Boycott goes prime-time in Israel

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Forget boycotts, Israeli settlement goods should be banned

Wednesday, 12 February 2014

States must follow where consumers have led. You can find EU ministers saying settlements are illegal nearly every day of the week but nothing is done. An army of rabbits could feed off the carrots dangled in front of Israel to abandon its settlement enterprise but it has not. Action will happen. It will not be a question of whether we should be buying settlement goods but why can we? Settlement products should not have to be boycotted. They must be banned.

Forget boycotts, Israeli settlement goods should be banned - Al Arabiya News
Ban imports of everything made in the illegal settlements by the war criminal squatters.

Israel is more and more isolated. Its default reaction is to throw money at public relations companies and legions of hasbaristas. This will not work, even if packaged in the attractive figure of Ms Johansson. According to the Guardian, in 2013 “Israeli settlements in the Jordan Valley lost $29m, or 14 percent of their income because supermarkets in the UK and Scandinavia are shunning their peppers, dates and grapes.” Only a change in Israel’s illegal and immoral policies leading to an end to occupation of both the West Bank and Gaza will bring Israel in from the cold. That will hopefully happen in a peace process, but nothing Israel has done or said suggests this.

Forget boycotts, Israeli settlement goods should be banned - Al Arabiya News
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BDS has been on its feet since 2005 and is going nowhere.

It is a circus flea; never visible without aid of a microscope, twitchy, and good for a laugh or two.

In recent times, several countries of Europe have begun prosecuting or suing BDS Activists for discriminatory practices or hate-crimes against Jews and Israel, while others are looking closely at crafting such laws, while in yet others, labor unions are making public statements in support of Israel.

In this country, in reaction to one of the lighterweight academic associations proclaiming its support for BDS, a bill is now being put before Congress, to pull Federal funding for any association or school which evidences such discriminatory or hate-crime -caliber behaviors.

Try as they might, pro-Palestinian, pro-Muslim terror-apologists cannot get the kind of traction that they want with BDS, so we see activity such as that witnessed here - one-sided pronouncements of success and unfounded, baseless claims of accelerating support for their pissant flea-circus movement on this board system and others.

But the proof is in the pudding, as they say, and whatever microscopic slivers of progress that the BDS folk delude themselves into perceiving are being compensated for and offset by reaction from the people of the countries in which BDS is being attempted, and their governments.

Epic Fail.
Can the Israel worshipper follow the topic?

It's BDS, today's response to Occupation and Apartheid in Palestine!

Those BDS actions keep happening, day after day after day after day.

Newsflash: Your constant spamming of terrorist supporting bullshit hasn't gained your precious Palestinians one inch of land and never will, you imp of Satan.

Can the Satan worshipper realize that BDS actions aren't as successful as her daily bowel movement?
Ban imports of everything made in the illegal settlements by the war criminal squatters.

Israel is more and more isolated. Its default reaction is to throw money at public relations companies and legions of hasbaristas. This will not work, even if packaged in the attractive figure of Ms Johansson. According to the Guardian, in 2013 “Israeli settlements in the Jordan Valley lost $29m, or 14 percent of their income because supermarkets in the UK and Scandinavia are shunning their peppers, dates and grapes.” Only a change in Israel’s illegal and immoral policies leading to an end to occupation of both the West Bank and Gaza will bring Israel in from the cold. That will hopefully happen in a peace process, but nothing Israel has done or said suggests this.

Forget boycotts, Israeli settlement goods should be banned - Al Arabiya News

I see you're happy that Israel is building another 1,400 settlement homes. Thanks for your contribution, Satan. Maybe next year they'll build another couple thousand.
BDS is growing and flourishing.

ITS even all over the MSM today in my country.

And it is all happening in spite of Israel shit eaters like Kondor3.

Does Israel's shit taste good?

Boy, is it fun watching you eat it!

BDS has been on its feet since 2005 and is going nowhere.

It is a circus flea; never visible without aid of a microscope, twitchy, and good for a laugh or two.

In recent times, several countries of Europe have begun prosecuting or suing BDS Activists for discriminatory practices or hate-crimes against Jews and Israel, while others are looking closely at crafting such laws, while in yet others, labor unions are making public statements in support of Israel.

In this country, in reaction to one of the lighterweight academic associations proclaiming its support for BDS, a bill is now being put before Congress, to pull Federal funding for any association or school which evidences such discriminatory or hate-crime -caliber behaviors.

Try as they might, pro-Palestinian, pro-Muslim terror-apologists cannot get the kind of traction that they want with BDS, so we see activity such as that witnessed here - one-sided pronouncements of success and unfounded, baseless claims of accelerating support for their pissant flea-circus movement on this board system and others.

But the proof is in the pudding, as they say, and whatever microscopic slivers of progress that the BDS folk delude themselves into perceiving are being compensated for and offset by reaction from the people of the countries in which BDS is being attempted, and their governments.

Epic Fail.
See, behold, all the continuing developments in this beautiful BDS Movement, a Movement inspired by the action of Christians in Apartheid South Africa to stand up to Apartheid in South Africa and to defeat it.

None of us can transform ourselves back in time to The Civil Rights Movement in America and stand on the right side supporting equal rights for all Americans.

But what every living human being today can embrace is supporting an end to Apartheid in Palestine and supporting an end to Occupation in Palestine and supporting equal rights for all in the land known as Palestine since the days of Herodotus!

This is the civil rights issue of our century!

And BDS is a morally right response to Apartheid globally by people of conscience all over this beautiful world we all live within!
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Can the Israel worshipper follow the topic?

It's BDS, today's response to Occupation and Apartheid in Palestine!

Those BDS actions keep happening, day after day after day after day.

Newsflash: Your constant spamming of terrorist supporting bullshit hasn't gained your precious Palestinians one inch of land and never will, you imp of Satan.

and come April 29 if the PA collapse, Israel will have to take control of the WB.
I doubt Abbas will want to step down but without a government, he might have to.
BDS is growing and flourishing.

ITS even all over the MSM today in my country.

And it is all happening in spite of Israel shit eaters like Kondor3.

Does Israel's shit taste good?

Boy, is it fun watching you eat it!

BDS has been on its feet since 2005 and is going nowhere.

It is a circus flea; never visible without aid of a microscope, twitchy, and good for a laugh or two.

In recent times, several countries of Europe have begun prosecuting or suing BDS Activists for discriminatory practices or hate-crimes against Jews and Israel, while others are looking closely at crafting such laws, while in yet others, labor unions are making public statements in support of Israel.

In this country, in reaction to one of the lighterweight academic associations proclaiming its support for BDS, a bill is now being put before Congress, to pull Federal funding for any association or school which evidences such discriminatory or hate-crime -caliber behaviors.

Try as they might, pro-Palestinian, pro-Muslim terror-apologists cannot get the kind of traction that they want with BDS, so we see activity such as that witnessed here - one-sided pronouncements of success and unfounded, baseless claims of accelerating support for their pissant flea-circus movement on this board system and others.

But the proof is in the pudding, as they say, and whatever microscopic slivers of progress that the BDS folk delude themselves into perceiving are being compensated for and offset by reaction from the people of the countries in which BDS is being attempted, and their governments.

Epic Fail.

What country? Iran? Cause it sure isn't big here in the USA. Thanks for letting us know there are at least 3 posters on this account you terrorist supporting imp of Satan.
BDS is growing and flourishing.

ITS even all over the MSM today in my country.

And it is all happening in spite of Israel shit eaters like Kondor3.

Does Israel's shit taste good?

Boy, is it fun watching you eat it!

BDS has been on its feet since 2005 and is going nowhere.

It is a circus flea; never visible without aid of a microscope, twitchy, and good for a laugh or two.

In recent times, several countries of Europe have begun prosecuting or suing BDS Activists for discriminatory practices or hate-crimes against Jews and Israel, while others are looking closely at crafting such laws, while in yet others, labor unions are making public statements in support of Israel.

In this country, in reaction to one of the lighterweight academic associations proclaiming its support for BDS, a bill is now being put before Congress, to pull Federal funding for any association or school which evidences such discriminatory or hate-crime -caliber behaviors.

Try as they might, pro-Palestinian, pro-Muslim terror-apologists cannot get the kind of traction that they want with BDS, so we see activity such as that witnessed here - one-sided pronouncements of success and unfounded, baseless claims of accelerating support for their pissant flea-circus movement on this board system and others.

But the proof is in the pudding, as they say, and whatever microscopic slivers of progress that the BDS folk delude themselves into perceiving are being compensated for and offset by reaction from the people of the countries in which BDS is being attempted, and their governments.

Epic Fail.

Readers will notice that the imp of Satan posting this foul language claims to be a Christian and will tell you he/she/it spent 8 hours in church yesterday. Some Christian.
As usual, the Israel worshipper cannot add anything to the discussion.

The topic is BDS.

BDS is growing and flourishing.

ITS even all over the MSM today in my country.

And it is all happening in spite of Israel shit eaters like Kondor3.

Does Israel's shit taste good?

Boy, is it fun watching you eat it!

BDS has been on its feet since 2005 and is going nowhere.

It is a circus flea; never visible without aid of a microscope, twitchy, and good for a laugh or two.

In recent times, several countries of Europe have begun prosecuting or suing BDS Activists for discriminatory practices or hate-crimes against Jews and Israel, while others are looking closely at crafting such laws, while in yet others, labor unions are making public statements in support of Israel.

In this country, in reaction to one of the lighterweight academic associations proclaiming its support for BDS, a bill is now being put before Congress, to pull Federal funding for any association or school which evidences such discriminatory or hate-crime -caliber behaviors.

Try as they might, pro-Palestinian, pro-Muslim terror-apologists cannot get the kind of traction that they want with BDS, so we see activity such as that witnessed here - one-sided pronouncements of success and unfounded, baseless claims of accelerating support for their pissant flea-circus movement on this board system and others.

But the proof is in the pudding, as they say, and whatever microscopic slivers of progress that the BDS folk delude themselves into perceiving are being compensated for and offset by reaction from the people of the countries in which BDS is being attempted, and their governments.

Epic Fail.

Readers will notice that the imp of Satan posting this foul language claims to be a Christian and will tell you he/she/it spent 8 hours in church yesterday. Some Christian.
Citing MLK, Florida students call on school to divest

Here is the group’s*petition. Excerpts:

*As members of a university that reveres the Civil Rights Leader Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., we strive to uphold the same values of justice, equality, and humanity that Dr. King fought for during his lifetime. To honor these values, we should strive to stop profiting from corporations with human rights violations.

Our university was on the wrong side of history when it failed to divest from corporations affiliated with South African apartheid. This time we hope to be on the right side of history. We ask that USF, out of respect for international law, and in consistency with US and local law, stop investing in corporations that are continuously and knowingly complicit in severe human rights violations. Despite our inactivity in past injustices, there is a current opportunity in which we expect our university to act accordingly with an honorable conscious.

Citing MLK, Florida students call on school to divest
The world anxiously awaits each pronouncment of a gaggle of pimply 19 year old wizened college students, out to save the world.
As usual, the Israel worshipper cannot add anything to the discussion.

The topic is BDS.

BDS is growing and flourishing.

ITS even all over the MSM today in my country.

And it is all happening in spite of Israel shit eaters like Kondor3.

Does Israel's shit taste good?

Boy, is it fun watching you eat it!

Readers will notice that the imp of Satan posting this foul language claims to be a Christian and will tell you he/she/it spent 8 hours in church yesterday. Some Christian.

So what is the imp of Satan adding other than foul language and condemning people to Hell? If the imp of Satan was as concerned for the Palestinians as it claimed, it would be trying to save their souls.

In keeping with what I wrote earlier...

BDS has been on its feet since 2005 and is going nowhere.

It is a circus flea; never visible without aid of a microscope, twitchy, and good for a laugh or two.

In recent times, several countries of Europe have begun prosecuting or suing BDS Activists for discriminatory practices or hate-crimes against Jews and Israel, while others are looking closely at crafting such laws, while in yet others, labor unions are making public statements in support of Israel.

In this country, in reaction to one of the lighterweight academic associations proclaiming its support for BDS, a bill is now being put before Congress, to pull Federal funding for any association or school which evidences such discriminatory or hate-crime -caliber behaviors.

Try as they might, pro-Palestinian, pro-Muslim terror-apologists cannot get the kind of traction that they want with BDS, so we see activity such as that witnessed here - one-sided pronouncements of success and unfounded, baseless claims of accelerating support for their pissant flea-circus movement on this board system and others.

But the proof is in the pudding, as they say, and whatever microscopic slivers of progress that the BDS folk delude themselves into perceiving are being compensated for and offset by reaction from the people of the countries in which BDS is being attempted, and their governments.

Epic Fail.
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BDS is... all over the MSM today in my country..."
"What country? Iran? Cause it sure isn't big here in the USA. Thanks for letting us know there are at least 3 posters on this account..."
My very own first thought.

MY country as opposed to OUR country.

Oh, to be on the moderation team (or the US Dept of Homeland Security) for 5 minutes and operating a good IP trace program; unmasking any proxies along the way...

A rather visceral and obscene reaction to a round of counterpointing, on something so insignificant as this silly little BDS nonsense.
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The flea circus has been going on since 1948 At best the jihadists have managed
to PUSH it as an issue upon the coffee house crack snorters' marijuana smoked
"brains" of the idle college kid set. It's kind a war of FADS -------the BDS thing
is no less a college fad than is the SODA STREAM FAD----in my town. I nust have one..
kinda funny-------as a kid I was never into fads
Can the Israel worshipper follow the topic?

It's BDS, today's response to Occupation and Apartheid in Palestine!

Those BDS actions keep happening, day after day after day after day.

Newsflash: Your constant spamming of terrorist supporting bullshit hasn't gained your precious Palestinians one inch of land and never will, you imp of Satan.

and come April 29 if the PA collapse, Israel will have to take control of the WB.
I doubt Abbas will want to step down but without a government, he might have to.

Israel and its US lackeys cannot let the PA fail.

[ame=]Israel palestine: Is the one state solution the only solution? - YouTube[/ame]
The liberals who defend Israeli apartheid

When the U.S. divestment and sanctions movement against South Africa began, it was as widely dismissed as the BDS movement is today. "Realists" like Henry Kissinger knew that apartheid would rule forever.

Like the BDS movement, the divestment movement began largely on the campuses. But it didn't stay there. People organized in churches, unions, and state and local anti-apartheid coalitions to press their state and city governments to divest. Former Indiana Sen. Richard Lugar was quoted as saying that he knew apartheid was a serious issue when he was asked about sanctions at a high school basketball game in Indiana.

The liberals who defend Israeli apartheid |
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