Boycott goes prime-time in Israel

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i am curious as to how those of you who have remained silent, or even applauded and thanked this blatantly racist comment...

"Sent from my white iPhone. I got rid of the black one because it wouldn't work. "

reconcile it with your accusations that those who are critical or opposed to the current practices and policies of zionism as ehibited by israel are anti-semites?

are you unaware that letting the above comment pass, fairly or unfairly, has a negative impact this has on people's opinions of jewish people and supporters of israel?

if this was just a one time incident it could probably slide, as distasteful as it is, but such attitudes pervade this forum.
"It's a , I say, it's a joke son"!
~~Foghorn Leghorn

no it isn't.

it is racist.

it is a play on a racist stereotype.

you should take away your "thanks".
You take it away , Ace.
Don't think so Hoss,you and Indie will have to do better than that:eek:

Once again...

Your sentence was explicit that Zionism is anti-Judaism...
Please explain.

Firstly said Secular Jews DO NOT support Israel but this is in decline!!!!!!!!????????please explain

That's a lie. Your statement was WAY first.
You're not pulling out of sequence crap here.
You made a statement that requires many years of study of Scripture as though you have that education...
Or admit you were passing gas out of your mouth.
i am curious as to how those of you who have remained silent, or even applauded and thanked this blatantly racist comment...

"Sent from my white iPhone. I got rid of the black one because it wouldn't work. "

reconcile it with your accusations that those who are critical or opposed to the current practices and policies of zionism as ehibited by israel are anti-semites?

are you unaware that letting the above comment pass, fairly or unfairly, has a negative impact this has on people's opinions of jewish people and supporters of israel?

if this was just a one time incident it could probably slide, as distasteful as it is, but such attitudes pervade this forum.
Juvenile segue.

it was racist and you should take away your thanks.

it was worthy of the KKK.
i am curious as to how those of you who have remained silent, or even applauded and thanked this blatantly racist comment...

"Sent from my white iPhone. I got rid of the black one because it wouldn't work. "

reconcile it with your accusations that those who are critical or opposed to the current practices and policies of zionism as ehibited by israel are anti-semites?

are you unaware that letting the above comment pass, fairly or unfairly, has a negative impact this has on people's opinions of jewish people and supporters of israel?

if this was just a one time incident it could probably slide, as distasteful as it is, but such attitudes pervade this forum.

You know full well that Rat is always being nasty towards Conservatives and RARELY posts on non-Economic threads.
i am curious as to how those of you who have remained silent, or even applauded and thanked this blatantly racist comment...

"Sent from my white iPhone. I got rid of the black one because it wouldn't work. "

reconcile it with your accusations that those who are critical or opposed to the current practices and policies of zionism as ehibited by israel are anti-semites?

are you unaware that letting the above comment pass, fairly or unfairly, has a negative impact this has on people's opinions of jewish people and supporters of israel?

if this was just a one time incident it could probably slide, as distasteful as it is, but such attitudes pervade this forum.
"It's a , I say, it's a joke son"!
~~Foghorn Leghorn

no it isn't.

it is racist.

it is a play on a racist stereotype.

you should take away your "thanks".

Cajun,I don't think Rat was thinking that way......I could make cheap mileage out of such a comment but I think you are looking at things with a sensitive eye.

Maybe Rat could elucidate for you...............steve
Once again...

Your sentence was explicit that Zionism is anti-Judaism...
Please explain.

Firstly said Secular Jews DO NOT support Israel but this is in decline!!!!!!!!????????please explain

That's a lie. Your statement was WAY first.
You're not pulling out of sequence crap here.
You made a statement that requires many years of study of Scripture as though you have that education...
Or admit you were passing gas out of your mouth.

Well I never pass gas.....But probably am brighter than you but it matters I have always stated The Zionist have tried to allie themselves as being inter woven with Judaism.....they are not,this Terrorist Organization is only 100 years old...........Judaism is thousands of years old and they neither follow the Torah...... they have their own separate Mantra which thankfully most Jews do not adhere to. Indie are You a Zionist?steve
Then can YOU explain why Secular Jews DO NOT WANT A ZIONIST STATE.steve

Your sentence was explicit that Zionism is anti-Judaism...
Please explain.

As an aside, the day of the SECULAR Jew not supporting Israel is WAY in decline and what is the KNOWLEDGE BASE of a SECULAR Jew in terms of Judaism.

Your sentence was explicit that Zionism is anti-Judaism...
Please explain.

Secular Jews support Israel of course they do,but they do NOT support a ZIONIST STATE,methinks you are:confused:

what does this statement mean?? --------

"Secular Jews support Israel of course they do,but they do NOT support a ZIONIST "

how do you define a "secular jew"?? PS every orthodox jew in the world considers me
to be a secular jew

in fact ever orthodox jew in the world would consider David Ben Gurion to have been
a secular jew
Firstly said Secular Jews DO NOT support Israel but this is in decline!!!!!!!!????????please explain

That's a lie. Your statement was WAY first.
You're not pulling out of sequence crap here.
You made a statement that requires many years of study of Scripture as though you have that education...
Or admit you were passing gas out of your mouth.

Well I never pass gas.....But probably am brighter than you but it matters I have always stated The Zionist have tried to allie themselves as being inter woven with Judaism.....they are not,this Terrorist Organization is only 100 years old...........Judaism is thousands of years old and they neither follow the Torah...... they have their own separate Mantra which thankfully most Jews do not adhere to. Indie are You a Zionist?steve

I'd like to thank you for being too filled with hubris to admit that you put your foot in your mouth because you weren't expecting a guy with 40+ years studying Torah to be on a forum.
That's a lie. Your statement was WAY first.
You're not pulling out of sequence crap here.
You made a statement that requires many years of study of Scripture as though you have that education...
Or admit you were passing gas out of your mouth.

Well I never pass gas.....But probably am brighter than you but it matters I have always stated The Zionist have tried to allie themselves as being inter woven with Judaism.....they are not,this Terrorist Organization is only 100 years old...........Judaism is thousands of years old and they neither follow the Torah...... they have their own separate Mantra which thankfully most Jews do not adhere to. Indie are You a Zionist?steve

I'd like to thank you for being too filled with hubris to admit that you put your foot in your mouth because you weren't expecting a guy with 40+ years studying Torah to be on a forum.

Well if that's the case then elucidate for me then.......and respond to my post above...steve
Well I never pass gas.....But probably am brighter than you but it matters I have always stated The Zionist have tried to allie themselves as being inter woven with Judaism.....they are not,this Terrorist Organization is only 100 years old...........Judaism is thousands of years old and they neither follow the Torah...... they have their own separate Mantra which thankfully most Jews do not adhere to. Indie are You a Zionist?steve

I'd like to thank you for being too filled with hubris to admit that you put your foot in your mouth because you weren't expecting a guy with 40+ years studying Torah to be on a forum.

Well if that's the case then elucidate for me then.......and respond to my post above...steve

You want me to elucidate for you starting from Hashem's instructions to Moshe and then to Yehoshua and the history of how Yehoshua not throwing out all of Canaan's descendants resulted in centuries of headaches for the Judges, Prophets and Kings?

Heck, there are even books that have extracted the parts of the Talmud that explain Jewish history, attitude and reaction to events.

Are you that lazy that sitting down and reading these works, which area readily available in erudite English, is too much work for you?
I'm not asking you to love anything, just spend some time reading and realizing that the people you study know squat about their own history?

The Mesorah Publications ArtScroll Series is an excellent place to start. - ArtScroll Library

And if you REALLY want to know history, don't respond with an ad hominem.
Well I never pass gas.....But probably am brighter than you but it matters I have always stated The Zionist have tried to allie themselves as being inter woven with Judaism.....they are not,this Terrorist Organization is only 100 years old...........Judaism is thousands of years old and they neither follow the Torah...... they have their own separate Mantra which thankfully most Jews do not adhere to. Indie are You a Zionist?steve

I'd like to thank you for being too filled with hubris to admit that you put your foot in your mouth because you weren't expecting a guy with 40+ years studying Torah to be on a forum.

Well if that's the case then elucidate for me then.......and respond to my post above...steve

I can help you Liq-----zionism is as old as is judaism. It refers to jewish return to
he land of Israel/Judea----usually just called the "LAND OF ISRAEL" -----It is called
the land of "ISRAEL" ---because that whole nation of what LATER became called
JEWS is called THE NATION OF ISRAEL ---sometimes "the children of Israel"-----
Israel is the NAME given to JACOB (grandson of Abraham via Isaac) after he experienced
a mystical encounter with the angel GABRIEL. Gabriel can be properly translated
as "NOBLE MESSENGER OF GOD"---in angel form In jewish theology, angels are
formed beings that do things sorta ON COMISSION from God. got that??? So God
renamed JACOB "ISRAEL" which has a kind of mystical meaning mostly alluding
to Jacob as having a commission from God (that's the "el" part of the name) ---
Israel aka jacob father the 12 sons who are the founders of the ***12 tribes of israel**
They all lived in BEERSHEBA---the negev but also moved around and they owned
HEBRON thru Abraham who had purchased it-----and they moved around in what is
Israel Judea. Jacob names his son JUDAH as the family LEADER sorta--king.
Ie Judah became "the royal line"----thus "KINGDOM OF JUDAH" ----means all
THE CHILDREN OF ISRAEL (eventually) so everyone became called JEWS
got it so far? The land now called the MIDDLE EAST was a war torn place----
and the KINGDOM OF JUDAH/Israel was invaded many times and the nation broken
up----its leaders deported etc etc -----but the central
issue of the NATION and RELIGION became RETURN. If you ever decide to read
the bible-----and are literate---you will be able to figure that fact out. Every time
you see the words "GO UP..." or "ASCEND.." ----those words mean a RETURN
TO THE LAND OF ISRAEL, JUDAH, ZION etc etc The whole book is FULL OF IT.
It is one of its MAJOR THEMES

The bible is an ancient writing and remains the focal point of jewish theology---most
of it is written in Hebrew and jews have maintained literacy in Hebrew ALL THIS
TIME----in an almost amazing way. Small enclaves of jews separated from
each other for thousands of years------end up able to talk to each other, I remain
amazed by that fact. Jews say off in Afghanistan somehow still knew hebrew. About
two years ago------hubby ran into an utter stranger ----who clearly did not speak
english. He seemed to have just arrived in the USA------They started speaking to
each other in fluent Hebrew. I am not entirely conversational in Hebrew----but
I did get from hubby "From where are you'?? The answer was "BOMBAY"--
born there and new to the USA From what I know about jews from Bombay---
chances are his family was there for several centuries ----immigrants from
Iran and Iraq ---having fled islamic oppression along with zoroastrians ------and every
bombay jew I ever met was fluent in Hebrew-----and several indian languages.---but
somehow also Hebrew which is certainly not a language needed for life in Bombay
for the past 500 years. There have been jews in India for more than 2000 years.
Hubby---whose family all spoke hebrew before getting to Israel ----lived in a remote
land in a community that had been outside of Israel for some 2500 years. All these
people has writings and spoken expressions indicated their firm belief that they were
I have just described that which a reasonable person calls "zionism",,, but it will not
help A firm dictum of islamo nazi propaganda is "zionism was invented in 1890"
You take it away , Ace.

i can't. i didn't thank him for making the comment.
Did I tell you about the time I ate a dead frog?

Did you get a wart on your tongue? Remember the rumor that you can get
high by LICKING the skin of some species of frog? ---and remember when
people smoked dried banana peels (for the tyramine) ------and remember
airplane glue? Anyone got some home recipes for a good high? I was
a quiet kid------I MISSED OUT ON SO MUCH ........:sad:
It has become almost mirthful how Zionist love to demean about everyone including secular Jews in Israel yet any one who is critical of them they cry wolf
Where's the demeaning phrase, Steve? You been smoking belly button lint again?

The facts.......Israeli population circa 22.5 Million

of which 5.9Million are Zionists

2.1 Million Arabs....almost all Palestinian

So much for the Dumbo Roudy saying nearly all Jewish Israelis are Zionists:cuckoo:

Zionists are Jews NOT acting in accordance with Judaism.

What a shame that Dumbo Roudys mental ability isn't as big as his FOUL MOUTH.

So Zionists are around only 25%.I am pro Jewish but not pro Zionists therefore I have

never been or ever could be Anti-Semitic.

Anti Zionist the majority of the world but don't think for one moment that Zionism has any thing to do with Judaism.....nothing could be further from the truth......Zionism EQUALS = TERRORISM.....other Jews are NOT
You really need to stop sniffing that glue while on Angel Dust.

99.99% of Jews are Zionists. Judaism and Zionism are inseparable.
Well I never pass gas.....But probably am brighter than you but it matters I have always stated The Zionist have tried to allie themselves as being inter woven with Judaism.....they are not,this Terrorist Organization is only 100 years old...........Judaism is thousands of years old and they neither follow the Torah...... they have their own separate Mantra which thankfully most Jews do not adhere to. Indie are You a Zionist?steve

I'd like to thank you for being too filled with hubris to admit that you put your foot in your mouth because you weren't expecting a guy with 40+ years studying Torah to be on a forum.

Well if that's the case then elucidate for me then.......and respond to my post above...steve
First graduate from elementary school and then. Imbeciles need baby steps.
i can't. i didn't thank him for making the comment.
Did I tell you about the time I ate a dead frog?

Did you get a wart on your tongue? Remember the rumor that you can get
high by LICKING the skin of some species of frog? ---and remember when
people smoked dried banana peels (for the tyramine) ------and remember
airplane glue? Anyone got some home recipes for a good high? I was
a quiet kid------I MISSED OUT ON SO MUCH ........:sad:
No wart but I do get a high when I sniff napalm.
i am curious as to how those of you who have remained silent, or even applauded and thanked this blatantly racist comment...

"Sent from my white iPhone. I got rid of the black one because it wouldn't work. "

reconcile it with your accusations that those who are critical or opposed to the current practices and policies of zionism as ehibited by israel are anti-semites?

are you unaware that letting the above comment pass, fairly or unfairly, has a negative impact this has on people's opinions of jewish people and supporters of israel?

if this was just a one time incident it could probably slide, as distasteful as it is, but such attitudes pervade this forum.
"It's a , I say, it's a joke son"!
~~Foghorn Leghorn
Nazi boy can't take a joke. What else is new?
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