Boycott Israel

Cheney-Lippold, like other boycott defenders, points to the supposed 2005 “call of Palestinian civil society” to justify his singling out of Israel. “I support,” he says in comments to the student newspaper, “communities who organize themselves and ask for international support to achieve equal rights, freedom and to prevent violations of international law.” Set aside the absurdity of this reasoning (“Why am I not boycotting China on behalf of Tibet? Because China has been much more effective in stifling civil society!”). Focus instead on what Cheney- Lippold could have found out by Googling. The first endorser of the call of “civil society” is the Council of National and Islamic Forces (NIF) in Palestine, which includes Hamas, the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine, and other groups that trade not only in violent resistance but in violence that directly targets noncombatants.

(full article online)

The BDS Movement's Academics Are Just as Unprincipled as Its Activists
Victory: Arizona Federal Court Blocks Anti-Boycott Law

A federal court has blocked enforcement of Arizona Revised Statute § 35-393.01, a law that requires companies seeking to enter into contracts with the state to certify that they are not engaged in a boycott of Israel.

The decision came in response to a challenge by Mikkel Jordahl, an attorney with a solo law practice who faced a difficult choice between his personal commitment to boycotts in support of Palestinian freedom and his professional interest in contracting with the state to provide legal services to people incarcerated in Coconino County, Arizona. Represented by the ACLU, Jordahl challenged the law as a violation of his First Amendment right to engage in political boycotts.

With this ruling, Arizona is blocked from enforcing its anti-boycott law pending final resolution of the case. In a similar case in Kansas, the state amended its anti-boycott law after a federal court blocked enforcement.

“This is the second time a federal court has blocked a law trying to prevent us from engaging in boycotts for Palestinian freedom,” said Palestine Legal director Dima Khalidi. “There are similar laws on the books in at least 25 states, as well as pending federal legislation. These laws all violate the First Amendment, and we expect that more courts will agree as these laws are challenged one by one.”
25 September 2018

Labour conference votes for freeze of arms sales to Israel


Delegates at the Labour Party conference in Liverpool today voted to support a freeze on arms sales to Israel after debating a motion on Palestine for the first time in living memory.

During the moving of the motion in the afternoon the conference floor became a sea of flags as delegates showed their support for Palestinians.

The unprecedented motion noted that that “the majority of Palestinian people were forcibly displaced from their homes” during the Nakba and condemned the “aggressive attempt to rewrite history and erase the victims of the 1948 war” [1].

It called for an “independent international investigation into Israel’s use of force against Palestinian demonstrators”, an “immediate and unconditional end to the illegal blockade and closure of Gaza” and “a freeze of UK Government arms sales to Israel” [2].

Labour conference votes for freeze of arms sales to Israel - Palestine Solidarity Campaign
UK student conference: driving forward campus BDS

Credit: Ryan Ashcroft
Students from over 35 different UK universities converged in Manchester at the weekend for a national conference on campus Boycott Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) campaigning.

The two day gathering included workshops on researching universities’ complicity with Israeli apartheid, effective divestment campaigning, building coalitions on campus, winning the case for BDS, media as a campaign tool, and mobilisation and ‘rapid reaction’ on campus.

UK student conference: driving forward campus BDS - Palestine Solidarity Campaign
BDS Umbrella Group Linked to Palestinian Terrorist Organizations

Over the past decade, as the prospects of peace between Israelis and Palestinians became ever slimmer, there has been a growing attention to—and, in some quarters, acceptance of—the Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions movement targeting Israel, or BDS. Those drawn to the cause have likely come across the US Campaign for Palestinian Rights, a Virginia-based nonprofit organization that serves as the American umbrella group of the BDS movement and is arguably the most prominent promoter of BDS in the United States. The US Campaign, which is officially called Education for Just Peace in the Middle East, coordinates the efforts of 329 different pro-BDS organizations “working to advocate for Palestinian rights and a shift in US policy … bound by commonly shared principles on Palestine solidarity as well as our anti-racism principles,” according to the group’s website.

But as Tablet confirmed , the group also helps facilitate tax-exempt donations to a Palestinian coalition that includes Hamas, Palestinian Islamic Jihad, the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine, and other groups the U.S. State Department designates as terror organizations.
BDS Umbrella Group Linked to Palestinian Terrorist Organizations

Over the past decade, as the prospects of peace between Israelis and Palestinians became ever slimmer, there has been a growing attention to—and, in some quarters, acceptance of—the Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions movement targeting Israel, or BDS. Those drawn to the cause have likely come across the US Campaign for Palestinian Rights, a Virginia-based nonprofit organization that serves as the American umbrella group of the BDS movement and is arguably the most prominent promoter of BDS in the United States. The US Campaign, which is officially called Education for Just Peace in the Middle East, coordinates the efforts of 329 different pro-BDS organizations “working to advocate for Palestinian rights and a shift in US policy … bound by commonly shared principles on Palestine solidarity as well as our anti-racism principles,” according to the group’s website.

But as Tablet confirmed , the group also helps facilitate tax-exempt donations to a Palestinian coalition that includes Hamas, Palestinian Islamic Jihad, the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine, and other groups the U.S. State Department designates as terror organizations.
BDS in non partisan. It is not affiliated with any political party.

Even taking the motion that passed at face value, it is largely meaningless. There have already been calls for setting up an international commission over the Gaza Strip border protests – backed by the secretary-general of the United Nations, no less – and Israel has simply ignored them. Labour has voted in the past to recognize a Palestinian state, so nothing new there either.

The third element of the motion, freezing British arms sales to Israel, is largely declarative, as Israel does not acquire any major weapons systems from Britain – just a few things that could easily be bought elsewhere. In fact, as far as arms sales go, British acquisitions of Israeli drones, missiles and airborne systems crucial to British operations – as well as most British military-flight training, which has been outsourced to an Israeli-led consortium – is more than tenfold the value of British arms bought by Israel.

(full article online)

U.K. Labour Party’s vote on Israel and Palestinians is an empty gesture from a spent political force
Wonderful news from Germany, a huge thank you to Christopher Ben Kushka, Ronnie Barkin and Majed Abusalama.

"JUSTITIA! BDS! Court rules in favour of #BDS, human rights and freedom of speech!
Today the municpality of Oldenburg, Germany lost the process against BDS Initiative Oldenburg after a legal battle dragging on for more than two years. The municipality had withdrawn a public venue from the Initiative in 2016 which was scheduled to hold a BDS introduction event with Ronnie Barkan there. The court has now found that this was unlawful. The municpality must carry all costs of the legal process. Our way to renting public space is open and this will ease paving the way for BDS here locally.

We are positive that this will have positive repercussions in many other places in Germany. Important details and analysis about this remarkable day shall be shared later.
But today is a day to party! For Palestine, for human rights, for BDS! Please celebrate with us! PLEASE SHARE!

(My gratitude also goes out to my lawyer who helped to rock this so well- you´re beautiful, shukran!)"


Friends of Palestine Network - FOPN
British firm JCB helps Israel commit war crimes

Occupation authorities have given residents of the Palestinian village of Khan al-Ahmar until 1 October to demolish their own homes.

Earlier this month Israel’s highest court gave final approval to destroy the West Bank village to make way for Israeli settlements.

If the residents don’t comply, Israel is expected to send in its bulldozers any day. It is almost certain they will include machines made by British firm JCB, whose equipment has been used for years to demolish Palestinian property in the occupied West Bank.

Destruction of Khan al-Ahmar would be a war crime under international law, and JCB executives are being warned they could face criminal liability for their role.

Last July, JCB equipment was spotted in the Bedouin villages of Khan al-Ahmar and Abu Nuwwar near East Jerusalem.


A JCB bulldozer, guarded by Israeli occupation forces, is used to uproot olive trees on private Palestinian land near Nabi Elias in the occupied West Bank in order to build a road for Israeli settlers, 16 January 2017.

Keren Manor ActiveStills
British firm JCB helps Israel commit war crimes

Occupation authorities have given residents of the Palestinian village of Khan al-Ahmar until 1 October to demolish their own homes.

Earlier this month Israel’s highest court gave final approval to destroy the West Bank village to make way for Israeli settlements.

If the residents don’t comply, Israel is expected to send in its bulldozers any day. It is almost certain they will include machines made by British firm JCB, whose equipment has been used for years to demolish Palestinian property in the occupied West Bank.

Destruction of Khan al-Ahmar would be a war crime under international law, and JCB executives are being warned they could face criminal liability for their role.

Last July, JCB equipment was spotted in the Bedouin villages of Khan al-Ahmar and Abu Nuwwar near East Jerusalem.


A JCB bulldozer, guarded by Israeli occupation forces, is used to uproot olive trees on private Palestinian land near Nabi Elias in the occupied West Bank in order to build a road for Israeli settlers, 16 January 2017.

Keren Manor ActiveStills

I'm surprised you sleep at night, with this on your mind nonstop.
Norway gives “green light” to boycotts of Israel’s settlements

Municipalities which boycott Israel’s illegal settlements do not violate Norway’s international obligations, a foreign ministry official has insisted, dealing a blow to right-wing parties that tried to have two such municipal boycotts rescinded.

Audun Halvorsen, state secretary at the foreign ministry, said early May that a boycott of “goods and services produced in settlements does not contradict Norway’s international commitments.”

His comments came after three right-wing parties had appealed boycotts in Trondheim and Tromsø
Norway gives "green light" to boycotts of Israel's settlements
British firm JCB helps Israel commit war crimes

Occupation authorities have given residents of the Palestinian village of Khan al-Ahmar until 1 October to demolish their own homes.

Earlier this month Israel’s highest court gave final approval to destroy the West Bank village to make way for Israeli settlements.

If the residents don’t comply, Israel is expected to send in its bulldozers any day. It is almost certain they will include machines made by British firm JCB, whose equipment has been used for years to demolish Palestinian property in the occupied West Bank.

Destruction of Khan al-Ahmar would be a war crime under international law, and JCB executives are being warned they could face criminal liability for their role.

Last July, JCB equipment was spotted in the Bedouin villages of Khan al-Ahmar and Abu Nuwwar near East Jerusalem.


A JCB bulldozer, guarded by Israeli occupation forces, is used to uproot olive trees on private Palestinian land near Nabi Elias in the occupied West Bank in order to build a road for Israeli settlers, 16 January 2017.

Keren Manor ActiveStills

Your buddies better hurry up and make peace. At this rate, Palestine will be the size of Luxembourg.
British firm JCB helps Israel commit war crimes

Occupation authorities have given residents of the Palestinian village of Khan al-Ahmar until 1 October to demolish their own homes.

Earlier this month Israel’s highest court gave final approval to destroy the West Bank village to make way for Israeli settlements.

If the residents don’t comply, Israel is expected to send in its bulldozers any day. It is almost certain they will include machines made by British firm JCB, whose equipment has been used for years to demolish Palestinian property in the occupied West Bank.

Destruction of Khan al-Ahmar would be a war crime under international law, and JCB executives are being warned they could face criminal liability for their role.

Last July, JCB equipment was spotted in the Bedouin villages of Khan al-Ahmar and Abu Nuwwar near East Jerusalem.


A JCB bulldozer, guarded by Israeli occupation forces, is used to uproot olive trees on private Palestinian land near Nabi Elias in the occupied West Bank in order to build a road for Israeli settlers, 16 January 2017.

Keren Manor ActiveStills

Yawn... Tit for Tat. Jordan did the same thing to the Israelis in E. Jerusalem. Wasn’t around then but I bet no one got upset about it ( except the Israelis)

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