brandon distinguishing himself on the world stage

Oh? What this, morons?

"Joe Biden's handling of the Afghanistan withdrawal was condemned as "catastrophic" and "shameful" on Wednesday as the Houses of Parliament delivered an unprecedented rebuke to a US president."

That's reality knocking, retards.

President Biden played the hand he was dealt in Afghanistan.

Trump left him with 2500 troops to defend the withdrawal
Biden was left with an Afghan Army unwilling to fight the Taliban
Biden safely withdrew 120,000 military and civilians
Our President has strengthened our international alliances, expanded NATO, increased trade and returned Americas status as Leader of the Free World

Defeated President Trump attacked our allies and developed close friendships with Dictators. He was not trusted or respected by our allies
He is a joke, just like you.
NATO will fall after russia ends ukraine. Europe is on to the US and how much they've been used.

Nato should be gone. It's become a festering and corrupt orginzation that should be gotten rid of.

Nato as an idea is a good idea. An orginzation that is pretty much sworn to not hold any allegiances. Every country pays a small amount to be in it and anytime one of those countries needs help whether it be military or help with a natural disaster nato calls all of the allies and each equally divies out what is needed to help so no one has to give too much. And nato is the common link and organizer among all the nato members. They should have nothing at all to ever say themselves or input or opinions about politics, they strictly there as a roundtable for members when emergencies popup, if someone has a problem then nato gets everyone in the meeting room.

But they are not that at all and havent been for a very long time now. Nato needs to be disbanded and reformed with people who refuse to push agendas or play politics. They all need to be people who go strictly by the book and do not deviate.
With our allies laughing their asses off at us, one wonders what our enemies are plotting

It is sad and frightening that this senile old man is our President.
After presenting the Queen Consort, Camilla with a prized wet, smelly, presidential fart, fuckwad Biden is not invited to the coronation.

So much for restoring respect.
so do you call in coyotes or trap em? We're getting a slug around here

Speaking of coyotes, did you see that sheep dog kill 7 or 8 coyotes a couple of months ago, to protect the sheep. Not one sheep was hurt but there were 7 or 8 dead coyotes. Awesome.

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