Boycott goes prime-time in Israel

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Cajun, here's part of the problem: when a scofflaw and oathbreaker breaks out into recognizable reruns of rants made by its prior ID's, that so severely undercuts its 'position' that its credibility crashes and burns.

Oh, and even such a one might give good advice - but it's doing so with no good intent. And I think everyone recognizes that.
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Cajun, here's part of the problem: when a scofflaw and oathbreaker breaks out into recognizable reruns of rants made by its prior ID's, that so severely undercuts its 'position' that its credibility crashes and burns.

Oh, and even such a one might give good advice - but it's doing so with no good intent. And I think everyone recognizes that.

i have no real idea what you are talking about.

go right ahead. it really isn't my problem whether or not jews and zionists make, applaud, thank, condone, or otherwise try to divert from what is a blatantly racist comment.

i don't like it but obviously i cannot change your minds as to not only the inappropriateness of such comments but also as to how you think others will view it and how it contributes to the zionist cause.
Cajun, here's part of the problem: when a scofflaw and oathbreaker breaks out into recognizable reruns of rants made by its prior ID's, that so severely undercuts its 'position' that its credibility crashes and burns.

Oh, and even such a one might give good advice - but it's doing so with no good intent. And I think everyone recognizes that.

i have no real idea what you are talking about.

go right ahead. it really isn't my problem whether or not jews and zionists make, applaud, thank, condone, or otherwise try to divert from what is a blatantly racist comment.

i don't like it but obviously i cannot change your minds as to not only the inappropriateness of such comments but also as to how you think others will view it and how it contributes to the zionist cause.

This post here is a very good example of YOUR cause, Mr. Seattle. All of your posts are intended to vilify Jews and Zionists. Your obsession with them is astounding, but also pathetic.
You don't even contribute to the topic, you just find ways to attack pro - Zionist posters.

Mr. Seattle, please get a life !
and I suppose the worlds still FLAT to you

Nope. I fly enough to know it's round.

And we're on top of it.

And you're upside down, and your country is the world's asshole. :thup:

Thanks for's people like you that is the reason our Military NEVER go into Combat within a Bulls Roar of the's called "FRIENDLY FIRE".....but CRAP ON.

Your military never goes anywhere near combat. None of your shit works because the maintenance crews keep putting the parts in upside-down.

True story. :thup:
" for 'belaboring the racism theme', you all keep defending what is a blatantly racist statement and basically, while i find the racism not in the slight bit humorous, my comments were more about your and other's stupidity in defending, applauding, or remaining silent about that racism and how it did not help your cause at all."
Who is 'you all'?

Frankly, only a couple of pro-Israeli folks in this thread have 'defended' the comment(s)-in-question, and most of the rest of us feel no particular compulsion to serve-up 'condemnation', as you have been so stridently and annoyingly calling for, mostly because neither the person who made the comment nor anyone who have backed-up the comment-maker are truly perceived by most of us as (1) racist or (2) intending those remarks in a 'racist' context, despite they way they were received in some quarters.

Rather, consider both the original comment and any lightweight indicators of support to be more Intentional Irritant or Intentional Provocation in a heated debate context.

And, consider the Deafening Silence from other non-involved pro-Israel supporters to be more a matter of not being willing to play your game and allow you to control what they say and when they say it and how they say it, through some kind of juvenile exercise in berating a large audience segment for not lining up behind you in support of your mini-jihad to discredit a couple of colleagues who are largely in good standing.

When the vast majority of pro-Israel supporters hereabouts, who have seen your posts, see you engage in a juvenile and partisan process of attributing Racism to all supporters of Israel, and foolishly clamoring about how an off-color remark or two is to be hung about the necks of all on on side of the debate, and how everyone who doesn't line up behind your Condemnation Campaign is guilty of what the off-color remarks suggest, or worse, well, you've gotta expect some 'negative feedback'.

Most of us don't have the same pressing need to be militantly proactive about matters of race, to the extent suggested by your present avatar (1968 Mexico games, right?), and consider such belaboring to be over-doing it... a pain in the ass, and then some.

We're not on the same page, with respect to priorities and intensity. Sorry.

We're also unwilling to sit still and to take shit about being 'racist' when nothing could be further than the truth for so many of us. And I'm NOT sorry about saying THAT, in the slightest.

Hope that helps.

the "you all" not only includes those who defended the comment or applauded it but those who also remained silent and yet scream anti-semitism at the slightest provocation.

my avatar was at the suggestion that people adopt avatars of that nature in support of black historry month. in the australia forum, i posted a comment about peter norman.

when you fight any racism and bigotry, you fight all racism and bigotry and that includes anti-semitism.

when you condone any racism and bigotry you condone all racism and bigotry and that, as well, includes anti-semitism.

belaboring the point? i am not defending or condoning blatant racism as a joke. i was actually trying to give you some good advice, but if you think telling jokes about lazy black folk is funny, really, be my guest. i think it is abhorrant but i am not jewish. "proactive"? i objected to a blantantly racist comment. people should do that.

as for my calling people racist, i tried to avoud that and direct my remarks about the comment and limit it to that as much as possible.

it is simple. if you think the comment was a racist comment, condemn it and stop defending or otherwise excusing it.

hope that helps.

I tried.

In one ear and out the other.

Somebody with more patience can continue explaining this to you, if they like.

Whatever I've served up will have to stand or fall on its own merits.

I'm here to talk about Israel, and the so-called boycott against it.

I couldn't give a rat's ass less about your Combating Racism agenda.

Nor your juvenile Crusader Rabbit demands that everybody line up behind you.

Now, go dry hump some other thread.

Yer botherin' the grownups.
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Who is 'you all'?

Frankly, only a couple of pro-Israeli folks in this thread have 'defended' the comment(s)-in-question, and most of the rest of us feel no particular compulsion to serve-up 'condemnation', as you have been so stridently and annoyingly calling for, mostly because neither the person who made the comment nor anyone who have backed-up the comment-maker are truly perceived by most of us as (1) racist or (2) intending those remarks in a 'racist' context, despite they way they were received in some quarters.

Rather, consider both the original comment and any lightweight indicators of support to be more Intentional Irritant or Intentional Provocation in a heated debate context.

And, consider the Deafening Silence from other non-involved pro-Israel supporters to be more a matter of not being willing to play your game and allow you to control what they say and when they say it and how they say it, through some kind of juvenile exercise in berating a large audience segment for not lining up behind you in support of your mini-jihad to discredit a couple of colleagues who are largely in good standing.

When the vast majority of pro-Israel supporters hereabouts, who have seen your posts, see you engage in a juvenile and partisan process of attributing Racism to all supporters of Israel, and foolishly clamoring about how an off-color remark or two is to be hung about the necks of all on on side of the debate, and how everyone who doesn't line up behind your Condemnation Campaign is guilty of what the off-color remarks suggest, or worse, well, you've gotta expect some 'negative feedback'.

Most of us don't have the same pressing need to be militantly proactive about matters of race, to the extent suggested by your present avatar (1968 Mexico games, right?), and consider such belaboring to be over-doing it... a pain in the ass, and then some.

We're not on the same page, with respect to priorities and intensity. Sorry.

We're also unwilling to sit still and to take shit about being 'racist' when nothing could be further than the truth for so many of us. And I'm NOT sorry about saying THAT, in the slightest.

Hope that helps.

the "you all" not only includes those who defended the comment or applauded it but those who also remained silent and yet scream anti-semitism at the slightest provocation.

my avatar was at the suggestion that people adopt avatars of that nature in support of black historry month. in the australia forum, i posted a comment about peter norman.

when you fight any racism and bigotry, you fight all racism and bigotry and that includes anti-semitism.

when you condone any racism and bigotry you condone all racism and bigotry and that, as well, includes anti-semitism.

belaboring the point? i am not defending or condoning blatant racism as a joke. i was actually trying to give you some good advice, but if you think telling jokes about lazy black folk is funny, really, be my guest. i think it is abhorrant but i am not jewish. "proactive"? i objected to a blantantly racist comment. people should do that.

as for my calling people racist, i tried to avoud that and direct my remarks about the comment and limit it to that as much as possible.

it is simple. if you think the comment was a racist comment, condemn it and stop defending or otherwise excusing it.

hope that helps.

I tried.

In one ear and out the other.

Somebody with more patience can continue explaining this to you, if they like.

Whatever I've served up will have to stand or fall on its own merits.

I'm here to talk about Israel, and the so-called boycott against it.

I couldn't give a rat's ass less about your Combating Racism agenda.

Nor your juvenile Crusader Rabbit demands that everybody line up behind you.

Now, go dry hump some other thread.

Yer botherin' the grownups.

For what its worth... I don't think boycott will solve a thing.
the "you all" not only includes those who defended the comment or applauded it but those who also remained silent and yet scream anti-semitism at the slightest provocation.

my avatar was at the suggestion that people adopt avatars of that nature in support of black historry month. in the australia forum, i posted a comment about peter norman.

when you fight any racism and bigotry, you fight all racism and bigotry and that includes anti-semitism.

when you condone any racism and bigotry you condone all racism and bigotry and that, as well, includes anti-semitism.

belaboring the point? i am not defending or condoning blatant racism as a joke. i was actually trying to give you some good advice, but if you think telling jokes about lazy black folk is funny, really, be my guest. i think it is abhorrant but i am not jewish. "proactive"? i objected to a blantantly racist comment. people should do that.

as for my calling people racist, i tried to avoud that and direct my remarks about the comment and limit it to that as much as possible.

it is simple. if you think the comment was a racist comment, condemn it and stop defending or otherwise excusing it.

hope that helps.

I tried.

In one ear and out the other.

Somebody with more patience can continue explaining this to you, if they like.

Whatever I've served up will have to stand or fall on its own merits.

I'm here to talk about Israel, and the so-called boycott against it.

I couldn't give a rat's ass less about your Combating Racism agenda.

Nor your juvenile Crusader Rabbit demands that everybody line up behind you.

Now, go dry hump some other thread.

Yer botherin' the grownups.

For what its worth... I don't think boycott will solve a thing.
Neither do I.

Hell, I don't think the boycott itself is really going anywhere.

So far, since its inception in 2005 (9 years ago) it's proven to be a circus flea.

It's picked up a little steam in the past year or two.

Only to be countered with government-level sanctions on the boycotters, in many instances, with more sanctions proposed and in-progress.
Cajun's vilifying the Jews/Zionists tactic is nothing new. For those of us who recognize him from before he became Cajun, we know his agenda very well

Concerning the alleged 'racist' joke that Cajun is whining about, the ONLY, and I mean ONLY (I cannot stress the world ONLY enough) reason he brought it up is because it was made by a pro - Zionist poster. Then he uses that allegedly 'racist' post to demonize Jews/Israel/Zionists in a completely twisted and distorted way.
He does it all the time, and the only people he might be fooling are those who don't remember him from before he became Cajun.
Thanks for's people like you that is the reason our Military NEVER go into Combat within a Bulls Roar of the's called "FRIENDLY FIRE".....but CRAP ON.

Still using bent sticks as your primary weapon, as for bulls roar what are those things you whirl around your heads again ? That's it bullroarers................:eusa_whistle:

American Military think our SAS is better the Israeli much for your DRIVEL but keep playing WANNABE BIG MAN.


The only reason they think your SAS is "better" is because your SAS troopers will go on suicide missions for a can of Foster's and a pack of smokes.

Another true story. :thup:

I tried.

In one ear and out the other.

Somebody with more patience can continue explaining this to you, if they like.

Whatever I've served up will have to stand or fall on its own merits.

I'm here to talk about Israel, and the so-called boycott against it.

I couldn't give a rat's ass less about your Combating Racism agenda.

Nor your juvenile Crusader Rabbit demands that everybody line up behind you.

Now, go dry hump some other thread.

Yer botherin' the grownups.

For what its worth... I don't think boycott will solve a thing.
Neither do I.

Hell, I don't think the boycott itself is really going anywhere.

So far, since its inception in 2005 (9 years ago) it's proven to be a circus flea.

It's picked up a little steam in the past year or two.

Only to be countered with government-level sanctions on the boycotters, in many instances, with more sanctions proposed and in-progress.

Punishing Israel ... and mostly the Palestinians.. with boycott will not lead to peace... just hardship.
Nazi boy can't take a joke. What else is new?


He sees that, but totally misses my Brak History Month sig and avie??


Humor is lost on the stupid. :thup:

i saw your "brak history month" and avatar and though them racist as well, particularly in light of the fact that it is black history month. like i said, if you think it serves your purposes to emulate the worst o raacists and neo-nazis, be my guest. i certaainly can't stop you and if that is how you wish to display your cause, it only helps those of us who oppose israeli policy and adds legitimacy to the charges of racism and apartheid in the jewish state.

and again, i do not think blatant racism is a joke.

It serves my purpose in irritating a group of posters on another section of the board.

And now I irritated someone else with it. :woohoo:

You may notice I shut off my phone's sig message. That also served it's purpose (very well, i might add), and is no longer needed. :thup:
Who is 'you all'?

Frankly, only a couple of pro-Israeli folks in this thread have 'defended' the comment(s)-in-question, and most of the rest of us feel no particular compulsion to serve-up 'condemnation', as you have been so stridently and annoyingly calling for, mostly because neither the person who made the comment nor anyone who have backed-up the comment-maker are truly perceived by most of us as (1) racist or (2) intending those remarks in a 'racist' context, despite they way they were received in some quarters.

Rather, consider both the original comment and any lightweight indicators of support to be more Intentional Irritant or Intentional Provocation in a heated debate context.

And, consider the Deafening Silence from other non-involved pro-Israel supporters to be more a matter of not being willing to play your game and allow you to control what they say and when they say it and how they say it, through some kind of juvenile exercise in berating a large audience segment for not lining up behind you in support of your mini-jihad to discredit a couple of colleagues who are largely in good standing.

When the vast majority of pro-Israel supporters hereabouts, who have seen your posts, see you engage in a juvenile and partisan process of attributing Racism to all supporters of Israel, and foolishly clamoring about how an off-color remark or two is to be hung about the necks of all on on side of the debate, and how everyone who doesn't line up behind your Condemnation Campaign is guilty of what the off-color remarks suggest, or worse, well, you've gotta expect some 'negative feedback'.

Most of us don't have the same pressing need to be militantly proactive about matters of race, to the extent suggested by your present avatar (1968 Mexico games, right?), and consider such belaboring to be over-doing it... a pain in the ass, and then some.

We're not on the same page, with respect to priorities and intensity. Sorry.

We're also unwilling to sit still and to take shit about being 'racist' when nothing could be further than the truth for so many of us. And I'm NOT sorry about saying THAT, in the slightest.

Hope that helps.

the "you all" not only includes those who defended the comment or applauded it but those who also remained silent and yet scream anti-semitism at the slightest provocation.

my avatar was at the suggestion that people adopt avatars of that nature in support of black historry month. in the australia forum, i posted a comment about peter norman.

when you fight any racism and bigotry, you fight all racism and bigotry and that includes anti-semitism.

when you condone any racism and bigotry you condone all racism and bigotry and that, as well, includes anti-semitism.

belaboring the point? i am not defending or condoning blatant racism as a joke. i was actually trying to give you some good advice, but if you think telling jokes about lazy black folk is funny, really, be my guest. i think it is abhorrant but i am not jewish. "proactive"? i objected to a blantantly racist comment. people should do that.

as for my calling people racist, i tried to avoud that and direct my remarks about the comment and limit it to that as much as possible.

it is simple. if you think the comment was a racist comment, condemn it and stop defending or otherwise excusing it.

hope that helps.

I tried.

In one ear and out the other.

Somebody with more patience can continue explaining this to you, if they like.

Whatever I've served up will have to stand or fall on its own merits.

I'm here to talk about Israel, and the so-called boycott against it.

I couldn't give a rat's ass less about your Combating Racism agenda.

Nor your juvenile Crusader Rabbit demands that everybody line up behind you.

Now, go dry hump some other thread.

Yer botherin' the grownups.

the post i responded to had nothing to do with the boycott.

thee statement was blatantly racist and that is about all i said.

i have not demanded that everyone line up behind me, i merely told you how it does not help the cause of zionism or israrel, which is being accused i being an apartheid or racist state to treat such comments as a joke.

the only "in one ear and out the other" is your inability to understand what i am saying.

i will perhaps take it to the racism forum.

thank you.
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the post i responded to had nothing to do with the boycott. thee statement was blatantly racist and that is about all i said. i have not demanded that everyone line up behind me, i merely told you how it does not help the cause of zionism or israrel, which is being accused i being an apartheid or racist state to treat such comments as a joke. the only "in one ear and out the other" is your inability to understand what i am saying. i will perhaps take it to the racism forum. thank you.
the "you all" not only includes those who defended the comment or applauded it but those who also remained silent and yet scream anti-semitism at the slightest provocation.

my avatar was at the suggestion that people adopt avatars of that nature in support of black historry month. in the australia forum, i posted a comment about peter norman.

when you fight any racism and bigotry, you fight all racism and bigotry and that includes anti-semitism.

when you condone any racism and bigotry you condone all racism and bigotry and that, as well, includes anti-semitism.

belaboring the point? i am not defending or condoning blatant racism as a joke. i was actually trying to give you some good advice, but if you think telling jokes about lazy black folk is funny, really, be my guest. i think it is abhorrant but i am not jewish. "proactive"? i objected to a blantantly racist comment. people should do that.

as for my calling people racist, i tried to avoud that and direct my remarks about the comment and limit it to that as much as possible.

it is simple. if you think the comment was a racist comment, condemn it and stop defending or otherwise excusing it.

hope that helps.

I tried.

In one ear and out the other.

Somebody with more patience can continue explaining this to you, if they like.

Whatever I've served up will have to stand or fall on its own merits.

I'm here to talk about Israel, and the so-called boycott against it.

I couldn't give a rat's ass less about your Combating Racism agenda.

Nor your juvenile Crusader Rabbit demands that everybody line up behind you.

Now, go dry hump some other thread.

Yer botherin' the grownups.

the post i responded to had nothing to do with the boycott.

thee statement was blatantly racist and that is about all i said.

i have not demanded that everyone line up behind me, i merely told you how it does not help the cause of zionism or israrel, which is being accused i being an apartheid or racist state to treat such comments as a joke.

the only "in one ear and out the other" is your inability to understand what i am saying.

i will perhaps take it to the racism forum.

thank you.

For those of you who have read my post #968, this here is Exhibit A :lmao:
Cajun, here's part of the problem: when a scofflaw and oathbreaker breaks out into recognizable reruns of rants made by its prior ID's, that so severely undercuts its 'position' that its credibility crashes and burns.

Oh, and even such a one might give good advice - but it's doing so with no good intent. And I think everyone recognizes that.

i have no real idea what you are talking about.

go right ahead. it really isn't my problem whether or not jews and zionists make, applaud, thank, condone, or otherwise try to divert from what is a blatantly racist comment.

i don't like it but obviously i cannot change your minds as to not only the inappropriateness of such comments but also as to how you think others will view it and how it contributes to the zionist cause.
Foc il leat!
Cajun, here's part of the problem: when a scofflaw and oathbreaker breaks out into recognizable reruns of rants made by its prior ID's, that so severely undercuts its 'position' that its credibility crashes and burns.

Oh, and even such a one might give good advice - but it's doing so with no good intent. And I think everyone recognizes that.

i have no real idea what you are talking about.

go right ahead. it really isn't my problem whether or not jews and zionists make, applaud, thank, condone, or otherwise try to divert from what is a blatantly racist comment.

i don't like it but obviously i cannot change your minds as to not only the inappropriateness of such comments but also as to how you think others will view it and how it contributes to the zionist cause.
Foc il leat!

Isn't Mr. Seattle unbelievable ?? He takes a joke made by a pro - Israeli poster and twists it into his usual "Joooos !! Zionist cause !! Racist !! Israel".... The guy is such a loon, and his obsession with Jews/Zionists and Israel is extremely pathetic.
What are all anti - semites so delusional ?
i have no real idea what you are talking about.

go right ahead. it really isn't my problem whether or not jews and zionists make, applaud, thank, condone, or otherwise try to divert from what is a blatantly racist comment.

i don't like it but obviously i cannot change your minds as to not only the inappropriateness of such comments but also as to how you think others will view it and how it contributes to the zionist cause.
Foc il leat!

Isn't Mr. Seattle unbelievable ?? He takes a joke made by a pro - Israeli poster and twists it into his usual "Joooos !! Zionist cause !! Racist !! Israel".... The guy is such a loon, and his obsession with Jews/Zionists and Israel is extremely pathetic.
What are all anti - semites so delusional ?
I just love Irish cuss words. Maybe because he reminds me of "loc na mhuice" - pigs' shit. :clap:
Foc il leat!

Isn't Mr. Seattle unbelievable ?? He takes a joke made by a pro - Israeli poster and twists it into his usual "Joooos !! Zionist cause !! Racist !! Israel".... The guy is such a loon, and his obsession with Jews/Zionists and Israel is extremely pathetic.
What are all anti - semites so delusional ?
I just love Irish cuss words. Maybe because he reminds me of "loc na mhuice" - pigs' shit. :clap:

Clap=VD=ROUDYMOUTH....I just love to cuss period,such a Wanker....Voted VD Mouth of the Year....Congrats Roudy
Isn't Mr. Seattle unbelievable ?? He takes a joke made by a pro - Israeli poster and twists it into his usual "Joooos !! Zionist cause !! Racist !! Israel".... The guy is such a loon, and his obsession with Jews/Zionists and Israel is extremely pathetic.
What are all anti - semites so delusional ?
I just love Irish cuss words. Maybe because he reminds me of "loc na mhuice" - pigs' shit. :clap:

Clap=VD=ROUDYMOUTH....I just love to cuss period,such a Wanker....Voted VD Mouth of the Year....Congrats Roudy

liq, I've always wanted to ask you this question:
Why are you so incredibly stupid???

Did you do drugs in high school?? Is half your brain missing ?? Is it genetic?? I don't get it
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