BREAKING: 200+ “Militarized” Federal Police Surround Peaceful Rancher in Nevada

If you park your car where it is not allowed, it gets impounded and towed.

In this case, the Feds confiscated his cattle to sell. That is THEFT.

Leave your car on gov't property for 21 years without paying and see if they don't sell your car to pay the fines and fees.

Leave your car on your own property and then see the feds to nationalize your property is a more apt analogy.

Again, horseshit. They didn't take away his land. They simply assumed ownership of unowned land. The fact that Bundy's family allowed their cattle to graze on the land does not equate to ownership.

The feds took unowned property under federal control. Then allowed Bundy to use it for his commercial cattle operation, for a fee. Bundy disagreed with the fee increase, so he stopped paying anything.
Actually, if you don't come and pay the fine THEY CAN SELL YOUR CAR.

IF you don't come and pay. That's a lot different than selling the car or destroying it without giving you a chance to do so.

In the case of the rancher, he has a valid dispute that he should even have to pay - and the government is engaging in defacto terrorism against him and his family.

The BLM raised the grazing fee and the rancher stopped paying completely. Then he kept grazing his cattle for 21 years. No, he does not have a dispute. He has a large debt.

21 years....? this looks like adverse possession....
Leave your car on gov't property for 21 years without paying and see if they don't sell your car to pay the fines and fees.

Leave your car on your own property and then see the feds to nationalize your property is a more apt analogy.

Again, horseshit. They didn't take away his land. They simply assumed ownership of unowned land. The fact that Bundy's family allowed their cattle to graze on the land does not equate to ownership.

The feds took unowned property under federal control. Then allowed Bundy to use it for his commercial cattle operation, for a fee. Bundy disagreed with the fee increase, so he stopped paying anything.

His mistake, if there was one, was paying in the first place.
Ok who does. Can you provide the link to individual bill of sale specifying who owns the land?

Forgive me but I always thought we, the collective we, owned this country, not specific government individuals. Government workers, are our employees, not our slave masters as the democrats would have us believe.

What wasn't mentioned is that Mr. Bundys family owned all that land until the govt seized it over the desert tortoise. It was legal to graze until 98'. Still his family were the land owners as I understand it and now it belongs to Cook County he said.

Do you have a link to the rancher owning the land up until 1998?

No, they do not. If Bundy owned the land then why would he have paid the grazing fees up until '93?

I have seen nothing to suggest that Bundy's family ever owned the land in question. They just used it when they wanted.
Leave your car on your own property and then see the feds to nationalize your property is a more apt analogy.

Again, horseshit. They didn't take away his land. They simply assumed ownership of unowned land. The fact that Bundy's family allowed their cattle to graze on the land does not equate to ownership.

The feds took unowned property under federal control. Then allowed Bundy to use it for his commercial cattle operation, for a fee. Bundy disagreed with the fee increase, so he stopped paying anything.

His mistake, if there was one, was paying in the first place.

He agrees that it is public land. Charging fees for use of public land is perfectly legal and very common.

And if it were being used for grazing for subsistence, I might lean towards allowing some exception. But this man is making money from the cattle he does not have to pay for land to feed.
What wasn't mentioned is that Mr. Bundys family owned all that land until the govt seized it over the desert tortoise. It was legal to graze until 98'. Still his family were the land owners as I understand it and now it belongs to Cook County he said.

Do you have a link to the rancher owning the land up until 1998?

No, they do not. If Bundy owned the land then why would he have paid the grazing fees up until '93?

I have seen nothing to suggest that Bundy's family ever owned the land in question. They just used it when they wanted.

neither have I, which is why I asked this same question a couple hours back.

I really think what's happened is that over the years the BLM has decreased the # of cattle that can be free grazed, or more likely, the ranchers were always overgrazing, and the BLM stepped in, so the ranchers other than this guy found other stuff to do.

So, imo, the real question for the folks who question the BLM is whether they costed the permits low enough to let a guy make a few bucks running 150, rather, than the 900, this guy wants to run?
What wasn't mentioned is that Mr. Bundys family owned all that land until the govt seized it over the desert tortoise. It was legal to graze until 98'. Still his family were the land owners as I understand it and now it belongs to Cook County he said.

Do you have a link to the rancher owning the land up until 1998?

No, they do not. If Bundy owned the land then why would he have paid the grazing fees up until '93?

I have seen nothing to suggest that Bundy's family ever owned the land in question. They just used it when they wanted.

Here's hoping some federal agent decides to take away your property and your livelihood. Where I come from the stuff the feds are doing is a hanging offense. I suppose where you come from shitting on peoples livelihood is an every day thang.
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Do you have a link to the rancher owning the land up until 1998?

No, they do not. If Bundy owned the land then why would he have paid the grazing fees up until '93?

I have seen nothing to suggest that Bundy's family ever owned the land in question. They just used it when they wanted.

Here's hoping some federal agent decides to take away your property and your livelihood. Where I come from the stuff the feds are doing is a hanging offense. I suppose where you come from shitting on peoples livelihood is an every day thang.

you homestead on a park in my state, you best be armed.
Do you have a link to the rancher owning the land up until 1998?

No, they do not. If Bundy owned the land then why would he have paid the grazing fees up until '93?

I have seen nothing to suggest that Bundy's family ever owned the land in question. They just used it when they wanted.

Here's hoping some federal agent decides to take away your property and your livelihood. Where I come from the stuff the feds are doing is a hanging offense. I suppose where you come from shitting on peoples livelihood is an every day thang.

Where I come from you don't expect to run a commercial cattle operation on land you don't own for free.

Where I come from, if you agree that a fee is to be paid for using land, and the landlord raises the fee, you do not continue to graze your cattle and stop paying completely.

Where I come from, if a federal judge orders you to stop using land you do not own, and orders you to remove your property from land you do not own, failure to do so will result in forfeiture of your property.

Where I come from, threatening the contractors who are moving the cattle is against the law.

Oh, and no one took away his property. He never owned the property.
If squatters move into vacant property I legally own and occupy it for X amount of time, the govt gives them right to my personal property even though I can show legal proof of ownership. Likewise, if a neighbor erects a fence on my property and it remains X amount of time, the govt gives that neighbor my land. This is often how property rights are determined.

You were given a receipt for the purchase of your computer. If Bundy can show a receipt where he paid his grazing fees - no problem.

IMHO - a very poor analogy.

That's because you've mixed it up. You're focusing on the grazing fees, rather than the fact that the Bundy's already owned the land in the first place. And yes, I was awarded a receipt, but where that receipt is now I couldn't tell you. In other words, I have as much proof that I own this computer as Bundy's family had to prove that they owned the land. Yet it's clear in both cases who the rightful owners of the property in question are. In the case of the computer, I am the obvious rightful owner. In the case of the land, the ranchers who mixed their labor with the unowned, unoccupied land are the owners of the land. Even if they don't have some deed saying that it's so.

Allowing cattle to eat grass on some land does not mean you own the land. There are steps you must take to secure ownership. Those steps were never taken.

The fact that neither side is debating who owns the land makes it a moot point.
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If squatters move into vacant property I legally own and occupy it for X amount of time, the govt gives them right to my personal property even though I can show legal proof of ownership. Likewise, if a neighbor erects a fence on my property and it remains X amount of time, the govt gives that neighbor my land. This is often how property rights are determined.

That's because you've mixed it up. You're focusing on the grazing fees, rather than the fact that the Bundy's already owned the land in the first place. And yes, I was awarded a receipt, but where that receipt is now I couldn't tell you. In other words, I have as much proof that I own this computer as Bundy's family had to prove that they owned the land. Yet it's clear in both cases who the rightful owners of the property in question are. In the case of the computer, I am the obvious rightful owner. In the case of the land, the ranchers who mixed their labor with the unowned, unoccupied land are the owners of the land. Even if they don't have some deed saying that it's so.

Allowing cattle to eat grass on some land does not mean you own the land. There are steps you must take to secure ownership. Those steps were never taken.

The fact that neither side is debating who owns the land makes it a moot point.

Only if the owner takes no steps to protect the right, and in this case the Rancher has been ordered to get off. The feds thus far have not enforced that order because, in all likelihood, they'll have to kill him.
The federal government is systematically seizing ranches to end the cattle industry. This is the last rancher in this area. Then BLM can move on to cleansing other ranch land. It's a religious thing. They worship Gaia.
The federal government is systematically seizing ranches to end the cattle industry. This is the last rancher in this area. Then BLM can move on to cleansing other ranch land. It's a religious thing. They worship Gaia.

I suppose you have as much evidence behind this claim as you did when you claimed the 200 armed feds were surrounding the ranch to kill the Bundys, and when you claimed that they were killing and burying all his cattle???

This argument started in 1993. Other ranchers have been going out of business for years and years.

They are raising large animals in a desert. There are other areas that can do that cheaper and more efficiently.
The federal government is systematically seizing ranches to end the cattle industry. This is the last rancher in this area. Then BLM can move on to cleansing other ranch land. It's a religious thing. They worship Gaia.

OMG! No more cattle grazing in Clark County, NV?

No wonder I never saw a single cow on the strip during the 10 years that I lived in Vegas!
Jesus Christ, I'm seeing a whole lot of contorting to try and make this seem like the Government or whomever is doing something wrong. He kept his stuff on Land that ISN'T HIS, if I park my car on your lawn you can have it towed because IT'S ON YOUR LAND. This is literally no different, except this idiot had 16 years time to comply.

He's dumb, and finally it caught up to him, Cry me a river.

If you park your car where it is not allowed, it gets impounded and towed.

In this case, the Feds confiscated his cattle to sell. That is THEFT.

They aren't confiscating the cattle to sell. They are killing the cattle and burying the bodies.

And THIS is what makes the whole thing stink - RIGHT at the time when there is a crises with beef and milk production, at THAT moment, the feds decide to remove another massive part of the resources.
Oh please - say your hyperbole and name-calling. It adds NOTHING to any conversation or debate.

So you got nothing then?

The davidians murdered agents who came to their compound to serve a legal warrant. You can try to re-write history all you want. You can even believe your fictions if you choose. But don't get all pissy, when others choose to stick with the facts.

Nope, the federal courts ruled it was NOT murder. And the warrant was NOT legal, since it was based on perjured testimony.

You don't have the slightest clue what your talking about, but that doesn't stop you from spouting off.
If you park your car where it is not allowed, it gets impounded and towed.

In this case, the Feds confiscated his cattle to sell. That is THEFT.

They aren't confiscating the cattle to sell. They are killing the cattle and burying the bodies.

And THIS is what makes the whole thing stink - RIGHT at the time when there is a crises with beef and milk production, at THAT moment, the feds decide to remove another massive part of the resources.

Yes, that would be bad. Not that it has much to do with the milk production, but bad for beef production.

However, I have asked a couple of times for any link or evidence that they are killing the cattle and burying the bodies. None has been offered. Every story I have seen talks about contractors moving the cattle.
If you park your car where it is not allowed, it gets impounded and towed.

In this case, the Feds confiscated his cattle to sell. That is THEFT.

They aren't confiscating the cattle to sell. They are killing the cattle and burying the bodies.

And THIS is what makes the whole thing stink - RIGHT at the time when there is a crises with beef and milk production, at THAT moment, the feds decide to remove another massive part of the resources.

Destruction of the country is Job Number 1 for all good little Democrats. Have to kill off the people to save the turtles.
Ahhhhh so he only had 18 years. Wow, what a rush to judgement. So now that your "property rights" argument has been shredded you're now onto the food price gambit?

Pretty weak man.

You don't pay attention. I'm not siding with Bundy. If there is a fee for grazing, pay it. I have to pay to use supposedly public parks in the National Forest, Bundy can damn well pony up for his use.

I do question the timing of this though. Obama and the democrats are at war to end the middle class (the Bourgeoisie) and this sort of action fits with that goal.

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