Border Patrol Agents Lament Wall Construction Halt

I know a bunch of Border Patrol folks by virtue of a training facility in my AO and to a man they despise Tater for what he has done at the border and beyond.

Also to a man they say Trump's new wall construction and stay in Mexico policy made their jobs one heck of a lot easier.

Something you don't hear about is, like The Halfrican, Tater stopped all transportation hub interdictions/apprehensions too, like interior bus/train stations checks and the like.
Now you don't hear of such things unless there is a accident with a bunch of dead/injured illegals involved.

It's also telling when the wives of the BP guys want them to try to get transferred to our northern border instead of going back South due to the burn-out and the marriage problems that have come along with it. Bear in mind better than half of them are of Hispanic heritage and were born/raised in the various border states.
Spot on. I've lived an hour's drive from the border since the 1980s. The border patrol has never been under this much stress. I'm still waiting for the Retard In Chief to apologize for accussing them of whipping Haitians like slave owners and vowing to "make them pay".
The wall is stupid and won't work and only brainwashed functional morons want one. The only solution is an ID card and organization for crying out loud, like every other modern country.
Right, like all the other countries who have voter ID cards which you libs despise.
Right, like all the other countries who have voter ID cards which you libs despise.
We have nothing against voter ID cards as long as they are basically incredibly easy to get, an expensive program. The thing is there is no problem that that is a solution for. There is no election fraud. Poor America. I don't care make it a work voting status ID card. And have teams go out and find the people and take the picture and hand deliver their ID cards. Make it a health card too. Every other modern country has all this stuff and none of these stupid GOP problems....
Spot on. I've lived an hour's drive from the border since the 1980s. The border patrol has never been under this much stress. I'm still waiting for the Retard In Chief to apologize for accussing them of whipping Haitians like slave owners and vowing to "make them pay".
They are mainly brainwashed Republicans too. Unfortunately we are a country of immigrants and should remain so, but we have to get this thing organized not just stop everyone, especially when global warming earthquakes and hurricanes are just destroying the place down there. We supposedly take responsibility for Latin America but I don't see any evidence of it the last 300 years lol. Of course no sacrifice is too great to save the greedy idiot geop mega rich from paying their fair share lol, according to their brainwashed doops...

They wonder who decided to do it???

Poop source.

Probably a fake story.

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