Boycott goes prime-time in Israel

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Caged for months? All I want is a link for that.

Sorry if you are too lazy or ignorant what is the point.........Most Zionists on here know BUGGER ALL......or the choose not to know......which is more to the point....HOW CAN ANYONE LIVE IN SO MUCH BULL....

So in other words you have no evidence that Palestinian children were caged for months in freezing weather.

Typical lying antisemite.
The angel dust addict claims to be an expert on Jews, Zionism, and Judaism.

As usual its usually the mentally ill fuckwads that end up being anti Semites.
Don't need one as this crime has been well reported worldwide for some has created a big PROBLEM for Israel but to her credit...Tzipi in the process of banning this practice by your Military and Zionist......I am utterly astounded that you need a link......what universe do you live on.steven!!!!!!!!

Goodness Me,Caroline do you Zionist go around with your heads in the sand OR WHAT......I'm sure if you type in Palestinian Children Caged by Israeli would find the way what they the IM are doing is totally Ilegal

Caged for months? All I want is a link for that.

Sorry if you are too lazy or ignorant what is the point.........Most Zionists on here know BUGGER ALL......or the choose not to know......which is more to the point....HOW CAN ANYONE LIVE IN SO MUCH BULL....
You should ask yourself that, you seem to know jackshit.
Australia has a different definition of everything than most of the world.

Being upside down all the time screws up their brain patterns.

and I suppose the worlds still FLAT to you

Nope. I fly enough to know it's round.

And we're on top of it.

And you're upside down, and your country is the world's asshole. :thup:

Don't forget your water spins the wrong way, your whiting are not whiting and the majority of the land is not muslim.
Sorry if you are too lazy or ignorant what is the point.........Most Zionists on here know BUGGER ALL......or the choose not to know......which is more to the point....HOW CAN ANYONE LIVE IN SO MUCH BULL....

So in other words you have no evidence that Palestinian children were caged for months in freezing weather.

Typical lying antisemite.
The angel dust addict claims to be an expert on Jews, Zionism, and Judaism.

As usual its usually the mentally ill fuckwads that end up being anti Semites.

His problem is licking cane toads, then box jellyfish and playing footsie in the dunny with red backs
As I recall, the Israelis were found to be waking-up a number of Palestinians minors (ages?) in the middle of the night and parking them in outside Holding Pens (cages) for several hours overnight, on a number of occasions, reportedly on the day prior to their arraignment, in some cases.

I also recall that some pissant human rights group(s) or another - including an Israeli one, if memory serves - claimed that the practice lasted for several months, before the Israelis were called on it, and before some Israeli minister or another ordered a stop to the practice.

There is no excuse for exposing children to freezing outdoor temperatures outdoors, even as a punishment for misbehavior or unruliness or rebellious behavior while in confinement - no excuse; especially if we are talking about younger children, although I suspect that some of these so-called children were a little older and a little less innocent than the pro-Palestinian side would like us to believe.

That being said...

Those so exposed were reportedly (by the rights groups themselves) taken back indoors within a matter of hours after first being put into those cages / holding pens; having served their time.

It also appears to be true that the practice endured at some pissant Israeli jail or another for several months, before a stop was put to the practice by some Israeli minister (Interior?) or another.

This is an important distinction.

The PRACTICE of Cold-Weather Caging lasted for several months.

Individual minors were NOT so-caged and left there, exposed for several months, in freezing weather.

Otherwise we would have had Palestinian Popsicles on our hands within a day or two or three.

Which is not what happened.

It may even be that several of the worst 'bad boys' got put into the cage on several different occasions, but it seems unlikely that they were caged, then left outside, for months on end.

There is absolutely no excuse - zero - for that Cold-Weather Caging - and, in my humble opinion (which doesn't mean shit within Israel or many other places for that matter), the perpetrator(s) of that Caging should be brought up on criminal charges of inhumane treatement of those prisoners.

But that doesn't change the perception that Palestinian Apologists and Fifth Columnists would have us believe that individual minors were so Caged for months on-end in freezing weather, when, in truth, no such thing appears to have happened.

The practice (at a local jail) lasted for months but individual minors were no so-caged for months.

Or do I have that wrong?

CAMERA: UPDATED: False Charge of 'Palestinian Kids in Cages' Lives On in Australian Documentary
Israel puts kids in cages and exposes them to the elenents.

These human rights abuses are documented by human rights groups.

AND people shall keep exposing these human rights abuses and bringing them into the Light.

I say Fuck Camera, it's nothing but a lying propaganda rag that exists to whitewash Israel crimes against humanity.

Camera has no credibility, it exposes desperation and willingness to lie of Zionists.
Wikipedia: Zionist Lie Factory

In April 2008, the*Electronic Intifada published an expose(2)*of pro-Israel pressure group CAMERA (Committee for Accuracy in Middle East Reporting in America). CAMERA had been found to be orchestrating an organised campaign to recruit, train, and manage pro-Israel Internet users who could work as editors of Wikipedia. The CAMERA emails published by the Electronic Intifada reveal the dishonest nature of their highly organised campaign, wherein their operatives would seek Wikipedia ‘Administrator‘ rights before using these privileges to edit, delete, and manipulate information. This writer personally witnessed the outright deletion of the Wikipedia page for the ‘Sayan’ (unofficial helper/operative for the State of Israel) a number of weeks ago – undoubtedly done at the hands of Israel partisans such as CAMERA. At the time of writing however,*the article for Sayan*is*accessible on Wikipedia.(3)*Reading ex-Mossad agent Victor Ostrovsky’s definition of the Sayanim, it is easy to see why Zionists would want this information hidden from the general public.

Lies, Damned Lies, and Wikipedia | empirestrikesblack
Israel puts kids in cages and exposes them to the elenents.

These human rights abuses are documented by human rights groups.

AND people shall keep exposing these human rights abuses and bringing them into the Light.

I say Fuck Camera, it's nothing but a lying propaganda rag that exists to whitewash Israel crimes against humanity.

Camera has no credibility, it exposes desperation and willingness to lie of Zionists.

You don't need to post the same thing twice. It was ignorant enough the first time. The effects of being turned over to Satan are showing you terrorist worshipping imp of Satan.
Israel puts kids in cages and exposes them to the elenents.

These human rights abuses are documented by human rights groups.

AND people shall keep exposing these human rights abuses and bringing them into the Light.

I say Fuck Camera, it's nothing but a lying propaganda rag that exists to whitewash Israel crimes against humanity.

Camera has no credibility, it exposes desperation and willingness to lie of Zionists.

You don't need to post the same thing twice. It was ignorant enough the first time. The effects of being turned over to Satan are showing you terrorist worshipping imp of Satan.

Say what?

Say what?
Israel puts kids in cages and exposes them to the elenents.

These human rights abuses are documented by human rights groups.

AND people shall keep exposing these human rights abuses and bringing them into the Light.

I say Fuck Camera, it's nothing but a lying propaganda rag that exists to whitewash Israel crimes against humanity.

Camera has no credibility, it exposes desperation and willingness to lie of Zionists.

False, but it is to be expect you would believe the libels. We have seen your hate for far too long. Still find it amazing how in this day and age we have people so absorbed in lies and prejudice they become a cancer to society. I like to think better of others. That education, evidence and reason will show them the truth, till proven otherwise, unfortunately.
Might not like it but we will have to deal with you, and hope you will eventually be enlightened. Sadly you missed the sermons in church about love and brotherhood to all man kind. You have just too much hate of people that are different than you. Guess what, you are a minority on this planet. Maybe you should consider joining the global community and strive to spread tolerance, patience, truth, unconditional love and strive to protect this planet we all share, and all life on it.
Put your bible down, turn off the computer and get outside to see the vast world beyond your front door, and variety of people that live here.
i am curious as to how those of you who have remained silent, or even applauded and thanked this blatantly racist comment...

"Sent from my white iPhone. I got rid of the black one because it wouldn't work. "

reconcile it with your accusations that those who are critical or opposed to the current practices and policies of zionism as ehibited by israel are anti-semites?

are you unaware that letting the above comment pass, fairly or unfairly, has a negative impact this has on people's opinions of jewish people and supporters of israel?

if this was just a one time incident it could probably slide, as distasteful as it is, but such attitudes pervade this forum.
"It's a , I say, it's a joke son"!
~~Foghorn Leghorn
Nazi boy can't take a joke. What else is new?

i suppose some people think blatant racism is a joke and some cultures find stereotypical racial slurs humorous.

i don't and i think most americans feel the same way.

if objecting to such racism makes me a nazi, so be it, although hitler was not to fond of black people and would probably laugh at this "joke", not unlike you and some others. others remain silent in the face of such displays. that worked well for hitler and the nazis as well, didn't it?

perhaaps it serves your purpose and the cause of israel and zionism to make more enemies in the black communities across america. i caannot think of one single black man, woman, or child in america who would regard that statement as anything but unmistakably racist in nature and intent.

basically, i am giving you good advice as how not to lose. it does not help zionism one single bit for israeli supporters to indulge in or condone this types of racist comment.

i am getting a very clear picture as to why there are such bad relations between the jewish communities that neighbor black communities.
i am curious as to how those of you who have remained silent, or even applauded and thanked this blatantly racist comment...

"Sent from my white iPhone. I got rid of the black one because it wouldn't work. "

reconcile it with your accusations that those who are critical or opposed to the current practices and policies of zionism as ehibited by israel are anti-semites?

are you unaware that letting the above comment pass, fairly or unfairly, has a negative impact this has on people's opinions of jewish people and supporters of israel?

if this was just a one time incident it could probably slide, as distasteful as it is, but such attitudes pervade this forum.
"It's a , I say, it's a joke son"!
~~Foghorn Leghorn
Nazi boy can't take a joke. What else is new?


He sees that, but totally misses my Brak History Month sig and avie??


Humor is lost on the stupid. :thup:
"It's a , I say, it's a joke son"!
~~Foghorn Leghorn
Nazi boy can't take a joke. What else is new?

i suppose some people think blatant racism is a joke and some cultures find stereotypical racial slurs humorous.

i don't and i think most americans feel the same way.

if objecting to such racism makes me a nazi, so be it, although hitler was not to fond of black people and would probably laugh at this "joke", not unlike you and some others. others remain silent in the face of such displays. that worked well for hitler and the nazis as well, didn't it?

perhaaps it serves your purpose and the cause of israel and zionism to make more enemies in the black communities across america. i caannot think of one single black man, woman, or child in america who would regard that statement as anything but unmistakably racist in nature and intent.

basically, i am giving you good advice as how not to lose. it does not help zionism one single bit for israeli supporters to indulge in or condone this types of racist comment.

i am getting a very clear picture as to why there are such bad relations between the jewish communities that neighbor black communities.

You're right...all that marching arm in arm was all wiped out by Rat's Signature.
Anything INTELLIGENT you'd like to contribute to this discussion?
Australia has a different definition of everything than most of the world.

Being upside down all the time screws up their brain patterns.

and I suppose the worlds still FLAT to you

Nope. I fly enough to know it's round.

And we're on top of it.

And you're upside down, and your country is the world's asshole. :thup:

Thanks for's people like you that is the reason our Military NEVER go into Combat within a Bulls Roar of the's called "FRIENDLY FIRE".....but CRAP ON.
So in other words you have no evidence that Palestinian children were caged for months in freezing weather.

Typical lying antisemite.
The angel dust addict claims to be an expert on Jews, Zionism, and Judaism.

As usual its usually the mentally ill fuckwads that end up being anti Semites.

His problem is licking cane toads, then box jellyfish and playing footsie in the dunny with red backs

Now that is Funny,mind you better a Red Back....THAN A RED NECK.....(I'm just a little to smart for you Phone:clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2:Too smart far TOO SMART.steve:cool:
and I suppose the worlds still FLAT to you

Nope. I fly enough to know it's round.

And we're on top of it.

And you're upside down, and your country is the world's asshole. :thup:

Thanks for's people like you that is the reason our Military NEVER go into Combat within a Bulls Roar of the's called "FRIENDLY FIRE".....but CRAP ON.
Never? I spent a year adjacent to a battalion of Diggers in Sunny Vietnam.
The angel dust addict claims to be an expert on Jews, Zionism, and Judaism.

As usual its usually the mentally ill fuckwads that end up being anti Semites.

His problem is licking cane toads, then box jellyfish and playing footsie in the dunny with red backs

Now that is Funny,mind you better a Red Back....THAN A RED NECK.....(I'm just a little to smart for you Phone:clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2:Too smart far TOO SMART.steve:cool:
Oh, yer smart are ye? Then tell us: Why don't chickens piss?
Israel puts kids in cages and exposes them to the elenents.

These human rights abuses are documented by human rights groups.

AND people shall keep exposing these human rights abuses and bringing them into the Light.

I say Fuck Camera, it's nothing but a lying propaganda rag that exists to whitewash Israel crimes against humanity.

Camera has no credibility, it exposes desperation and willingness to lie of Zionists.
Israel puts terrorists in cages, and if the terrorists happen to be youth, they go in cages too. Just like gangbangers are put behind bars in the USA. Age doesn't seem to be a factor when it comes to Palestinian savagery.
The angel dust addict claims to be an expert on Jews, Zionism, and Judaism.

As usual its usually the mentally ill fuckwads that end up being anti Semites.

His problem is licking cane toads, then box jellyfish and playing footsie in the dunny with red backs

Now that is Funny,mind you better a Red Back....THAN A RED NECK.....(I'm just a little to smart for you Phone:clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2:Too smart far TOO SMART.steve:cool:
Ass LIQ'ers newly purchased smart phone turned stupid within minutes of coming into contact with him.
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