Bragg’s Pursuit of Trump Violates the Sixth Amendment

These are authoritarian Communists we are talking about here. How many people are still in federal jail over 1/6 without a trial date? How many have spent over a year there before having their case heard? Did any of them give a shit about the sixth Amendment?
I know. It’s a nightmare what these Democrats have done to our country. The last I knew, it was China and North Korea who went after political dissenters and let them languish in prison without a trial.
That’s a misdemeanor, past the statute of limitations.

So the Dems are spending $100 million to prosecute a harmless misdemeanor, while ignoring the classified docs Biden stole and left in plain sight while simultaneously getting millions in payoffs from America’s enemies.

It is almost as if you enjoy being wrong.

No he didn’t. He named a civil misdemeanor past the statute of limitations, tied to a future unspecified felony crime Trump intends to commit.

Knock-knock: You’re being arrested, Moonglow.
Moonglow: For what?
KK: You intend to commit a felony.
MG: What felony?
KK: Just something. We’re not saying. Now get to Court.
Intent, not "intends".
What is his crime? None of you anti-Trump cultists can tell us.

The crimes were laid out in court yesterday.

§ 175.10 Falsifying business records in the first degree.
A person is guilty of falsifying business records in the first degree
when he commits the crime of falsifying business records in the second
degree, and when his intent to defraud includes an intent to commit
another crime or to aid or conceal the commission thereof.

First of all, under the law cited in the indictment, you will note the last clause of the last sentence "or to aid or conceal the commission thereof." Trump doesn't have to have committed the other crime, Trump has to have added in the concealment of the other crime. In this case - assuming the testimony, emails, texts, travel records, etc. - show that Trump was involved with aiding and concealing the crime of which Cohen was guilty (You know his ex-lawyer that was convicted and went to prison for felony crimes).

So where did DA Bragg mention this? In the indictment, it's cited right in the document.

How is Trump linked to the crimes for which Cohen was convicted. First he was cited as "Individual 1" in the Cohen court documents as an unindicted co-conspirator. Secondly the Statement of Facts submitted by the DA as a companion document to the indictment lays out at a high level the connection between catch-n-kill of stories and hush money paid as a criminal campaign finance law violation. If Trump is shown to have aided in concealing the commission of Cohen's crimes, then under New York State law he is eligible to be charged with the Business Records violations at the felony level.

(Whether he is ever convicted is yet to be seen. These comments are simply to correct the idea that Bragg failed to mention what laws were violated. They are in the document.)

Because the state of NY is not charging them with that crime.

But it states he was covering up that crime so yes, it has to be listed in order for it to be legitimate. Fat Alvin is stalling because he wasn't covering up any other crime and that's one of the reasons it should be thrown out of court.
But it states he was covering up that crime so yes, it has to be listed in order for it to be legitimate. Fat Alvin is stalling because he wasn't covering up any other crime and that's one of the reasons it should be thrown out of court.

It is listed in the documents filed yesterday. Just as Trump was listed in Cohen's court documents as "Individual 1", Cohen is in the documents from yesterday as "Lawyer A".

Bragg has charged Trump with falsifying business records (a misdemeanor past the statute of limitations) and the “intent to commit a future more serious crime” (the unarmed felony).

Trump has a right to know what this unnamed future crime he intends to commit is. Otherwise, the Democrats could arrest me, and every Trump voter, on the grounds that we intend to commit a felony in the future.

The case against Trump is unconstitutional and should be tossed. Bragg should be disbarred for using the power of his office, along with his personal hate for a citizen, to violate that citizen’s Sixth Amendment Rights. And Biden should be insisting on that, instead of that evil smile when asked about it.

Defense lawyers have a right to know any and all charges with evidence against their client in order to prepare a defense or file for dismissal.

Which is what is happening between now and Dec 5th. The indictment listed all that was required to be listed.
Which is what is happening between now and Dec 5th. The indictment listed all that was required to be listed.

No because if he's going to site a second crime for the first chage, it must be listed what that crime is or the first supposed crime doesn't count for anything.

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