Border Adjustment Tax Is Worthy of Support

President Trump’s support in getting elected POTUS, in part, came from the proposal to slap outsource companies overseas, with tariffs on their imports. The idea being to make it uneconomical for those companies to operate outside the US.

Forcing them to return to the US, together with deporting illegal aliens, will indeed create more jobs (FOR AMERICANS), dramatically raise the amount of disposable income inside the US, and boost sales of US companies, creating the GDP growth we need.

Well. Now we have the naysayers. As with most critics, they are a varied group. First, there are those companies who ARE operating outside the US (and their stockholders), who don’t want to change. They only care about what’s good for THEM, and not the nation.

Then there’s the outsourcing lobby groups (Trilateral Commission, Council on Foreign Relations, etc). Then there’s opportunist politicians who support outsourcing for their own personal political gain (ex. Hillary Clinton). Last but not least there’s the Trump bashers who simply cling to an opposition of whatever Trump does, and then conjure up some ”reason” to oppose him.

Perhaps the main thrust of the tariff opponents, is the claim that they will harm the American consumers by causing prices to rise on the taxed imports. 40 years ago, as an economics teacher in the City University of New York, I taught how companies employ this myth as a scare tactic to anyone who never studied microeconomics, and doesn’t know the simple fact about how prices are established (and maintained).

Briefly, firms CANNOT just raise prices whenever they fell like it. As a former business owner myself, I know that each product has its MARKET price. This comes from the market, not us business owners. We actually have little to nothing to say about what our price will be.

The price is the highest price that can be charged, without triggering income reductions from reductions in SALES$$. A price is a number. It’s not just somebody’s lucky number. Or their birthday. Pricing experience reveals what the market price is, and any change up or down, results in reduced income.

This can be graphically shown by a bell-shaped curve, with income on the Y axis, and prices rising on the X axis. The market price (ei. the prices you see on the store shelves) are a point on the top of the curve.

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Without a college course, people can just use their common sense. If firms could bring more money in (to compensate for some new expense), just by raising prices, why wouldn’t they have had those higher prices the month before ? And the month before that, etc ?

And why wouldn’t the price of every single item in Walmart be a million dollars ? Answer ? >> SALES.

"Forcing them to return to the US"

Does that include what's listed in the link in my signature?

Go ahead cupcake. Explain why you believe those jobs should no be in the US.


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A robot can build a car, but it cannot scrub a toilet.

That does not bode well for the future of human labor.

I'm teaching my children to be the people who design the machines. The Bosses of Everyone.

They are not going to set their goals on taking back T-shirt making jobs from the Vietnamese.
I am 100% all for border adjustment. I say we get Trump, put together a kickass, take-no-prisoners army, and move the northern border up about 200 miles further up, and move the southern border about 200 miles further down and just TAKE THE LAND. Kill everything that gets in our way. Then we will have the room we need, maybe cut off California and New England as foreign hostile territory, put up a wall and send all the undesirables there. Come across our border, and pay a 100% tax or die.
Your problems are not "because Mexicans". Your problems are because you bleev the lies told you by your nativist propaganda outlets and populist morons like Trump (who makes his suits in Mexico).
Just a reminder of what I said in my first post in this topic, Trump is opposed to the BAT.
And what really happens:
According to our calculations, explained in this policy brief, the total cost to American consumers from higher prices resulting from safeguard tariffs on Chinese tires was around $1.1 billion in 2011. The cost per job manufacturing saved (a maximum of 1,200 jobs by our calculations) was at least $900,000 in that year (see table above).
2009 tire tariffs cost US consumers $926K per job saved and led to the loss of 3 retail jobs per factory job saved • AEI
I hate to knock the ground out from under you but your link to AEI is faulty. AEI is a barely more than a lobbying group for free traders - ie. the very outsourcers being faced with having to pay the BAT. Naturally, they're going to continue the ludicrous notion that somehow firms can increase their income by raising prices (when doing so, LOWERS income, due to sales reductions) Ho hum.

Yeah, that what "really happens" >> when you a very biased source to do your talking for you.
Just a reminder of what I said in my first post in this topic, Trump is opposed to the BAT.
Trump is the sponsor of BAT and tariffs generally on outsource firms. A major part of his campaign.
Your problems are not "because Mexicans". Your problems are because you bleev the lies told you by your nativist propaganda outlets and populist morons like Trump who makes his ties in China.
Sounds like YOU are the one who is doing too much believing. There's a lot of anti-Trump, anti-nationalist, pro-free trade jibberish out there.
Almost 88 percent of job losses in manufacturing in recent years can be attributable to productivity growth, and the long-term changes to manufacturing employment are mostly linked to the productivity of American factories.
I wasn't disagreeing. That is beside the BAT point, and tariffs on imports.
"Anytime I hear border adjustment, I don't love it." - Donald Trump
“Under the border adjustment concept, if somebody is making a motorcycle or a plane in our country, they’re getting a credit for the plane they make before they send it over to wherever it’s going,” he said. “And you don’t need that plus lower taxes and everything else.

"And it's too complicated. They get credit on some parts and not other parts. Where was the part made? I don’t want that. I just want it nice and simple.”

Donald Trump Warns on House Republican Tax Plan
And what really happens:
According to our calculations, explained in this policy brief, the total cost to American consumers from higher prices resulting from safeguard tariffs on Chinese tires was around $1.1 billion in 2011. The cost per job manufacturing saved (a maximum of 1,200 jobs by our calculations) was at least $900,000 in that year (see table above).
2009 tire tariffs cost US consumers $926K per job saved and led to the loss of 3 retail jobs per factory job saved • AEI
I hate to knock the ground out from under you but your link to AEI is faulty. AEI is a barely more than a lobbying group for free traders - ie. the very outsourcers being faced with having to pay the BAT. Naturally, they're going to continue the ludicrous notion that somehow firms can increase their income by raising prices (when doing so, LOWERS income, due to sales reductions) Ho hum.

Yeah, that what "really happens" >> when you a very biased source to do your talking for you.

There are many studies that conclude the same thing. You however have none that support your claims. Tariffs never work.
I happen to agree with Trump on the "nice and simple" concept. And that is precisely what Kevin Brady came up with. A 25 percent corporate tax rate with virtually no tax expenditures mucking it all up.

But then, " the time every lobbyist, every special interest group in town, representing every major corporation in this country, the tax rate was automatically all the way back above 30 by the time you put everybody's special loophole in."

So...BAT. Directly caused by tax expenditures and "every special interest group in town".
Even without a broader conflict, tariffs can damage corporate America. Back in 2002, President George W. Bush imposed tariffs of up to 30 percent on imported steel. American steel producers took advantage of the tariffs to raise their own prices, thereby squeezing U.S. industrial companies that buy steel. The Consuming Industries Trade Action Coalition, representing steel buyers, has said the tariffs cost thousands of U.S. jobs.
A border adjustment tax is a stupid idea. It is another name for a tariff. It will invite retaliation. In addition, it will increase costs for consumers and consumers will have fewer choices. Taxes are paid by consumers not corporations so the idea that consumers will not suffer is ridiculous. Businesses cannot operate at a loss no matter what kind of curve you use.

You don't understand, it's not a zero sum game. As a result Trump can reduce other taxes.


The only taxes the Rs will cut is for themselves and other 1%ers.

Unless you're very wealthy, your taxes are going up.


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And the reality is:
2009 tire tariffs cost US consumers $926K per job saved and led to the loss of 3 retail jobs per factory job saved • AEI

According to our calculations, explained in this policy brief, the total cost to American consumers from higher prices resulting from safeguard tariffs on Chinese tires was around $1.1 billion in 2011. The cost per job manufacturing saved (a maximum of 1,200 jobs by our calculations) was at least $900,000 in that year (see table above).
There is NO SUCH THING as "higher prices resulting from safeguard tariffs" No firm can raise the price of its product above its market price. To do so will put it out of business.

There is tons of propaganda that is to the contrary of this simple economic reality >> it is designed for the ignorant. That is what your link is. Nothing more.

We have many years of examples like the one I posted. Tariffs have never worked. Your claims don't match reality.
Of course tariffs work and every country has tariffs. The WTO allows tariffs for a number of reasons, but in general these regulations favor developing countries at the expense of developed countries. Will the tariffs the President has proposed cost consumers something, possibly but I think most American would be willing to pay a few dollars more for their next flat screen TV if it allowed their neighbor to keep his job and his house.

Why don't RWNJs understand what tariffs really are"

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I am 100% all for border adjustment. I say we get Trump, put together a kickass, take-no-prisoners army, and move the northern border up about 200 miles further up, and move the southern border about 200 miles further down and just TAKE THE LAND. Kill everything that gets in our way. Then we will have the room we need, maybe cut off California and New England as foreign hostile territory, put up a wall and send all the undesirables there. Come across our border, and pay a 100% tax or die.


You really are frootier than a nutcake.

My bet is the cheeto would like nothing more than to steal land from other countries. In fact has said that's one change he wants to make to the constitution.

But no - it's not going to happen.

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All of us. Did you watch the video in the link I provided?

I also quoted the relevant part a couple posts back.

Every time the working group created a lower tax structure in thei reform, special interests got the politicians they own to put their carve outs back in. This required the tax rates to be increased right back up again.

So...BAT. Its the cowards way out.
How do you jump from a tariff to a tax ? I'm still wondering who has to pay for a BAT (other than the outsourcer and his stockholders)

A tariff is a tax.

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