Brave Woman

XX = woman; XY = bloke. Not hard really. XXY is tragic. Compassion when dealing with them.

You seem to be confusing the issue of transgender and transsexual people with intersexual. Transgender is not generally considered to be biologically based, intersexuality is. That is not to say that there is no relationship between the two and some transgender people will tell you that there is a physiological component to it. However, it is not well understood and it does not help to dumb it down to X's and Y's

It IS that simple; one is either biologically a male or female. Where there are problems then that has zero to do with gender; it is to do with lifestyle. Just look at the chromosomes for answers. If a person has genetic disorders then they require whatever treatment, if any, is available. Where they are "transgender" then they are preferring a lifestyle. Yes; they may be "nuts", but their choice. And now for every pedo in the country working out the new predatory environment.

You really don't know much. Sorry for being so blunt, but it's apparent that you really have not done any reading or research on that topic. This is a serious topic that has a profound effect on human beings but you callously dismiss it as a lifestyle choice. No doubt that you also believe that homosexuality is a lifestyle choice also. And that pedophilia horseshit is the most despicable and ignorant part. You should be ashamed.

lmao; not only am I not ashamed but I find the lack of shame among perverts to be a telling trait. All you're trying to do is mainstream a perversion. You are pathetic, really!!

You are very insecure Greg. Why do you feel so threatened ?
Why do you equate perversion with decency??

I am getting unconformable, I am not here to impugn people's character. Be that as it may. Transsexuals are flying under the radar, they are already using public restrooms. I don't know what the issue is here.

Also using women's facilities like women only Gym Classes, sports teams, locker rooms and change rooms, shower facilities etc etc.

and when a rapist in heels wonders into the bathroom behind your daughter and does the unspeakable, with pics.

will you call him brave?
will you make excuses?

moron, this is not about normal humans going to the bathroom.
Yes it is. It is a blindingly simple proposition.
For clarification?

Are you saying that "Curves" must open it's doors to the trans-gendered and allow them access to the showers that these women use?

Currently they only permit "women." Are they in violation and discriminating?

I like Tommy. He roots for the underdog, the lost causes. He reminds me of Chicago Cubs fans.
Chicago Cubs/Wrexham.....yeah; much the same only Wrexham is Zth Division. lol.

I don't know WHO or What Tommy is, but he does seem to have a hang-up on protecting non traditional values. Sexual or religious. I can respect that, to a point.
Yes it is. It is a blindingly simple proposition.
For clarification?

Are you saying that "Curves" must open it's doors to the trans-gendered and allow them access to the showers that these women use?

Currently they only permit "women." Are they in violation and discriminating?

I like Tommy. He roots for the underdog, the lost causes. He reminds me of Chicago Cubs fans.
Chicago Cubs/Wrexham.....yeah; much the same only Wrexham is Zth Division. lol.

I don't know WHO or What Tommy is, but he does seem to have a hang-up on protecting non traditional values. Sexual or religious. I can respect that, to a point.

To a point where Traditional values are EVIL?? No; Tommy is a perv enabler. Nothing more than that.

Yes it is. It is a blindingly simple proposition.
For clarification?

Are you saying that "Curves" must open it's doors to the trans-gendered and allow them access to the showers that these women use?

Currently they only permit "women." Are they in violation and discriminating?

I like Tommy. He roots for the underdog, the lost causes. He reminds me of Chicago Cubs fans.
Chicago Cubs/Wrexham.....yeah; much the same only Wrexham is Zth Division. lol.

I don't know WHO or What Tommy is, but he does seem to have a hang-up on protecting non traditional values. Sexual or religious. I can respect that, to a point.

He has a website; just type in his name. He boasts about it on other threads so it's not data mining. Lousy poet as well.

How many times do any of you question the sexuality of anyone you share a restroom with? I never have, up until NOW. It wasn't an issue until NOW. I will be a little paranoid next time I use a public toilet.
How many times do any of you question the sexuality of anyone you share a restroom with? I never have, up until NOW. It wasn't an issue until NOW. I will be a little paranoid next time I use a public toilet.

It's never been a concern as far as I know but blokes in Women's facilities can't be a good thing. Why are they there?? Transgender or an excuse for access? How does one know?? What possible test is there...oh yeah; I posted that.

Just a few things that you are apparently to ignorant to know or understand:

1. Being trans and being gay are two separate issues, although they my be related in ways that are clearly beyond your ability to comprehend.

2. Making assumptions about the sexuality of someone based on the position that they take on these issue makes you look even more stupid.

3. You can't count on any of your 8 kids to grow up to be as ignorant and hateful as you, as hard as I'm sure that you will try to mold them in your image.

4. It is likely that at lease one of those kids will be, in some way LGBT and you will have to deal with it

5. Most LGBT people were born of a heterosexual couple. There will always be gay and gender non conforming people,

6. LGBT people have kids. Some will also be LGBT but most will not be and all will be far more enlightened than you can ever be. Again there will always be gay and gender non conforming people.

7. Support for LGBT people is growing exponentially each year. YOU are already a minority and you are pitifully inconsequential.

Pervs is pervs. Who gives a damn what variety they are?

8. A few if not al of your 8 kids will have LGBT friends or acquaintances and will be cool with that. But, they will resent you for having to hide that from you because you are a bigoted moron.

The matter was dealt with at a State Level but not at the USSC. NB: Renee is a transexual; not transgender. He had the full snip and scrotal inversion. He is still a bloke.

Court case
Following Richards' disclosure of her gender reassignment, the United States Tennis Association (USTA), the Women's Tennis Association (WTA), and the United States Open Committee (USOC) required all women competitors to verify gender with a Barr body test of their chromosomes.[3][6][15] Richards applied to play in the US Open in 1976 as a woman but refused to take the test, and thus was not allowed to compete in the U.S. Open, Wimbledon, or the Italian Open in the summer of 1976.[3]

Richards then sued the USTA in New York state court, alleging discrimination by gender in violation of the New York Human Rights Law. [3][6][15] She asserted that participating in the tournament would constitute "an acceptance of her right to be a woman."[6] Some USTA members felt that others would undergo sex change to enter women's tennis.[3][6] Sports Illustrated called Richards an "extraordinary spectacle", and characterized reactions to her as "varying from astonishment to suspicion, sympathy, resentment, and more often than not, utter confusion."[6] The USOC stated "there is competitive advantage for a male who has undergone a sex change surgery as a result of physical training and development as a male."[6][16] Richards finally agreed to take the Barr body test. The test results were ambiguous. She refused to take it again and therefore was barred from play.[6]

On August 16, 1977, Judge Alfred M. Ascione found in Richards' favor. He ruled: "This person is now a female" and that requiring Richards to pass the Barr body test was "grossly unfair, discriminatory and inequitable, and a violation of her rights."[4][17] He further ruled that the USTA intentionally discriminated against Richards, and granted Richards an injunction against the USTA and the USOC, allowing her to play in the US Open.[4][6] Richards lost to Virginia Wade in the first round of the singles competition, but made it to the finals in doubles.[3][6][15]

Sarah Gronert was intersexual; both male and female sexual organs. She had the snip and kept her female bits. She is female.

Sarah Gronert was intersexual; both male and female sexual organs. She had the snip and kept her female bits. She is female.

Someone you may know.....

'These Freaks Are Going To Get Us All Killed': Rick Wiles Warns Target Restroom Policy Will Spark Nuclear War Submitted by Miranda Blue on Thursday, 4/28/2016 12:28 pm

Far-right radio host Rick Wiles devoted the first half of his “Trunews” program on Monday to railing against Target’s policy of allowing transgender people to use the restroom that matches their gender identity, warning that the retail chain’s bathroom policy has helped turn America into Sodom and Gomorrah, which God will now destroy through a nuclear war with Russia.

After reading from a statement about the bathroom policy from Target spokeswoman Molly Snyder, Wiles bellowed, “How about if I just urinate on your floor? How about that, Molly? Because you’re defecating on this nation.” He said that the restroom policy and Target’s decision last year to stop putting gender-specific signage on kids’ toys are both part of a “revolution” being carried out by modern-day Nazis. - See more at: 'These Freaks Are Going To Get Us All Killed': Rick Wiles Warns Target Restroom Policy Will Spark Nuclear War
For clarification?

Are you saying that "Curves" must open it's doors to the trans-gendered and allow them access to the showers that these women use?

Currently they only permit "women." Are they in violation and discriminating?

I like Tommy. He roots for the underdog, the lost causes. He reminds me of Chicago Cubs fans.
He's a perverted scumbag who keeps a picture of a little boy in drag on his device...he's pulled it out twice now ostensibly to ask us how we could disappoint that poor sexually exploited kid. Hes a freak.
Ok. I don't know how true that is. I bet Thomas will clarify things. And his lack of response on THAT will prove something.
I've asked him this question on numerous occasions. He ignores it. Returns and pretends it never happened and never responds with and honest answer.

He knows he is wrong but is so invested in his hate and sexist attitude that he won't admit it.

But he has admitted that he has a "token" female on his personal website.

Your question is invalid - it supposes a problem that is only in your head.

But heres a question that you keep dodging.

Photo of young trans girl highlights hypocrisy of North Carolina's transphobic '

Your stupid law sends this child to the Gents. Do you think that is appropriate ?
I'm dodging nothing Tommy.

This is NOT about the little girls room.

Why do you keep dodging that these trans-gendered are now in the LOCKER ROOM and the teenage girls don't want them there?

The photo looks like a girl. It's none of my business that she walks into the damned bathroom. We are talking about males in the locker room in a state of undress with teenaged girls.

Why can't you address this. We are now talking about showers, not closed stalled toilets.

Are you this dense.
I'm dodging nothing Tommy.

This is NOT about the little girls room.

Why do you keep dodging that these trans-gendered are now in the LOCKER ROOM and the teenage girls don't want them there?

The photo looks like a girl. It's none of my business that she walks into the damned bathroom. We are talking about males in the locker room in a state of undress with teenaged girls.

Why can't you address this. We are now talking about showers, not closed stalled toilets.

Are you this dense.
Its the same issue you dumb fuck. Do you think she would be safe in the mens toilets ?
It's not about him dumb fuck. It's about the girls.

Would you get out of the bathroom.

Man, you are shallow and single minded.

Do me a favor ASSHOLE.

Don't insult me. Or I will give it right back.
It's not about him dumb fuck. It's about the girls.

Would you get out of the bathroom.

Man, you are shallow and single minded.

Do me a favor ASSHOLE.

Don't insult me. Or I will give it right back.
She is a girl. Does she belong in the Gents ?
Engage your brain and not your twisted prejudice.

I like Tommy. He roots for the underdog, the lost causes. He reminds me of Chicago Cubs fans.
He's a perverted scumbag who keeps a picture of a little boy in drag on his device...he's pulled it out twice now ostensibly to ask us how we could disappoint that poor sexually exploited kid. Hes a freak.
Ok. I don't know how true that is. I bet Thomas will clarify things. And his lack of response on THAT will prove something.
I've asked him this question on numerous occasions. He ignores it. Returns and pretends it never happened and never responds with and honest answer.

He knows he is wrong but is so invested in his hate and sexist attitude that he won't admit it.

But he has admitted that he has a "token" female on his personal website.

Your question is invalid - it supposes a problem that is only in your head.

But heres a question that you keep dodging.

Photo of young trans girl highlights hypocrisy of North Carolina's transphobic '

Your stupid law sends this child to the Gents. Do you think that is appropriate ?

Have dick to gents!! And please; off with the sexualising makeup!! Makes the boy look like a whore!!

It's not about him dumb fuck. It's about the girls.

Would you get out of the bathroom.

Man, you are shallow and single minded.

Do me a favor ASSHOLE.

Don't insult me. Or I will give it right back.
She is a girl. Does she belong in the Gents ?
Engage your brain and not your twisted prejudice.
Where the hell do you get that I' m prejudiced.

Let HER go to the boys room. She looks like a girl.

You are an idiot.

Now, do you think teenaged girls should be in locker rooms with a pre op male, in the shower, while he still has a penis?

Why can't you answer this one question without returning to the little girl and where she pees?
It's not about him dumb fuck. It's about the girls.

Would you get out of the bathroom.

Man, you are shallow and single minded.

Do me a favor ASSHOLE.

Don't insult me. Or I will give it right back.
It's not about him dumb fuck. It's about the girls.

Would you get out of the bathroom.

Man, you are shallow and single minded.

Do me a favor ASSHOLE.

Don't insult me. Or I will give it right back.
She is a girl. Does she belong in the Gents ?
Engage your brain and not your twisted prejudice.

Rubbish; he's a boy!! XY = lad!!



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