Boycott goes prime-time in Israel

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The liberals who defend Israeli apartheid

When the U.S. divestment and sanctions movement against South Africa began, it was as widely dismissed as the BDS movement is today. "Realists" like Henry Kissinger knew that apartheid would rule forever.

Like the BDS movement, the divestment movement began largely on the campuses. But it didn't stay there. People organized in churches, unions, and state and local anti-apartheid coalitions to press their state and city governments to divest. Former Indiana Sen. Richard Lugar was quoted as saying that he knew apartheid was a serious issue when he was asked about sanctions at a high school basketball game in Indiana.

The liberals who defend Israeli apartheid |

Wow. The SOCIALIST WORKER! Almost as convincing as David Duke. Next she'll be quoting Hitler and still won't understand why she's considered a terrorist supporting idiot and imp of Satan.
My country is the US.

Your country is obviously Israel, the one whose shit you eat so gleefully 24/7.

So happy I am not an a Israel shit Eater like you.

I support BDS because it is a moral response to Apartheid in Palestine.

BDS is... all over the MSM today in my country..."
"What country? Iran? Cause it sure isn't big here in the USA. Thanks for letting us know there are at least 3 posters on this account..."
My very own first thought.

MY country as opposed to OUR country.

Oh, to be on the moderation team (or the US Dept of Homeland Security) for 5 minutes and operating a good IP trace program; unmasking any proxies along the way...

A rather visceral and obscene reaction to a round of counterpointing, on something so insignificant as this silly little BDS nonsense.
My country is the US.

Your country is obviously Israel, the one whose shit you eat so gleefully 24/7.

So happy I am not an a Israel shit Eater like you.

I support BDS because it is a moral response to Apartheid in Palestine.

"What country? Iran? Cause it sure isn't big here in the USA. Thanks for letting us know there are at least 3 posters on this account..."
My very own first thought.

MY country as opposed to OUR country.

Oh, to be on the moderation team (or the US Dept of Homeland Security) for 5 minutes and operating a good IP trace program; unmasking any proxies along the way...

A rather visceral and obscene reaction to a round of counterpointing, on something so insignificant as this silly little BDS nonsense.

Bullshit. Your country is Iran. Please keep showing how much of a Christian you are by calling us shit eaters, you demon possessed imp of Satan.
Can the Israel worshipper follow the topic?

It's BDS, today's response to Occupation and Apartheid in Palestine!

Those BDS actions keep happening, day after day after day after day.

and come April 29 if the PA collapse, Israel will have to take control of the WB.
I doubt Abbas will want to step down but without a government, he might have to.

Israel and its US lackeys cannot let the PA fail.

[ame=]Israel palestine: Is the one state solution the only solution? - YouTube[/ame]

Yes they can.
Wall Street likes Israel and the overwhelming majority of successful Jews support Israel.
The Cold War between the US and Russia is way over as far as Israel is concerned.
All Israel needs is Jews and, due to the US economy, Israel is getting them.
And you wanna know what really sucks for the Israel haters?
The secular Jews are coming to the US and the Observant Jews are moving to Israel.
Talk about a Jew Haters worst nightmare.
BDS is growing and flourishing.

ITS even all over the MSM today in my country.

And it is all happening in spite of Israel shit eaters like Kondor3.

Does Israel's shit taste good?

Boy, is it fun watching you eat it!

Potty Mouth Sherri is in the house!!!!

and she claims she talks to jesus aka isa/allaaaa with that mouth-----in arabic,
no less it's ok with me........... I do not know how to say that in arabic.
I do not know how to say "eat" anyone???
BDS is growing and flourishing.

ITS even all over the MSM today in my country.

And it is all happening in spite of Israel shit eaters like Kondor3.

Does Israel's shit taste good?

Boy, is it fun watching you eat it!

Potty Mouth Sherri is in the house!!!!

Ah yes, an example of a true Christian. Must have learned that in Iran.
George Washington and the fight for freedom


Such was the seriousness of the men who risked their lives for the beliefs and values that focused upon the fight for freedom from British tyranny. These men put into play events which altered the course of human history.

George Washington and the fight for freedom | Washington Times Communities

An American's support for Freedom for all who live in Palestine under Occupation and controlled by an Apartheid Regime is as American as George Washington is, George Washington suitable to discuss today as we celebrate his birthday in America today, on President's Day, Americans that is (that excludes Israel shit eaters and Israel worshippers and Israel Firsters).

I am an American and a Christian who knows what American values are all about.

I have no allegiance to any foreign nation and worship no foreign nation either.

BDS is a Christian response to Injustices of Apartheid and an American response to a people seeking Freedom in Palestine, the Palestinian people in much the same position as Americans who sought freedom once upon a time from British Colonialism in America.
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George Washington and the fight for freedom


George Washington and the fight for freedom | Washington Times Communities

An American's support for Freedom for all who live in Palestine under Occupation and controlled by an Apartheid Regime is as American as George Washington is, George Washington suitable to discuss today as we celebrate his birthday in America today, Americans that is (that excludes Israel shit eaters and Israel worshippers and Israel Firsters).

I am an American and a Christian who knows what American values are all about.

I have no allegiance to any foreign nation and worship no foreign nation either.

BDS is a Christian response to Injustices of Apartheid and an American response to a people seeking Freedom in Palestine, the Palestinian people in much the same position as Americans who sought freedom once upon a time from Colonialism in America.

You know sherri, you're right.
I remember reading somewhere that GW would send his men all over the world murdering people until King George would surrender the colonies.

Can the Israel worshipper follow the topic?

It's BDS, today's response to Occupation and Apartheid in Palestine!

Those BDS actions keep happening, day after day after day after day.

Newsflash: Your constant spamming of terrorist supporting bullshit hasn't gained your precious Palestinians one inch of land and never will, you imp of Satan.

Can you only read the NOENAZI JEW HATRED news and not the real news that is telling the BDS movement in Europe that it is acting illegally and that it will be stopped from acting in an ANTI SEMITIC and RACIST manner
George Washington and the fight for freedom


George Washington and the fight for freedom | Washington Times Communities

An American's support for Freedom for all who live in Palestine under Occupation and controlled by an Apartheid Regime is as American as George Washington is, George Washington suitable to discuss today as we celebrate his birthday in America today, Americans that is (that excludes Israel shit eaters and Israel worshippers and Israel Firsters).

I am an American and a Christian who knows what American values are all about.

I have no allegiance to any foreign nation and worship no foreign nation either.

BDS is a Christian response to Injustices of Apartheid and an American response to a people seeking Freedom in Palestine, the Palestinian people in much the same position as Americans who sought freedom once upon a time from British Colonialism in America.

Uh huh. When you have to try to convince us you're an American and a Christian, you've lost the battle, you imp of Satan. Is it normal for Christians to call people shit eaters? Or condemn people to Hell? You must be a member of Westboro Baptist.
Forget boycotts, Israeli settlement goods should be banned

Wednesday, 12 February 2014

States must follow where consumers have led. You can find EU ministers saying settlements are illegal nearly every day of the week but nothing is done. An army of rabbits could feed off the carrots dangled in front of Israel to abandon its settlement enterprise but it has not. Action will happen. It will not be a question of whether we should be buying settlement goods but why can we? Settlement products should not have to be boycotted. They must be banned.

Forget boycotts, Israeli settlement goods should be banned - Al Arabiya News

So then sharia shaitan lets say that Israel closes down all the factories and other places that employ Palestinians and moves them all to Israel. Putting 90% of the Palestinians out of work and back into abject poverty, with many failing to feed their families and pay their rents. Who will you blame for all the deaths and diseases that would run through the west bank, would it be the BDS movement that will have caused it all or would you blame Israel for not ignoring the BDS movement.

Even the Palestinians have said they don't want any boycotts as they only hit the Palestinian workers.
Forget boycotts, Israeli settlement goods should be banned

Wednesday, 12 February 2014

States must follow where consumers have led. You can find EU ministers saying settlements are illegal nearly every day of the week but nothing is done. An army of rabbits could feed off the carrots dangled in front of Israel to abandon its settlement enterprise but it has not. Action will happen. It will not be a question of whether we should be buying settlement goods but why can we? Settlement products should not have to be boycotted. They must be banned.

Forget boycotts, Israeli settlement goods should be banned - Al Arabiya News

So then sharia shaitan lets say that Israel closes down all the factories and other places that employ Palestinians and moves them all to Israel. Putting 90% of the Palestinians out of work and back into abject poverty, with many failing to feed their families and pay their rents. Who will you blame for all the deaths and diseases that would run through the west bank, would it be the BDS movement that will have caused it all or would you blame Israel for not ignoring the BDS movement.

Even the Palestinians have said they don't want any boycotts as they only hit the Palestinian workers.

It's obvious that Sherri Inc will blame Israel for her "Palestinian" terror scum friends being forced to eat cats and sand.

"She" will say that the Israelis should have left all the machines, parts and tools behind so that the terrorists could use them. (to make weapons, of course :eusa_shhh:)

Jewish & Christian advocates for peace and divestment from Israeli Occupation at the Methodist General Conference, April 24, 2012 (Photo: JVPLive)

Here is a description of the Israeli Palestinian conflict in a nutshell and why moral Americans and moral human beings support BDS.

That is the situation in a nutshell. A combination of endless Israeli expansionism and unwavering American support for that expansion and the refusal of Palestinians to accept the dispossession has created a powderkeg. It resembles other historic land struggles that involved imbalances of power and human rights violations, from the England-Ireland conflict to the French colonization of Algeria to South African apartheid. Diplomatic solutions have come and gone. One side is oppressed, and sees no light at the tunnel for its children’s future. The other side feels defensive, militaristic, and obstinate. When Americans entered a similar phase in our own history, people described the battle between the slavery south and the anti-slavery north as an “irrepressible conflict.” The same is true for Israel and Palestine.

And that is why I am for boycott, divestment and sanctions. Given the utter failure of other countries to bring any pressure to bear on the dominant power in the conflict– Israel– boycott and divestment are the only program that holds out hope of a way out without significant bloodshed

A letter to the Methodists in support of divestment
Can the Israel worshipper follow the topic?

It's BDS, today's response to Occupation and Apartheid in Palestine!

Those BDS actions keep happening, day after day after day after day.

Newsflash: Your constant spamming of terrorist supporting bullshit hasn't gained your precious Palestinians one inch of land and never will, you imp of Satan.

Can you only read the NOENAZI JEW HATRED news and not the real news that is telling the BDS movement in Europe that it is acting illegally and that it will be stopped from acting in an ANTI SEMITIC and RACIST manner

BDS is not about Jews. It is about violations of international law.

That is not antisemitism. I don't see where discrimination laws can hold any water.
Ban imports of everything made in the illegal settlements by the war criminal squatters.

Israel is more and more isolated. Its default reaction is to throw money at public relations companies and legions of hasbaristas. This will not work, even if packaged in the attractive figure of Ms Johansson. According to the Guardian, in 2013 “Israeli settlements in the Jordan Valley lost $29m, or 14 percent of their income because supermarkets in the UK and Scandinavia are shunning their peppers, dates and grapes.” Only a change in Israel’s illegal and immoral policies leading to an end to occupation of both the West Bank and Gaza will bring Israel in from the cold. That will hopefully happen in a peace process, but nothing Israel has done or said suggests this.

Forget boycotts, Israeli settlement goods should be banned - Al Arabiya News

Yes lets and see the Palestinians start to starve to death when they cant get any food. You would love that wouldn't you sharia shaitan, all those Palestinian children dying of starvation and disease because you got your way. And the Israeli's working even harder inside Israel and having more money than they know how to spend. At the same time your family could well be dying from the lack of cost effective treatment from Israel that you have had stopped.

Had a heart op on Friday that was accomplished using many Israeli sourced medical implements and hardware. Before Israel invented the new system the operation was very invasive and took 6 to 8 hours with a success rate of less than 50%. Now start to finish takes 45 minutes and involves a small hole in the groin and 15 minutes of actual surgery. From a total cost of $1.5 million per person it is now down to less than $4,000 and recovery is 99.9%. From a 2 week stay in hospital with 4 days ICU it is down to 30 hours on an ordinary ward all thanks to Jewish businesses employing Palestinians on fantastic wages in Settlement factories.
BDS is... all over the MSM today in my country..."
"What country? Iran? Cause it sure isn't big here in the USA. Thanks for letting us know there are at least 3 posters on this account..."
My very own first thought.

MY country as opposed to OUR country.

Oh, to be on the moderation team (or the US Dept of Homeland Security) for 5 minutes and operating a good IP trace program; unmasking any proxies along the way...

A rather visceral and obscene reaction to a round of counterpointing, on something so insignificant as this silly little BDS nonsense.

Like this one perhaps, that gives a map of the location as well............

Track any ip address find out where it comes from.
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