Boycott goes prime-time in Israel

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"...An American's support for Freedom for... Palestine... George Washington suitable to discuss today as we celebrate... President's Day..."

Good idea, Sherriah:

Now that you've raised this sidebar, as adjunct to our discussion about the useless and largely unsupported Boycott movement against Israel...

Now that you've conjured-up the Shades of our Founding Fathers, to discuss the involvement of the United States, vis a vis Arab and Muslim affairs...

It is worth noting that another of our Founding Fathers... a fellow in the confidence of President Washington... the primary author of our Declaration of Independence...

President Thomas Jefferson waged our first declared war...

One waged against the Arab-Muslim kingdom of the Barbary Coast...

First Barbary War - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia




President Jefferson certainly had the right idea.

And the US Marines had so much fun kicking Arab-Muslim ass, that President James Madison decided to send 'em back in a second time...

Second Barbary War - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

...although the mere presence of a US Navy fleet and its Marine detachment were enough to make the Arab grand poobah crap his pants and cave-in, the second time around.

Good choice, for that collection of chickenshits.

But, the US Marines had a good time, both visits.

Hell, the second line in the US Marine Corps Hynn is "...To the shores of Tripoli..."

And that Hymn has been so deeply ingrained in the collective American psyche that we've even utilized that tag-line as the title for movies in the past...


...and everyone immediately recognizes both the tag-line and what it stands for.

The United States Marine Corps.

Proudly kicking Arab-Muslim ass for 213 years and still going strong.

We found it necessary to prune back the worst that the scum in that region serve-up...

Long, long before Israel was even a glimmer in David ben Gurion's eye, and nothing whatsoever to do with the Jews nor the Worldwide Joooooish Kornspiracy...

To seriously expect BDS to get traction in support of your Arab-Muslim Hamas scum... in a proud, stand-up, courageous country like our own is pipe-dreaming.

Ain't gonna happen.

But thank you, Sherriah, for raising the point about this being President's Day.

A time for all of us to remember two great American Presidents... Thomas Jefferson, and James Madison... setting the pace for America, and the way it realistically perceives some of the scum that it has to boldly and sternly deal with, from time to time...
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Israels Courts are expected to soon rule on Israel s Anti Boycott law.

Analysis: Will a middle-of-the-road compromise on anti-boycott law mean no one wins?


02/17/2014 05:02

Court may invalidate the law regarding any penalizing of boycotts against "1967 Israel," but uphold the law against penalizing boycotts against "1948 Israel."

Analysis: Will a middle-of-the-road compromise on anti-boycott law mean no one wins? | JPost | Israel News
Will you be attending the Rolling Stones concert in Israel? That is, if they let your filthy terrorist loving ass in there.
Why would I step foot in an Apartheid State like Israel?

I am not an Israel shit eater like you.

Israels Courts are expected to soon rule on Israel s Anti Boycott law.

Analysis: Will a middle-of-the-road compromise on anti-boycott law mean no one wins?


02/17/2014 05:02

Court may invalidate the law regarding any penalizing of boycotts against "1967 Israel," but uphold the law against penalizing boycotts against "1948 Israel."

Analysis: Will a middle-of-the-road compromise on anti-boycott law mean no one wins? | JPost | Israel News
Will you be attending the Rolling Stones concert in Israel? That is, if they let your filthy terrorist loving ass in there.
Can the Israel worshipper follow the topic?

It's BDS, today's response to Occupation and Apartheid in Palestine!

Those BDS actions keep happening, day after day after day after day.

and come April 29 if the PA collapse, Israel will have to take control of the WB.
I doubt Abbas will want to step down but without a government, he might have to.

Israel and its US lackeys cannot let the PA fail.

[ame=]Israel palestine: Is the one state solution the only solution? - YouTube[/ame]

Why not, if the P.A. fail then the fight is over and Israel has won. Then the land is back up for grabs and Israel is ideally placed for the windfall. Leave gaza for those that want to live in an Islamic cess pit.
No, moron.

There are over 6 million Palestinians in Palestine, they are going nowhere. They exceed the Jews in the land now. As the gap grows ever larger with every day that passes, APARTHEID Israel s end draws ever nearer.


and come April 29 if the PA collapse, Israel will have to take control of the WB.
I doubt Abbas will want to step down but without a government, he might have to.

Israel and its US lackeys cannot let the PA fail.

[ame=]Israel palestine: Is the one state solution the only solution? - YouTube[/ame]

Why not, if the P.A. fail then the fight is over and Israel has won. Then the land is back up for grabs and Israel is ideally placed for the windfall. Leave gaza for those that want to live in an Islamic cess pit.
Why would I step foot in an Apartheid State like Israel?

I am not an Israel shit eater like you.

Israels Courts are expected to soon rule on Israel s Anti Boycott law.

Analysis: Will a middle-of-the-road compromise on anti-boycott law mean no one wins?


02/17/2014 05:02

Court may invalidate the law regarding any penalizing of boycotts against "1967 Israel," but uphold the law against penalizing boycotts against "1948 Israel."

Analysis: Will a middle-of-the-road compromise on anti-boycott law mean no one wins? | JPost | Israel News
Will you be attending the Rolling Stones concert in Israel? That is, if they let your filthy terrorist loving ass in there.
No you're a Hamas shit eater. I'll send you the link for the Rolling Stones concert on youtube. It's a must see. Maybe that'll be the final straw that will make you want to blow yourself up. Allahuakbar!
"...An American's support for Freedom for... Palestine... George Washington suitable to discuss today as we celebrate... President's Day..."

Good idea, Sherriah:

Now that you've raised this sidebar, as adjunct to our discussion about the useless and largely unsupported Boycott movement against Israel...

Now that you've conjured-up the Shades of our Founding Fathers, to discuss the involvement of the United States, vis a vis Arab and Muslim affairs...

It is worth noting that another of our Founding Fathers... a fellow in the confidence of President Washington... the primary author of our Declaration of Independence...

President Thomas Jefferson waged our first declared war...

One waged against the Arab-Muslim kingdom of the Barbary Coast...

First Barbary War - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia




President Jefferson certainly had the right idea.

And the US Marines had so much fun kicking Arab-Muslim ass, that President James Madison decided to send 'em back in a second time...

Second Barbary War - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

...although the mere presence of a US Navy fleet and its Marine detachment were enough to make the Arab grand poobah crap his pants and cave-in, the second time around.

Good choice, for that collection of chickenshits.

But, the US Marines had a good time, both visits.

Hell, the the second line in the US Marine Corps Hynn is "...To the shores of Tripoli..."

And that Hymn has been so deeply ingrained in the collective American psyche that we've even utilized that tag-line as the title for movies in the past...


...and everyone immediately recognizes both the tag-line and what it stands for.

The United States Marine Corps.

Proudly kicking Arab-Muslim ass for 213 years and still going strong.

We found it necessary to prune back the worst that the scum in that region serve-up...

Long, long before Israel was even a glimmer in David ben Gurion's eye, and nothing whatsoever to do with the Jews nor the Worldwide Joooooish Kornspiracy...

To seriously expect BDS to get traction in support of your Arab-Muslim Hamas scum... in a proud, stand-up, courageous country like our own is pipe-dreaming.

Ain't gonna happen.

But thank you, Sherriah, for raising the point about this being President's Day.

A time for all of us to remember two great American Presidents... Thomas Jefferson, and James Madison... setting the pace for America, and the way it realistically perceives some of the scum that it has to boldly and sternly deal with, from time to time...
Same savage Muslims, different era. Not much has changed, only the weapons and tactics are different now.
"...There are over 6 million Palestinians in Palestine, they are going nowhere..."
They're eventually going to Jordan, and Lebanon.

According to the Palestinians own propaganda maps...


At this rate, within a decade or so, what's left of the Arab-Muslim population in Gaza - and, maybe, the West Bank - will be jammed-together on the head of a pin...

Any Palestinian with two dinarii to rub together will have long-since gotten his family the hell outta there, and those who are left will be evicted and escorted across the border, with transport and food and drink and some payoff money in his pocket...

Much like what the Arabs did to the Jews of so many Muslim countries during the 1948-1975 timeframe, except that Jews didn't get the food and drink and payoff money...

We're already moving into the end-game...

A collapse of the PA will only hasten the thing...
Can the Israel worshipper follow the topic?

It's BDS, today's response to Occupation and Apartheid in Palestine!

Those BDS actions keep happening, day after day after day after day.

Can you only read the NOENAZI JEW HATRED news and not the real news that is telling the BDS movement in Europe that it is acting illegally and that it will be stopped from acting in an ANTI SEMITIC and RACIST manner

BDS is not about Jews. It is about violations of international law.

That is not antisemitism. I don't see where discrimination laws can hold any water.

Still waiting for you to post the breaches in International Law involved, bearing in mind that up to now you and your fellow islamonazi friends have failed to do so. Under the terms of the Geneva conventions and the UN resolutions the Israelis have done no wrong. Unless you can come up with some obscure islamonazu laws that say the Israelis are criminals. The settlements are built on RIGHT OF RETURN land and the land is held as a defensive matter against invasion from Syria. The treatment of the inhabitants is within the Geneva conventions terms for dealing with a hostile populace.
"...There are over 6 million Palestinians in Palestine, they are going nowhere..."
They're eventually going to Jordan, and Lebanon.

According to the Palestinians own propaganda maps...


At this rate, within a decade or so, what's left of the Arab-Muslim population in Gaza - and, maybe, the West Bank - will be jammed-together on the head of a pin...

Any Palestinian with two dinarii to rub together will have long-since gotten his family the hell outta there, and those who are left will be evicted and escorted across the border, with transport and food and drink and some payoff money in his pocket...

Much like what the Arabs did to the Jews of so many Muslim countries during the 1948-1975 timeframe, except that Jews didn't get the food and drink and payoff money...

We're already moving into the end-game...

A collapse of the PA will only hasten the thing...
Like I always say. Israel should just annex this land and get it over with. End of subject.
Why would I step foot in an Apartheid State like Israel?

I am not an Israel shit eater like you.

Israels Courts are expected to soon rule on Israel s Anti Boycott law.

Analysis: Will a middle-of-the-road compromise on anti-boycott law mean no one wins?


02/17/2014 05:02

Court may invalidate the law regarding any penalizing of boycotts against "1967 Israel," but uphold the law against penalizing boycotts against "1948 Israel."

Analysis: Will a middle-of-the-road compromise on anti-boycott law mean no one wins? | JPost | Israel News
Will you be attending the Rolling Stones concert in Israel? That is, if they let your filthy terrorist loving ass in there.

And just were is your PROOF that Israel is an apartheid state shaitan sharia, as according to the UN, Geneva conventions and International Law it is not.
No, moron.

There are over 6 million Palestinians in Palestine, they are going nowhere. They exceed the Jews in the land now. As the gap grows ever larger with every day that passes, APARTHEID Israel s end draws ever nearer.


Why not, if the P.A. fail then the fight is over and Israel has won. Then the land is back up for grabs and Israel is ideally placed for the windfall. Leave gaza for those that want to live in an Islamic cess pit.

With the majority of them being children, leaving at most 1.5 million men able to fight. They have lost already haven't they. Check your CIA worldbook for the breakdown of Islamic families and see just how many are adult males.
They would have to see a population of at least 50 million before they had enough fighting men to take on Israel. There is barely enough fighting men in the whole of the arabic M.E to take on Israel, and most of those are already in a war that will go on for some years.

Forget boycotts, Israeli settlement goods should be banned

Wednesday, 12 February 2014

States must follow where consumers have led. You can find EU ministers saying settlements are illegal nearly every day of the week but nothing is done. An army of rabbits could feed off the carrots dangled in front of Israel to abandon its settlement enterprise but it has not. Action will happen. It will not be a question of whether we should be buying settlement goods but why can we? Settlement products should not have to be boycotted. They must be banned.

Forget boycotts, Israeli settlement goods should be banned - Al Arabiya News

So then sharia shaitan lets say that Israel closes down all the factories and other places that employ Palestinians and moves them all to Israel. Putting 90% of the Palestinians out of work and back into abject poverty, with many failing to feed their families and pay their rents. Who will you blame for all the deaths and diseases that would run through the west bank, would it be the BDS movement that will have caused it all or would you blame Israel for not ignoring the BDS movement.

Even the Palestinians have said they don't want any boycotts as they only hit the Palestinian workers.

It's obvious that Sherri Inc will blame Israel for her "Palestinian" terror scum friends being forced to eat cats and sand.

"She" will say that the Israelis should have left all the machines, parts and tools behind so that the terrorists could use them. (to make weapons, of course :eusa_shhh:)
Make weapons? I don't think so. More like taking the machines, parts and tools and destroying them in a maniacal frenzy.
George Washington and the fight for freedom


Such was the seriousness of the men who risked their lives for the beliefs and values that focused upon the fight for freedom from British tyranny. These men put into play events which altered the course of human history.
George Washington and the fight for freedom | Washington Times Communities

An American's support for Freedom for all who live in Palestine under Occupation and controlled by an Apartheid Regime is as American as George Washington is, George Washington suitable to discuss today as we celebrate his birthday in America today, on President's Day, Americans that is (that excludes Israel shit eaters and Israel worshippers and Israel Firsters).

I am an American and a Christian who knows what American values are all about.

I have no allegiance to any foreign nation and worship no foreign nation either.

BDS is a Christian response to Injustices of Apartheid and an American response to a people seeking Freedom in Palestine, the Palestinian people in much the same position as Americans who sought freedom once upon a time from British Colonialism in America.

George Washington's best friend was a Jew named Haym Solomon who when asked by General Washington, fully funded the American Revolution to win their independence.

You can thank Israel that one of its sons listened to the war-torn, heart-rending requests of American colonists, hungry to guide their own destiny and give up winless battles over the negotiation tables with a monarch who refused them a voice in his court, period.

Because people of the faith of Israel were helpful, the colonists couldn't hold religion against anyone, least of all Jewish people who supported and funded the American revolution.

Your bolstering of George Washington is folly. He wouldn't care for your hatred and badmouthing of his friends and allies, the Jews, who also needed freedom so they could practice their religion without being run out of existence by hateful people like you, Sherri.

I hope you knock off the filth and ethnic hatred of Jewish people. I'm getting really tired of it. Forevermore, Christ was a Jew, and he lived a flawless life according to Jewish laws as stated in the Torah and all the minor prophets in the Old Testament. He was better than good because he was Godly in the sight of good and true Jewish scholars. Get your facts right. He also gave the Jews who killed him a free pass by forgiving them.

IOW, they are forgiven. Get over it and get on with a life dedicated to Christ's teachings by showing some respect for the good lives most Jews try to live and die by. They do good deed, they build hospitals, support widows and the fatherless, endow libraries and museums of every kind. In business if you have a Jewish supplier, it is always exactly correct and what you ordered, on the money. It didn't take me 23 years in business to figure it out, it took 3 years to realize, hey, when Rubenstein and Ziff send you an order, you can count on it to be exact and right. Those and 50 others.
George Washington and the fight for freedom


Such was the seriousness of the men who risked their lives for the beliefs and values that focused upon the fight for freedom from British tyranny. These men put into play events which altered the course of human history.
George Washington and the fight for freedom | Washington Times Communities

An American's support for Freedom for all who live in Palestine under Occupation and controlled by an Apartheid Regime is as American as George Washington is, George Washington suitable to discuss today as we celebrate his birthday in America today, on President's Day, Americans that is (that excludes Israel shit eaters and Israel worshippers and Israel Firsters).

I am an American and a Christian who knows what American values are all about.

I have no allegiance to any foreign nation and worship no foreign nation either.

BDS is a Christian response to Injustices of Apartheid and an American response to a people seeking Freedom in Palestine, the Palestinian people in much the same position as Americans who sought freedom once upon a time from British Colonialism in America.

George Washington's best friend was a Jew named Haym Solomon who when asked by General Washington, fully funded the American Revolution to win their independence.

You can thank Israel that one of its sons listened to the war-torn, heart-rending requests of American colonists, hungry to guide their own destiny and give up winless battles over the negotiation tables with a monarch who refused them a voice in his court, period.

Because people of the faith of Israel were helpful, the colonists couldn't hold religion against anyone, least of all Jewish people who supported and funded the American revolution.

Your bolstering of George Washington is folly. He wouldn't care for your hatred and badmouthing of his friends and allies, the Jews, who also needed freedom so they could practice their religion without being run out of existence by hateful people like you, Sherri.

I hope you knock off the filth and ethnic hatred of Jewish people. I'm getting really tired of it. Forevermore, Christ was a Jew, and he lived a flawless life according to Jewish laws as stated in the Torah and all the minor prophets in the Old Testament. He was better than good because he was Godly in the sight of good and true Jewish scholars. Get your facts right. He also gave the Jews who killed him a free pass by forgiving them.

IOW, they are forgiven. Get over it and get on with a life dedicated to Christ's teachings by showing some respect for the good lives most Jews try to live and die by. They do good deed, they build hospitals, support widows and the fatherless, endow libraries and museums of every kind. In business if you have a Jewish supplier, it is always exactly correct and what you ordered, on the money. It didn't take me 23 years in business to figure it out, it took 3 years to realize, hey, when Rubenstein and Ziff send you an order, you can count on it to be exact and right. Those and 50 others.
Uh oh! You're going to get it from all sides how Salomon sold bonds to finance the war and got filthy rich. Put on your body armor and steel helmet.
No, moron.

There are over 6 million Palestinians in Palestine, they are going nowhere. They exceed the Jews in the land now. As the gap grows ever larger with every day that passes, APARTHEID Israel s end draws ever nearer.


Ah...the arab mindset...thinking numbers equal military power. Bring 'em on you imp of Satan. See how quick your Pali squatters end up in the sea.
No, moron.

There are over 6 million Palestinians in Palestine, they are going nowhere. They exceed the Jews in the land now. As the gap grows ever larger with every day that passes, APARTHEID Israel s end draws ever nearer.


Ah...the arab mindset...thinking numbers equal military power. Bring 'em on you imp of Satan. See how quick your Pali squatters end up in the sea.

The Arabs have a much higher birth rate than the Jews. All they have to do is just sit pretty, keep having babies, and eventually democracy will give them control.
No, moron.

There are over 6 million Palestinians in Palestine, they are going nowhere. They exceed the Jews in the land now. As the gap grows ever larger with every day that passes, APARTHEID Israel s end draws ever nearer.


Why not, if the P.A. fail then the fight is over and Israel has won. Then the land is back up for grabs and Israel is ideally placed for the windfall. Leave gaza for those that want to live in an Islamic cess pit.
Is Sherri Muffin going to be in that group of heroes throwing them Jews into the sea?
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