Both Germany and now Mrs. Clinton...


Gold Member
May 23, 2012
...are against the TPP, which Obama and his republican buddies are shoving down America's throat. Link below. Almost all repub senators and congressmen and enough democrats to make the deal pass, are for it. Bill Clinton's wife was for it, now she's against it. If she becomes prez (please God, no) then she'll be for it again, just like the increasingly corporatist conservative Obama. You know, the guy that didn't like these trade deals like Nafta, till he was safely in the white house, then he fell in love with it. These crummy deals that offshore America's jobs is one reasons that Sanders and Trump have been so popular. They're the only ones that have talked against "free trade". Notice TPP hasn't been allowed to be discussed at the phony republican debates? A lot of talk about abortion, immigration, Homosexuals, and flinging poo at each other is mostly what they did that night.

Berlin anti-TTIP trade deal protest attracts hundreds of thousands

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