Break down of Sandy Hook shooting....


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
A long look at what happened that day....

Sandy Hook Lessons and Legacy - The Truth About Guns


The time frame, too has been a matter of constant speculation. The facts, however, reveal one inescapable truth: the police will virtually never have any active role in stopping school shooters or saving lives. They will arrive in time only to coordinate medical care and to collect evidence and write reports.

Keep in mind that the killer began his assault at 0930. It took five minutes and 39 seconds for the first 911 call to reach the police and 27 seconds after that for the first radio call to officers on the street. They weren’t aware of the incident until six minutes and six seconds after the attack began:

6 minutes and 6 seonds before the police even knew there was a problem....... the minimum....allow certain staff, unnamed and unknown to the public, to carry weapons....principals, the school psychiatrist, the nurse, the office workers.....and get rid of the gun free zones....let parents who can legally carry keep their weapons with them when they are on the campus....

That is a deterrent that may keep a nut from targeting that school....they are looking for gun free killing zones....the chance they might encounter armed resistance will keep a school much safer....
6 minutes and 6 seonds before the police even knew there was a problem.......

Which is why the answer is trained, armed security at all public buildings when they are open.

-- says the self-confessed gun fetishist.

Please. Been to a courthouse lately, Pogo? Or for that matter, how about any of thousands of inner-urban public schools where metal detectors and armed guards are the rule rather than the exception? I don't expect someone like you has ever been to inner-urban anywhere.
6 minutes and 6 seonds before the police even knew there was a problem.......

Which is why the answer is trained, armed security at all public buildings when they are open.

-- says the self-confessed gun fetishist.

Please. Been to a courthouse lately, Pogo? Or for that matter, how about any of thousands of inner-urban public schools where metal detectors and armed guards are the rule rather than the exception? I don't expect someone like you has ever been to inner-urban anywhere.

No no, I've been to this site lately, and when I say "self-confessed" I mean exactly that. Guns are by his own admission the only thing he values.
Still two years later........not a single, solitary lawsuit!!!!:2up: No the school ( one of the wealthiest districts in the country ) or from the gun store he was turned down supposedly buying a gun.:oops-28: Kid blows away the school window to get in......but zero bullet holes on the walls just 20 feet away!!:rock: Shotgun in the "glove compartment" of the Honda Civic.:uhh: :up:"Official" police reports state that the shooters rounds "went through school walls and out the school and through a car door".....and it was from a .223 Bushmaster!!!:rofl: 80% victim strike rate........60% higher than any other mass shooting ever and by a 17 year old kid that nobody ever saw at any gun range ever!!:slap:. 17 year old kid who weighs 120 pounds hauls "hundreds of rounds" into the school AND multiple weapons and shoots victims with the precision of a Navy Seal:coffee:Dozens of state police are on the scene after the shooting starts and the local EMS see's a black helicopter over the school and they haven't even been contacted about a "mass shooting in progress":ack-1:. Nurse who was interviewed by media after the event and described the carnage to a reporter never worked at the school!!:boobies::biggrin:

And Im just getting started...................:bye1:
6 minutes and 6 seonds before the police even knew there was a problem.......

Which is why the answer is trained, armed security at all public buildings when they are open.

Yes, because nothing says "Land of the Free" like AK-47s and kevlar at Johnny's first grade class. the minimum....allow certain staff, unnamed and unknown to the public, to carry weapons....principals, the school psychiatrist, the nurse, the office workers.....and get rid of the gun free zones....let parents who can legally carry keep their weapons with them when they are on the campus....

Yeah, that'll teach that coach who didn't put Little Billy in as starting quarterback! the minimum....allow certain staff, unnamed and unknown to the public, to carry weapons....principals, the school psychiatrist, the nurse, the office workers.....and get rid of the gun free zones....let parents who can legally carry keep their weapons with them when they are on the campus....

Yeah, that'll teach that coach who didn't put Little Billy in as starting quarterback!

Joe.....I know what your problem are terrified of people.....they scare think that they can't control their emotions...but that is because you can't control yours and you project that onto others......since you can't actually control other try to control what you can...and that is the tool they use...guns......but you will never be able to control that either since criminals don't care about your will never be happy.....but the people who die because you deny them the ability to defend themselves don't deserve to die because of you.....
Joe.....I know what your problem are terrified of people.....they scare think that they can't control their emotions...but that is because you can't control yours and you project that onto others......since you can't actually control other try to control what you can...and that is the tool they use...guns......but you will never be able to control that either since criminals don't care about your will never be happy.....but the people who die because you deny them the ability to defend themselves don't deserve to die because of you.....

Actually, guy, I really didn't care about guns one way or the other, until I saw how fucking scary you gun nuts are with your fantasies about all the people you want to shoot.

I'm not worried about the "Criminals'. Most gun deaths are suicides, domestic arguments and accidents.

Will we stop the career criminal from knocking over a liquor store? Nope.

Will we stop that domestic murder that started with an argument over who drank the last can of Milwaukee's Best? Yup.
Joe this is why I keep debating you...I learn more and more about the issue...and how flawed the National Crime Victimization Survey is when it comes to non cop, non military defensive gun uses.....they include cops....

(Because the NCVS collects victimization data
on police officers, its estimates of the use of firearms for
self-defense are likely to include police use of firearms.
Questionnaire revisions introduced in January 1993 will permit
separate consideration of police and civilian firearm cases.)
It's instructive the gun fetishists are so wallowing in their own swill they'll actually go to the length of denying twenty kids were mowed down at all.

Hey -- priorities.

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