Born a Homo? Part II.

Seems to me that homophobes are like cockroaches. Shine the light of reason on them and they scatter! :D
MissileMan said:
Seems to me that homophobes are like cockroaches. Shine the light of reason on them and they scatter! :D

I think alot of homophobes split their time between gay-bashing and making sure the wife doesn't see them looking at gay pornsites. :teeth:
MissileMan said:
Seems to me that homophobes are like cockroaches. Shine the light of reason on them and they scatter! :D

(sigh) Okay - read the whole thread first, next time. We've already decided that shitty practice of placing the 'hate' words as labels to those who disagree is pointless and inaccurate.
-=d=- said:
(sigh) Okay - read the whole thread first, next time. We've already decided that shitty practice of placing the 'hate' words as labels to those who disagree is pointless and inaccurate.

Hate them cockroaches...
-=d=- said:
(sigh) Okay - read the whole thread first, next time. We've already decided that shitty practice of placing the 'hate' words as labels to those who disagree is pointless and inaccurate.

I don't think homophobe is anywhere near as hateful as queer, fag, etc., but I'm reasonable, so I'll reword it.

Those opposed to gay marriage are like cockroaches. Shine the light of reason on them and they scatter!

khafley said:
I'm going to go out on a limb here, I hope it doesn't bite me in the ass.
wade and I had a nice little pm conversation private of course so please don't ask, I think he is pretty much on the same page as the rest of us in this thread. He just had a hard time expressing that.


Khafley, wade is an imbecile. Please post the entire text of your PM's here and we will determine what your reaction should be to him. j/k. :funnyface
MissileMan said:
I don't think homophobe is anywhere near as hateful as queer, fag, etc., but I'm reasonable, so I'll reword it.

Those opposed to gay marriage are like cockroaches. Shine the light of reason on them and they scatter!


I'm opposed to government recognition of gay marriages.

But, I'm opposed to government recognition of strait marriages too.

Marriage is a religious institution, and as such the government should have no part in it. What the government should recognize is civil unions, and these should be available to any two consenting adults.

eric said:
Notice you did not address alcoholism ! Should they not live their live contrary to what their biology is demanding on them ? Maybe they too should just give in.

I think as time goes on science will find more and more of our sexual, social, and emotional makeup attributed to genectics, do you realize the can of worms that could be opened ?

Alcohol is not a natural drink, it is something created by man. As such, it is not at all the same as congenital homosexuality, which is something not created by man. Nobody who has never tasted alcohol craves it. But even the virgin homosexual finds themselves sexually attracted to members of the same sex.

It is not the same thing at all.

eric said:
Well, I have no children, yet I pay school tax !

And it would be reasonable to argue that if you could never have children you should not be required to pay school tax, since you can never benefit from it. However, even if you don't have children, unless you are infertile you somday might. And even if you are infertile, you may marry someone who already has kids.

In some cases it may be unfair, but it has been determined that for the social good everyone should pay school taxes.

Very weak argument there Eric.

-=d=- said:

Did I just read "I don't hate the PERSON - just their BEHAVIOUR (practicing the religion)???????"

If you get it.

There is a big difference between hating something and simply thinking it is foolish.

Get it?
OCA said:
The hell its not right! You can't be a couple with someone of the same sex, thats what nature and currently the law says, unless you are in Queerachusets. If I have a roomate for a few years, my buddy, and he has better health insurance than me, am I entitled to his health insurance because we share rent? HELL NO! WE ARE BOTH MALES! Jesus why is that so fucken hard to understand for some people? Its as simple as 2+2, man and woman.

If you enter into a contractual arraingement to share your life and your assets with your roomate then yes, you should be entitled to his health insurance coverage.

I can make the same argument about a hetrosexual arriangement. If I have female roomate for a few years, my buddy, and she has better health insurance than me, am I entitled to her health insurance because we share rent?

In the end you always come back to the same argument - you do not believe that a relationship between two people of the same sex is legitimate based upon your own personal biases. That's no argument at all!

khafley said:
I'm going to go out on a limb here, I hope it doesn't bite me in the ass.
wade and I had a nice little pm conversation private of course so please don't ask, I think he is pretty much on the same page as the rest of us in this thread. He just had a hard time expressing that.

That depends. Do you think homosexuals should have the right to enter into civil unions and recieve the same legal benefits as married couples?

Nobody who has never tasted alcohol craves it

But their genes will make them crave it, much the way a virgin homosexual finds himself attracted to another male. Hey he too can abstain for sex ! Keep in mind sexual interaction IS a choice. There are people who go their entire lives without it.

You can't bend fact to try and make your point !
And it would be reasonable to argue that if you could never have children you should not be required to pay school tax, since you can never benefit from it. However, even if you don't have children, unless you are infertile you somday might. And even if you are infertile, you may marry someone who already has kids.

Talk about a weak argument; still why should I pay now ??? The amount of school taxes paid per year, would more than pay for my child on a year to year basis.

In some cases it may be unfair, but it has been determined that for the social good everyone should pay school taxes.

Here we go with socialism again !
rtwngAvngr said:
Khafley, wade is an imbecile. Please post the entire text of your PM's here and we will determine what your reaction should be to him. j/k. :funnyface

Do not post your PMs. As stated in the rules, that is between you and wade. Any PMs posted here will be deleted.
khafley said:
I'm going to go out on a limb here, I hope it doesn't bite me in the ass.
wade and I had a nice little pm conversation private of course so please don't ask, I think he is pretty much on the same page as the rest of us in this thread. He just had a hard time expressing that.


Meaning he likes to argue for no reason? :D
khafley said:
I'm going to go out on a limb here, I hope it doesn't bite me in the ass.
wade and I had a nice little pm conversation private of course so please don't ask, I think he is pretty much on the same page as the rest of us in this thread. He just had a hard time expressing that.


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