Boycott Israel

RE: Boycott Israel
※→ et al,

On the idea to Boycott "Israel."


There are several vantage points from which one can describe the Israel-Palestinian controversy. One of the original perspective, conforming to the 1948 position held by the Arab High Committee, is the view to supports a "one state solution" in which Israel will be replaced by a Palestinian State composed of all the territory formerly under the Mandate for Palestine (less the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan). Essentially, everything west of the Jordan River.

It is a radical alternative view to the concept of a Jewish National Home. For centuries some Jews had sought a remedy for this in the establishment of a community in a local habitation preferably in Palestine, and Zionism, as we now know it, was the outcome of this aspiration. Some see the establishment of the National Home as an example of a broad humanitarian effort and far-sighted statesmanship while others see the exact opposite.

One aspect embodied in the original organization of the Boycott, Divestment, Sanctions (BDS) movement was that the movement would behave according to socially acceptable conventions or standards. While it might present an opposing view, it would do so without resorting to "vicious ad hominem attacks." The BDS Movement was a non-violent way to condemn the Palestinian occupation of the territories, to take an effective action to that end, ⇒ but also to condemn the unnecessary racist attacks on Jews. Today, the BDS Platform is nothing more than a new delivery system for anti-Israeli propaganda.

Just My Opinion.

Most Respectfully,
It is a radical alternative view to the concept of a Jewish National Home.
The Jewish National Home is the alternative view. Peace was the original view.
The Israel Boycott, Anti-Judaism, and the Giant Shrug

January 7, 2014 by Jackson Doughart



I’ve long tried to understand the contemporary Left’s obsession with the Israeli-Palestinian dispute and its tunnel-visioned view of the matter, which categorizes all Israeli actions as evil and all Arab ones as an admirable fight against oppression. One should aim to find an explanation that does not rest on a fundamental hostility toward Jews; after all, the unfounded and premature attribution of bigotry to one’s political opponents is normally the sign of a weak argument.

The best such explanation that I can come up with rests on the radical Left’s predilection for anti-Americanism, which resembles far more a political position than a form of bigotry. The problem, in their eyes, is not Israel per se but the fact that it is an ally of the Great Satan. There is some empirical support for this: even figures such as Noam Chomsky were not hostile to Israel in its early existence. The country was, as one recalls, founded primarily on the principles of democratic socialism and owed to Jewish Leftists for its establishment. Chomsky even lived in Israel on a kibbutz for a time. It was only when Israel aligned itself with the United States that it became complicit, in their view, with American imperialism, and hence dismissible on principle. The Left’s anti-Israelism could thus be chalked up to the decayed ideology of anti-colonialism, which has for decades been focuses squarely on American foreign policy.


The problem with the ASA’s boycott is not its means, but rather its ends. On this point there is no room for an even-handed middle ground. Those who depart from the anti-Israel world view must voice their dissent now; if they don’t, the boycotts will keep rolling in.

The Israel Boycott, Anti-Judaism, and the Giant Shrug | FrontPage Magazine
Don't these morons calling for the boycott of Israel understand that they are the ones causing the problems for the filastins. The filastins work on the farms producing the crops that are sold all over the world, and a boycott of Israel will cause them to be made unemployed and de[/stitutequote]

And before Israel they worked on their own farms producing the crops that were sold all over the world.

It doesn't look like Israel is doing them a big favor.

WRONG as they had no farms being itinerant squatters, barely 1% of the Palestinians worked the land as it was too costly for them to do so.
RE: Boycott Israel
※→ et al,
RE: Boycott Israel
※→ et al,

On the idea to Boycott "Israel."


There are several vantage points from which one can describe the Israel-Palestinian controversy. One of the original perspective, conforming to the 1948 position held by the Arab High Committee, is the view to supports a "one state solution" in which Israel will be replaced by a Palestinian State composed of all the territory formerly under the Mandate for Palestine (less the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan). Essentially, everything west of the Jordan River.

It is a radical alternative view to the concept of a Jewish National Home. For centuries some Jews had sought a remedy for this in the establishment of a community in a local habitation preferably in Palestine, and Zionism, as we now know it, was the outcome of this aspiration. Some see the establishment of the National Home as an example of a broad humanitarian effort and far-sighted statesmanship while others see the exact opposite.

One aspect embodied in the original organization of the Boycott, Divestment, Sanctions (BDS) movement was that the movement would behave according to socially acceptable conventions or standards. While it might present an opposing view, it would do so without resorting to "vicious ad hominem attacks." The BDS Movement was a non-violent way to condemn the Palestinian occupation of the territories, to take an effective action to that end, ⇒ but also to condemn the unnecessary racist attacks on Jews. Today, the BDS Platform is nothing more than a new delivery system for anti-Israeli propaganda.

Just My Opinion.

Most Respectfully,
It is a radical alternative view to the concept of a Jewish National Home.
The Jewish National Home is the alternative view. Peace was the original view.

On the idea to Boycott "Israel."


There are several vantage points from which one can describe the Israel-Palestinian controversy. One of the original perspective, conforming to the 1948 position held by the Arab High Committee, is the view to supports a "one state solution" in which Israel will be replaced by a Palestinian State composed of all the territory formerly under the Mandate for Palestine (less the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan). Essentially, everything west of the Jordan River.

It is a radical alternative view to the concept of a Jewish National Home. For centuries some Jews had sought a remedy for this in the establishment of a community in a local habitation preferably in Palestine, and Zionism, as we now know it, was the outcome of this aspiration. Some see the establishment of the National Home as an example of a broad humanitarian effort and far-sighted statesmanship while others see the exact opposite.

One aspect embodied in the original organization of the Boycott, Divestment, Sanctions (BDS) movement was that the movement would behave according to socially acceptable conventions or standards. While it might present an opposing view, it would do so without resorting to "vicious ad hominem attacks." The BDS Movement was a non-violent way to condemn the Palestinian occupation of the territories, to take an effective action to that end, ⇒ but also to condemn the unnecessary racist attacks on Jews. Today, the BDS Platform is nothing more than a new delivery system for anti-Israeli propaganda.

Just My Opinion.

Most Respectfully,
It is a radical alternative view to the concept of a Jewish National Home.
The Jewish National Home is the alternative view. Peace was the original view.

Just a note,You know I Love you Tinne,but Please get rid of that new Avie of a girl with a gun...You are not a Zionist Terrorist Asshole BUT A PROUD PALESTINIAN...steve

Have you noticed recently poor Rocco has become unhinged,or is it just me,I really use to enjoy his posts
RE: Boycott Israel
※→ et al,
RE: Boycott Israel
※→ et al,

On the idea to Boycott "Israel."


There are several vantage points from which one can describe the Israel-Palestinian controversy. One of the original perspective, conforming to the 1948 position held by the Arab High Committee, is the view to supports a "one state solution" in which Israel will be replaced by a Palestinian State composed of all the territory formerly under the Mandate for Palestine (less the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan). Essentially, everything west of the Jordan River.

It is a radical alternative view to the concept of a Jewish National Home. For centuries some Jews had sought a remedy for this in the establishment of a community in a local habitation preferably in Palestine, and Zionism, as we now know it, was the outcome of this aspiration. Some see the establishment of the National Home as an example of a broad humanitarian effort and far-sighted statesmanship while others see the exact opposite.

One aspect embodied in the original organization of the Boycott, Divestment, Sanctions (BDS) movement was that the movement would behave according to socially acceptable conventions or standards. While it might present an opposing view, it would do so without resorting to "vicious ad hominem attacks." The BDS Movement was a non-violent way to condemn the Palestinian occupation of the territories, to take an effective action to that end, ⇒ but also to condemn the unnecessary racist attacks on Jews. Today, the BDS Platform is nothing more than a new delivery system for anti-Israeli propaganda.

Just My Opinion.

Most Respectfully,
It is a radical alternative view to the concept of a Jewish National Home.
The Jewish National Home is the alternative view. Peace was the original view.

On the idea to Boycott "Israel."


There are several vantage points from which one can describe the Israel-Palestinian controversy. One of the original perspective, conforming to the 1948 position held by the Arab High Committee, is the view to supports a "one state solution" in which Israel will be replaced by a Palestinian State composed of all the territory formerly under the Mandate for Palestine (less the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan). Essentially, everything west of the Jordan River.

It is a radical alternative view to the concept of a Jewish National Home. For centuries some Jews had sought a remedy for this in the establishment of a community in a local habitation preferably in Palestine, and Zionism, as we now know it, was the outcome of this aspiration. Some see the establishment of the National Home as an example of a broad humanitarian effort and far-sighted statesmanship while others see the exact opposite.

One aspect embodied in the original organization of the Boycott, Divestment, Sanctions (BDS) movement was that the movement would behave according to socially acceptable conventions or standards. While it might present an opposing view, it would do so without resorting to "vicious ad hominem attacks." The BDS Movement was a non-violent way to condemn the Palestinian occupation of the territories, to take an effective action to that end, ⇒ but also to condemn the unnecessary racist attacks on Jews. Today, the BDS Platform is nothing more than a new delivery system for anti-Israeli propaganda.

Just My Opinion.

Most Respectfully,
It is a radical alternative view to the concept of a Jewish National Home.
The Jewish National Home is the alternative view. Peace was the original view.

Just a note,You know I Love you Tinne,but Please get rid of that new Avie of a girl with a gun...You are not a Zionist Terrorist Asshole BUT A PROUD PALESTINIAN...steve

Have you noticed recently poor Rocco has become unhinged,or is it just me,I really use to enjoy his posts
Actually, I am a proud conservative American. That is my daughter.

I agree. RoccoR has been going off the rails lately.
]• RE: Boycott Israel
※→ theliq, et al,

Knowing where the trap is—that's the first step in evading it.
― Frank Herbert, Dune
OK, I can't resist...

Have you noticed recently poor Rocco has become unhinged or is it just me,I really use to enjoy his posts

I'll bite... Just what makes you think I'm mentally unbalanced or deranged? Let's use the last posting that precipitated this remarkable observation.
I agree. RoccoR has been going off the rails lately.

Most Respectfully,
Last edited:
All this over something that "isn't working."

Playing a case of anti Semite cards shows that you do not understand the problem.

The Struggle against the Delegitimization of Israel and the Jews

]• RE: Boycott Israel
※→ theliq, et al,

Knowing where the trap is—that's the first step in evading it.
― Frank Herbert, Dune
OK, I can't resist...

Have you noticed recently poor Rocco has become unhinged or is it just me,I really use to enjoy his posts

I'll bite... Just what makes you think I'm mentally unbalanced or deranged? Let's use the last posting that precipitated this remarkable observation.
I agree. RoccoR has been going off the rails lately.

Most Respectfully,
I don't want you to BITE at all Rocco,I just want you back,I've missed you and it hurts....With Great Respect,,,steve
]• RE: Boycott Israel
※→ theliq, et al,

I don't think I have changed (at least not much) since my return from the regions in turmoil. I think that in some regards, I've become ever more sensitive to those that oppose American Foreign Policy. Having said that, no country's foreign policy is perfect; especially that of America, Israel, the surrounding Arab League nations → and the influences of the British, French and Russian.

And these nations do not always work in concert with each other → or with the same goals in mind. Usually (not always) these nations (and the leaders) have some reason or motivation towards the course of action (foreign policy) takes.

I don't want you to BITE at all Rocco,I just want you back,I've missed you and it hurts....With Great Respect,,,steve

In 1946 Elmer Berger (May 27, 1908 – October 5, 1996), a Jewish Reform Rabbi -- known for his anti-Zionism. idea, wrote a book called The Jewish Dilemma. And in that book he said:

“So I write about Jews, in the faith that many men not all, but many → now feel moral indignation at the crimes perpetrated against Jews. I write in the further faith that many of those same men will try to do something for the Jews in the days beyond this war, when people hopefully turn to the task of building a better, if not the perfect, world.”​

Elmer Berger made an observation in 1946:

“More books have been written about Jews in the last ten years than ever before. Yet everywhere around me I, hear the dire predictions that, after the war, anti-Semitism will be more virulent than ever.”​


”More books have been written about Jews in the last ten years than ever before. Yet everywhere around me I hear the dire predictions that, after the war, anti-Semitism will be more virulent than ever. I do not believe this will be so. If it is, then we shall have fought this terrible war for a worse, not a better world. But I do not know for sure, any more than do the prophets of despair.”​

As everyone knows, America contributes more aid to the Israelis than any other country in the region. And American assistance helped Israel to be the most productive economy and industry --- of anywhere else in the region. At the same time America is also a donor nation to the Palestinians to help in the establishment of self-governing institutions --- and --- both refugees, as well as the Jewish State? Often (if not nearly always) the US assistance in the 21st Century for both the Israelis and the Arab Palestinians, have been at cross purposes (at least most of the time). I find it a curious thing, if not tragically ironic, that the Israelis and the Arab extremist (Jihadist, Fedayeen Activist, Hostile Insurgents, Radicalized Islamic Followers, and Asymmetric Fighters) agree that they want a similar solution with a similar outcome. In 1946 → that similarity was so formed with a profile of separation and isolation of the Jews and they each want each with some sovereign control. That is not so different from today's single state solution.

But today, I'm not sure if anyone really wants the Arab Palestinians set loose; even though they might not say so.

Most Respectfully,
]• RE: Boycott Israel
※→ theliq, et al,

I don't think I have changed (at least not much) since my return from the regions in turmoil. I think that in some regards, I've become ever more sensitive to those that oppose American Foreign Policy. Having said that, no country's foreign policy is perfect; especially that of America, Israel, the surrounding Arab League nations → and the influences of the British, French and Russian.

And these nations do not always work in concert with each other → or with the same goals in mind. Usually (not always) these nations (and the leaders) have some reason or motivation towards the course of action (foreign policy) takes.

I don't want you to BITE at all Rocco,I just want you back,I've missed you and it hurts....With Great Respect,,,steve

In 1946 Elmer Berger (May 27, 1908 – October 5, 1996), a Jewish Reform Rabbi -- known for his anti-Zionism. idea, wrote a book called The Jewish Dilemma. And in that book he said:

“So I write about Jews, in the faith that many men not all, but many → now feel moral indignation at the crimes perpetrated against Jews. I write in the further faith that many of those same men will try to do something for the Jews in the days beyond this war, when people hopefully turn to the task of building a better, if not the perfect, world.”​

Elmer Berger made an observation in 1946:

“More books have been written about Jews in the last ten years than ever before. Yet everywhere around me I, hear the dire predictions that, after the war, anti-Semitism will be more virulent than ever.”​


”More books have been written about Jews in the last ten years than ever before. Yet everywhere around me I hear the dire predictions that, after the war, anti-Semitism will be more virulent than ever. I do not believe this will be so. If it is, then we shall have fought this terrible war for a worse, not a better world. But I do not know for sure, any more than do the prophets of despair.”​

As everyone knows, America contributes more aid to the Israelis than any other country in the region. And American assistance helped Israel to be the most productive economy and industry --- of anywhere else in the region. At the same time America is also a donor nation to the Palestinians to help in the establishment of self-governing institutions --- and --- both refugees, as well as the Jewish State? Often (if not nearly always) the US assistance in the 21st Century for both the Israelis and the Arab Palestinians, have been at cross purposes (at least most of the time). I find it a curious thing, if not tragically ironic, that the Israelis and the Arab extremist (Jihadist, Fedayeen Activist, Hostile Insurgents, Radicalized Islamic Followers, and Asymmetric Fighters) agree that they want a similar solution with a similar outcome. In 1946 → that similarity was so formed with a profile of separation and isolation of the Jews and they each want each with some sovereign control. That is not so different from today's single state solution.

But today, I'm not sure if anyone really wants the Arab Palestinians set loose; even though they might not say so.

Most Respectfully,
Rocco,I have never said I do not want an Israel...(by the way Anti-Semitism,is not relevant because most Jewish Israelis,are not Semitic at all,you should use the term Anti-Zionist)BUT I do want a Free Palestine for the Semitic Palestinians,Why is this so hard to accomplish,loads of Countries are willing to support the Nation of Palestine.Both Jews and Palestinians are very gifted peoples.

Rocco,Thanks for your post,lets re-boot as Friends,regards steve
RE: Boycott Israel
※→ et al,

Regarding Professor John Cheney-Lippold:

“I am very sorry, but I only scanned your first email a couple weeks ago and missed out on a key detail,” Cheney-Lippold wrote. “As you may know, many university departments have pledged an academic boycott against Israel in support of Palestinians living in Palestine. This boycott includes writing letters of recommendation for students planning to study there.”​

UM spokesman Rick Fitzgerald • Fox News said:
“the university has consistently opposed any boycott of Israeli institutions of higher education,” adding that “injecting personal politics into a decision regarding support for our students is counter to our values and expectations as an institution.”

In an earlier statement, the university said it was “disappointed” in Cheney-Lippold and it will engage faculty “in deep discussions to clarify how the expression of our shared values plays out in support of all our students.”

Most Respectfully,
]• RE: Boycott Israel
※→ theliq, et al,

Knowing where the trap is—that's the first step in evading it.
― Frank Herbert, Dune
OK, I can't resist...

Have you noticed recently poor Rocco has become unhinged or is it just me,I really use to enjoy his posts

I'll bite... Just what makes you think I'm mentally unbalanced or deranged? Let's use the last posting that precipitated this remarkable observation.
I agree. RoccoR has been going off the rails lately.

Most Respectfully,

"Just what makes you think I'm mentally unbalanced or deranged? Let's use the last posting that precipitated this remarkable observation."

oh, i know what happened: They most likely were reading their posts by mistake....
I’m a Chinese man from a Muslim country hoping to use my lens to capture the truth about Israel. The goal: impart a new perception about the people, the land, and the country of Israel.

The perceptions that this young man had about the Land of Israel could not have been more distorted from the actual truth. A trip to Israel completely changed the perceptions of this young Chinese man.

(full article and video online)

The truth about Israel from the most unexpected place
RE: Boycott Israel
※→ P F Tinmore, et al,

OH for crying out loud!

Liz Jackson of Palestine Legal and JVP’s Tallie Ben Daniel talk about Trump’s Department of Education’s redefinition of antisemitism.


Liz Jackson of Palestine Legal and JVP’s Tallie Ben Daniel are suggesting that delegitimizing Israel, or holding it to a double standard not expected of other democratic nations, are perfectly OK.

So, is is perfectly OK to delegitimize the Palestinians, or holding the Palestinians to a double standard not expected of other nations.

Most Respectfully,

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