BOYCOTT: Millions of School Children Prepare to Celebrate Jerry Sandusky's Equivalent

How do you feel about Harvey Milk Day?

  • I've read the OP. Perfectly fine. Kids should celebrate him.

    Votes: 3 15.0%
  • I've read the OP. Alarmed, parents should be notified

    Votes: 2 10.0%
  • I've read the OP. Shocked, the law should be repealed. Boycott!

    Votes: 11 55.0%
  • I've read the OP and I couldn't care either way.

    Votes: 3 15.0%
  • Other, see my post

    Votes: 1 5.0%

  • Total voters


Gold Member
Jul 15, 2013
Enshrined in California law is a mandate for school children to celebrate "Harvey Milk Day". Harvey Milk Day is next week, on or around May 22.

Harvey Milk is described in California law thusly:

Bill Text - SB-572 Harvey Milk Day: official designation.

SECTION 1. The Legislature hereby finds and declares the following:

"..more than any other modern figure, Harvey Milk’s life and political career embody the rise of the lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) civil rights movement in California, across the nation, and throughout the world..."

And over 60 LGBT groups in Canada, the US and Mexico petitioned fiercely to have this US postage stamp commissioned with rainbow "USA" at the top:


For Harvey Milk Day, classrooms and teachers are encouraged to hand out Milkshakes, Milk Duds etc.

"Want some candy little boy?"

One of the most avid proponents of this law and forced child celebration of a pedophile is California state senator Leno, gay, from San Francisco. Shocker, I know...

It makes you wonder if any of these advocates of Harvey Milk have read his biography? His biography was written by a well known journalist, Randy Shilts, who was also gay, a good friend of Milk's. He was equally famous for his stark honesty and dogged religion of reporting the simple, true, raw facts. Randy Shilts died of AIDS in the 1980s. The biography is called "The Mayor of Castro Street; The Life and Times of Harvey Milk".

Here are some excerpts:

"...sixteen-year-old McKinley was looking for some kind of father figure...At 33, Milk was launching a new life, though he could hardly have imagined the unlikely direction toward which his new lover would pull him." (pages 30-31)"

"It would be to boyish-looking men in their late teens and early 20's that Milk would be attracted for the rest of his life." (page 24)

"Harvey always had a penchant for young waifs with substance abuse problems." (page 180)

"Harvey confided one night that at twenty-four, Doug was the oldest man Harvey had ever started an affair with." (page 237)..

[Coldly agreed with a former lover’s suicide threat]
“…the phone rang. As soon as Harvey heard the voice, he rolled his eyes
impatiently at Jim. ‘It’s Jack McKinley,’ he said. He paused and listened
further. ‘He says he’s going to kill himself.’…‘Tell him not to make a mess,’
Harvey deadpanned. Jack hung up.” (Source: Randy Shilts, The Mayor of
Castro Street, p. 126)

Jack Mckinley, a minor in New York where Harvey Milk met him, was a runaway teen boy, on drugs and struggling with mental illness. Milk took him in and officiated as his father, and simultaneously sodomized him. Milk took young minor Jack across state lines to California [violation of the federal Mann Act] where he continued sodomizing Jack as a minor until he turned 18. Not long after, Milk discarded Jack for what would be dozens of other boys and very young men. His preference was for youngsters who, addled with drug addiction, depression, mental illness and essentially orphans, were in no way capable of autonomy and consent by legal desciption. He liked them very vulnerable, very susceptible to "suggestion" and influence.

The last quote from the biography above was Milk's concern for his son/sodomy-toy. Jack McKinley killed himself pining for Milk who had tossed him aside for fresher meat. Jack jumped to his death from a tall building in New York where the two had met.

Harvey Milk preached that gays should be very promiscuous. He reasoned that love was too grand to hoard.

Just to remind you, LGBTs have enshrined Milk's sexuality and his socio-sexual value system as synonymous with their own.

In many debates about the highly controversial topic of Harvey Milk, I have yet to encounter a LGBT cult member who disavows their savior; even when reminded of the quotes from his biography. Instead of recoiling in shock to learn that their hero had sodomized teen boys on drugs to get his jollies [want some Milk Duds little boy?], they defend him adamantly and when pressed always seem to default to "well the age of consent should be lowered anyway..."

So there it is. A day to celebrate for sure. If I had to rate the disgusting and sick irony of requiring school children to celebrate a sexual-predator-of-children's socio-sexual value system as a matter of law in public schools on a scale of outrage from 0-10...I'd give it like a 35...

Next, look for Jerry Sandusky Day in Pennsylvania; where kids will celebrate Sandusky's "dedication to youth sports"...

Moderation Message:

Thread was reviewed, deletions were made.
It is reopened with this caveat. Discussions of pedophilia
will remain GENERAL and personal anectdotes are NOT invited.

Opinions on the legal age of consent or various laws is fair game.
Individual posters experiences and accusations are NOT.

Thread will be moderated. Any questions, PM me..

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Wow they are putting pedos on the map. Next is allen ginsberg i would assume. Maybe they can dig up some catholic priest and attack religion at the same time....a twofer.....

do they park amwhite van out front that says free candy on it? These gay advocates are sick man. They used to let nambla march with em and got rid of them for the publicity, why were they anywhere near it to begin with?
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Wow they are putting pedos on the map. Next is allen ginsberg i would assume. Maybe they can dig up some catholic priest and attack religion at the same time....a twofer.....

do they park amwhite van out front that says free candy on it? These gay advocates are sick man. They used to let nambla march with em and got rid of them for the publicity, why were they anywhere near it to begin with?

Because they ARE NAMBLA...

[Picture from an early gay pride parade. I believe this is Harry Hay, famous NAMBLA perv]


NAMBLA-gate: The Strange Case of Kevin Jennings, Part One

Harry Hay, who “inspired” Obama-appointed Education Department official Kevin Jennings to lead a life of homosexual activism, was not only a supporter of the North American Man-Boy Love Association (NAMBLA) but a prominent member of the Communist Party USA and “Radical Faerie” who believed in the power of the occult.

Hay’s influence is relevant not only because Jennings is a top Education Department official, but because Hay is considered by homosexuals to be the founder of their movement. A Stalinist and Marxist until the day he died, Hay defended NAMBLA’s participation in “gay rights” marches and its membership in the International Lesbian and Gay Association...

...This is the real scandal-the degree to which the homosexual movement tolerates pedophiles in its midst and regards a champion of pedophilia as a hero.

As disclosed by Peter LaBarbera’s Americans for Truth organization, Jennings said in 1997 that Hay should serve as an inspiration. “One of the people that’s always inspired me is Harry Hay, who started the first ongoing gay rights group in America,” he said.

Jennings didn’t mention that Hay actively campaigned for the “rights” of pedophiles and publicly supported NAMBLA. But Jennings had to be aware of this fact. Two popular books about Hay-Radically Gay, edited by Will Roscoe and published in 1996, and The Trouble With Harry Hay, written by Stuart Timmons and published in 1990-documented Hay’s support for NAMBLA. These books were issued by pro-homosexual or left-wing book publishers and popular among “gay” activists like Jennings.

The Timmons book shows Hay wearing a “NAMBLA walks with me” sign at a “gay rights” demonstration. Although Hay apparently never formally joined the organization, he spoke about his support for NAMBLA on many different occasions, including at NAMBLA conferences...

...the idea that Jennings was unfamiliar with Hay’s pro-NAMBLA record is simply impossible to believe. It is the case that Hay supported the criminal sexual exploitation of children and the evidence indicates that Jennings knew about this but that his organization concealed the information from those who had a right to know about it.

Hay’s support for NAMBLA grew out of his own sexual relationships as a child with adult predators. In his own twisted and bizarre world, Hay says he ultimately found the sexual abuse to be beneficial. By his own admission, he had a terrible relationship with his father, who beat him.

In the article, “Our Beloved Gay/Lesbian Movement at a Crossroads,” Hay maintained that real child molestation involved the “sexual coercion of Gay and Lesbian youth into heterosexual identities and behaviors.” Hay believed that homosexuals “should unite to sue the whole guilty hetero community for compensation” for practicing this “heterosexual coercion” on “Gay kids.”

The praise of Hay by Jennings has led to questions about Jennings’s relationship with NAMBLA itself. “We don’t know if Mr. Jennings supports us or not,” is all that a NAMBLA spokesman says. NAMBLA has a whole section of its website devoted to Hay NAMBLA-gate: The Strange Case of Kevin Jennings, Part One

Also with respect to education czar Jennings' tenure looking after the kiddies, google "fistgate" and "Jennings". Apparently his operatives in schools via GLSEN are teaching kids how to "enjoy fisting". ie he is presiding over curriculum that teaches kids to explore anal sex, to relax and accept it as part of intimacy.

"Hey little boy, let me teach you something really fun!"

Jesus H. Christ!

You think the LGBT cult is benign? Think again...
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Did I miss something? What was Harvey Milk's contribution to society besides advocating sodomy?
wow, right up there with MLK.

sans the child rape
fear for his life
real no fucking around effort
national support
tons of mourning when he died
no need to cover up his private life

whoa, wait, he's nothing like MLK or anyone that's a goodish person
Part 2 of the previous Jennings article:

Sean Hannity of Fox News, who has called for the resignation of Obama Education Department official Kevin Jennings, interviewed a former FBI agent, Bob Hamer, who infiltrated the North American Man-Boy Love Association (NAMBLA) and documented their criminal activities. Asked if Jennings had been unaware of Hay’s pro-NAMBLA activities when he said that Hay had been an inspiration to him, Hamer replied that Jennings “knew the agenda of Harry Hay and he certainly supported Harry Hay and Harry Hay is a strong advocate of NAMBLA.”

Hannity asked, “And so Jennings had to have known that?”

Hamer replied, “Well, certainly. Harry Hay didn’t hide his support for NAMBLA.”...

...While Jennings praised a communist pervert, his boss, President Barack Obama, was mentored by one. Obama’s childhood mentor, Frank Marshall Davis, was under FBI surveillance and a security risk because of his CPUSA membership. Davis wrote a biographical novel, Sex Rebel, about having sex with children and engaging in other forms of bizarre sexual activity.

The entire relationship was sanitized by Obama and his campaign, with Davis being described as a civil rights activist...

...The Jennings-founded group, the Gay, Lesbian, Straight Education Network (GLSEN), is a member, along with Simpson’s NCTE, of the “New Beginning Initiative” to encourage the Obama Administration to make policy changes to benefit the “gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender community.”

“We would like to thank the Open Society Institute for their generous funding of this initiative,” the announcement says. The amount is $355,000 over two years, provided through a special “Seize the Day” fund to “support transformational change in the United States.”

The announcement of this new initiative was made only about two months after the Jennings appointment became known.

“The global economic crisis and recent changes in the U.S. political environment have elevated the risks and opportunities for building a better society, resulting in a ‘perfect storm’ for transformative change in America,” declares the Open Society Institute.

The “storm” has arrived, courtesy of Obama and appointees such as Jennings... NAMBLA-gate: The Strange Case of Kevin Jennings, Part Two
Gee, looks like what we've been warning about all this time about the Queer-enabler agenda is true after all: the quiet acceptance of pedophilia.

Progressives want children to be "taught" all about homosexuality at a young age, so they can be brainwashed into thinking it's perfectly normal.
Gee, looks like what we've been warning about all this time about the Queer-enabler agenda is true after all: the quiet acceptance of pedophilia.

Progressives want children to be "taught" all about homosexuality at a young age, so they can be brainwashed into thinking it's perfectly normal.

Well we see the consequences of voicing dissent to the idea that gays are really just like anyone else. Fines. Disgrace. Job loss.
wow, right up there with MLK.

sans the child rape
fear for his life
real no fucking around effort
national support
tons of mourning when he died
no need to cover up his private life

whoa, wait, he's nothing like MLK or anyone that's a goodish person

no child rape
obviously there was fear for his life
big effect in CA
national support, check
there was tons of mourning...
his private life isn't covered up....while some of MLKJr's was.

That was easy. :D
So remind me what he did to achieve hero status?
1) Fucked boys
2) Got elected to minor office
3) Got killed.
So remind me what he did to achieve hero status?
1) Fucked boys
2) Got elected to minor office
3) Got killed.

1. That was undoubtedly the age of consent then, or even younger. It was a less paranoid time when we were growing up enough to realize that kids had sex lives. His relationship with a 16-year-old bothers me no more than that of a 20-year-old man with a 16-year-old girl today.
2. He was openly gay at a time when that could get you arrested in much of the country, and he got elected to public office as such.
3. He was killed by a right-wing nut, which makes him a martyr in this case.

And to those who worry about NAMBLA you have nothing to worry about. It's an idea, a legal one, as long as it stays an idea, and that's all it will ever be in this country. To say marriage equality for homosexuals is going to lead to that is fear-mongering, nothing more.
wow, right up there with MLK.

sans the child rape
fear for his life
real no fucking around effort
national support
tons of mourning when he died
no need to cover up his private life

whoa, wait, he's nothing like MLK or anyone that's a goodish person

no child rape
obviously there was fear for his life
big effect in CA
national support, check
there was tons of mourning...
his private life isn't covered up....while some of MLKJr's was.

That was easy. :D

Guy with a white name kills a 17 y/o, leftist say he killed a kid
dem rapes a 16 y/o, it's ok, cuz it different when we are the evil assholes
no national mourning, that's a fact.

Fear? pfft, nothing by comparison
You guys are just pissed cause the pedophile heterosexual Elvis Presley got ever lasting recognition.
I have lost count of the times some loony lefty got up in my face about "paedophile priests" while they lionize this creep.
Enshrined in California law is a mandate for school children to celebrate "Harvey Milk Day". Harvey Milk Day is next week, on or around May 22.

Harvey Milk is described in California law thusly:

Bill Text - SB-572 Harvey Milk Day: official designation.

SECTION 1. The Legislature hereby finds and declares the following:

"..more than any other modern figure, Harvey Milk’s life and political career embody the rise of the lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) civil rights movement in California, across the nation, and throughout the world..."

And over 60 LGBT groups in Canada, the US and Mexico petitioned fiercely to have this US postage stamp commissioned with rainbow "USA" at the top:


For Harvey Milk Day, classrooms and teachers are encouraged to hand out Milkshakes, Milk Duds etc.

"Want some candy little boy?"

One of the most avid proponents of this law and forced child celebration of a pedophile is California state senator Leno, gay, from San Francisco. Shocker, I know...

It makes you wonder if any of these advocates of Harvey Milk have read his biography? His biography was written by a well known journalist, Randy Shilts, who was also gay, a good friend of Milk's. He was equally famous for his stark honesty and dogged religion of reporting the simple, true, raw facts. Randy Shilts died of AIDS in the 1980s. The biography is called "The Mayor of Castro Street; The Life and Times of Harvey Milk".

Here are some excerpts:

"...sixteen-year-old McKinley was looking for some kind of father figure...At 33, Milk was launching a new life, though he could hardly have imagined the unlikely direction toward which his new lover would pull him." (pages 30-31)"

"It would be to boyish-looking men in their late teens and early 20's that Milk would be attracted for the rest of his life." (page 24)

"Harvey always had a penchant for young waifs with substance abuse problems." (page 180)

"Harvey confided one night that at twenty-four, Doug was the oldest man Harvey had ever started an affair with." (page 237)..

[Coldly agreed with a former lover’s suicide threat]
“…the phone rang. As soon as Harvey heard the voice, he rolled his eyes
impatiently at Jim. ‘It’s Jack McKinley,’ he said. He paused and listened
further. ‘He says he’s going to kill himself.’…‘Tell him not to make a mess,’
Harvey deadpanned. Jack hung up.” (Source: Randy Shilts, The Mayor of
Castro Street, p. 126)

Jack Mckinley, a minor in New York where Harvey Milk met him, was a runaway teen boy, on drugs and struggling with mental illness. Milk took him in and officiated as his father, and simultaneously sodomized him. Milk took young minor Jack across state lines to California [violation of the federal Mann Act] where he continued sodomizing Jack as a minor until he turned 18. Not long after, Milk discarded Jack for what would be dozens of other boys and very young men. His preference was for youngsters who, addled with drug addiction, depression, mental illness and essentially orphans, were in no way capable of autonomy and consent by legal desciption. He liked them very vulnerable, very susceptible to "suggestion" and influence.

The last quote from the biography above was Milk's concern for his son/sodomy-toy. Jack McKinley killed himself pining for Milk who had tossed him aside for fresher meat. Jack jumped to his death from a tall building in New York where the two had met.

Harvey Milk preached that gays should be very promiscuous. He reasoned that love was too grand to hoard.

Just to remind you, LGBTs have enshrined Milk's sexuality and his socio-sexual value system as synonymous with their own.

In many debates about the highly controversial topic of Harvey Milk, I have yet to encounter a LGBT cult member who disavows their savior; even when reminded of the quotes from his biography. Instead of recoiling in shock to learn that their hero had sodomized teen boys on drugs to get his jollies [want some Milk Duds little boy?], they defend him adamantly and when pressed always seem to default to "well the age of consent should be lowered anyway..."

So there it is. A day to celebrate for sure. If I had to rate the disgusting and sick irony of requiring school children to celebrate a sexual-predator-of-children's socio-sexual value system as a matter of law in public schools on a scale of outrage from 0-10...I'd give it like a 35...

Next, look for Jerry Sandusky Day in Pennsylvania; where kids will celebrate Sandusky's "dedication to youth sports"...



wow, right up there with MLK.

sans the child rape
fear for his life
real no fucking around effort
national support
tons of mourning when he died
no need to cover up his private life

whoa, wait, he's nothing like MLK or anyone that's a goodish person

no child rape
obviously there was fear for his life
big effect in CA
national support, check
there was tons of mourning...
his private life isn't covered up....while some of MLKJr's was.

That was easy. :D

dId you really compare mlk jr to harvey milk and say they were equal? Seriously?

Natiomal support? For harvey milk? Noone knew who that was until sean penn played him
He had sex with minors, so it is rape AND pedophilia
tons of mourning, from nambla?
and yeah his life was covered up, i didnt see the movie, did they mention nqmbla in the 70s gah rights movement? Did they show hay? And say what he was?

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