Boycott goes prime-time in Israel

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Thanks for clarifying that issue.

At least Kondy has a bit more savvy than you XXXXT.....albeit a white washed version but it is quite good of me to draw your attention to crimes against humanity,in Israel ....of which you knew nothing yet had the temerity to call me a liar.You and the other Dickheads on here.


And the crimes against humanity werfe shown to be just more Islamic BLOOD LIBELS, but don't let the truth get in the way of a good LIE ABOUT THE JOOOOS

Note the word DICKHEADS in my prose in my post above....Mr WANNABEE BIG MAN


Gee you GUYS make it so easy for me...H.I.M.theliq:eusa_dance::eusa_dance::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:
His problem is licking cane toads, then box jellyfish and playing footsie in the dunny with red backs

Now that is Funny,mind you better a Red Back....THAN A RED NECK.....(I'm just a little to smart for you Phone:clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2:Too smart far TOO SMART.steve:cool:

You cant be as you drink gnats pee and call it beer, we serve that to babies as a thirst quencher. Beer is dark and just cool, not piss coloured and freezing. If you were smart you would see through the lies spoken in the mosque every Friday, if you were smart you would see that islam is violent and bloodthirsty, if you were smart you would leave islam and embrace some Tibetan religion were the monks wear saffron robes and meditate on life.

AND HERE ABOVE I REST MY CASE........Poor PHONY MOANY CRONY not the brightest spark in the furnace is he.:cuckoo::eusa_whistle:
Nazi boy can't take a joke. What else is new?

i suppose some people think blatant racism is a joke and some cultures find stereotypical racial slurs humorous.

i don't and i think most americans feel the same way.

if objecting to such racism makes me a nazi, so be it, although hitler was not to fond of black people and would probably laugh at this "joke", not unlike you and some others. others remain silent in the face of such displays. that worked well for hitler and the nazis as well, didn't it?

perhaaps it serves your purpose and the cause of israel and zionism to make more enemies in the black communities across america. i caannot think of one single black man, woman, or child in america who would regard that statement as anything but unmistakably racist in nature and intent.

basically, i am giving you good advice as how not to lose. it does not help zionism one single bit for israeli supporters to indulge in or condone this types of racist comment.

i am getting a very clear picture as to why there are such bad relations between the jewish communities that neighbor black communities.

So its o.k. for the islamonazi's to post their racist comments about the Jews and Israel, yet distasteful to post a comment about phones being black and broken. This is because far too many people have been raised to see no wrong in making racist comments about the Jews over the last 2,000 years, but making comments about the people of colour is a no no because we have civil liberty laws.

Well I don't, my SCREAMING TARGET is the ZIONISTS,THOSE TERRIBLE TERRORISTS but really they are only 5 Million odd, SMALL FRY by Worlds Standards
There is not one single person on this message board who is less qualified then you when it comes to determining what site has credibility and what sites dont.
You are well known for not only being a professional Arab propagandist, but you are a compulsive liar too.

In fact, i exposed two lies of yours in the Jesus Zionist thread with links.

On top of that, you are also well know for being a hateful, hypocritical venomous witch.

So, YOU are the one who has no credibility, Satanic shill
Since we're on that subject, you don't really set the bar all that high, yourself.

Ask me if I give a shit what you think :eusa_hand:
It's revolting really how the two bit Zionist like Roudy tries to blame the innocent victims of Israeli brutality.......NO ONE BELIEVES WHAT YOU OR ISRAEL SAY...ANYMORE

Man you are like a broken fuckin record. No one cares about your Parroting of Palestinian propaganda its getting boring. Cant you come up with something different? Or better yet take your Nazi friend Cajun AKA Mr Seattle and go post on Mondoweiss, where everyone parrots Palestinian propaganda. Over there, they are all exprrts on Pallywood, so youll fit right in

I know Jews and Palestinians well,lovely people on the whole.....which is more than I can say for a COCKLIQUER like you.........but keep on spewing......IT'S ALL YOU HAVE.


Are you 12 years old or something ?? What an immature response
i suppose some people think blatant racism is a joke and some cultures find stereotypical racial slurs humorous.

i don't and i think most americans feel the same way.

if objecting to such racism makes me a nazi, so be it, although hitler was not to fond of black people and would probably laugh at this "joke", not unlike you and some others. others remain silent in the face of such displays. that worked well for hitler and the nazis as well, didn't it?

perhaaps it serves your purpose and the cause of israel and zionism to make more enemies in the black communities across america. i caannot think of one single black man, woman, or child in america who would regard that statement as anything but unmistakably racist in nature and intent.

basically, i am giving you good advice as how not to lose. it does not help zionism one single bit for israeli supporters to indulge in or condone this types of racist comment.

i am getting a very clear picture as to why there are such bad relations between the jewish communities that neighbor black communities.

So its o.k. for the islamonazi's to post their racist comments about the Jews and Israel, yet distasteful to post a comment about phones being black and broken. This is because far too many people have been raised to see no wrong in making racist comments about the Jews over the last 2,000 years, but making comments about the people of colour is a no no because we have civil liberty laws.

Well I don't, my SCREAMING TARGET is the ZIONISTS,THOSE TERRIBLE TERRORISTS but really they are only 5 Million odd, SMALL FRY by Worlds Standards
Let's see you try it, Adolf.

Man you are like a broken fuckin record. No one cares about your Parroting of Palestinian propaganda its getting boring. Cant you come up with something different? Or better yet take your Nazi friend Cajun AKA Mr Seattle and go post on Mondoweiss, where everyone parrots Palestinian propaganda. Over there, they are all exprrts on Pallywood, so youll fit right in

I know Jews and Palestinians well,lovely people on the whole.....which is more than I can say for a COCKLIQUER like you.........but keep on spewing......IT'S ALL YOU HAVE.


Are you 12 years old or something ?? What an immature response
Long term usage of psychedelic drugs. In a few years he'll sound like a two year old.
Absolutely Aussie British. They spika the English too.
Could be a Paki or Pali Moooslem posting from the UK.
Nah, the Liq is one of those little Outback fellers running around in a jockstrap, carrying a spear and a bone in his nose.

a little more blatant racism and the attendant "thanks" from the zionist/jewish contingent.


do you folks and the KKK buy your sheets from the same unfiorm store?

you really should stop it, if for no other reason than it doesn't help your cause at all.
Could be a Paki or Pali Moooslem posting from the UK.
Nah, the Liq is one of those little Outback fellers running around in a jockstrap, carrying a spear and a bone in his nose.

a little more blatant racism and the attendant "thanks" from the zionist/jewish contingent.


do you folks and the KKK buy your sheets from the same unfiorm store?

you really should stop it, if for no other reason than it doesn't help your cause at all.
Oh, horseshit...
"It's a , I say, it's a joke son"!
~~Foghorn Leghorn
Nazi boy can't take a joke. What else is new?


He sees that, but totally misses my Brak History Month sig and avie??


Humor is lost on the stupid. :thup:

i saw your "brak history month" and avatar and though them racist as well, particularly in light of the fact that it is black history month. like i said, if you think it serves your purposes to emulate the worst o raacists and neo-nazis, be my guest. i certaainly can't stop you and if that is how you wish to display your cause, it only helps those of us who oppose israeli policy and adds legitimacy to the charges of racism and apartheid in the jewish state.

and again, i do not think blatant racism is a joke.
"...Well I don't, my SCREAMING TARGET is the ZIONISTS,THOSE TERRIBLE TERRORISTS but really they are only 5 Million odd, SMALL FRY by Worlds Standards"
That's OK...

Israel has kicked the asses of each and every one of their neighbors who were foolish enough to try them in the past 66 years... so, even as small-fry, they are the biggest bad-ass on the block, in those parts... sufficient for their purposes.

Oh, and, speaking of small-fry...

How does the Israeli Defense Force stack up against the Australian Defence Force?

Australian Defence Force - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Israel Defense Forces - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

How many Main Battle Tanks do the Australians design and manufacture and deploy on their own, as native products?

How many Combat Aircraft types do the Australians design and manufacture and deploy on their own, as native products?

How many types of Cruise Missiles and SAMs and ballistic missiles do the Australians design and manufacture and deploy on their own, as native products?

How many mainstream, world-class Small Arms types (assault rifles, machine guns, etc.) do the Australians design and manufacture and deploy on their own, as native products?

The Israeli 'small fry' seem to have the edge on Australia in that regard, as well...

Military equipment of Israel - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Conceding, in advance, that Australian fighting men have come in pretty damned handy and been pretty damned tough and done excellent service around the world during the life of their nation to date, so as to avoid doing them a disservice or appearing ungrateful for various good help that Australia has given the UK and the US over the decades...

Frankly, if, by some freakish chance, Australia ever decided to attack Israel, you would probably get your teeth kicked in, at least during the early to middle going, until a couple of years had gone by, and you could bring your much larger population to bear upon the subject. Based upon my own light-to-middleweight reading on the subject, I'd say you (Australia) would have to spend a great deal of time and money to catch-up to the Israelis, in order to attain the same Small Fry status that you attribute to them, in a military strength and firepower context. Hell, you don't even operate aircraft carriers for forward defense any longer.

From what I can tell, the Jews of Israel take the issue of Military Self-Reliance far more seriously than do the Australians, who seem content to squeak-by with just enough firepower to fight a defensive action for Australia, until the US and the UK can come to their aid. Nature has favored them with an island continent in a (in recent decades) lower-risk part of the world that allows them to adopt such a laid-back approach.

Israel, on the other hand, needs enough firepower to actually WIN an engagement rather than just hold on until help arrives. And, they need to be as self-reliant as practicable, to compensate for fickle outside opinion and alliances and friendships. Every year, they become more and more self-sufficient and self-reliant in such matters, whereas the Australians simply buy halfway decent stuff from the outside and sit behind their metaphorical island wall and play a passive defensive game.

There are small fry, and then there are small fry, I guess.
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There's a whole separate forum for Racism, isn't there?

Go take that shit there, eh?

i will be happy to do so. i will have to check to see if transferring a post breaks the rules.

i think if the comment is made in this forum, it is appropriate to discuss it in ths forum, but i will ask a mod. or maybe they will see this post. i am not sure how it is done.
Could be a Paki or Pali Moooslem posting from the UK.
Nah, the Liq is one of those little Outback fellers running around in a jockstrap, carrying a spear and a bone in his nose.

a little more blatant racism and the attendant "thanks" from the zionist/jewish contingent.


do you folks and the KKK buy your sheets from the same unfiorm store?

you really should stop it, if for no other reason than it doesn't help your cause at all.
Wow. :clap:

You're squealing and whining about a joke, considering the serious bigotry you and your fellow anti Semites display on a regular basis?

Nobody takes this charade of your's seriously.
There's a whole separate forum for Racism, isn't there?

Go take that shit there, eh?

i will be happy to do so. i will have to check to see if transferring a post breaks the rules.

i think if the comment is made in this forum, it is appropriate to discuss it in ths forum, but i will ask a mod. or maybe they will see this post. i am not sure how it is done.
Are you for real?

Ask a mod?

Do you really and truly believe that I was calling you out on an infraction of posting rules?

Jesus-H-Christ, gimme a break.

I was merely (very strongly) hinting that continuing to belabor the 'Racism' theme in a thread dedicated to an entirely different topic was (1) off-topic and (2) boring and (3) a hinderance to discussing truly important matters in this context.

Not to mention pissing people off with your disingenuous attribution of 'Racism' to those supporting Israel.

But you go right ahead and play your silly little game and ask a mod, and then give us your oh-so-surprising feedback that the mods say its OK.

Did you really and truly need that explained to you, or are you really and truly that stuck in the mud and that badly over-reliant upon literalism?


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There's a whole separate forum for Racism, isn't there?

Go take that shit there, eh?

i will be happy to do so. i will have to check to see if transferring a post breaks the rules.

i think if the comment is made in this forum, it is appropriate to discuss it in ths forum, but i will ask a mod. or maybe they will see this post. i am not sure how it is done.
Are you for real?

Ask a mod?

Do you really and truly believe that I was calling you out on an infraction of posting rules?

Jesus-H-Christ, gimme a break.

I was merely (very strongly) hinting that continuing to belabor the 'Racism' theme in a thread dedicated to an entirely different topic was (1) off-topic and (2) boring and (3) a hinderance to discussing truly important matters in this context.

Not to mention pissing people off with your disingenuous attribution of 'Racism' to those supporting Israel.

But you go right ahead and play your little game and ask a mod, and then give us your oh-so-surprising feedback that the mods say its OK.

Did you really and truly need that explained to you, or are you really and truly that stuck in the mud and that badly over-reliant upon literalism?


the only reason i would ask a mod is if it were permissable to take that post and quote to the racism forum and ccomment on it. i was under the impression that transferring posts were against the rules.

as for "belaboring the racism theme", you all keep defending what is a blatantly racist statement and basically, while i find the racism not in the slight bit humorous, my comments were more about your and other's stupidity in defending, applauding, or remaining silent about that racism and how it did not help your cause at all.
Nah, the Liq is one of those little Outback fellers running around in a jockstrap, carrying a spear and a bone in his nose.

a little more blatant racism and the attendant "thanks" from the zionist/jewish contingent.


do you folks and the KKK buy your sheets from the same unfiorm store?

you really should stop it, if for no other reason than it doesn't help your cause at all.
Wow. :clap:

You're squealing and whining about a joke, considering the serious bigotry you and your fellow anti Semites display on a regular basis?

Nobody takes this charade of your's seriously.

i haven't seen many anti-semitic posts. i have seen people speaking out against the inhumane and perhaps illegal politicies and practices of israel and the support of that by jews and zionists.

however, were i to indulge in such jokes myself, it would not justify the blatant racism displayed by rat in the hat or its defense by the jews and zionists on this board.

i am sure there are plenty of jokes about jews that prey on their religion or typical stereotypes or history. i am sure if i relayed those "jokes" i would be called an "anti-semite" and rightfully so.
" for 'belaboring the racism theme', you all keep defending what is a blatantly racist statement and basically, while i find the racism not in the slight bit humorous, my comments were more about your and other's stupidity in defending, applauding, or remaining silent about that racism and how it did not help your cause at all."
Who is 'you all'?

Frankly, only a couple of pro-Israeli folks in this thread have 'defended' the comment(s)-in-question, and most of the rest of us feel no particular compulsion to serve-up 'condemnation', as you have been so stridently and annoyingly calling for, mostly because neither the person who made the comment nor anyone who have backed-up the comment-maker are truly perceived by most of us as (1) racist or (2) intending those remarks in a 'racist' context, despite they way they were received in some quarters.

Rather, consider both the original comment and any lightweight indicators of support to be more Intentional Irritant or Intentional Provocation in a heated debate context.

And, consider the Deafening Silence from other non-involved pro-Israel supporters to be more a matter of not being willing to play your game - not allowing you to control what they say and when they say it and how they say it, through some kind of juvenile exercise in which you berate a large audience segment for not lining up behind you, in support of your mini-jihad, to discredit a couple of colleagues who are, for the most part, in good standing.

When the vast majority of pro-Israel supporters hereabouts, who have seen your posts, see you engage in a juvenile and partisan process of attributing Racism to all supporters of Israel... and foolishly clamoring about how an off-color remark or two is to be hung about the necks of all on on side of the debate... and how everyone who doesn't line up behind your Condemnation Campaign is guilty of what the off-color remarks suggest, or worse... well, you've gotta expect some 'negative feedback'.

Most of us don't have the same pressing need to be militantly proactive about matters of race, to the extent suggested by your present avatar (1968 Mexico games, right?), and consider such belaboring to be over-doing it... a pain in the ass, an unwelcome irritation and distraction, and out of place, at least beyond the realm of an initial bit of negative feedback about same. Persistent nagging about such, in this context, merely pisses people off.

We're not on the same page, with respect to priorities and intensity. Sorry.

We're also not willing to sit quiet and to take shit about being 'racist' when nothing could be further than the truth for so many of us. And I'm NOT sorry about saying THAT, in the slightest.

Hope that helps.
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" for 'belaboring the racism theme', you all keep defending what is a blatantly racist statement and basically, while i find the racism not in the slight bit humorous, my comments were more about your and other's stupidity in defending, applauding, or remaining silent about that racism and how it did not help your cause at all."
Who is 'you all'?

Frankly, only a couple of pro-Israeli folks in this thread have 'defended' the comment(s)-in-question, and most of the rest of us feel no particular compulsion to serve-up 'condemnation', as you have been so stridently and annoyingly calling for, mostly because neither the person who made the comment nor anyone who have backed-up the comment-maker are truly perceived by most of us as (1) racist or (2) intending those remarks in a 'racist' context, despite they way they were received in some quarters.

Rather, consider both the original comment and any lightweight indicators of support to be more Intentional Irritant or Intentional Provocation in a heated debate context.

And, consider the Deafening Silence from other non-involved pro-Israel supporters to be more a matter of not being willing to play your game and allow you to control what they say and when they say it and how they say it, through some kind of juvenile exercise in berating a large audience segment for not lining up behind you in support of your mini-jihad to discredit a couple of colleagues who are largely in good standing.

When the vast majority of pro-Israel supporters hereabouts, who have seen your posts, see you engage in a juvenile and partisan process of attributing Racism to all supporters of Israel, and foolishly clamoring about how an off-color remark or two is to be hung about the necks of all on on side of the debate, and how everyone who doesn't line up behind your Condemnation Campaign is guilty of what the off-color remarks suggest, or worse, well, you've gotta expect some 'negative feedback'.

Most of us don't have the same pressing need to be militantly proactive about matters of race, to the extent suggested by your present avatar (1968 Mexico games, right?), and consider such belaboring to be over-doing it... a pain in the ass, and then some.

We're not on the same page, with respect to priorities and intensity. Sorry.

We're also unwilling to sit still and to take shit about being 'racist' when nothing could be further than the truth for so many of us. And I'm NOT sorry about saying THAT, in the slightest.

Hope that helps.

the "you all" not only includes those who defended the comment or applauded it but those who also remained silent and yet scream anti-semitism at the slightest provocation.

my avatar was at the suggestion that people adopt avatars of that nature in support of black historry month. in the australia forum, i posted a comment about peter norman.

when you fight any racism and bigotry, you fight all racism and bigotry and that includes anti-semitism.

when you condone any racism and bigotry you condone all racism and bigotry and that, as well, includes anti-semitism.

belaboring the point? i am not defending or condoning blatant racism as a joke. i was actually trying to give you some good advice, but if you think telling jokes about lazy black folk is funny, really, be my guest. i think it is abhorrant but i am not jewish. "proactive"? i objected to a blantantly racist comment. people should do that.

as for my calling people racist, i tried to avoud that and direct my remarks about the comment and limit it to that as much as possible.

it is simple. if you think the comment was a racist comment, condemn it and stop defending or otherwise excusing it.

hope that helps.
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