Born in the U.S. = American citizen, but not if Trump has his way

That is the current interpretation of the Law, by the Supreme Court.

I think it is a flawed, even stupid ruling that should be reversed.

And your opinion changes reality 0.00%.

I never claimed otherwise.

Now if Trump is elected because of my OPINION combined with the OPINION of a majority of voters, then my opinion might end up changing reality.

Again, it's red, white and boo

"It was imperfectly odd. It was strangely unsettling. It was uniquely American.

On a balmy early Saturday summer evening, the U.S soccer team played for a prestigious championship in a U.S. stadium ... and was smothered in boos.

Its fans were vastly outnumbered. Its goalkeeper was bathed in a chanted obscenity. Even its national anthem was filled with the blowing of air horns and bouncing of beach balls.

Most of these hostile visitors didn't live in another country. Most, in fact, were not visitors at all, many of them being U.S. residents whose lives are here but whose sporting souls remain elsewhere."

"Obviously ... the support that Mexico has on the night like tonight makes it a home game for them," said U.S. Coach Bob Bradley, choosing his words carefully. "It's part of something we have to deal with on the night."

It wasn't just something. It was everything. I've never heard more consistent loud cheering for one team here, from the air horns to the " Ole" chants with each Mexico pass, all set to the soundtrack of a low throbbing roar that began in the parking lot about six hours before the game and continued long into the night.

Even when the U.S. scored the first two goals, the Mexico cheers stayed strong, perhaps inspiring El Tri to four consecutive goals against a U.S. team that seemed dazed and confused. Then when it ended, and the Mexican players had danced across the center of the field in giddy wonder while the U.S. players had staggered to the sidelines in disillusionment, the madness continued.

Because nobody left. Rather amazingly, the Mexico fans kept bouncing and cheering under headbands and sombreros, nobody moving an inch, the giant Rose Bowl jammed for a postgame trophy ceremony for perhaps the first time in its history.

And, yes, when the U.S. team was announced one final time, it was once again booed.

"We're not booing the country, we're booing the team," Sanchez said. "There is a big difference.""

Bullshit Sanchez, your heart is MEXICAN, only your paperwork is American.

A soccer game? Really?


An American city is a Home Game for the opposing team.

An [sic] crowd made up supposedly of "Americans" is heckling the National Anthem.......

The wife of the President of the United States heckled the flag. And soccer isn't even an American sport. Don't read too much into one crowd of douche bags.
I have very clearly stated that I do many, many times. Don't try to misrepresent my own views.
Your views are nonsensical.

If you allow the children born to illegals to stay, the parents ALWAYS stay.

You don't "allow" US citizens to stay in their own country. We need to control who comes into our country in the first place.
Illegals aren't US citizens......

People born in the US ARE US citizens.

Except for all the exceptions.

The few exceptions.
If this helps keep the anti-science republican party out of power....Well, I am all for it. Lets bring more in.
Being Born here should make you a citizen. End of story.
If America wasn't already turning into a shithole via immigration, we literally would have to worry about the entire world's supply of pregnant women coming here because of retarded Democrats and their mindless interpretation of the 14th amendment.
Trump has proposed ending birthright citizenship. Okay...more nations haven't got that policy than do have that policy. So it's not as though it couldn't be implemented. But how far do we want to go with this?
  • 14th Amendment
    "All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the state wherein they reside. No state shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any state deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws."

  • Statelessness

Imagine that, if a parent acts out of negligence or recklessness, (and leaves the child in a hot car on a summer day or any other dangerous stupid situation), isn't it the PARENT'S fault? So when illegals knowingly use and abuse the loopholes in the law to gain advantage, not sure I should care or feel sorry for these children. When the parents get deported, the kids should remain with their parents and the parent's home country should allow them citizenship.Why shouldn't the home country feel obligated? That is the part never mentioned or explained.
Are they the only ones? And I see that they didn't have it till 1977.

I cannot say what their citizenship policy was prior to 1977. What information have you showing that Canada's policy differed prior to 1977?

I can find no other country that has birthright citizenship other than the USA and Canada thanks to your link. Here is the specific part of the law that pertains to 1977 so that is a fairly recent change.

The Right to Citizenship
Marginal note:persons who are citizens
  • 3 (1) Subject to this Act, a person is a citizen if
    • (a) the person was born in Canada after February 14, 1977;

Damn, man. Will you please stop assuming that the information that comes your way is all there is to know about a topic? Was merely checking Wiki too much for you to do to confirm whether folks born in Canada prior to 1977 were automatically deemed Canadians?

By the 1930s and the outbreak of World War II, Canada's naturalization laws consisted of a hodgepodge of confusing acts, which still retained the term "British subject" as the designation for "Canadian nationals". This eventually conflicted with the nationalism that arose following the First and Second World Wars, and the accompanying desire to have the Dominion of Canada's sovereign status reflected in distinct national symbols (such as flags, anthem, seal, etc.). This, plus the muddled nature of existing nationality law, prompted the enactment of the "Canadian Citizenship Act, 1946", which took effect on 1 January 1947. On that date, "Canadian citizenship" was conferred on most Canadians previously classified as "British subjects". Subsequently, on 1 April 1949, Canadian nationality law was extended to Newfoundland, upon the former British colony joining the Canadian confederation as the Province of Newfoundland.

In general, everyone born in Canada from 1947 or later acquires Canadian citizenship at birth. In one 2008 case, a girl born to a Ugandan mother aboard a Northwest Airlines flight from Amsterdam to Boston was deemed a Canadian citizen for customs purposes because she was born over Canada's airspace.​

I don't use wiki because it isn't a reliable source. In your own post you will note that it says "in general", that is not true. The law that made that true went into effect on the date I showed. That is from the Canadian government website which you provided a link for.

Fine, you just keep thinking that. Go to Canada some day and try to convince them you are correct in thinking it too. They'll laugh you into ignominy and right back to the "westwall" from whence you came.

Sure thing junior. Asinine responses like that don't help your argument.
It is an EASY fix, just go ahead and elect the most vile person to ever be in public life. Then all illegals can come commit their heinous acts in your neighborhood. Prove beyond any doubt that liberals are scum, and should be removed from our society. But when you do this, remember this, the police you attack, the military you hate, the gun owners you constantly attack, the people you label with some vile tag to debase them are all ready to see you gone, and forgotten by whatever means are needed to accomplish the task. Taking a page from the lying scum liberal attack book "THE END JUSTIFIES ANY MEANS." Have a nice day!!
Anyone born in the US is a US citizen. All the whining in the world won't change that.
US citizens are not unconstitutional. The notion is absurd
If you are an emigrant pregnant women that ran across the border JUST to have your baby in an American hospital your child is not an American as far as I'm concerned. If you are living here and working on a visa that is different but you can't just come here to anchor yourself to our nation by spitting out your kid here. If you except and are okay with that form of citizenship I would question your motives.
Your "concern" does not alter the Constitution
I'm not concerned but you should be. You want to flood the nation with people that will eventually vote democrat but it's not going to happen. The people will not allow it. Yes I question your motives and your patronage for wanting this to happen.
Anyone born in the US is a US citizen. All the whining in the world won't change that.
Do you believe that anyone born in the US should be a US citizen?

That is exactly what the US Constitution says.
Which does not answer my question. Of course you being a language expert know that.

My apologies. The answer is yes.
Apology accepted. Thanks for the honest reply.

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