Boycott goes prime-time in Israel

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You think you're decent, honest, and fair minded?

Reefer madness! Ha ha ha.

Well it shows how ignorant you are.......I think I am the only person on here who hopes for a peaceful Palestine and Israel........You need to take that Silver Spoon Out of Your ASS and Shove it in YOUR MOUTH:clap2::clap2::eek::eek:

See you around

I always am uplifted to hear you express that hope for both, a peaceful Palestine and Israel.

You always keep that bright hope, for both sides, in front of everything.

Explain in terms that meet with the UN charter and International Law just how you would achieve a peaceful Israel and Palestine ? And what you demand of one side must also be demanded of the other
"You living in a nation that can take a week to drive across has no idea what is happening under your nose."

Phoneall - it's only a week if you do nothing else BUT drive all day long - and that's in a very straight line using the interstate highways..... We've done it twice. If I were to plan such a trip now, I'd allow two weeks so we could actually SEE something on the way.

exactly my point many Americans are so tied up in themselves they fail to see what is happening outside their own personal box.
Actually that is a lie.

Hill and Knowlton, the PR firm that was hired to lie us into the first Gulf War, was hired to spread bullshit about the activists who were trying to save the forests.

And you of course have documentation of that? And documentation that no such 'spiking' incidents EVER occurred?

Phony Earth First! flyers and press releases calling for violence during Redwood Summer were traced to PR giant Hill & Knowlton by San Francisco Examiner columnist Rob Morse in an article published a month before the bombing. Morse wrote April 29, 1990, that he had received a press kit from H&K on behalf of "Earth First!'s nemesis, Pacific Lumber Co." Morse wrote:

"The kit included a press release on the Earth First! letterhead, but not written in the usual careful, sweet style of Earth First! It read like a bad Hollywood version of what radicals talk like... At the bottom of this ridiculous flyer was the name of Earth First! leader Darryl Cherney, with his first name misspelled.... Not only are trees being clear-cut, but dirty tricksters are turning them into fake press releases." [1] A copy of an internal Pacific Lumber memo, which was obatined as part of the disocvery process in a lawsuit between Darryl Cherney and the company, included Hill & Knowlton staff on the cc list.

In 2002, a federal trial jury exonerated Bari and Cherney, finding four FBI agents and three Oakland Police officers liable for a total of $4.4 million damages to Bari's estate and to Cherney. The damages were for violations of First Amendment rights to freedom of speech (80% of the damages) and for false arrest and unlawful search and seizure in violation of Fourth Amendment rights (20% of damages). A juror said she took special note and was angered when the jury was shown a video compilation of television news smear stories instigated by the FBI and police and broadcast for weeks following the bombing. It was shown at trial that the FBI and police never found any physical evidence whatsoever tying Bari or Cherney to the bomb.

Judi Bari - SourceWatch

What about all the other incidents that were never brought to court because of lack of evidence. In the UK the eco activists are shown on News programmes causing damage to equipment and using weapons against the police. Nothing fake about them as the people are arrested and tried for their crimes. The same names crop up in many places connected to other left wing activist groups. There is one case in particular that is being touted as an example of left wing complicity in Islamic terrorism, and that is one of the murderers of Lee Rigby speaking at a rally organised by a left wing radical movement. Will post the details later today.
And you of course have documentation of that? And documentation that no such 'spiking' incidents EVER occurred?

Phony Earth First! flyers and press releases calling for violence during Redwood Summer were traced to PR giant Hill & Knowlton by San Francisco Examiner columnist Rob Morse in an article published a month before the bombing. Morse wrote April 29, 1990, that he had received a press kit from H&K on behalf of "Earth First!'s nemesis, Pacific Lumber Co." Morse wrote:

"The kit included a press release on the Earth First! letterhead, but not written in the usual careful, sweet style of Earth First! It read like a bad Hollywood version of what radicals talk like... At the bottom of this ridiculous flyer was the name of Earth First! leader Darryl Cherney, with his first name misspelled.... Not only are trees being clear-cut, but dirty tricksters are turning them into fake press releases." [1] A copy of an internal Pacific Lumber memo, which was obatined as part of the disocvery process in a lawsuit between Darryl Cherney and the company, included Hill & Knowlton staff on the cc list.

In 2002, a federal trial jury exonerated Bari and Cherney, finding four FBI agents and three Oakland Police officers liable for a total of $4.4 million damages to Bari's estate and to Cherney. The damages were for violations of First Amendment rights to freedom of speech (80% of the damages) and for false arrest and unlawful search and seizure in violation of Fourth Amendment rights (20% of damages). A juror said she took special note and was angered when the jury was shown a video compilation of television news smear stories instigated by the FBI and police and broadcast for weeks following the bombing. It was shown at trial that the FBI and police never found any physical evidence whatsoever tying Bari or Cherney to the bomb.

Judi Bari - SourceWatch

What about all the other incidents that were never brought to court because of lack of evidence. In the UK the eco activists are shown on News programmes causing damage to equipment and using weapons against the police. Nothing fake about them as the people are arrested and tried for their crimes. The same names crop up in many places connected to other left wing activist groups. There is one case in particular that is being touted as an example of left wing complicity in Islamic terrorism, and that is one of the murderers of Lee Rigby speaking at a rally organised by a left wing radical movement. Will post the details later today.

What about all the other incidents that were never brought to court because of lack of evidence.


Good post.
Phony Earth First! flyers and press releases calling for violence during Redwood Summer were traced to PR giant Hill & Knowlton by San Francisco Examiner columnist Rob Morse in an article published a month before the bombing. Morse wrote April 29, 1990, that he had received a press kit from H&K on behalf of "Earth First!'s nemesis, Pacific Lumber Co." Morse wrote:

"The kit included a press release on the Earth First! letterhead, but not written in the usual careful, sweet style of Earth First! It read like a bad Hollywood version of what radicals talk like... At the bottom of this ridiculous flyer was the name of Earth First! leader Darryl Cherney, with his first name misspelled.... Not only are trees being clear-cut, but dirty tricksters are turning them into fake press releases." [1] A copy of an internal Pacific Lumber memo, which was obatined as part of the disocvery process in a lawsuit between Darryl Cherney and the company, included Hill & Knowlton staff on the cc list.

In 2002, a federal trial jury exonerated Bari and Cherney, finding four FBI agents and three Oakland Police officers liable for a total of $4.4 million damages to Bari's estate and to Cherney. The damages were for violations of First Amendment rights to freedom of speech (80% of the damages) and for false arrest and unlawful search and seizure in violation of Fourth Amendment rights (20% of damages). A juror said she took special note and was angered when the jury was shown a video compilation of television news smear stories instigated by the FBI and police and broadcast for weeks following the bombing. It was shown at trial that the FBI and police never found any physical evidence whatsoever tying Bari or Cherney to the bomb.

Judi Bari - SourceWatch

What about all the other incidents that were never brought to court because of lack of evidence. In the UK the eco activists are shown on News programmes causing damage to equipment and using weapons against the police. Nothing fake about them as the people are arrested and tried for their crimes. The same names crop up in many places connected to other left wing activist groups. There is one case in particular that is being touted as an example of left wing complicity in Islamic terrorism, and that is one of the murderers of Lee Rigby speaking at a rally organised by a left wing radical movement. Will post the details later today.

What about all the other incidents that were never brought to court because of lack of evidence.


Good post.

Just like your fellow Americans that mass murder more in a year than Israel g=has managed in 65 years. Any comments on that state of affairs and why you are not fighti ng to bring that to an end ?
Arabs had sided with the Nazis. Amin Al Husseini: Nazi Father of Jihad, Al Qaeda, Arafat, Saddam Hussein and the Muslim Brotherhood - Tell The Children The Truth - Homepage

Then the intolerant savages decided to take it out on the native Jews (who had nothing to do with Israel) just because the animals couldn't handle a non Muslim country, created by and for Jews, on their ancestral homeland.

Well the Zionists COLLABORATED with the NAZIS or has your selective memory deserted you once again.steve

And what was the reason for the Zionists to collaborate with the NAZIS, was it by any chance to save as many Jews from death as possible and to migrate them out of harms way. The other nations in Europe did not want to take them in did they, but Jews in Palestine were prepared to support them as much as they could. Nothing to do with Israel at all just humanitarian efforts to secure the lives of as many Jews as they could. But then you would not expect a NAZI JEW HATER to understand such concepts.

As a British subject I am ashamed at my government's actions towards the Jews before, during and after WW2, just as I am ashamed of my governments actions towards the Jews of today

Well on this point I fully agree with you,although GB took in Jews it was only a token,the UK and nearly everyone else turned their backs on the Jewish people in their most desperate hour of need...........shameful as it was..... you are right in saying the British establishment(some) still have a low opinion of Jews..and behave thus.....steve I would like to state here that Australia has always taken in people throughout the world and as we are talking about Jewish folk here since the Russian Pograms sic in the 1900's and before.......We have very strong racial vilification Laws to protect minorities be they Jewish,Muslims etc,."Racism is Death".....Say NO TO RACISM ALWAYS
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Steve, that subject has been hashed out a few times here so be a good boy, go Waltz Matilda like a good boy and let the grownups discuss matters.

Well the FOULMOUTH ROUDY carry Collaboration and Terrorism Guilt around their necks for life.That's why decent,honest and fair minded people,DETEST HIS SORT.Grown's a cheap ,pathetic,one liner Hoss,that I didn't expect from you.steve
You think you're decent, honest, and fair minded?

Reefer madness! Ha ha ha.

Anyone who knows me to be a great friend,for a fair and honest settlement for the Palestinians and Jews........I am a Small Axe,You think you are a Big Tree


YOU ARE AN ANATHEMA to most Jews and Palestinians.......Take your Banal Spew and abuse others because I am bored by YOUR HATE and RACISM to both Semitic Peoples....Viva Palestine .....Viva Israel.:clap2::smiliehug::clap2:........le Axe
You think you're decent, honest, and fair minded?

Reefer madness! Ha ha ha.

Well it shows how ignorant you are.......I think I am the only person on here who hopes for a peaceful Palestine and Israel........You need to take that Silver Spoon Out of Your ASS and Shove it in YOUR MOUTH:clap2::clap2::eek::eek:

See you around

Steve, you shouldn't claim to be my friend and then lie about me like that. I'm disappointed in you .......

Well Marg I was talking to Roudy Not YOU.....Apologies if you thought otherwise...anyhow I would never speak to a Lady like you in that disgusting manner.

But Roudy being as he's a LYING SLUT I have no problem..steve:clap2::cool:
Well the FOULMOUTH ROUDY carry Collaboration and Terrorism Guilt around their necks for life.That's why decent,honest and fair minded people,DETEST HIS SORT.Grown's a cheap ,pathetic,one liner Hoss,that I didn't expect from you.steve
You think you're decent, honest, and fair minded?

Reefer madness! Ha ha ha.

Anyone who knows me to be a great friend,for a fair and honest settlement for the Palestinians and Jews........I am a Small Axe,You think you are a Big Tree


YOU ARE AN ANATHEMA to most Jews and Palestinians.......Take your Banal Spew and abuse others because I am bored by YOUR HATE and RACISM to both Semitic Peoples....Viva Palestine .....Viva Israel.:clap2::smiliehug::clap2:........le Axe emotional anti Semite. How romantic.

Israel will fall within the next couple of decades. ... :thup:

1) Our beloved Pres. Obama has started the process of the U.S. pulling it's support away from fascist Israel.

2) The future Pres. Hillary Clinton will continue the process over her 8 years in office.

3) AIPAC is starting to lose it's clout with the American government.

4) High birth rates of Palestinians inside Israel will change the countries demographics and Jews will become a minority.

5) BDS will continue to grow world wide and cripple Israel's economy.

6) Israel won't be able to sustain having such a large part of it's GDP going to the military.

7) The surrounding arab countries will continue to strengthen as Israel grows weaker.

8) The old radical zionists will die off and the younger rational Israeli jews will beg for a peace deal with the Palestinians.

9) The apartheid Israeli state will be dismantled and a new Greater Palestine will take it's place.

10) Former Israeli government officials will be arrested and put on public trial for their crimes against humanity.

11) The middle east will finally have peace and security.
Whose land would they have been given in Germany? Displaced persons of course. That's how Arabs got their lands. By "displacing" citizens out of their land and taking over. No, it was better for the Jews to go back to their lands that was given them millenniums ago and got displaced from. And don't come back with that tired old saw 'it wasn't the Jews land' after they were dispersed.

And prior to the Jews arrival in the Holy Land it was "OWNED" by different peoples..The Cannanites,The Moabites,The Assyians ....etc., Hoss your grasp of history is somewhat limited.

As a footnote,Zionist inspired migration of Jewish people started from the early 1920's some 25 years earlier than you inaccurately stated.

Not all Jews fled from Palestine during the Roman period,admittedly there were not many and lived harmonisly sic with the Palestinians.

The real schism started in the late 1920's when the Palestinians realized the hordes of Jewish people would start to out number them.

At this time and until statehood the Zionists were/are a Terrorist Organisation..steve

It is an INJUSTICE and INSULT to say that the Palestinians or Jews are in any way like those Cnuts the Nazis and their Leader Hitler.......I suggest most of you should put your brains into gear before opening your mouths.

Both who are Cousins by the way are extremely good people who get on well.......the problem is THE EXTREMISTS of HATE on both sides,of which Israel has more.I'm the liq,I stand before you with TRUTH and RIGHTS.Viva Palestine,Viva Israel.........FCUK knows what the rest of you sometimes are

Just as much of the land was actually bought by Jews who paid over the odds for it prior to the refugees arriving from Europe. But it was never owned by the "Palestinians" who migrated from place to place seeking work.

Try again as International Zionism was around in the late 19c and espoused the formation of a Jewish state in the M.E back then.

considering the numbers it seems that the camps were about equal in number, and still are to this day. After 630 C.E the Jews knew no peace in the M.E as the muslims were out to ethnically cleanse them from the area back then. All down to the fact that a Jewish tribe in medina refused to worship the mental defective Mohamed, so he wiped them out. It became entrenched in the muslim faith to kill the Jews.

I am a Zionist in the true sense of the word, not in your warped anti semitic Jew hating version much espoused by muslims. All Zionists believe is that the Jews have the right to a homeland in their historic territory and the right to defend it from attack.

The muslims are very much like the NAZIS of 1930'd Germany, so much so that they look up to Hitler as one of their hero's. They are the biggest buyers of his book mien kampf and emulate his third reich as much as possible. There are still brigades of muslims that sport the deaths head and swastika emblems of the third reich.

Maybe you can show from a reliable source this getting along, and not isolated incidents. When a whole town comes out and beats two Jews to death and then proceeds to gorge themselves on their flesh it shown that the extremists are more widespread than you want the west to know.

You talk some sense and you talk some shit Phoe.......I'm just working out which is which at the moment. so I'm leaving you in abeyance for the time being.....remember often folk get me wrong but realize I do not hate......I will just get you to wash my non Jewish ,non Mulslim feet when you have to apologise.I like my water fresh and warm.

I am the liq..Ever Living, Ever Faithful, Ever Sure...:smiliehug::cool:Viva Palestine..Viva Israel........Always Fairly
Well the FOULMOUTH ROUDY carry Collaboration and Terrorism Guilt around their necks for life.That's why decent,honest and fair minded people,DETEST HIS SORT.Grown's a cheap ,pathetic,one liner Hoss,that I didn't expect from you.steve
You think you're decent, honest, and fair minded?

Reefer madness! Ha ha ha.

Well it shows how ignorant you are.......I think I am the only person on here who hopes for a peaceful Palestine and Israel........You need to take that Silver Spoon Out of Your ASS and Shove it in YOUR MOUTH:clap2::clap2::eek::eek:

See you around

Israel will fall within the next couple of decades. ... :thup:

1) Our beloved Pres. Obama has started the process of the U.S. pulling it's support away from fascist Israel.

2) The future Pres. Hillary Clinton will continue the process over her 8 years in office.

3) AIPAC is starting to lose it's clout with the American government.

4) High birth rates of Palestinians inside Israel will change the countries demographics and Jews will become a minority.

5) BDS will continue to grow world wide and cripple Israel's economy.

6) Israel won't be able to sustain having such a large part of it's GDP going to the military.

7) The surrounding arab countries will continue to strengthen as Israel grows weaker.

8) The old radical zionists will die off and the younger rational Israeli jews will beg for a peace deal with the Palestinians.

9) The apartheid Israeli state will be dismantled and a new Greater Palestine will take it's place.

10) Former Israeli government officials will be arrested and put on public trial for their crimes against humanity.

11) The middle east will finally have peace and security.

You mean:eusa_shhh: MASTICATION
And prior to the Jews arrival in the Holy Land it was "OWNED" by different peoples..The Cannanites,The Moabites,The Assyians ....etc., Hoss your grasp of history is somewhat limited.

As a footnote,Zionist inspired migration of Jewish people started from the early 1920's some 25 years earlier than you inaccurately stated.

Not all Jews fled from Palestine during the Roman period,admittedly there were not many and lived harmonisly sic with the Palestinians.

The real schism started in the late 1920's when the Palestinians realized the hordes of Jewish people would start to out number them.

At this time and until statehood the Zionists were/are a Terrorist Organisation..steve

It is an INJUSTICE and INSULT to say that the Palestinians or Jews are in any way like those Cnuts the Nazis and their Leader Hitler.......I suggest most of you should put your brains into gear before opening your mouths.

Both who are Cousins by the way are extremely good people who get on well.......the problem is THE EXTREMISTS of HATE on both sides,of which Israel has more.I'm the liq,I stand before you with TRUTH and RIGHTS.Viva Palestine,Viva Israel.........FCUK knows what the rest of you sometimes are

Just as much of the land was actually bought by Jews who paid over the odds for it prior to the refugees arriving from Europe. But it was never owned by the "Palestinians" who migrated from place to place seeking work.

Try again as International Zionism was around in the late 19c and espoused the formation of a Jewish state in the M.E back then.

considering the numbers it seems that the camps were about equal in number, and still are to this day. After 630 C.E the Jews knew no peace in the M.E as the muslims were out to ethnically cleanse them from the area back then. All down to the fact that a Jewish tribe in medina refused to worship the mental defective Mohamed, so he wiped them out. It became entrenched in the muslim faith to kill the Jews.

I am a Zionist in the true sense of the word, not in your warped anti semitic Jew hating version much espoused by muslims. All Zionists believe is that the Jews have the right to a homeland in their historic territory and the right to defend it from attack.

The muslims are very much like the NAZIS of 1930'd Germany, so much so that they look up to Hitler as one of their hero's. They are the biggest buyers of his book mien kampf and emulate his third reich as much as possible. There are still brigades of muslims that sport the deaths head and swastika emblems of the third reich.

Maybe you can show from a reliable source this getting along, and not isolated incidents. When a whole town comes out and beats two Jews to death and then proceeds to gorge themselves on their flesh it shown that the extremists are more widespread than you want the west to know.

You talk some sense and you talk some shit Phoe.......I'm just working out which is which at the moment. so I'm leaving you in abeyance for the time being.....remember often folk get me wrong but realize I do not hate......I will just get you to wash my non Jewish ,non Mulslim feet when you have to apologise.I like my water fresh and warm.

I am the liq..Ever Living, Ever Faithful, Ever Sure...:smiliehug::cool:Viva Palestine..Viva Israel........Always Fairly
Dickhead says stupid anti semitic things like "Jews collaborated with the Nazis" and wonders why he gets laughed at. Ha ha ha
Israel will fall within the next couple of decades. ... :thup:

1) Our beloved Pres. Obama has started the process of the U.S. pulling it's support away from fascist Israel.

2) The future Pres. Hillary Clinton will continue the process over her 8 years in office.

3) AIPAC is starting to lose it's clout with the American government.

4) High birth rates of Palestinians inside Israel will change the countries demographics and Jews will become a minority.

5) BDS will continue to grow world wide and cripple Israel's economy.

6) Israel won't be able to sustain having such a large part of it's GDP going to the military.

7) The surrounding arab countries will continue to strengthen as Israel grows weaker.

8) The old radical zionists will die off and the younger rational Israeli jews will beg for a peace deal with the Palestinians.

9) The apartheid Israeli state will be dismantled and a new Greater Palestine will take it's place.

10) Former Israeli government officials will be arrested and put on public trial for their crimes against humanity.

11) The middle east will finally have peace and security.

You mean:eusa_shhh: MASTICATION
No I mean masturbation. You anti Semites masturbate to the destruction of Israel on a daily basis.
Just as much of the land was actually bought by Jews who paid over the odds for it prior to the refugees arriving from Europe. But it was never owned by the "Palestinians" who migrated from place to place seeking work.

Try again as International Zionism was around in the late 19c and espoused the formation of a Jewish state in the M.E back then.

considering the numbers it seems that the camps were about equal in number, and still are to this day. After 630 C.E the Jews knew no peace in the M.E as the muslims were out to ethnically cleanse them from the area back then. All down to the fact that a Jewish tribe in medina refused to worship the mental defective Mohamed, so he wiped them out. It became entrenched in the muslim faith to kill the Jews.

I am a Zionist in the true sense of the word, not in your warped anti semitic Jew hating version much espoused by muslims. All Zionists believe is that the Jews have the right to a homeland in their historic territory and the right to defend it from attack.

The muslims are very much like the NAZIS of 1930'd Germany, so much so that they look up to Hitler as one of their hero's. They are the biggest buyers of his book mien kampf and emulate his third reich as much as possible. There are still brigades of muslims that sport the deaths head and swastika emblems of the third reich.

Maybe you can show from a reliable source this getting along, and not isolated incidents. When a whole town comes out and beats two Jews to death and then proceeds to gorge themselves on their flesh it shown that the extremists are more widespread than you want the west to know.

You talk some sense and you talk some shit Phoe.......I'm just working out which is which at the moment. so I'm leaving you in abeyance for the time being.....remember often folk get me wrong but realize I do not hate......I will just get you to wash my non Jewish ,non Mulslim feet when you have to apologise.I like my water fresh and warm.

I am the liq..Ever Living, Ever Faithful, Ever Sure...:smiliehug::cool:Viva Palestine..Viva Israel........Always Fairly
Dickhead says stupid anti semitic things like "Jews collaborated with the Nazis" and wonders why he gets laughed at. Ha ha ha

You are a FOOL
You talk some sense and you talk some shit Phoe.......I'm just working out which is which at the moment. so I'm leaving you in abeyance for the time being.....remember often folk get me wrong but realize I do not hate......I will just get you to wash my non Jewish ,non Mulslim feet when you have to apologise.I like my water fresh and warm.

I am the liq..Ever Living, Ever Faithful, Ever Sure...:smiliehug::cool:Viva Palestine..Viva Israel........Always Fairly
Dickhead says stupid anti semitic things like "Jews collaborated with the Nazis" and wonders why he gets laughed at. Ha ha ha

You are a FOOL
Go put some sand in your crotch, it will make the crabs feel at home. :lmao:
No I mean masturbation. You anti Semites masturbate to the destruction of Israel on a daily basis.

Trouble is I'm AMBIDEXTROUS...shows how small you are,I thought that there was something unmanly and Mad about you......"It takes Two Hands to Handle a Whopper:cool:" Pity the SmallRoudy now we know the truth.....I THOUGHT IS WAS JUST YOUR MIND.

I'm just toooooooooooooo smart for a small DICKHEAD like you Roudy GO HANG A BRICK FROM YOUR DICK...DICK...Don't you just LOVE ROUDIES TOILET HUMOUR....NOT
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