Boycott goes prime-time in Israel

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As I recall, the Israelis were found to be waking-up a number of Palestinians minors (ages?) in the middle of the night and parking them in outside Holding Pens (cages) for several hours overnight, on a number of occasions, reportedly on the day prior to their arraignment, in some cases.

I also recall that some pissant human rights group(s) or another - including an Israeli one, if memory serves - claimed that the practice lasted for several months, before the Israelis were called on it, and before some Israeli minister or another ordered a stop to the practice.

There is no excuse for exposing children to freezing outdoor temperatures outdoors, even as a punishment for misbehavior or unruliness or rebellious behavior while in confinement - no excuse; especially if we are talking about younger children, although I suspect that some of these so-called children were a little older and a little less innocent than the pro-Palestinian side would like us to believe.

That being said...

Those so exposed were reportedly (by the rights groups themselves) taken back indoors within a matter of hours after first being put into those cages / holding pens; having served their time.

It also appears to be true that the practice endured at some pissant Israeli jail or another for several months, before a stop was put to the practice by some Israeli minister (Interior?) or another.

This is an important distinction.

The PRACTICE of Cold-Weather Caging lasted for several months.

Individual minors were NOT so-caged and left there, exposed for several months, in freezing weather.

Otherwise we would have had Palestinian Popsicles on our hands within a day or two or three.

Which is not what happened.

It may even be that several of the worst 'bad boys' got put into the cage on several different occasions, but it seems unlikely that they were caged, then left outside, for months on end.

There is absolutely no excuse - zero - for that Cold-Weather Caging - and, in my humble opinion (which doesn't mean shit within Israel or many other places for that matter), the perpetrator(s) of that Caging should be brought up on criminal charges of inhumane treatement of those prisoners.

But that doesn't change the perception that Palestinian Apologists and Fifth Columnists would have us believe that individual minors were so Caged for months on-end in freezing weather, when, in truth, no such thing appears to have happened.

The practice (at a local jail) lasted for months but individual minors were no so-caged for months.

Or do I have that wrong?

Thanks for clarifying that issue.

At least Kondy has a bit more savvy than you XXXXT.....albeit a white washed version but it is quite good of me to draw your attention to crimes against humanity,in Israel ....of which you knew nothing yet had the temerity to call me a liar.You and the other Dickheads on here.

His problem is licking cane toads, then box jellyfish and playing footsie in the dunny with red backs

Now that is Funny,mind you better a Red Back....THAN A RED NECK.....(I'm just a little to smart for you Phone:clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2:Too smart far TOO SMART.steve:cool:
Ass LIQ'ers newly purchased smart phone turned stupid within minutes of coming into contact with him.

Where's your sense of humour Roudy,that's right hanging out of your Arse as usual
As I recall, the Israelis were found to be waking-up a number of Palestinians minors (ages?) in the middle of the night and parking them in outside Holding Pens (cages) for several hours overnight, on a number of occasions, reportedly on the day prior to their arraignment, in some cases.

I also recall that some pissant human rights group(s) or another - including an Israeli one, if memory serves - claimed that the practice lasted for several months, before the Israelis were called on it, and before some Israeli minister or another ordered a stop to the practice.

There is no excuse for exposing children to freezing outdoor temperatures outdoors, even as a punishment for misbehavior or unruliness or rebellious behavior while in confinement - no excuse; especially if we are talking about younger children, although I suspect that some of these so-called children were a little older and a little less innocent than the pro-Palestinian side would like us to believe.

That being said...

Those so exposed were reportedly (by the rights groups themselves) taken back indoors within a matter of hours after first being put into those cages / holding pens; having served their time.

It also appears to be true that the practice endured at some pissant Israeli jail or another for several months, before a stop was put to the practice by some Israeli minister (Interior?) or another.

This is an important distinction.

The PRACTICE of Cold-Weather Caging lasted for several months.

Individual minors were NOT so-caged and left there, exposed for several months, in freezing weather.

Otherwise we would have had Palestinian Popsicles on our hands within a day or two or three.

Which is not what happened.

It may even be that several of the worst 'bad boys' got put into the cage on several different occasions, but it seems unlikely that they were caged, then left outside, for months on end.

There is absolutely no excuse - zero - for that Cold-Weather Caging - and, in my humble opinion (which doesn't mean shit within Israel or many other places for that matter), the perpetrator(s) of that Caging should be brought up on criminal charges of inhumane treatement of those prisoners.

But that doesn't change the perception that Palestinian Apologists and Fifth Columnists would have us believe that individual minors were so Caged for months on-end in freezing weather, when, in truth, no such thing appears to have happened.

The practice (at a local jail) lasted for months but individual minors were no so-caged for months.

Or do I have that wrong?

Thanks for clarifying that issue.

At least Kondy has a bit more savvy than you XXXXT.....albeit a white washed version but it is quite good of me to draw your attention to crimes against humanity,in Israel ....of which you knew nothing yet had the temerity to call me a liar.You and the other Dickheads on here.

Now that is Funny,mind you better a Red Back....THAN A RED NECK.....(I'm just a little to smart for you Phone:clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2:Too smart far TOO SMART.steve:cool:
Ass LIQ'ers newly purchased smart phone turned stupid within minutes of coming into contact with him.

Where's your sense of humour Roudy,that's right hanging out of your Arse as usual
What's hanging behind my arse is your mouth, open wide and ready for a feeding. ASS-LIQ'er :lmao:
Israel puts kids in cages and exposes them to the elenents.

These human rights abuses are documented by human rights groups.

AND people shall keep exposing these human rights abuses and bringing them into the Light.

I say Fuck Camera, it's nothing but a lying propaganda rag that exists to whitewash Israel crimes against humanity.

Camera has no credibility, it exposes desperation and willingness to lie of Zionists.
Israel puts terrorists in cages, and if the terrorists happen to be youth, they go in cages too. Just like gangbangers are put behind bars in the USA. Age doesn't seem to be a factor when it comes to Palestinian savagery.

It's revolting really how the two bit Zionist like Roudy tries to blame the innocent victims of Israeli brutality.......NO ONE BELIEVES WHAT YOU OR ISRAEL SAY...ANYMORE
Israel puts kids in cages and exposes them to the elenents.

These human rights abuses are documented by human rights groups.

AND people shall keep exposing these human rights abuses and bringing them into the Light.

I say Fuck Camera, it's nothing but a lying propaganda rag that exists to whitewash Israel crimes against humanity.

Camera has no credibility, it exposes desperation and willingness to lie of Zionists.
Israel puts terrorists in cages, and if the terrorists happen to be youth, they go in cages too. Just like gangbangers are put behind bars in the USA. Age doesn't seem to be a factor when it comes to Palestinian savagery.

It's revolting really how the two bit Zionist like Roudy tries to blame the innocent victims of Israeli brutality.......NO ONE BELIEVES WHAT YOU OR ISRAEL SAY...ANYMORE

So relax, sit back and watch the show.
Israel puts kids in cages and exposes them to the elenents.

These human rights abuses are documented by human rights groups.

AND people shall keep exposing these human rights abuses and bringing them into the Light.

I say Fuck Camera, it's nothing but a lying propaganda rag that exists to whitewash Israel crimes against humanity.

Camera has no credibility, it exposes desperation and willingness to lie of Zionists.
Israel puts terrorists in cages, and if the terrorists happen to be youth, they go in cages too. Just like gangbangers are put behind bars in the USA. Age doesn't seem to be a factor when it comes to Palestinian savagery.

It's revolting really how the two bit Zionist like Roudy tries to blame the innocent victims of Israeli brutality.......NO ONE BELIEVES WHAT YOU OR ISRAEL SAY...ANYMORE
Which planet do you live on, certainly not Earth. Palestinians are the ones with little or no respect for life and continuously trying to murder innocent people.

Ya two bit Islamist shit.
Ass LIQ'ers newly purchased smart phone turned stupid within minutes of coming into contact with him.

Where's your sense of humour Roudy,that's right hanging out of your Arse as usual
What's hanging behind my arse is your mouth, open wide and ready for a feeding. ASS-LIQ'er :lmao:

Ho,Ho this is will never defeat me,you and your possee because your minds are stuck in an ancient epoc...............theliq SOON FORWARD

Roudy........The Shitster........Ride On Back 2000 years.....and there you will find peace

God Bless You Roudy......find happiness
Where's your sense of humour Roudy,that's right hanging out of your Arse as usual
What's hanging behind my arse is your mouth, open wide and ready for a feeding. ASS-LIQ'er :lmao:

Ho,Ho this is will never defeat me,you and your possee because your minds are stuck in an ancient epoc...............theliq SOON FORWARD

Roudy........The Shitster........Ride On Back 2000 years.....and there you will find peace

God Bless You Roudy......find happiness
I'm not trying to defeat you. You are the laughing stock of this board. And for that we thank you.
Israel puts kids in cages and exposes them to the elenents.

These human rights abuses are documented by human rights groups.

AND people shall keep exposing these human rights abuses and bringing them into the Light.

I say Fuck Camera, it's nothing but a lying propaganda rag that exists to whitewash Israel crimes against humanity.

Camera has no credibility, it exposes desperation and willingness to lie of Zionists.
Israel puts terrorists in cages, and if the terrorists happen to be youth, they go in cages too. Just like gangbangers are put behind bars in the USA. Age doesn't seem to be a factor when it comes to Palestinian savagery.

It's revolting really how the two bit Zionist like Roudy tries to blame the innocent victims of Israeli brutality.......NO ONE BELIEVES WHAT YOU OR ISRAEL SAY...ANYMORE

Man you are like a broken fuckin record. No one cares about your Parroting of Palestinian propaganda its getting boring. Cant you come up with something different? Or better yet take your Nazi friend Cajun AKA Mr Seattle and go post on Mondoweiss, where everyone parrots Palestinian propaganda. Over there, they are all exprrts on Pallywood, so youll fit right in
Israel puts terrorists in cages, and if the terrorists happen to be youth, they go in cages too. Just like gangbangers are put behind bars in the USA. Age doesn't seem to be a factor when it comes to Palestinian savagery.

It's revolting really how the two bit Zionist like Roudy tries to blame the innocent victims of Israeli brutality.......NO ONE BELIEVES WHAT YOU OR ISRAEL SAY...ANYMORE
Which planet do you live on, certainly not Earth. Palestinians are the ones with little or no respect for life and continuously trying to murder innocent people.

Ya two bit Islamist shit.

You are PLAGIARIZING ME AGAIN Roudy....BE ORIGINAL AND HONEST Roudy.... in your quest for Happiness and Peace
Israel puts terrorists in cages, and if the terrorists happen to be youth, they go in cages too. Just like gangbangers are put behind bars in the USA. Age doesn't seem to be a factor when it comes to Palestinian savagery.

It's revolting really how the two bit Zionist like Roudy tries to blame the innocent victims of Israeli brutality.......NO ONE BELIEVES WHAT YOU OR ISRAEL SAY...ANYMORE

Man you are like a broken fuckin record. No one cares about your Parroting of Palestinian propaganda its getting boring. Cant you come up with something different? Or better yet take your Nazi friend Cajun AKA Mr Seattle and go post on Mondoweiss, where everyone parrots Palestinian propaganda. Over there, they are all exprrts on Pallywood, so youll fit right in

I know Jews and Palestinians well,lovely people on the whole.....which is more than I can say for a COCKLIQUER like you.........but keep on spewing......IT'S ALL YOU HAVE.
Israel puts terrorists in cages, and if the terrorists happen to be youth, they go in cages too. Just like gangbangers are put behind bars in the USA. Age doesn't seem to be a factor when it comes to Palestinian savagery.

It's revolting really how the two bit Zionist like Roudy tries to blame the innocent victims of Israeli brutality.......NO ONE BELIEVES WHAT YOU OR ISRAEL SAY...ANYMORE

Man you are like a broken fuckin record. No one cares about your Parroting of Palestinian propaganda its getting boring. Cant you come up with something different? Or better yet take your Nazi friend Cajun AKA Mr Seattle and go post on Mondoweiss, where everyone parrots Palestinian propaganda. Over there, they are all exprrts on Pallywood, so youll fit right in
Sad part of it is he's not really saying ANYTHING. He lives in this delusional world where the Jews he's "friends" with "aren't Zionists". Ha ha ha. Can you believe this crap? In my entire life I have yet to meet a "non Zionist Jew", unless of course the person had a mental illness or something. That's like saying a Muslim who doesn't believe that Mecca should belong to Muslims. Ho ho ho!
Israel puts terrorists in cages, and if the terrorists happen to be youth, they go in cages too. Just like gangbangers are put behind bars in the USA. Age doesn't seem to be a factor when it comes to Palestinian savagery.

It's revolting really how the two bit Zionist like Roudy tries to blame the innocent victims of Israeli brutality.......NO ONE BELIEVES WHAT YOU OR ISRAEL SAY...ANYMORE

Man you are like a broken fuckin record. No one cares about your Parroting of Palestinian propaganda its getting boring. Cant you come up with something different? Or better yet take your Nazi friend Cajun AKA Mr Seattle and go post on Mondoweiss, where everyone parrots Palestinian propaganda. Over there, they are all exprrts on Pallywood, so youll fit right in

YOU ARE DEFEATED......Israel does not need you..and neither do we.
It's revolting really how the two bit Zionist like Roudy tries to blame the innocent victims of Israeli brutality.......NO ONE BELIEVES WHAT YOU OR ISRAEL SAY...ANYMORE

Man you are like a broken fuckin record. No one cares about your Parroting of Palestinian propaganda its getting boring. Cant you come up with something different? Or better yet take your Nazi friend Cajun AKA Mr Seattle and go post on Mondoweiss, where everyone parrots Palestinian propaganda. Over there, they are all exprrts on Pallywood, so youll fit right in

I know Jews and Palestinians well,lovely people on the whole.....which is more than I can say for a COCKLIQUER like you.........but keep on spewing......IT'S ALL YOU HAVE.

I presume the Jews you know want to "Give Israel back to the "Palestinians"!".
It's revolting really how the two bit Zionist like Roudy tries to blame the innocent victims of Israeli brutality.......NO ONE BELIEVES WHAT YOU OR ISRAEL SAY...ANYMORE

Man you are like a broken fuckin record. No one cares about your Parroting of Palestinian propaganda its getting boring. Cant you come up with something different? Or better yet take your Nazi friend Cajun AKA Mr Seattle and go post on Mondoweiss, where everyone parrots Palestinian propaganda. Over there, they are all exprrts on Pallywood, so youll fit right in

YOU ARE DEFEATED......Israel does not need you..and neither do we.

I presume INTELLIGENT is not your first language.
It's revolting really how the two bit Zionist like Roudy tries to blame the innocent victims of Israeli brutality.......NO ONE BELIEVES WHAT YOU OR ISRAEL SAY...ANYMORE

Man you are like a broken fuckin record. No one cares about your Parroting of Palestinian propaganda its getting boring. Cant you come up with something different? Or better yet take your Nazi friend Cajun AKA Mr Seattle and go post on Mondoweiss, where everyone parrots Palestinian propaganda. Over there, they are all exprrts on Pallywood, so youll fit right in
Sad part of it is he's not really saying ANYTHING. He lives in this delusional world where the Jews he's "friends" with "aren't Zionists". Ha ha ha. Can you believe this crap? In my entire life I have yet to meet a "non Zionist Jew", unless of course the person had a mental illness or something. That's like saying a Muslim who doesn't believe that Mecca should belong to Muslims. Ho ho ho!

THIS FROM THE TOSSER WHO SAID 99.99999999999r% of Israels Jews WERE ZIONISTS,..WHAT A TOTAL WANKER:thewave::thewave::thewave::thewave::thewave::thewave::thewave::thewave::thewave::thewave::thewave::thewave::thewave::thewave::thewave::thewave::thewave::thewave::thewave::thewave::ahole-1:
Israel puts kids in cages and exposes them to the elenents.

These human rights abuses are documented by human rights groups.

AND people shall keep exposing these human rights abuses and bringing them into the Light.

I say Fuck Camera, it's nothing but a lying propaganda rag that exists to whitewash Israel crimes against humanity.

Camera has no credibility, it exposes desperation and willingness to lie of Zionists.

There is not one single person on this message board who is less qualified then you when it comes to determining what site has credibility and what sites dont.
You are well known for not only being a professional Arab propagandist, but you are a compulsive liar too.

In fact, i exposed two lies of yours in the Jesus Zionist thread with links.

On top of that, you are also well know for being a hateful, hypocritical venomous witch.

So, YOU are the one who has no credibility, Satanic shill
Man you are like a broken fuckin record. No one cares about your Parroting of Palestinian propaganda its getting boring. Cant you come up with something different? Or better yet take your Nazi friend Cajun AKA Mr Seattle and go post on Mondoweiss, where everyone parrots Palestinian propaganda. Over there, they are all exprrts on Pallywood, so youll fit right in

YOU ARE DEFEATED......Israel does not need you..and neither do we.

I presume INTELLIGENT is not your first language.

Not with the likes of Roudy and his Puppet Posse.......I just treat him/her/it,the same way he treats others.....AND HE DON'T LIKE.........Indee,I just play his game he loves and enjoys sOOOOOOO MUCH.

Mind you it gets tedious after while
Israel puts kids in cages and exposes them to the elenents.

These human rights abuses are documented by human rights groups.

AND people shall keep exposing these human rights abuses and bringing them into the Light.

I say Fuck Camera, it's nothing but a lying propaganda rag that exists to whitewash Israel crimes against humanity.

Camera has no credibility, it exposes desperation and willingness to lie of Zionists.

There is not one single person on this message board who is less qualified then you when it comes to determining what site has credibility and what sites dont.
You are well known for not only being a professional Arab propagandist, but you are a compulsive liar too.

In fact, i exposed two lies of yours in the Jesus Zionist thread with links.

On top of that, you are also well know for being a hateful, hypocritical venomous witch.

So, YOU are the one who has no credibility, Satanic shill

OOooooo Toasty your voice has become shrill......YOU LOSE.
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