Boycott Israel

You are quoting internet translations. That was the point. You haven't a clue what the Koran says.
You are quoting internet translations. That was the point. You haven't a clue what the Koran says.
I know what the Koran teaches. My question is why do you defend Islam if you are a Christian, as you proclaim? The two religions are at odds with one another.
I don't defend Islam. I said that quoting internet translations of verses from religious texts written a thousand or thousands years ago put most religions in a bad light. That's the point of this thread.
You are quoting internet translations. That was the point. You haven't a clue what the Koran says.

Does anyone really have to be able to interpret the Koran when we see what is happening today? Hmm, wonder how many Shia and Ahmadiyya have been murdered this month by Sunnis.

That's basically what I told him/it here...
Well you two clowns see that some Jews say the same thing regarding killing non-Jews.

Is anyone aware of other men of the clergy in several countries around the world saying to kill those who don't follow their religion the way Muslim clerics do? Maybe the head clown on here is aware of it. Do you know of any, Monte? I wonder how many Muslims believe that when Jesus returns, he is going to break all the crosses and preach Islam. Muslims on other message boards have brought this up and believe it is going to happen.
Oh shut up asshole. You are simply a hater. You can find websites where Evangelical Christians claim that there will be a Rapture and Jews will accept Jesus or be killed.
You mean like this?

Yeah, except he's right. The Gaza and West Bank people have said for decades, and up to this very day, that they intend to destroy Israel.

Now, if the neighbor next door, decides that his goal in life is to kill me and my family or die trying.... then he has set parameters that exclude peaceful co-existence. Either me or him.

This guy in your video didn't say that's been the policies of the Jewish people, or Israel. He simply pointed out that this is the reality. The Gaza and West Bank people have no intention, whatsoever of living in peace with the Jews. They intend to fight the Jewish to the bitter end.

He is simply saying what the facts of the situation are. It *IS* either us or them. The Israelis should push the Arabs out, or give them the fight they want. They WANT to fight. They WANT to die. .... Of course they really don't want to die. They want the Jews to die. But that's not going to happen.

This bloodshed will not stop until Israel annexes Gaza and the West Bank, and does away with those people.

This guy is dead on right.

If nothing else, history proves him right, because we've tried it your way, for 30 years, if not longer. Israel has tried to find a peaceful solution, the result is


Kids show for little Palestine girls. Isn't that sweet? Disney in the US.......


He's like Halloween! Accept they are celebrating a teenager that stabbed to death an unarmed mother.... but she was Jewish, so the Black Lives Matter didn't care.


This photo is intentionally made blurry and low quality.

This nice Palestinian man isn't holding up meat at the butcher market.....

No..... that's actually the insides of a Jewish man he just got down carving up.

Point being............ We've tried it your way. We've tried it the peaceful co-existence way.

The guy in your video has being validated by history up to the present day. He's right. The Gaza-West-bank people have made this an us-or-them fight, and the Jews will win. They will die. Their choice... their fault.... their deaths.
Oh shut up asshole. You are simply a hater. You can find websites where Evangelical Christians claim that there will be a Rapture and Jews will accept Jesus or be killed.

And it says that in the end times when Yahweh returns, the Jews will accept their messiah. All true.

They, like many, conflate anti-Zionism with criticism of Israel.

Indeed, not to bright, huh.

They are just desperate to shut down talk about Palestinian rights.

So you say......................

If you are losing the debate, and Israel is losing the debate, the next step is to shut down the debate. Israel is desperate to shut down the debate.


And were is their free speech curtailed, as the definition is of speech that is not based on lies, fabrications, propaganda or libels. So when they say that their right to call Jews terrorist's has been removed it is because they were in breach of a law

It is not Israel shutting down the debate but those who would be held responsible for the action that is shutting down the debate. The easiest way to shut down debate is to accuse the other side of shutting down the debate. THINK ON IT
With the Alt-Right on Trump's coattails, there will be more Nazi flags on campus. Nothing to do with Muslims, the Alt-Right are white nationalists. They want to create a state in which white Europeans can maintain their religions and culture pure. Kind of like the Zionists.

Or the Catholics, who also happen to be neo nazi's and islamomazi propagandists
Oh shut up asshole. You are simply a hater. You can find websites where Evangelical Christians claim that there will be a Rapture and Jews will accept Jesus or be killed.
Thus spake the chief ass hole, Monte. Regardless of what the Evangelicals think, they don't go around and kill people because they think they are non believers. However, thank you for showing us that you felt you had to park yourself on this forum all day long because the Jews happened to be involved. Meanwhile, the Muslims are certainly doing a good job of killing each other elsewhere, and the chief ass hole doesn't even blink.
You mean like this?

Yeah, except he's right. The Gaza and West Bank people have said for decades, and up to this very day, that they intend to destroy Israel.

Now, if the neighbor next door, decides that his goal in life is to kill me and my family or die trying.... then he has set parameters that exclude peaceful co-existence. Either me or him.

This guy in your video didn't say that's been the policies of the Jewish people, or Israel. He simply pointed out that this is the reality. The Gaza and West Bank people have no intention, whatsoever of living in peace with the Jews. They intend to fight the Jewish to the bitter end.

He is simply saying what the facts of the situation are. It *IS* either us or them. The Israelis should push the Arabs out, or give them the fight they want. They WANT to fight. They WANT to die. .... Of course they really don't want to die. They want the Jews to die. But that's not going to happen.

This bloodshed will not stop until Israel annexes Gaza and the West Bank, and does away with those people.

This guy is dead on right.

If nothing else, history proves him right, because we've tried it your way, for 30 years, if not longer. Israel has tried to find a peaceful solution, the result is

View attachment 101427

Kids show for little Palestine girls. Isn't that sweet? Disney in the US.......

View attachment 101428
He's like Halloween! Accept they are celebrating a teenager that stabbed to death an unarmed mother.... but she was Jewish, so the Black Lives Matter didn't care.

View attachment 101429

This photo is intentionally made blurry and low quality.

This nice Palestinian man isn't holding up meat at the butcher market.....

No..... that's actually the insides of a Jewish man he just got down carving up.

Point being............ We've tried it your way. We've tried it the peaceful co-existence way.

The guy in your video has being validated by history up to the present day. He's right. The Gaza-West-bank people have made this an us-or-them fight, and the Jews will win. They will die. Their choice... their fault.... their deaths.

That photo was debunked long ago. What a tool you are. LOL

"after you spend enough time sifting through the compost of the Internet, you’ll learn better to identify goreporn. That picture you sent is not of the Ramallah lynching, as the real pictures from that event attest (see above—no disembowelment). It most likely depicts the aftermath of an Israeli missile strike on Palestinian terrorists, after which Palestinians have been known to comb the blast site for body parts, hold them aloft and alternately wail and promise revenge. You’re right that confusing that photo with the Ramallah lynching could bolster false reports of cannibalism.”

Hillel’s Disgrace
While Jewish students are terrorized on campus, Hillel takes on another mission.
December 12, 2016
Daniel Greenfield

While Jewish students are terrorized on campus, Hillel CEO Eric Fingerhut took on another mission.

"The Hillel family will watch out for our Muslim brothers and sisters on campus,” the failed Democratic pol declared. And he added, “As we hope they will watch out for us."

There is as much hope of campus hate groups like the Muslim Students’ Association, which has a long history of terrorizing Jews on campus, doing that as there was for Fingerhut in his 2004 Ohio Senate bid which he lost with one of the worst showings by a Democratic Senate candidate in the state. But after taking Ohio Democrats down with him, Fingerhut moved on to tanking Hillel.

In his address to the Hillel International General Assembly, Fingerhut seemed to think the big campus crisis was for Muslims, not Jews. “We will stand by our brothers of the Muslim faith,” he bloviated.

But Fingerhut was only trying to outdo the ADL’s Jonathan Greenblatt who had won approval from no less a Jewish civil rights figure than J.K. Rowling for declaring at what was supposed to be an event to tackle anti-Semitism, “The day they create a registry for Muslims is the day that I register as a Muslim.”

Fighting actual anti-Semitism isn’t cool. Just ask anyone trying to bring attention to Keith Ellison’s long history of anti-Semitism and association with anti-Semitic groups as he crawls on to head the DNC. Defending Muslims against an imaginary threat however is as hip and trendy as a Williamsburg bar.

There up on stage was Eboo Patel, as one of Hillel’s partners, who had bragged of encouraging Hillel to talk to the MSA. Patel had appeared at Islamic Society of North America events, which was named as an unindicted co-conspirator in funding Hamas, and celebrated the election of Ingrid Mattson to head the Islamist group by declaring, "I'm proud to have her elected as my president.” Mattson had denounced Israeli “brutality” and defended Sami Al-Arian, the head of Palestinian Islamic Jihad.

It only got worse from there.

Hillel had silenced pro-Israel columnist Caroline Glick, yet it provided a platform for anti-Israel activist Jill Jacobs and widely promoted her anti-Israel pressure group, T’ruah, featuring it on its social media feed. Jacobs has campaigned against efforts to fight BDS and attacked Jewish charities helping Jews in ’67 Israel.

Jill Jacobs had even signed a letter calling for “constructive engagement” with a Hamas government even after Hamas had broadcast the threat, “My message to the loathed Jews: There is no god but Allah, we will chase you everywhere. We are a nation that drinks blood. We know that there is no better blood than the blood of Jews.”

Despite that both the ADL and Hillel gave her a prominent forum. Hillel’s own guidelines are supposed to bar opponents of Israel. And yet they were as neglected at the GA as they are on many campuses.

Also given a forum was Stosh Cotler, a former sex club dancer turned anti-Israel activist who had called for prosecuting Israeli soldiers for war crimes before she paired up with Soros’ son on Bend the Arc PAC.

Hillel International chose to promote Cotler, like T’ruah, on its social media feed. If Hillel doesn’t live by its own guidelines at its General Assembly, why expect any more from it on college campuses?

But that fit with the theme of the event which, despite the motto, had nothing to do with Israel or the Jewish people, but centered on social justice. Fingerhut echoed the same tired Trump alarmism. Peering at his notes to make sure he didn’t leave any political victimhoods out, he warned that students on campus would have to deal with “Islamophobia”, “Homophobia”, “Mockery of the differently abled” and “oppression of non-white cultures and non-white peoples”.


And Hillel, like the ADL and many other establishment groups, is hoping that Trump’s victory will allow it to abandon Israel and head as hard to the left as it can without too many protests from its donors.

Hillel is a tragedy and a disgrace. But it’s the tragedy and disgrace of the American Jewish establishment which has nearly run out of time to make a final choice between Judaism, the Jewish people and the left.

Hillel’s Disgrace
You mean like this?

Yeah, except he's right. The Gaza and West Bank people have said for decades, and up to this very day, that they intend to destroy Israel.

Now, if the neighbor next door, decides that his goal in life is to kill me and my family or die trying.... then he has set parameters that exclude peaceful co-existence. Either me or him.

This guy in your video didn't say that's been the policies of the Jewish people, or Israel. He simply pointed out that this is the reality. The Gaza and West Bank people have no intention, whatsoever of living in peace with the Jews. They intend to fight the Jewish to the bitter end.

He is simply saying what the facts of the situation are. It *IS* either us or them. The Israelis should push the Arabs out, or give them the fight they want. They WANT to fight. They WANT to die. .... Of course they really don't want to die. They want the Jews to die. But that's not going to happen.

This bloodshed will not stop until Israel annexes Gaza and the West Bank, and does away with those people.

This guy is dead on right.

If nothing else, history proves him right, because we've tried it your way, for 30 years, if not longer. Israel has tried to find a peaceful solution, the result is

View attachment 101427

Kids show for little Palestine girls. Isn't that sweet? Disney in the US.......

View attachment 101428
He's like Halloween! Accept they are celebrating a teenager that stabbed to death an unarmed mother.... but she was Jewish, so the Black Lives Matter didn't care.

View attachment 101429

This photo is intentionally made blurry and low quality.

This nice Palestinian man isn't holding up meat at the butcher market.....

No..... that's actually the insides of a Jewish man he just got down carving up.

Point being............ We've tried it your way. We've tried it the peaceful co-existence way.

The guy in your video has being validated by history up to the present day. He's right. The Gaza-West-bank people have made this an us-or-them fight, and the Jews will win. They will die. Their choice... their fault.... their deaths.

That photo was debunked long ago. What a tool you are. LOL

"after you spend enough time sifting through the compost of the Internet, you’ll learn better to identify goreporn. That picture you sent is not of the Ramallah lynching, as the real pictures from that event attest (see above—no disembowelment). It most likely depicts the aftermath of an Israeli missile strike on Palestinian terrorists, after which Palestinians have been known to comb the blast site for body parts, hold them aloft and alternately wail and promise revenge. You’re right that confusing that photo with the Ramallah lynching could bolster false reports of cannibalism.”

I'll take your word for it. That's perfectly fine with me.

So out of the 1,000 or so pictures I've seen from Gaza and West Bank.... that one picture, was not as stated.

Ok. You have about a thousand more pictures to debunk, to make the case that Gaza and West Bank people are anything other than animals.

Get ready, get set, go! I'll be waiting.


Ramallah lynch.jpeg
Do the Jewish people have the right to self-determination? No, no they do not.
Do the Jewish people have the right to self-determination in the form of self-government (a State). No, no they do not.
Do the Jewish people have the right to sovereign self-determination defined by international boundaries? They do not.
Do the Jewish people have the right to peace and security? No, they do not.

Does a religious group have the right to self-determination? Not necessarily, they need to first be the people of the place not settler colonists.
Does a religious group have the right to self-determination in the form of self-government (a State). No, no they do not.
Does a religious group have the right to sovereign self-determination defined by international boundaries? They do not.
Does a religious group have the right to peace and security? Yes, yes they do, just like everybody else, but when that religious group occupies, disposesses and oppresses an indigenous people, they shouldn't be surprised if that people resist.

Thank you. You have proved my point. Its not about Palestinian rights. Its about the restriction, refusal, and retraction of Jewish rights. The argument is not FOR Palestinian rights, but against Jewish rights.

What specific "Jewish rights" am I arguing against? Settler colonists do not have any rights over and above the native population, much less a random religious-political group that suddenly decides to take over someone elses homeland because their "holy book" says it's alright to do so. Your "point" is fundamentally invalid to begin with.

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