Boycott goes prime-time in Israel

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Firstly said Secular Jews DO NOT support Israel but this is in decline!!!!!!!!????????please explain

That's a lie. Your statement was WAY first.
You're not pulling out of sequence crap here.
You made a statement that requires many years of study of Scripture as though you have that education...
Or admit you were passing gas out of your mouth.

Well I never pass gas.....But probably am brighter than you but it matters I have always stated The Zionist have tried to allie themselves as being inter woven with Judaism.....they are not,this Terrorist Organization is only 100 years old...........Judaism is thousands of years old and they neither follow the Torah...... they have their own separate Mantra which thankfully most Jews do not adhere to. Indie are You a Zionist?steve

Zionism is not "an organization" ..idiot:cuckoo:
That's a lie. Your statement was WAY first.
You're not pulling out of sequence crap here.
You made a statement that requires many years of study of Scripture as though you have that education...
Or admit you were passing gas out of your mouth.

Well I never pass gas.....But probably am brighter than you but it matters I have always stated The Zionist have tried to allie themselves as being inter woven with Judaism.....they are not,this Terrorist Organization is only 100 years old...........Judaism is thousands of years old and they neither follow the Torah...... they have their own separate Mantra which thankfully most Jews do not adhere to. Indie are You a Zionist?steve

Zionism is not "an organization" ..idiot:cuckoo:
Where's the demeaning phrase, Steve? You been smoking belly button lint again?

The facts.......Israeli population circa 22.5 Million

of which 5.9Million are Zionists

2.1 Million Arabs....almost all Palestinian

So much for the Dumbo Roudy saying nearly all Jewish Israelis are Zionists:cuckoo:

Zionists are Jews NOT acting in accordance with Judaism.

What a shame that Dumbo Roudys mental ability isn't as big as his FOUL MOUTH.

So Zionists are around only 25%.I am pro Jewish but not pro Zionists therefore I have

never been or ever could be Anti-Semitic.

Anti Zionist the majority of the world but don't think for one moment that Zionism has any thing to do with Judaism.....nothing could be further from the truth......Zionism EQUALS = TERRORISM.....other Jews are NOT
You really need to stop sniffing that glue while on Angel Dust.

99.99% of Jews are Zionists. Judaism and Zionism are inseparable.

He's pro-Jewish as long as they stay in their place. That place would be at the mercy of those who want us dead:eusa_hand:
The facts.......Israeli population circa 22.5 Million

of which 5.9Million are Zionists

2.1 Million Arabs....almost all Palestinian

So much for the Dumbo Roudy saying nearly all Jewish Israelis are Zionists:cuckoo:

Zionists are Jews NOT acting in accordance with Judaism.

What a shame that Dumbo Roudys mental ability isn't as big as his FOUL MOUTH.

So Zionists are around only 25%.I am pro Jewish but not pro Zionists therefore I have

never been or ever could be Anti-Semitic.

Anti Zionist the majority of the world but don't think for one moment that Zionism has any thing to do with Judaism.....nothing could be further from the truth......Zionism EQUALS = TERRORISM.....other Jews are NOT
You really need to stop sniffing that glue while on Angel Dust.

99.99% of Jews are Zionists. Judaism and Zionism are inseparable.

He's pro-Jewish as long as they stay in their place. That place would be at the mercy of those who want us dead:eusa_hand:

No,not at all.........Many people in history and even today wish to harm Jews,Hate to tell you,I'm not one of my posts over quite some time clearly show.

You need to show some modernity for a about your unlawful detention of Palestinian children who are kept in cages for months in freezing weather......etc,.

You need to grow up........think these children are going to grow up Respecting you.....nope you have created people who despise you,you fool.
That's a lie. Your statement was WAY first.
You're not pulling out of sequence crap here.
You made a statement that requires many years of study of Scripture as though you have that education...
Or admit you were passing gas out of your mouth.

Well I never pass gas.....But probably am brighter than you but it matters I have always stated The Zionist have tried to allie themselves as being inter woven with Judaism.....they are not,this Terrorist Organization is only 100 years old...........Judaism is thousands of years old and they neither follow the Torah...... they have their own separate Mantra which thankfully most Jews do not adhere to. Indie are You a Zionist?steve

Zionism is not "an organization" ..idiot:cuckoo:
What is it then.......stop pissing in the wind
That's a lie. Your statement was WAY first.
You're not pulling out of sequence crap here.
You made a statement that requires many years of study of Scripture as though you have that education...
Or admit you were passing gas out of your mouth.

Well I never pass gas.....But probably am brighter than you but it matters I have always stated The Zionist have tried to allie themselves as being inter woven with Judaism.....they are not,this Terrorist Organization is only 100 years old...........Judaism is thousands of years old and they neither follow the Torah...... they have their own separate Mantra which thankfully most Jews do not adhere to. Indie are You a Zionist?steve

Zionism is not "an organization" ..idiot:cuckoo:

:cuckoo:Then what does WZO mean ? World Zionist Organization.....:eusa_hand:the crap boys
That's a lie. Your statement was WAY first.
You're not pulling out of sequence crap here.
You made a statement that requires many years of study of Scripture as though you have that education...
Or admit you were passing gas out of your mouth.

Well I never pass gas.....But probably am brighter than you but it matters I have always stated The Zionist have tried to allie themselves as being inter woven with Judaism.....they are not,this Terrorist Organization is only 100 years old...........Judaism is thousands of years old and they neither follow the Torah...... they have their own separate Mantra which thankfully most Jews do not adhere to. Indie are You a Zionist?steve

I'd like to thank you for being too filled with hubris to admit that you put your foot in your mouth because you weren't expecting a guy with 40+ years studying Torah to be on a forum.

!!!!Why wouldn't I.......???? Pretty silly comment........
No,not at all.........Many people in history and even today wish to harm Jews,Hate to tell you,I'm not one of my posts over quite some time clearly show.

You need to show some modernity for a about your unlawful detention of Palestinian children who are kept in cages for months in freezing weather......etc,.

You need to grow up........think these children are going to grow up Respecting you.....nope you have created people who despise you,you fool.

No,not at all.........Many people in history and even today wish to harm Jews,Hate to tell you,I'm not one of my posts over quite some time clearly show.

You need to show some modernity for a about your unlawful detention of Palestinian children who are kept in cages for months in freezing weather......etc,.

You need to grow up........think these children are going to grow up Respecting you.....nope you have created people who despise you,you fool.


Don't need one as this crime has been well reported worldwide for some has created a big PROBLEM for Israel but to her credit...Tzipi in the process of banning this practice by your Military and Zionist......I am utterly astounded that you need a link......what universe do you live on.steven!!!!!!!!

Goodness Me,Caroline do you Zionist go around with your heads in the sand OR WHAT......I'm sure if you type in Palestinian Children Caged by Israeli would find out..Yep YOU the way what they the IM are doing is totally Ilegal over 700 children a year......what sort of Jews are these........even the Military or parts of are totally dismayed and speaking out to this abhorrence..let alone other sections of Israeli society but you want a Fcoking LINK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!......."SUFFER LITTLE CHILDREN" THEY SURE ARE IN ISRAEL
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No,not at all.........Many people in history and even today wish to harm Jews,Hate to tell you,I'm not one of my posts over quite some time clearly show.

You need to show some modernity for a about your unlawful detention of Palestinian children who are kept in cages for months in freezing weather......etc,.

You need to grow up........think these children are going to grow up Respecting you.....nope you have created people who despise you,you fool.


Don't need one as this crime has been well reported worldwide for some has created a big PROBLEM for Israel but to her credit...Tzipi in the process of banning this practice by your Military and Zionist......I am utterly astounded that you need a link......what universe do you live on.steven!!!!!!!!

Goodness Me,Caroline do you Zionist go around with your heads in the sand OR WHAT......I'm sure if you type in Palestinian Children Caged by Israeli would find the way what they the IM are doing is totally Ilegal

Caged for months? All I want is a link for that.

Don't need one as this crime has been well reported worldwide for some has created a big PROBLEM for Israel but to her credit...Tzipi in the process of banning this practice by your Military and Zionist......I am utterly astounded that you need a link......what universe do you live on.steven!!!!!!!!

Goodness Me,Caroline do you Zionist go around with your heads in the sand OR WHAT......I'm sure if you type in Palestinian Children Caged by Israeli would find the way what they the IM are doing is totally Ilegal

Caged for months? All I want is a link for that.

Sorry if you are too lazy or ignorant what is the point.........Most Zionists on here know BUGGER ALL......or the choose not to know......which is more to the point....HOW CAN ANYONE LIVE IN SO MUCH BULL....
Don't need one as this crime has been well reported worldwide for some has created a big PROBLEM for Israel but to her credit...Tzipi in the process of banning this practice by your Military and Zionist......I am utterly astounded that you need a link......what universe do you live on.steven!!!!!!!!

Goodness Me,Caroline do you Zionist go around with your heads in the sand OR WHAT......I'm sure if you type in Palestinian Children Caged by Israeli would find the way what they the IM are doing is totally Ilegal

Caged for months? All I want is a link for that.

Sorry if you are too lazy or ignorant what is the point.........Most Zionists on here know BUGGER ALL......or the choose not to know......which is more to the point....HOW CAN ANYONE LIVE IN SO MUCH BULL....

So in other words you have no evidence that Palestinian children were caged for months in freezing weather.

Typical lying antisemite.
Caged for months? All I want is a link for that.

Sorry if you are too lazy or ignorant what is the point.........Most Zionists on here know BUGGER ALL......or the choose not to know......which is more to the point....HOW CAN ANYONE LIVE IN SO MUCH BULL....

So in other words you have no evidence that Palestinian children were caged for months in freezing weather.

Typical lying antisemite.

Did you type in what I told you......YOU COULDN'T HAVE OTHERWISE YOU WOULD SEE.

Your boring anti semite spew is just a mirror reflection of yourself............No wonder the World think all you Zionists are Focking type it in again

Evidence,we have enough EVIDENCE just get these guy to step outside Israel and they would be arrested and taken to the Hague..............
Last edited: can be friends with everyone if you have a mind....YOU DON'T

but I am anti Terrorist of which the Zionists have an appauling record.

Hmm, I guess Australia has a different definition of terrorism than most of the world.

Either that, or you need a dictionary ;)

Australia has a different definition of everything than most of the world.

Being upside down all the time screws up their brain patterns.

and I suppose the worlds still FLAT to you
Sorry if you are too lazy or ignorant what is the point.........Most Zionists on here know BUGGER ALL......or the choose not to know......which is more to the point....HOW CAN ANYONE LIVE IN SO MUCH BULL....

So in other words you have no evidence that Palestinian children were caged for months in freezing weather.

Typical lying antisemite.

Did you type in what I told you......YOU COULDN'T HAVE OTHERWISE YOU WOULD SEE.

Your boring anti semite spew is just a mirror reflection of yourself............No wonder the World think all you Zionists are Focking type it in again

Evidence,we have enough EVIDENCE just get these guy to step outside Israel and they would be arrested and taken to the Hague..............

So you lied. Typical! :cuckoo:
As I recall, the Israelis were found to be waking-up a number of Palestinians minors (ages?) in the middle of the night and parking them in outside Holding Pens (cages) for several hours overnight, on a number of occasions, reportedly on the day prior to their arraignment, in some cases.

I also recall that some pissant human rights group(s) or another - including an Israeli one, if memory serves - claimed that the practice lasted for several months, before the Israelis were called on it, and before some Israeli minister or another ordered a stop to the practice.

There is no excuse for exposing children to freezing outdoor temperatures outdoors, even as a punishment for misbehavior or unruliness or rebellious behavior while in confinement - no excuse; especially if we are talking about younger children, although I suspect that some of these so-called children were a little older and a little less innocent than the pro-Palestinian side would like us to believe.

That being said...

Those so exposed were reportedly (by the rights groups themselves) taken back indoors within a matter of hours after first being put into those cages / holding pens; having served their time.

It also appears to be true that the practice endured at some pissant Israeli jail or another for several months, before a stop was put to the practice by some Israeli minister (Interior?) or another.

This is an important distinction.

The PRACTICE of Cold-Weather Caging lasted for several months.

Individual minors were NOT so-caged and left there, exposed for several months, in freezing weather.

Otherwise we would have had Palestinian Popsicles on our hands within a day or two or three.

Which is not what happened.

It may even be that several of the worst 'bad boys' got put into the cage on several different occasions, but it seems unlikely that they were caged, then left outside, for months on end.

There is absolutely no excuse - zero - for that Cold-Weather Caging - and, in my humble opinion (which doesn't mean shit within Israel or many other places for that matter), the perpetrator(s) of that Caging should be brought up on criminal charges of inhumane treatement of those prisoners.

But that doesn't change the perception that Palestinian Apologists and Fifth Columnists would have us believe that individual minors were so Caged for months on-end in freezing weather, when, in truth, no such thing appears to have happened.

The practice (at a local jail) lasted for months but individual minors were no so-caged for months.

Or do I have that wrong?
As I recall, the Israelis were found to be waking-up a number of Palestinians minors (ages?) in the middle of the night and parking them in outside Holding Pens (cages) for several hours overnight, on a number of occasions, reportedly on the day prior to their arraignment, in some cases.

I also recall that some pissant human rights group(s) or another - including an Israeli one, if memory serves - claimed that the practice lasted for several months, before the Israelis were called on it, and before some Israeli minister or another ordered a stop to the practice.

There is no excuse for exposing children to freezing outdoor temperatures outdoors, even as a punishment for misbehavior or unruliness or rebellious behavior while in confinement - no excuse; especially if we are talking about younger children, although I suspect that some of these so-called children were a little older and a little less innocent than the pro-Palestinian side would like us to believe.

That being said...

Those so exposed were reportedly (by the rights groups themselves) taken back indoors within a matter of hours after first being put into those cages / holding pens; having served their time.

It also appears to be true that the practice endured at some pissant Israeli jail or another for several months, before a stop was put to the practice by some Israeli minister (Interior?) or another.

This is an important distinction.

The PRACTICE of Cold-Weather Caging lasted for several months.

Individual minors were NOT so-caged and left there, exposed for several months, in freezing weather.

Otherwise we would have had Palestinian Popsicles on our hands within a day or two or three.

Which is not what happened.

It may even be that several of the worst 'bad boys' got put into the cage on several different occasions, but it seems unlikely that they were caged, then left outside, for months on end.

There is absolutely no excuse - zero - for that Cold-Weather Caging - and, in my humble opinion (which doesn't mean shit within Israel or many other places for that matter), the perpetrator(s) of that Caging should be brought up on criminal charges of inhumane treatement of those prisoners.

But that doesn't change the perception that Palestinian Apologists and Fifth Columnists would have us believe that individual minors were so Caged for months on-end in freezing weather, when, in truth, no such thing appears to have happened.

The practice (at a local jail) lasted for months but individual minors were no so-caged for months.

Or do I have that wrong?

Thanks for clarifying that issue.
Well I never pass gas.....But probably am brighter than you but it matters I have always stated The Zionist have tried to allie themselves as being inter woven with Judaism.....they are not,this Terrorist Organization is only 100 years old...........Judaism is thousands of years old and they neither follow the Torah...... they have their own separate Mantra which thankfully most Jews do not adhere to. Indie are You a Zionist?steve

Zionism is not "an organization" ..idiot:cuckoo:

:cuckoo:Then what does WZO mean ? World Zionist Organization.....:eusa_hand:the crap boys

they are one of the organization who supports Zionism, Jews returning to our homeland. Zionism is a movement not an organization genus
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but I am anti Terrorist of which the Zionists have an appauling record.

Hmm, I guess Australia has a different definition of terrorism than most of the world.

Either that, or you need a dictionary ;)

Australia has a different definition of everything than most of the world.

Being upside down all the time screws up their brain patterns.

and I suppose the worlds still FLAT to you

Nope. I fly enough to know it's round.

And we're on top of it.

And you're upside down, and your country is the world's asshole. :thup:
No,not at all.........Many people in history and even today wish to harm Jews,Hate to tell you,I'm not one of my posts over quite some time clearly show.

You need to show some modernity for a about your unlawful detention of Palestinian children who are kept in cages for months in freezing weather......etc,.

You need to grow up........think these children are going to grow up Respecting you.....nope you have created people who despise you,you fool.


Don't need one as this crime has been well reported worldwide for some has created a big PROBLEM for Israel but to her credit...Tzipi in the process of banning this practice by your Military and Zionist......I am utterly astounded that you need a link......what universe do you live on.steven!!!!!!!!

Goodness Me,Caroline do you Zionist go around with your heads in the sand OR WHAT......I'm sure if you type in Palestinian Children Caged by Israeli would find out..Yep YOU the way what they the IM are doing is totally Ilegal over 700 children a year......what sort of Jews are these........even the Military or parts of are totally dismayed and speaking out to this abhorrence..let alone other sections of Israeli society but you want a Fcoking LINK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!......."SUFFER LITTLE CHILDREN" THEY SURE ARE IN ISRAEL
Change your angel dust dealer.
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