growth is great for software developers and network engineers fresh out of college who stand to make starting salaries upwards of $90,000, it’s creating a hiring crunch that is affecting more than just startups and tech companies.
Like it's hard to find high-tech outsourcing propaganda
???? Not hardly.
Domestic high tech industries are having an extremely difficult time finding people who have the necessary skills to fill their open positions.

THAT is where we should be focusing. Training our workforce for tomorrow's jobs, not yesterday's low skilled jobs.
HA HA HA. Standard high-tech company :bsflag: line. What else is new ? :rolleyes:

When there's a labor shortage, wages are high. But they aren't. They're lower than ever. Why ? Because it's what the low-wage Indians are willing to work for. So they do.
You've been consistently wrong throughout this topic. So why not just keep going, right?

The top 10 most difficult tech jobs for companies to fill

Competition is especially fierce for skilled tech workers in Mass.

It’s not uncommon for skilled tech workers in Boston to receive 20 phone calls per day from hiring recruiters, luring them to other companies with promises of better pay, flexible work hours, or even perks like rooftop decks and basketball courts, The Boston Globe reports.

That’s because the demand for tech talent has never been this dire.

Did you say low wages? Not in the tech industry:

While this growth is great for software developers and network engineers fresh out of college who stand to make starting salaries upwards of $90,000, it’s creating a hiring crunch that is affecting more than just startups and tech companies.
The tech industry is INUNDATED with relatively low wages, paid to low-wage foreigners (mostly from India), many of whom are trained by higher wage Americans being dumped by the soulless companies, to maximze their profits. The Americans are threatened with severance package loss if the refuse to train the H1B workers.

This is all common knowledge. I suspect you are a high-tech mouthpiece, here to promote this pile of treason. Whatever your vested interest, you can blabber away. It won't change anything. Outsourcing is about to go the way of the Edsel. That will apply to China too, once we get the North Korean thing ironed out. Have fun yammering, if you must (if if you're getting paid for it.) :biggrin:

How H-1B Visas Are Screwing Tech Workers – Mother Jones

H1B Wages Not Based on BLS Data

GOP Pushing More Low-Paying Guestworker Visas | The Economic Populist
Train our kids for the jobs of tomorrow, not the low skilled low paying jobs of yesterday.

Protectionism has never worked. It is backward looking and self-defeating.
It's working ALREADY. (Carrier, Ford, Boeing, etc) :biggrin: How much are they paying you ?
A 45 percent tariff on Chinese-made goods could drive up U.S. retail prices on those goods by an average of about 10 percent, Capital Economics has calculated. Consumers would find it hard to escape the price squeeze.

For Americans, Trump's tariffs on imports could be costly
FALSE! Businesses CANNOT raise rices above their market price.

Maybe you think a price comes from the business owners lucky number ? Could that be it ? :laugh: :slap:

Businesses cannot produce goods if they cannot be produced at a decent profit. If they can't they will not produce it.

The American car producers have made their high margin cars in the US. Lower priced cars are assembled in Mexico to keep the prices down. Not everyone can buy a truck.

Americans who work in the import/export business will lose their jobs. No real jobs are gained. They are shifted and that is all.
Not realistic, but nice try. Millions of American jobs will be gained, by the companies returning to the USA

That is false. The jobs that are gained will be lost in the export/import industry. Also many jobs have been lost to automation. That is what is happening with Carrier.

Many of the cars made in Mexico are low margin vehicles. If the tariffs erode the remaining profit and they cannot raise prices they will drop the product. That will hurt middle and low class consumers.

TPP would have lowered or eliminated tariffs on thousands of American goods and services. Trump walked away from that. Also is the US prepared to eliminate tariffs and other restrictions that certain foreign products face? A shipload of pizzas were stopped at the docks because they had a minute amount of sugar in them.
The US is prepared to IMPOSE tariffs, not eliminate them. Loss of jobs has gone on far too long. It will turn around now.

You are a hypocrite. It is okay for the US to impose tariffs but other countries better not. Protectionism is a losers' game.

Any change up or down in the profit margin from higher taxes has an effect, too. Which you are completely ignoring.
No I'm not. I stated previously, a change in profits too far down could drive the firm out of business, which merely shows it wasn't prepared TO BE in business in the first place. If you can't operate in the US, and pay Americans decent wages, then screw you. Do things correct to begin with, and you won't have to be crying later.

Those who can't afford to do things right IN THE USA, should do what we all do who can't afford to run a business here, GET A JOB!

YOU NEED TO GET A JOB. You clearly don't have a clue about economics.
Businesses cannot produce goods if they cannot be produced at a decent profit. If they can't they will not produce it.
No shit, Sherlock! :biggrin:

That is false. The jobs that are gained will be lost in the export/import industry. Also many jobs have been lost to automation. That is what is happening with Carrier.
Got something concrete to back all that up ? If so, let's hear it (not from a vested interest) - or are we supposed to just take all that on faith ?

You are a hypocrite. It is okay for the US to impose tariffs but other countries better not. Protectionism is a losers' game.
You have this backwards. It is the "other countries" that HAVE been imposing the tariffs. USA has been the victim of unfair trade practices. The new tariffs are to fix that.

YOU NEED TO GET A JOB. You clearly don't have a clue about economics.
I HAD a job - teaching economics. Like I'm doing to you now. :biggrin:
That's not my post, dipshit.

And if you were an economics teacher, I pity your students. I see you used the past tense. That makes sense. Fired, eh?
OK. It's not your post. So a keyboard slip up happened. Big deal. Big enough to necessitate anger and profanity by you ? Getting steamed, that you can't just roll over everybody in this thread, huh ? Try deep breathing, or yoga. Pet a cat.

You can find something to calm yourself down, from having your ass handed to you in this thread (and the Muslim one, which you obviously are clueless about) :laugh:
Businesses cannot produce goods if they cannot be produced at a decent profit. If they can't they will not produce it.
No shit, Sherlock! :biggrin:

No shit! You are the one who is saying that businesses will go on even with tariffs.

You are a hypocrite. It is okay for the US to impose tariffs but other countries better not. Protectionism is a losers' game.
You have this backwards. It is the "other countries" that HAVE been imposing the tariffs. USA has been the victim of unfair trade practices. The new tariffs are to fix that.[/QUOTE]

This country also imposes tariffs. If we want other countries to remove tariffs then we will have to remove out tariffs.

YOU NEED TO GET A JOB. You clearly don't have a clue about economics.
I HAD a job - teaching economics. Like I'm doing to you now. :biggrin:[/QUOTE]

The only thing you are teaching me is that you were a lousy teacher. Pity on your students who listened to your garbage.
Trump proves he lied to get votes from low info rubes! Now that you elected Trump, his white house officially took the Border Adjustment off the table!
Domestic high tech industries are having an extremely difficult time finding people who have the necessary skills to fill their open positions.

THAT is where we should be focusing. Training our workforce for tomorrow's jobs, not yesterday's low skilled jobs.
HA HA HA. Standard high-tech company :bsflag: line. What else is new ? :rolleyes:

When there's a labor shortage, wages are high. But they aren't. They're lower than ever. Why ? Because it's what the low-wage Indians are willing to work for. So they do.
You've been consistently wrong throughout this topic. So why not just keep going, right?

The top 10 most difficult tech jobs for companies to fill

Competition is especially fierce for skilled tech workers in Mass.

It’s not uncommon for skilled tech workers in Boston to receive 20 phone calls per day from hiring recruiters, luring them to other companies with promises of better pay, flexible work hours, or even perks like rooftop decks and basketball courts, The Boston Globe reports.

That’s because the demand for tech talent has never been this dire.

Did you say low wages? Not in the tech industry:

While this growth is great for software developers and network engineers fresh out of college who stand to make starting salaries upwards of $90,000, it’s creating a hiring crunch that is affecting more than just startups and tech companies.

Spoken by someone apparently not in the high tech industry. While many high tech jobs are in the $90,000 to $110,000 range, many companies, high tech or not, don't want to pay that kind of money. Especially when they can, for example, outsource to India for a fraction of that. Where they run into problems is attempting to manage projects remotely.
Actually, I am in the high tech industry. Bigly.

I know of what I speak.

I even provided links. You provided bloviation.
No shit! You are the one who is saying that businesses will go on even with tariffs.
Sure they will - but in the USA , after they move back here :biggrin:

This country also imposes tariffs. If we want other countries to remove tariffs then we will have to remove out tariffs.
Again you have it backwards. Maybe it's that liberal media that has things so fouled up. WE are the tariff victims. By setting tariffs on our imports, we thereby even the table.

The only thing you are teaching me is that you were a lousy teacher. Pity on your students who listened to your garbage.
So what do you say is wrong with what I've said ? :biggrin:
Domestic high tech industries are having an extremely difficult time finding people who have the necessary skills to fill their open positions.

THAT is where we should be focusing. Training our workforce for tomorrow's jobs, not yesterday's low skilled jobs.
HA HA HA. Standard high-tech company :bsflag: line. What else is new ? :rolleyes:

When there's a labor shortage, wages are high. But they aren't. They're lower than ever. Why ? Because it's what the low-wage Indians are willing to work for. So they do.
You've been consistently wrong throughout this topic. So why not just keep going, right?

The top 10 most difficult tech jobs for companies to fill

Competition is especially fierce for skilled tech workers in Mass.

It’s not uncommon for skilled tech workers in Boston to receive 20 phone calls per day from hiring recruiters, luring them to other companies with promises of better pay, flexible work hours, or even perks like rooftop decks and basketball courts, The Boston Globe reports.

That’s because the demand for tech talent has never been this dire.

Did you say low wages? Not in the tech industry:

While this growth is great for software developers and network engineers fresh out of college who stand to make starting salaries upwards of $90,000, it’s creating a hiring crunch that is affecting more than just startups and tech companies.

Spoken by someone apparently not in the high tech industry. While many high tech jobs are in the $90,000 to $110,000 range, many companies, high tech or not, don't want to pay that kind of money. Especially when they can, for example, outsource to India for a fraction of that. Where they run into problems is attempting to manage projects remotely.
Actually, I am in the high tech industry. Bigly.

I know of what I speak.

I even provided links. You provided bloviation.

More like Bigly BS.
Domestic high tech industries are having an extremely difficult time finding people who have the necessary skills to fill their open positions.

THAT is where we should be focusing. Training our workforce for tomorrow's jobs, not yesterday's low skilled jobs.
HA HA HA. Standard high-tech company :bsflag: line. What else is new ? :rolleyes:

When there's a labor shortage, wages are high. But they aren't. They're lower than ever. Why ? Because it's what the low-wage Indians are willing to work for. So they do.
You've been consistently wrong throughout this topic. So why not just keep going, right?

The top 10 most difficult tech jobs for companies to fill

Competition is especially fierce for skilled tech workers in Mass.

It’s not uncommon for skilled tech workers in Boston to receive 20 phone calls per day from hiring recruiters, luring them to other companies with promises of better pay, flexible work hours, or even perks like rooftop decks and basketball courts, The Boston Globe reports.

That’s because the demand for tech talent has never been this dire.

Did you say low wages? Not in the tech industry:

While this growth is great for software developers and network engineers fresh out of college who stand to make starting salaries upwards of $90,000, it’s creating a hiring crunch that is affecting more than just startups and tech companies.

Spoken by someone apparently not in the high tech industry. While many high tech jobs are in the $90,000 to $110,000 range, many companies, high tech or not, don't want to pay that kind of money. Especially when they can, for example, outsource to India for a fraction of that. Where they run into problems is attempting to manage projects remotely.
Actually, I am in the high tech industry. Bigly.

I know of what I speak.

I even provided links. You provided bloviation.

More like Bigly BS.
Yes, you provided bigly BS. Same thing as bloviation.

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