Break down of Sandy Hook shooting....

I agree our mental health care system is a mess.

But guns are still too easy to get.

The clown who just shot 2 cops in NYC not only had a history of mental health issues, but he had 14 arrests on his jacket in 4 states. But he was still able to get a gun from somewhere.
I agree our mental health care system is a mess.

But guns are still too easy to get.

The clown who just shot 2 cops in NYC not only had a history of mental health issues, but he had 14 arrests on his jacket in 4 states. But he was still able to get a gun from somewhere.

But if these nut jobs can't get their hands on a gun all they have to do is go on line and make a bomb. 50 years ago we didn't have this type of thing happening with this type of frequency and there were still guns. We need to ask what's happened to our society that mass shootings keep happening. It's a completely different world even from when I was a kid.
At that point Mrs Lanza should have locked up those guns.

Odds are, they were locked up...but once you have been murdered by your son it can be hard to keep them locked up.....
I agree our mental health care system is a mess.

But guns are still too easy to get.

The clown who just shot 2 cops in NYC not only had a history of mental health issues, but he had 14 arrests on his jacket in 4 states. But he was still able to get a gun from somewhere. was a stolen, illegal gun.........and he didn't go thru a background check....couldn't pass it, didn't register the gun, and had no permit to carry it....and because he is a criminal...he did all of those things......
I agree our mental health care system is a mess.

But guns are still too easy to get.

The clown who just shot 2 cops in NYC not only had a history of mental health issues, but he had 14 arrests on his jacket in 4 states. But he was still able to get a gun from somewhere.

But if these nut jobs can't get their hands on a gun all they have to do is go on line and make a bomb. 50 years ago we didn't have this type of thing happening with this type of frequency and there were still guns. We need to ask what's happened to our society that mass shootings keep happening. It's a completely different world even from when I was a kid.

The world isn't as bad as it used to be....all of the world use to be in a never ending state of have pockets of aggression, but more peace in more places.....

As to these shootings.....a combination of mental illness and media access.....those are the problems, not guns.....
A long look at what happened that day....

Sandy Hook Lessons and Legacy - The Truth About Guns


The time frame, too has been a matter of constant speculation. The facts, however, reveal one inescapable truth: the police will virtually never have any active role in stopping school shooters or saving lives. They will arrive in time only to coordinate medical care and to collect evidence and write reports.

Keep in mind that the killer began his assault at 0930. It took five minutes and 39 seconds for the first 911 call to reach the police and 27 seconds after that for the first radio call to officers on the street. They weren’t aware of the incident until six minutes and six seconds after the attack began:

6 minutes and 6 seonds before the police even knew there was a problem.......

He announced shooting few days earlier.
Still two years later........not a single, solitary lawsuit!!!!:2up: No the school ( one of the wealthiest districts in the country ) or from the gun store he was turned down supposedly buying a gun.:oops-28: Kid blows away the school window to get in......but zero bullet holes on the walls just 20 feet away!!:rock: Shotgun in the "glove compartment" of the Honda Civic.:uhh: :up:"Official" police reports state that the shooters rounds "went through school walls and out the school and through a car door".....and it was from a .223 Bushmaster!!!:rofl: 80% victim strike rate........60% higher than any other mass shooting ever and by a 17 year old kid that nobody ever saw at any gun range ever!!:slap:. 17 year old kid who weighs 120 pounds hauls "hundreds of rounds" into the school AND multiple weapons and shoots victims with the precision of a Navy Seal:coffee:Dozens of state police are on the scene after the shooting starts and the local EMS see's a black helicopter over the school and they haven't even been contacted about a "mass shooting in progress":ack-1:. Nurse who was interviewed by media after the event and described the carnage to a reporter never worked at the school!!:boobies::biggrin:

And Im just getting started...................:bye1:

I believe that surveillance exist but is not available to public. Why would anyone want to see pictures of dead kids?
This is why most civilians should not have guns. Period.

Yes, because nothing says "Land of the Free" like AK-47s and kevlar at Johnny's first grade class.

When have I ever concerned myself with Freedom? Law, Order and Righteousness are my goals
You at least deserve credit for being an honest authoritarian conservative, like most on the right you disdain freedom, diversity, and dissent and seek to compel compliance and conformity.
I agree our mental health care system is a mess.

But guns are still too easy to get.

The clown who just shot 2 cops in NYC not only had a history of mental health issues, but he had 14 arrests on his jacket in 4 states. But he was still able to get a gun from somewhere.

But if these nut jobs can't get their hands on a gun all they have to do is go on line and make a bomb. 50 years ago we didn't have this type of thing happening with this type of frequency and there were still guns. We need to ask what's happened to our society that mass shootings keep happening. It's a completely different world even from when I was a kid.

The world isn't as bad as it used to be....all of the world use to be in a never ending state of have pockets of aggression, but more peace in more places.....

As to these shootings.....a combination of mental illness and media access.....those are the problems, not guns.....

I agree and disagree. You almost never had shootings like this when I was a kid. Actually I don't remember hearing about any of this type of thing at all until the term going postal was coined in the 80's.

I do however agree that mental illness and the media's unrelenting attention when one of these incidents happens are feeding some of what's going on. I also agree it's not the guns. We've had guns for a long time before this mass shooting crap began to happen with frequency. It's not the guns, it's us.
Kid is crazy, is put on dangerous drugs by psychiatrists, plays murder simulator computer games all day long, and has access to weapons.

Same old story repeated over and over again.
Most of the guns in Mexico are smuggled in from Europe....the ones they can actually trace show up as from the U.S. because we have records of them....believe me, no gun dealer will stay in business selling guns to smuggling rings....

more anti gun lies.....

The ATF says you are wrong.

ATF 70 percent of guns found in Mexico come from US TheHill

In 2011, the ATF recovered and traced about 20,000 guns that were found in Mexico. About half of those – 10,514 – were manufactured in the U.S., and nearly 4,000 of the traced guns had been previously brought into the U.S. legally, according to the ATF’s numbers. About 3,600 of the guns found in 2011 were made outside of the U.S.

has nothing to do with Sandy Hook asshole..........Gawd s0n, do you ever stop for even a minute a day to stop worrying about guns? have well over 50K posts in just 3 years and 95% of them look much like the one above.:wtf: have some issues..........time to free the've seen my posts/links on OCD. Check it out.........
Just a few unanswered questions from Dec 12th, 2012........

1. Who directed the New Haven Federal Bureau of Investigation field office to classify the Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting (SHES)?

2. Why and for what reason would the FBI classify the SHES shooting when they did not classify the Columbine shooting which also was an Active Shooter Mass Casualty Incidents (AS/MCI)?

3. Who was the Incident Commander as required by the Federal Emergency Management Agency in directing the AS/MCI at SHES?

• Who at the Incident Command Center made the ordering of Port-A-Potties a high priority since they were delivered within three hours of the school shooting?

• Who ordered those Port-A-Potties from Southbury, Connecticut?

• When I called the Port-A-Pottie company, after searching for over a week as to who they were and when they were ordered, I was told this information was classified and they are not allowed to share that information with me.

• The next morning I received a phone call from the Southbury Police Department at my home telling me not to call that company again, since I was harassing them.

• High priority for toilets but not for Life Star Trauma helicopters or paramedics.

4. Who and why did they not request Life Star helicopters, knowing that children and school staff were seriously injured and clinging to life?

5. Who and why did they not allow the paramedics and the EMTs inside SHES?

6. Who declared all 18 children and six school staff members legally dead within the first eight minutes?

7. Who was the Certified Environmental Bio-Hazard Decontamination company contracted by Newtown Public Schools (NPS) to remove 45-65 gallons of blood, skull fragments, brain tissue, bodily fluids, blood-soaked carpets and any other decontaminated area inside SHES?

8. Why does an off-duty lieutenant from the Newtown Police Department (NPD) refuse to leave his off-duty work assignment at a construction site when hearing that shots have been fired at SHES?

9. Who at NPS notified all of the parents in writing, as required by Conn. law, who had children attending SHES, as well as every school staff member, for every school year, of all the potential life threatening chemical hazards? The school had high levels of lead paint throughout the entire school, asbestos in the ceiling and floor tiles, asbestos in the insulation, and most of the school had very high levels of PCBs.

10. Who provided the urgent medical care to the two children who were not transported to the Danbury Trauma Center until an hour after the school was deemed safe for that 15-mile drive?

11. Who treated those two children who had been shot multiple times, like 3 to 11 times, since they did not allow the paramedics and EMTs inside SHES?

12. Why did the parents of the two children who died at the Danbury hospital not allow their children to donate their organs to other children waiting for the gift of life?

13. What happened to the 500 children and 60 school staff members from SHES on 12/14/2012?

14. Who was the police officer calling into the NPD dispatcher stating, in his words, that he had multiple weapons, a rifle and a shotgun, and who has the rifle and the shotgun, as the chain of evidence should show, that was found in classroom eight (8)?

15. Why would a police officer by the name of Lt. Vangehle, at 9:45:21 a.m. on 12/14/2012, from the NPD, after finding a female kindergartener in the hallway, make her go into room eight (8) and leave her there? Room eight was supposedly the gruesome crime scene with dead children and school staff.

16. Why would two Conn. State Troopers enter room ten (10) at 9:55:31 a.m. on 12/14/2012, which was supposedly the gruesome crime scene with dead children and school staff, and tell a male kindergartener who they found in the bathroom, whose name is redacted, and tell them (so it must be more than one), to stay and they will both be back when it is safe?

17. How do you fit a 12G shotgun ( plus shotshells ) in the "glove compartment" of a Honda Civic ( from official police report )

18 How do several rounds of .223 ammo go "through school walls and out the building and through a car door"? ( any ballistics tests on .223 ammo would deem this impossible )

19. Why has there not been one single lawsuit brought against the school district?:ack-1::ack-1::ack-1:

20. Why is there zero video footage from the hallways of one of the worlds richest school districts and why is there zero video from the gun store where Lanza tried unsuccessfully to purchase a shotgun ( all gun stores have video monitoring ).

21. An EMS worker was interviewed on video stating that helicopters were flying over the school several miles away yet no EMS units had been alerted of a shooting in progress. By the time the first EMS arrived arrived at the school, many, many unmarked gray state police cruisers were already on the scene. How?

22. Lanza supposedly shot the school window next to the front entrance with a Bushmaster shooting .223 rounds......yet 20 feet inside the glass window, there are zero bullet holes in the walls ( yet .223 rounds reportedly went through school "walls" and out the school and "through" a car door moments later )

23. Why do 30 people march into the front of the firehouse, exit out the back then walk around front and through the entrance again many, many times???

24. How does a kid who weighs 120 pounds carry at least 3 weapons into the school AND "hundreds of rounds" ( official police report ) of ammunition and then proceed to shoot victims at a strike rate that Navy Seal guys have claimed it would be impossible for them to do?

25. A kid who was never seen at ANY gun range anywhere pulls off by far, the highest strike % of any mass shooting in history ( 80% vs standard 15%-20%). How?

26. Why do official FBI homicide statistics for all US towns list "0" homicides for Newtown Ct, in 2012.???

27. According to Dr. Carver, the ME, and State Police, Lanza shot each victim between 3 and 11 times during a 5 to 7 minute span. If one is to average this out to 7 bullets per individual—excluding misses ( almost none )—Lanza shot 182 times, or once every two seconds. Yet according to the official story Lanza was the sole assassin and armed with only one weapon. Thus if misses and changing the gun’s 30-shot magazine at least 6 times are added to the equation Lanza must have been averaging about one shot per second—extremely skilled use of a single firearm for a young man with absolutely no military training and who was on the verge of being institutionalized.

In other words............this shit didn't happen s0ns!!!:eusa_dance:

But carry in the comfy zone is always nice and warm and fuzzy!!!:2up:
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Tons of evidence that sandy hook is yet another monstrous lie from the gover-media. All this talk about "breaking down the shooting" is based on govt evidence and thus useless.
Tons of evidence that sandy hook is yet another monstrous lie from the gover-media. All this talk about "breaking down the shooting" is based on govt evidence and thus useless.

Event was the seminal moment in my life is a ridiculously difficult barrier to smash through......impossible for most. Confronting such truths just changes most everything you've come to know in life.

Hey Shoot.....not sure if you are familiar with Dave McGowans work? Something to bookmark........his tireless work on the Boston Bombing is the most laughable >> Center for an Informed America
At that point Mrs Lanza should have locked up those guns.

Odds are, they were locked up...but once you have been murdered by your son it can be hard to keep them locked up.....

You mean the son she took to the shooting range and let play first person shooter games all day and home schooled because the teachers said he was nuts?

So when is the NRA giving Nancy her "Mother of the Year" award.
I agree and disagree. You almost never had shootings like this when I was a kid. Actually I don't remember hearing about any of this type of thing at all until the term going postal was coined in the 80's.

I'm not sure how old you are, I'm in my early 50's, and yes, things like this didn't happen when I was growing up.

But when I was growing up, you didn't have the gun manufacturers pushing military grade weapons for home use. In fact, in the 1960's, the NRA actually supported common sense gun laws. When the Black Panthers started walking around with guns, Ronald Reagan - yes THAT Ronald Reagan - passed a law making it illegal to carry a gun in public and the NRA Supported him.

In the 1980's, two things happened. The first was that some liberal do-gooders decided that locking up crazy people against their will was a violation of their civil rights. The other thing was that the NRA got taken over by nuts like Wayne LaPeirre who think we should all own guns to overthrow our government when we don't like what it says. It was the intersection of insane and lunacy.

I do however agree that mental illness and the media's unrelenting attention when one of these incidents happens are feeding some of what's going on. I also agree it's not the guns. We've had guns for a long time before this mass shooting crap began to happen with frequency. It's not the guns, it's us.

Well, no, it is the guns in so far as how guns are being marketed. It used to be the gun sellers were kind of responsible. Then they figured out that when people stopped hunting for sport they needed to find new markets for weapons, and really started fanning the flames by realizing people like Nancy Lanza were an untapped market.

You see, most gun owners buy one gun and they are good for life. The GUn industry markets to people like Nancy who want more guns, bigger guns, because it makes them feel safer in an uncertain world. And sadly, some of these people are either crazy or have crazy people in their families.
At that point Mrs Lanza should have locked up those guns.

Odds are, they were locked up...but once you have been murdered by your son it can be hard to keep them locked up.....

You mean the son she took to the shooting range and let play first person shooter games all day and home schooled because the teachers said he was nuts?

So when is the NRA giving Nancy her "Mother of the Year" award.


Find me one single link which identifies a gun owner ever seeing Lanza at ANY gun range s0n!!!

You're one of those dummies who thinks you can put a 12G shotgun into a Honda Civic glove compartment.

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