Boycott Israel

RE: Boycott Israel
※→ P F Tinmore, et al,

OH for crying out loud!

Liz Jackson of Palestine Legal and JVP’s Tallie Ben Daniel talk about Trump’s Department of Education’s redefinition of antisemitism.


Liz Jackson of Palestine Legal and JVP’s Tallie Ben Daniel are suggesting that delegitimizing Israel, or holding it to a double standard not expected of other democratic nations, are perfectly OK.

So, is is perfectly OK to delegitimize the Palestinians, or holding the Palestinians to a double standard not expected of other nations.

Most Respectfully,

What double standard?
RE: Boycott Israel
※→ P F Tinmore, et al,

They did not say in their presentation.


RE: Boycott Israel
※→ P F Tinmore, et al,

OH for crying out loud!

Liz Jackson of Palestine Legal and JVP’s Tallie Ben Daniel talk about Trump’s Department of Education’s redefinition of antisemitism.


Liz Jackson of Palestine Legal and JVP’s Tallie Ben Daniel are suggesting that delegitimizing Israel, or holding it to a double standard not expected of other democratic nations, are perfectly OK.

So, is is perfectly OK to delegitimize the Palestinians, or holding the Palestinians to a double standard not expected of other nations.

Most Respectfully,

What double standard?
RE: Boycott Israel
※→ P F Tinmore, et al,

They did not say in their presentation.


RE: Boycott Israel
※→ P F Tinmore, et al,

OH for crying out loud!

Liz Jackson of Palestine Legal and JVP’s Tallie Ben Daniel talk about Trump’s Department of Education’s redefinition of antisemitism.


Liz Jackson of Palestine Legal and JVP’s Tallie Ben Daniel are suggesting that delegitimizing Israel, or holding it to a double standard not expected of other democratic nations, are perfectly OK.

So, is is perfectly OK to delegitimize the Palestinians, or holding the Palestinians to a double standard not expected of other nations.

Most Respectfully,

What double standard?

It is Israel's BS claim that there is a double standard. What is it?
RE: Boycott Israel
※→ P F Tinmore, et al,

OH for crying out loud!

Liz Jackson of Palestine Legal and JVP’s Tallie Ben Daniel talk about Trump’s Department of Education’s redefinition of antisemitism.


Liz Jackson of Palestine Legal and JVP’s Tallie Ben Daniel are suggesting that delegitimizing Israel, or holding it to a double standard not expected of other democratic nations, are perfectly OK.

So, is is perfectly OK to delegitimize the Palestinians, or holding the Palestinians to a double standard not expected of other nations.

Most Respectfully,

What double standard?

Doesn't matter. The question is whether the three D's (demonization, delegitimization, double standards) are appropriate to include in a definition of anti-semitism. They are.
RE: Boycott Israel
※→ P F Tinmore, et al,

OH for crying out loud!

Liz Jackson of Palestine Legal and JVP’s Tallie Ben Daniel talk about Trump’s Department of Education’s redefinition of antisemitism.


Liz Jackson of Palestine Legal and JVP’s Tallie Ben Daniel are suggesting that delegitimizing Israel, or holding it to a double standard not expected of other democratic nations, are perfectly OK.

So, is is perfectly OK to delegitimize the Palestinians, or holding the Palestinians to a double standard not expected of other nations.

Most Respectfully,

What double standard?

Doesn't matter. The question is whether the three D's (demonization, delegitimization, double standards) are appropriate to include in a definition of anti-semitism. They are.

Does not apply to BDS.
RE: Boycott Israel
※→ P F Tinmore, et al,

OH for crying out loud!

Liz Jackson of Palestine Legal and JVP’s Tallie Ben Daniel talk about Trump’s Department of Education’s redefinition of antisemitism.


Liz Jackson of Palestine Legal and JVP’s Tallie Ben Daniel are suggesting that delegitimizing Israel, or holding it to a double standard not expected of other democratic nations, are perfectly OK.

So, is is perfectly OK to delegitimize the Palestinians, or holding the Palestinians to a double standard not expected of other nations.

Most Respectfully,

What double standard?

Doesn't matter. The question is whether the three D's (demonization, delegitimization, double standards) are appropriate to include in a definition of anti-semitism. They are.

Does not apply to BDS.

Sure does. As BDS is practiced, if not BDS principle. Though I would argue that the principles are problematic as well.
RE: Boycott Israel
※→ P F Tinmore, et al,

OH for crying out loud!

Liz Jackson of Palestine Legal and JVP’s Tallie Ben Daniel talk about Trump’s Department of Education’s redefinition of antisemitism.


Liz Jackson of Palestine Legal and JVP’s Tallie Ben Daniel are suggesting that delegitimizing Israel, or holding it to a double standard not expected of other democratic nations, are perfectly OK.

So, is is perfectly OK to delegitimize the Palestinians, or holding the Palestinians to a double standard not expected of other nations.

Most Respectfully,

What double standard?

Doesn't matter. The question is whether the three D's (demonization, delegitimization, double standards) are appropriate to include in a definition of anti-semitism. They are.

Does not apply to BDS.

Sure does. As BDS is practiced, if not BDS principle. Though I would argue that the principles are problematic as well.

How so?
The Palestinian Authority continues to discourage Arabs living in Jerusalem from participating in Israel's upcoming Jerusalem municipal elections. Rather than encourage Jerusalem Arabs to seek influence in Jerusalem, the PA publicized the message of the head of the Greek Orthodox Church's Sebastia Patriarchate, Archbishop Atallah Hanna, calling on Jerusalem Arabs to boycott the elections. This follows the PA Fatwa Council's prohibition on running and voting in the October elections, which Palestinian Media Watch has reported on.

Hanna warned that the participation of Jerusalem Arabs who have submitted their candidacy to the elections "will be exploited in the media for the promotion of what is called 'the democratic state [of Israel]'":

"[Hanna said:] 'The correct national position is that these elections must be boycotted, both in terms of submitting candidacy and in terms of voting.' Archbishop Hanna demanded that those who want to submit candidacy in these elections change their decision, because their presence will be exploited in the media for the promotion of what is called 'the democratic state [of Israel].'"
[Official PA daily Al-Hayat Al-Jadida, Sept. 12, 2018]

The PA and its leaders, including the Archbishop, repeatedly publicize its false accusation that Israel is "an apartheid state" that denies rights to Arabs in Israel. Elections with free participation by Jerusalem Arabs - both as candidates and as voters - is naturally a contradiction of this PA narrative and not good for their PR.

(full article online)

Palestinian Archbishop: Don't participate in Jerusalem municipal elections - PMW Bulletins
Continuing from last time, a BDS debate involving South Africa usually follows certain predictable patterns. BDS advocates claim that those involved in the struggle to topple Apartheid in SA see the Arab-Israeli conflict in the same terms with Israelis serving as stand-ins for the Boers. Various names are dropped, but since most Americans are unfamiliar with the cast of characters (and because most students at schools targeted for BDS campaigns weren’t even born when Apartheid existed or ended), the only two names with any resonance are Desmond Tutu and, of course, Nelson Mandela.

Because Reverend Tutu is a four-square champion for BDS, his support for a boycott or divestment program can only be trumped by invoking the name of Mandela whose relationship with Jews and Israel is more ambiguous. One of the reasons an attempt a few years ago to break ties between the University of Johannesburg and Ben-Gurion University in Israel failed was because of Mandela’s involvement in the relationship between the two centers of learning. This is why the endorsement of Mandela is so sought after that BDS advocates are not beyond using fraud to pretend to obtain it.

Like most things, the actual relationship between Israel and South Africa (like the relationship between South Africa and every other country in the world – including Israel’s loudest critics) was a complicated affair. As is usually the case when $$$s mix with global politics, few hands are clean when it comes to international affairs vis-à-vis pre-Mandela SA. And South Africa’s relationship with Israel since Apartheid fell is as multi-faceted as one would expect between two such intense and vibrant societies.

(full article online)

BDS and South Africa part 2 (Divest This!) ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News

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