Boycott goes prime-time in Israel

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Steve, it's the same mindset which has seen 'eco-activists' put spikes into trees in the American Northwest logging country, hoping to destroy chain-saws - and not caring whatsoever that loggers have gotten maimed or killed by flying debris.

While I don't see a citation for Phoneall's allegations, it's not impossible. Just because an organization is supposedly humanitarian, doesn't vaccinate every last one of its members against bigotry or baggage.

I'd call Phonall's so-far-unsubstantiated allegations "anti-Oxfam" rather than anything else. Again, such views are not unknown: we've seen a couple of posters inveighing against the SPLC, for example.

As to what benefit those actions would be to 'Palestinians' or anyone else - you're missing the point. Some people are so embedded in their ideology that they aren't 'activists' because they care about the cause they supposedly advocate for: they are USING their 'activist' persona to pursue vendettas against those whom their ideology dictates they must target. We've seen some of this in the US from both the 'TEA party' AND the 'Occupy' crowd - both ideologically driven, both extremists.

You yourself, Steve, are an example of an 'ideologue' here, attributing to Zionism attitudes which are NO part of most Zionists' views.

It is NOT Israel which has disenfranchised and ejected citizens of 'non establishment' religion: the entire rest of the ME had done so some 60-odd years ago after the nations of the Arab League drew up plans to revoke the citizenship of their Jewish populations en masse, steal everything they had - and eject them.

Until those who would claim Israel has been 'ethnically cleansing' the Palestinians are willing to address that ethnic cleansing conspiracy - the Palestinian cause is being sullied by their blatant hypocrisy.

That cause is further degraded by the acceptance of blatant Holocaust denial among 'activists' and even governments - your government has made that behavior criminal, Steve. So most of the 'Palestinian activists' are consorting with criminals........
Steve, it's the same mindset which has seen 'eco-activists' put spikes into trees in the American Northwest logging country, hoping to destroy chain-saws - and not caring whatsoever that loggers have gotten maimed or killed by flying debris.

While I don't see a citation for Phoneall's allegations, it's not impossible. Just because an organization is supposedly humanitarian, doesn't vaccinate every last one of its members against bigotry or baggage.

I'd call Phonall's so-far-unsubstantiated allegations "anti-Oxfam" rather than anything else. Again, such views are not unknown: we've seen a couple of posters inveighing against the SPLC, for example.

As to what benefit those actions would be to 'Palestinians' or anyone else - you're missing the point. Some people are so embedded in their ideology that they aren't 'activists' because they care about the cause they supposedly advocate for: they are USING their 'activist' persona to pursue vendettas against those whom their ideology dictates they must target. We've seen some of this in the US from both the 'TEA party' AND the 'Occupy' crowd - both ideologically driven, both extremists.

You yourself, Steve, are an example of an 'ideologue' here, attributing to Zionism attitudes which are NO part of most Zionists' views.

It is NOT Israel which has disenfranchised and ejected citizens of 'non establishment' religion: the entire rest of the ME had done so some 60-odd years ago after the nations of the Arab League drew up plans to revoke the citizenship of their Jewish populations en masse, steal everything they had - and eject them.

Until those who would claim Israel has been 'ethnically cleansing' the Palestinians are willing to address that ethnic cleansing conspiracy - the Palestinian cause is being sullied by their blatant hypocrisy.

That cause is further degraded by the acceptance of blatant Holocaust denial among 'activists' and even governments - your government has made that behavior criminal, Steve. So most of the 'Palestinian activists' are consorting with criminals........

Were you in the Arab countries between 1950 and 1973? I was ... The Arab Jews would still be in the Arab world if not for Israel.

Arabs were not denying the Holocaust.. From 1945 they were suggesting that the survivors be given the best land in Germany.
Steve, it's the same mindset which has seen 'eco-activists' put spikes into trees in the American Northwest logging country, hoping to destroy chain-saws - and not caring whatsoever that loggers have gotten maimed or killed by flying debris.

While I don't see a citation for Phoneall's allegations, it's not impossible. Just because an organization is supposedly humanitarian, doesn't vaccinate every last one of its members against bigotry or baggage.

I'd call Phonall's so-far-unsubstantiated allegations "anti-Oxfam" rather than anything else. Again, such views are not unknown: we've seen a couple of posters inveighing against the SPLC, for example.

As to what benefit those actions would be to 'Palestinians' or anyone else - you're missing the point. Some people are so embedded in their ideology that they aren't 'activists' because they care about the cause they supposedly advocate for: they are USING their 'activist' persona to pursue vendettas against those whom their ideology dictates they must target. We've seen some of this in the US from both the 'TEA party' AND the 'Occupy' crowd - both ideologically driven, both extremists.

You yourself, Steve, are an example of an 'ideologue' here, attributing to Zionism attitudes which are NO part of most Zionists' views.

It is NOT Israel which has disenfranchised and ejected citizens of 'non establishment' religion: the entire rest of the ME had done so some 60-odd years ago after the nations of the Arab League drew up plans to revoke the citizenship of their Jewish populations en masse, steal everything they had - and eject them.

Until those who would claim Israel has been 'ethnically cleansing' the Palestinians are willing to address that ethnic cleansing conspiracy - the Palestinian cause is being sullied by their blatant hypocrisy.

That cause is further degraded by the acceptance of blatant Holocaust denial among 'activists' and even governments - your government has made that behavior criminal, Steve. So most of the 'Palestinian activists' are consorting with criminals........

Were you in the Arab countries between 1950 and 1973? I was ... The Arab Jews would still be in the Arab world if not for Israel.

Arabs were not denying the Holocaust.. From 1945 they were suggesting that the survivors be given the best land in Germany.
Arabs had sided with the Nazis. Amin Al Husseini: Nazi Father of Jihad, Al Qaeda, Arafat, Saddam Hussein and the Muslim Brotherhood - Tell The Children The Truth - Homepage

Then the intolerant savages decided to take it out on the native Jews (who had nothing to do with Israel) just because the animals couldn't handle a non Muslim country, created by and for Jews, on their ancestral homeland.
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Steve, it's the same mindset which has seen 'eco-activists' put spikes into trees in the American Northwest logging country, hoping to destroy chain-saws - and not caring whatsoever that loggers have gotten maimed or killed by flying debris.

While I don't see a citation for Phoneall's allegations, it's not impossible. Just because an organization is supposedly humanitarian, doesn't vaccinate every last one of its members against bigotry or baggage.

I'd call Phonall's so-far-unsubstantiated allegations "anti-Oxfam" rather than anything else. Again, such views are not unknown: we've seen a couple of posters inveighing against the SPLC, for example.

As to what benefit those actions would be to 'Palestinians' or anyone else - you're missing the point. Some people are so embedded in their ideology that they aren't 'activists' because they care about the cause they supposedly advocate for: they are USING their 'activist' persona to pursue vendettas against those whom their ideology dictates they must target. We've seen some of this in the US from both the 'TEA party' AND the 'Occupy' crowd - both ideologically driven, both extremists.

You yourself, Steve, are an example of an 'ideologue' here, attributing to Zionism attitudes which are NO part of most Zionists' views.

It is NOT Israel which has disenfranchised and ejected citizens of 'non establishment' religion: the entire rest of the ME had done so some 60-odd years ago after the nations of the Arab League drew up plans to revoke the citizenship of their Jewish populations en masse, steal everything they had - and eject them.

Until those who would claim Israel has been 'ethnically cleansing' the Palestinians are willing to address that ethnic cleansing conspiracy - the Palestinian cause is being sullied by their blatant hypocrisy.

That cause is further degraded by the acceptance of blatant Holocaust denial among 'activists' and even governments - your government has made that behavior criminal, Steve. So most of the 'Palestinian activists' are consorting with criminals........

Were you in the Arab countries between 1950 and 1973? I was ... The Arab Jews would still be in the Arab world if not for Israel.

Arabs were not denying the Holocaust.. From 1945 they were suggesting that the survivors be given the best land in Germany.
Whose land would they have been given in Germany? Displaced persons of course. That's how Arabs got their lands. By "displacing" citizens out of their land and taking over. No, it was better for the Jews to go back to their lands that was given them millenniums ago and got displaced from. And don't come back with that tired old saw 'it wasn't the Jews land' after they were dispersed.
Steve, it's the same mindset which has seen 'eco-activists' put spikes into trees in the American Northwest logging country, hoping to destroy chain-saws - and not caring whatsoever that loggers have gotten maimed or killed by flying debris.

While I don't see a citation for Phoneall's allegations, it's not impossible. Just because an organization is supposedly humanitarian, doesn't vaccinate every last one of its members against bigotry or baggage.

I'd call Phonall's so-far-unsubstantiated allegations "anti-Oxfam" rather than anything else. Again, such views are not unknown: we've seen a couple of posters inveighing against the SPLC, for example.

As to what benefit those actions would be to 'Palestinians' or anyone else - you're missing the point. Some people are so embedded in their ideology that they aren't 'activists' because they care about the cause they supposedly advocate for: they are USING their 'activist' persona to pursue vendettas against those whom their ideology dictates they must target. We've seen some of this in the US from both the 'TEA party' AND the 'Occupy' crowd - both ideologically driven, both extremists.

You yourself, Steve, are an example of an 'ideologue' here, attributing to Zionism attitudes which are NO part of most Zionists' views.

It is NOT Israel which has disenfranchised and ejected citizens of 'non establishment' religion: the entire rest of the ME had done so some 60-odd years ago after the nations of the Arab League drew up plans to revoke the citizenship of their Jewish populations en masse, steal everything they had - and eject them.

Until those who would claim Israel has been 'ethnically cleansing' the Palestinians are willing to address that ethnic cleansing conspiracy - the Palestinian cause is being sullied by their blatant hypocrisy.

That cause is further degraded by the acceptance of blatant Holocaust denial among 'activists' and even governments - your government has made that behavior criminal, Steve. So most of the 'Palestinian activists' are consorting with criminals........

Were you in the Arab countries between 1950 and 1973? I was ... The Arab Jews would still be in the Arab world if not for Israel.

Arabs were not denying the Holocaust.. From 1945 they were suggesting that the survivors be given the best land in Germany.
Arabs had sided with the Nazis. Amin Al Husseini: Nazi Father of Jihad, Al Qaeda, Arafat, Saddam Hussein and the Muslim Brotherhood - Tell The Children The Truth - Homepage

Then the intolerant savages decided to take it out on the native Jews (who had nothing to do with Israel) just because the animals couldn't handle a non Muslim country, created by and for Jews, on their ancestral homeland.

Well the Zionists COLLABORATED with the NAZIS or has your selective memory deserted you once again.steve
Were you in the Arab countries between 1950 and 1973? I was ... The Arab Jews would still be in the Arab world if not for Israel.

Arabs were not denying the Holocaust.. From 1945 they were suggesting that the survivors be given the best land in Germany.
Arabs had sided with the Nazis. Amin Al Husseini: Nazi Father of Jihad, Al Qaeda, Arafat, Saddam Hussein and the Muslim Brotherhood - Tell The Children The Truth - Homepage

Then the intolerant savages decided to take it out on the native Jews (who had nothing to do with Israel) just because the animals couldn't handle a non Muslim country, created by and for Jews, on their ancestral homeland.

Well the Zionists COLLABORATED with the NAZIS or has your selective memory deserted you once again.steve
Negotiating to escape with your life while giving up all your assets and German Citizenship is not "collaborating", idiot.
Were you in the Arab countries between 1950 and 1973? I was ... The Arab Jews would still be in the Arab world if not for Israel.

Arabs were not denying the Holocaust.. From 1945 they were suggesting that the survivors be given the best land in Germany.
Arabs had sided with the Nazis. Amin Al Husseini: Nazi Father of Jihad, Al Qaeda, Arafat, Saddam Hussein and the Muslim Brotherhood - Tell The Children The Truth - Homepage

Then the intolerant savages decided to take it out on the native Jews (who had nothing to do with Israel) just because the animals couldn't handle a non Muslim country, created by and for Jews, on their ancestral homeland.

Well the Zionists COLLABORATED with the NAZIS or has your selective memory deserted you once again.steve
Steve, that subject has been hashed out a few times here so be a good boy, go Waltz Matilda like a good boy and let the grownups discuss matters.
Steve, it's the same mindset which has seen 'eco-activists' put spikes into trees in the American Northwest logging country, hoping to destroy chain-saws - and not caring whatsoever that loggers have gotten maimed or killed by flying debris.

While I don't see a citation for Phoneall's allegations, it's not impossible. Just because an organization is supposedly humanitarian, doesn't vaccinate every last one of its members against bigotry or baggage.

I'd call Phonall's so-far-unsubstantiated allegations "anti-Oxfam" rather than anything else. Again, such views are not unknown: we've seen a couple of posters inveighing against the SPLC, for example.

As to what benefit those actions would be to 'Palestinians' or anyone else - you're missing the point. Some people are so embedded in their ideology that they aren't 'activists' because they care about the cause they supposedly advocate for: they are USING their 'activist' persona to pursue vendettas against those whom their ideology dictates they must target. We've seen some of this in the US from both the 'TEA party' AND the 'Occupy' crowd - both ideologically driven, both extremists.

You yourself, Steve, are an example of an 'ideologue' here, attributing to Zionism attitudes which are NO part of most Zionists' views.

It is NOT Israel which has disenfranchised and ejected citizens of 'non establishment' religion: the entire rest of the ME had done so some 60-odd years ago after the nations of the Arab League drew up plans to revoke the citizenship of their Jewish populations en masse, steal everything they had - and eject them.

Until those who would claim Israel has been 'ethnically cleansing' the Palestinians are willing to address that ethnic cleansing conspiracy - the Palestinian cause is being sullied by their blatant hypocrisy.

That cause is further degraded by the acceptance of blatant Holocaust denial among 'activists' and even governments - your government has made that behavior criminal, Steve. So most of the 'Palestinian activists' are consorting with criminals........

Were you in the Arab countries between 1950 and 1973? I was ... The Arab Jews would still be in the Arab world if not for Israel.

Arabs were not denying the Holocaust.. From 1945 they were suggesting that the survivors be given the best land in Germany.
Whose land would they have been given in Germany? Displaced persons of course. That's how Arabs got their lands. By "displacing" citizens out of their land and taking over. No, it was better for the Jews to go back to their lands that was given them millenniums ago and got displaced from. And don't come back with that tired old saw 'it wasn't the Jews land' after they were dispersed.

And prior to the Jews arrival in the Holy Land it was "OWNED" by different peoples..The Cannanites,The Moabites,The Assyians ....etc., Hoss your grasp of history is somewhat limited.

As a footnote,Zionist inspired migration of Jewish people started from the early 1920's some 25 years earlier than you inaccurately stated.

Not all Jews fled from Palestine during the Roman period,admittedly there were not many and lived harmonisly sic with the Palestinians.

The real schism started in the late 1920's when the Palestinians realized the hordes of Jewish people would start to out number them.

At this time and until statehood the Zionists were/are a Terrorist Organisation..steve

It is an INJUSTICE and INSULT to say that the Palestinians or Jews are in any way like those Cnuts the Nazis and their Leader Hitler.......I suggest most of you should put your brains into gear before opening your mouths.

Both who are Cousins by the way are extremely good people who get on well.......the problem is THE EXTREMISTS of HATE on both sides,of which Israel has more.I'm the liq,I stand before you with TRUTH and RIGHTS.Viva Palestine,Viva Israel.........FCUK knows what the rest of you sometimes are
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Were you in the Arab countries between 1950 and 1973? I was ... The Arab Jews would still be in the Arab world if not for Israel.

Arabs were not denying the Holocaust.. From 1945 they were suggesting that the survivors be given the best land in Germany.
Whose land would they have been given in Germany? Displaced persons of course. That's how Arabs got their lands. By "displacing" citizens out of their land and taking over. No, it was better for the Jews to go back to their lands that was given them millenniums ago and got displaced from. And don't come back with that tired old saw 'it wasn't the Jews land' after they were dispersed.

And prior to the Jews arrival in the Holy Land it was "OWNED" by different peoples..The Cannanites,The Moabites,The Assyians ....etc., Hoss your grasp of history is somewhat limited.

As a footnote,Zionist inspired migration of Jewish people started from the early 1920's some 25 years earlier than you inaccurately stated.

Not all Jews fled from Palestine during the Roman period,admittedly there were not many and lived harmonisly sic with the Palestinians.

The real schism started in the late 1920's when the Palestinians realized the hordes of Jewish people would start to out number them.

At this time and until statehood the Zionists were/are a Terrorist Organisation..steve

It is an INJUSTICE and INSULT to say that the Palestinians or Jews are in any way like those Cnuts the Nazis and their Leader Hitler.......I suggest most of you should put your brains into gear before opening your mouths.

Both who are Cousins by the way are extremely good people who get on well.......the problem is THE EXTREMISTS of HATE on both sides,of which Israel has more.I'm the liq,I stand before you with TRUTH and RIGHTS.Viva Palestine,Viva Israel.........FCUK knows what the rest of you sometimes are
Have you been reading the Protocols again, Steve?
Arabs had sided with the Nazis. Amin Al Husseini: Nazi Father of Jihad, Al Qaeda, Arafat, Saddam Hussein and the Muslim Brotherhood - Tell The Children The Truth - Homepage

Then the intolerant savages decided to take it out on the native Jews (who had nothing to do with Israel) just because the animals couldn't handle a non Muslim country, created by and for Jews, on their ancestral homeland.

Well the Zionists COLLABORATED with the NAZIS or has your selective memory deserted you once again.steve
Negotiating to escape with your life while giving up all your assets and German Citizenship is not "collaborating", idiot.

You know not the minute nor the HOUR:cuckoo:
Were you in the Arab countries between 1950 and 1973? I was ... The Arab Jews would still be in the Arab world if not for Israel.

Arabs were not denying the Holocaust.. From 1945 they were suggesting that the survivors be given the best land in Germany.
Arabs had sided with the Nazis. Amin Al Husseini: Nazi Father of Jihad, Al Qaeda, Arafat, Saddam Hussein and the Muslim Brotherhood - Tell The Children The Truth - Homepage

Then the intolerant savages decided to take it out on the native Jews (who had nothing to do with Israel) just because the animals couldn't handle a non Muslim country, created by and for Jews, on their ancestral homeland.

Well the Zionists COLLABORATED with the NAZIS or has your selective memory deserted you once again.steve

What a great comparison liq :rolleyes:

People like you always bring up the 'collaboration' between some Zionists and Nazis, but you never explain why.
So please tell us liq!
Well the Zionists COLLABORATED with the NAZIS or has your selective memory deserted you once again.steve
Negotiating to escape with your life while giving up all your assets and German Citizenship is not "collaborating", idiot.

You know not the minute nor the HOUR:cuckoo:

Actually he's absolutely right. That's a well known fact.

Maybe you should stop getting your information about the Holocaust from places like Stormfront :eusa_hand:
Arabs had sided with the Nazis. Amin Al Husseini: Nazi Father of Jihad, Al Qaeda, Arafat, Saddam Hussein and the Muslim Brotherhood - Tell The Children The Truth - Homepage

Then the intolerant savages decided to take it out on the native Jews (who had nothing to do with Israel) just because the animals couldn't handle a non Muslim country, created by and for Jews, on their ancestral homeland.

Well the Zionists COLLABORATED with the NAZIS or has your selective memory deserted you once again.steve

What a great comparison liq :rolleyes:

People like you always bring up the 'collaboration' between some Zionists and Nazis, but you never explain why.
So please tell us liq!

Don't you realize, Toastman, that this is a big thing mentioned on the hate sites. You see it brought up all the time from those who read these sites. Naturally, they wish that the Jews didn't give the Nazis some equipment in exchange for some Jews to go free. They would have rather seen those Jews land up in the concentration camps instead to be killed. Meanwhile, the author who wrote The Transfer wishes that people like The Liq would pay attention to this instead.

Arabs had sided with the Nazis. Amin Al Husseini: Nazi Father of Jihad, Al Qaeda, Arafat, Saddam Hussein and the Muslim Brotherhood - Tell The Children The Truth - Homepage

Then the intolerant savages decided to take it out on the native Jews (who had nothing to do with Israel) just because the animals couldn't handle a non Muslim country, created by and for Jews, on their ancestral homeland.

Well the Zionists COLLABORATED with the NAZIS or has your selective memory deserted you once again.steve
Steve, that subject has been hashed out a few times here so be a good boy, go Waltz Matilda like a good boy and let the grownups discuss matters.

Well the FOULMOUTH ROUDY carry Collaboration and Terrorism Guilt around their necks for life.That's why decent,honest and fair minded people,DETEST HIS SORT.Grown's a cheap ,pathetic,one liner Hoss,that I didn't expect from you.steve
Well the Zionists COLLABORATED with the NAZIS or has your selective memory deserted you once again.steve

What a great comparison liq :rolleyes:

People like you always bring up the 'collaboration' between some Zionists and Nazis, but you never explain why.
So please tell us liq!

Don't you realize, Toastman, that this is a big thing mentioned on the hate sites. You see it brought up all the time from those who read these sites. Naturally, they wish that the Jews didn't give the Nazis some equipment in exchange for some Jews to go free. They would have rather seen those Jews land up in the concentration camps instead to be killed. Meanwhile, the author who wrote The Transfer wishes that people like The Liq would pay attention to this instead.


HOW Stupid Jewess Sally......what's the weather like today in down town Tel Aviv,the equiptment you talk of was wealthy decent,innocent,Jewish folks money.

Grow Up and read Jewish History.....I know Israel well....and I sometimes meet people like you......and like most secular thinking Jews.....think you are MAD:cuckoo:steve
Well the Zionists COLLABORATED with the NAZIS or has your selective memory deserted you once again.steve
Steve, that subject has been hashed out a few times here so be a good boy, go Waltz Matilda like a good boy and let the grownups discuss matters.

Well the FOULMOUTH ROUDY carry Collaboration and Terrorism Guilt around their necks for life.That's why decent,honest and fair minded people,DETEST HIS SORT.Grown's a cheap ,pathetic,one liner Hoss,that I didn't expect from you.steve
You think you're decent, honest, and fair minded?

Reefer madness! Ha ha ha.
What a great comparison liq :rolleyes:

People like you always bring up the 'collaboration' between some Zionists and Nazis, but you never explain why.
So please tell us liq!

Don't you realize, Toastman, that this is a big thing mentioned on the hate sites. You see it brought up all the time from those who read these sites. Naturally, they wish that the Jews didn't give the Nazis some equipment in exchange for some Jews to go free. They would have rather seen those Jews land up in the concentration camps instead to be killed. Meanwhile, the author who wrote The Transfer wishes that people like The Liq would pay attention to this instead.


HOW Stupid Jewess Sally......what's the weather like today in down town Tel Aviv,the equiptment you talk of was wealthy decent,innocent,Jewish folks money.

Grow Up and read Jewish History.....I know Israel well....and I sometimes meet people like you......and like most secular thinking Jews.....think you are MAD:cuckoo:steve
Ever realize how these mentally ill Jew haters keep telling everybody they "know other Jews" that agree with them? Yup, those voices in their head again.
Don't you realize, Toastman, that this is a big thing mentioned on the hate sites. You see it brought up all the time from those who read these sites. Naturally, they wish that the Jews didn't give the Nazis some equipment in exchange for some Jews to go free. They would have rather seen those Jews land up in the concentration camps instead to be killed. Meanwhile, the author who wrote The Transfer wishes that people like The Liq would pay attention to this instead.


HOW Stupid Jewess Sally......what's the weather like today in down town Tel Aviv,the equiptment you talk of was wealthy decent,innocent,Jewish folks money.

Grow Up and read Jewish History.....I know Israel well....and I sometimes meet people like you......and like most secular thinking Jews.....think you are MAD:cuckoo:steve
Ever realize how these mentally ill Jew haters keep telling everybody they "know other Jews" that agree with them? Yup, those voices in their head again.

Ya I notice liq using that tactic quite often
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