Boycott goes prime-time in Israel

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You have an interesting take on "NO HATE".

Don't see any HATE in my RESPONSE..Indee

I see LOTS of HATE in your postings.

Well let's see if we can change that thought that is in YOUR mind Indie,but your comment is somewhat IRKSOME considering many of the POSTERS ON HERE ARE AGGRESIVE RACIST MORONS AND ANTI-SEMETIC,yet you don't comment thus to them or is it that you are intimidated by Zionists.....

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Don't see any HATE in my RESPONSE..Indee

I see LOTS of HATE in your postings.

Well let's see if we can change that thought that is in YOUR mind Indie,but your comment is somewhat IRKSOME considering many of the POSTERS ON HERE ARE AGGRESIVE RACIST MORONS AND ANTI-SEMETIC,yet you don't comment thus to them or is it that you are intimidated by Zionists.....


They don't claim to be ALL LOVE.
I only comment on what seems to be an inconsistency in your statement.
It doesn't excuse excessively harsh ad hominems on anyone else's part.
"It's a , I say, it's a joke son"!
~~Foghorn Leghorn
Nazi boy can't take a joke. What else is new?

i suppose some people think blatant racism is a joke and some cultures find stereotypical racial slurs humorous.

i don't and i think most americans feel the same way.

if objecting to such racism makes me a nazi, so be it, although hitler was not to fond of black people and would probably laugh at this "joke", not unlike you and some others. others remain silent in the face of such displays. that worked well for hitler and the nazis as well, didn't it?

perhaaps it serves your purpose and the cause of israel and zionism to make more enemies in the black communities across america. i caannot think of one single black man, woman, or child in america who would regard that statement as anything but unmistakably racist in nature and intent.

basically, i am giving you good advice as how not to lose. it does not help zionism one single bit for israeli supporters to indulge in or condone this types of racist comment.

i am getting a very clear picture as to why there are such bad relations between the jewish communities that neighbor black communities.

So its o.k. for the islamonazi's to post their racist comments about the Jews and Israel, yet distasteful to post a comment about phones being black and broken. This is because far too many people have been raised to see no wrong in making racist comments about the Jews over the last 2,000 years, but making comments about the people of colour is a no no because we have civil liberty laws.
I see LOTS of HATE in your postings.

Well let's see if we can change that thought that is in YOUR mind Indie,but your comment is somewhat IRKSOME considering many of the POSTERS ON HERE ARE AGGRESIVE RACIST MORONS AND ANTI-SEMETIC,yet you don't comment thus to them or is it that you are intimidated by Zionists.....


They don't claim to be ALL LOVE.
I only comment on what seems to be an inconsistency in your statement.
It doesn't excuse excessively harsh ad hominems on anyone else's part.

FAIR ENOUGH...........Indie......they certainly don't claim to be LOVE at all.......LOVE is the most important thing in life........."ONE LOVE,PEOPLE GET READY"

and I suppose the worlds still FLAT to you

Nope. I fly enough to know it's round.

And we're on top of it.

And you're upside down, and your country is the world's asshole. :thup:

Thanks for's people like you that is the reason our Military NEVER go into Combat within a Bulls Roar of the's called "FRIENDLY FIRE".....but CRAP ON.

Still using bent sticks as your primary weapon, as for bulls roar what are those things you whirl around your heads again ? That's it bullroarers................:eusa_whistle:
The angel dust addict claims to be an expert on Jews, Zionism, and Judaism.

As usual its usually the mentally ill fuckwads that end up being anti Semites.

His problem is licking cane toads, then box jellyfish and playing footsie in the dunny with red backs

Now that is Funny,mind you better a Red Back....THAN A RED NECK.....(I'm just a little to smart for you Phone:clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2:Too smart far TOO SMART.steve:cool:

You cant be as you drink gnats pee and call it beer, we serve that to babies as a thirst quencher. Beer is dark and just cool, not piss coloured and freezing. If you were smart you would see through the lies spoken in the mosque every Friday, if you were smart you would see that islam is violent and bloodthirsty, if you were smart you would leave islam and embrace some Tibetan religion were the monks wear saffron robes and meditate on life.
As I recall, the Israelis were found to be waking-up a number of Palestinians minors (ages?) in the middle of the night and parking them in outside Holding Pens (cages) for several hours overnight, on a number of occasions, reportedly on the day prior to their arraignment, in some cases.

I also recall that some pissant human rights group(s) or another - including an Israeli one, if memory serves - claimed that the practice lasted for several months, before the Israelis were called on it, and before some Israeli minister or another ordered a stop to the practice.

There is no excuse for exposing children to freezing outdoor temperatures outdoors, even as a punishment for misbehavior or unruliness or rebellious behavior while in confinement - no excuse; especially if we are talking about younger children, although I suspect that some of these so-called children were a little older and a little less innocent than the pro-Palestinian side would like us to believe.

That being said...

Those so exposed were reportedly (by the rights groups themselves) taken back indoors within a matter of hours after first being put into those cages / holding pens; having served their time.

It also appears to be true that the practice endured at some pissant Israeli jail or another for several months, before a stop was put to the practice by some Israeli minister (Interior?) or another.

This is an important distinction.

The PRACTICE of Cold-Weather Caging lasted for several months.

Individual minors were NOT so-caged and left there, exposed for several months, in freezing weather.

Otherwise we would have had Palestinian Popsicles on our hands within a day or two or three.

Which is not what happened.

It may even be that several of the worst 'bad boys' got put into the cage on several different occasions, but it seems unlikely that they were caged, then left outside, for months on end.

There is absolutely no excuse - zero - for that Cold-Weather Caging - and, in my humble opinion (which doesn't mean shit within Israel or many other places for that matter), the perpetrator(s) of that Caging should be brought up on criminal charges of inhumane treatement of those prisoners.

But that doesn't change the perception that Palestinian Apologists and Fifth Columnists would have us believe that individual minors were so Caged for months on-end in freezing weather, when, in truth, no such thing appears to have happened.

The practice (at a local jail) lasted for months but individual minors were no so-caged for months.

Or do I have that wrong?

Thanks for clarifying that issue.

At least Kondy has a bit more savvy than you XXXXT.....albeit a white washed version but it is quite good of me to draw your attention to crimes against humanity,in Israel ....of which you knew nothing yet had the temerity to call me a liar.You and the other Dickheads on here.


And the crimes against humanity werfe shown to be just more Islamic BLOOD LIBELS, but don't let the truth get in the way of a good LIE ABOUT THE JOOOOS
Israel puts kids in cages and exposes them to the elenents.

These human rights abuses are documented by human rights groups.

AND people shall keep exposing these human rights abuses and bringing them into the Light.

I say Fuck Camera, it's nothing but a lying propaganda rag that exists to whitewash Israel crimes against humanity.

Camera has no credibility, it exposes desperation and willingness to lie of Zionists.
Israel puts terrorists in cages, and if the terrorists happen to be youth, they go in cages too. Just like gangbangers are put behind bars in the USA. Age doesn't seem to be a factor when it comes to Palestinian savagery.

It's revolting really how the two bit Zionist like Roudy tries to blame the innocent victims of Israeli brutality.......NO ONE BELIEVES WHAT YOU OR ISRAEL SAY...ANYMORE

Not as revolting as the islamonazi BLOOD LIBEL that was shown to be a complete fabrication from start to finish. But then why should you let a little thing like the truth get in the way of your NAZI ANTI SEMITIC JEW HATRED
There is not one single person on this message board who is less qualified then you when it comes to determining what site has credibility and what sites dont.
You are well known for not only being a professional Arab propagandist, but you are a compulsive liar too.

In fact, i exposed two lies of yours in the Jesus Zionist thread with links.

On top of that, you are also well know for being a hateful, hypocritical venomous witch.

So, YOU are the one who has no credibility, Satanic shill
Since we're on that subject, you don't really set the bar all that high, yourself.

Nope. I fly enough to know it's round.

And we're on top of it.

And you're upside down, and your country is the world's asshole. :thup:

Thanks for's people like you that is the reason our Military NEVER go into Combat within a Bulls Roar of the's called "FRIENDLY FIRE".....but CRAP ON.

Still using bent sticks as your primary weapon, as for bulls roar what are those things you whirl around your heads again ? That's it bullroarers................:eusa_whistle:

American Military think our SAS is better the Israeli much for your DRIVEL but keep playing WANNABE BIG MAN.

israel puts terrorists in cages, and if the terrorists happen to be youth, they go in cages too. Just like gangbangers are put behind bars in the usa. Age doesn't seem to be a factor when it comes to palestinian savagery.

it's revolting really how the two bit zionist like roudy tries to blame the innocent victims of israeli one believes what you or israel say...anymore

not as revolting as the islamonazi blood libel that was shown to be a complete fabrication from start to finish. But then why should you let a little thing like the truth get in the way of your nazi anti semitic jew hatred

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