BREAKING: Abilene TX cop murdered in "planned, coordinated attack by multiple parties" AT HIS HOME.

Generations of blacks have been raised to believe what the PC Police have been telling them.

Human beings can be conditioned, skin color irrelevant, and it's much worse when it becomes inter-generational.

Since you're an example, there's nothing I can say to change your mind on anything, so I won't try.

Dont be shy Mac, be specific....What are those things blacks believe that are just a figment of our imagination? Dont forget the "be specific" part.

Why in the world would I waste any time or effort doing that?

You're sold. Done deal.

Add to that, you're a liar, which makes communication with you essentially worthless.

But I do apologize for being as far up in your head as I am, that was not intended.

Why would you explain your post? IDK, because I asked or maybe you dont have any specifics to begin with. I can be proven wrong very quickly tho by backing up your bullshit.

So, whats up? You credible or nah?
All this attention is so flattering!'


Can you feel flattered after you explain yourself?
Abilene officer murdered at home in planned, coordinated attack by 'multiple parties'


Abilene, Texas cop AT HOME off duty. Killed in what FBI calls "coordinated, planned attack by multiple parties". Very little information being released. FBI and Texas State Police on scene.

They're now coming for cops at their homes. Probably followed him home from work.

Democrats....if you cock suckers don't denounce #BlackLivesMatter and demand Farrakhan and all others who have incited killings of may as well be included as terrorists with them.

Do we know for sure they were black?
Could be a local drug ring.
Abilene officer murdered at home in planned, coordinated attack by 'multiple parties'


Abilene, Texas cop AT HOME off duty. Killed in what FBI calls "coordinated, planned attack by multiple parties". Very little information being released. FBI and Texas State Police on scene.

They're now coming for cops at their homes. Probably followed him home from work.

Democrats....if you cock suckers don't denounce #BlackLivesMatter and demand Farrakhan and all others who have incited killings of may as well be included as terrorists with them.

Do we know for sure they were black?
Could be a local drug ring.

NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!! But thats not demagoguery works my friend
Terrorism: The use of violence or threats of it for political gain or change.

By definition this is what the violent words uttered by some of these #BlackLivesMatter rallies are doing. Seeking to change how the government is operating via violence or threats of violence on government members.

Farrakhan belongs in Gitmo.

There you have it. Black Lives Matter is by all definitions of the word, a terrorist organization.

Will Obama authorize the drone trikes to start? Where's the site that going to host the streaming video? I want to watch.
Abilene officer murdered at home in planned, coordinated attack by 'multiple parties'


Abilene, Texas cop AT HOME off duty. Killed in what FBI calls "coordinated, planned attack by multiple parties". Very little information being released. FBI and Texas State Police on scene.

They're now coming for cops at their homes. Probably followed him home from work.

Democrats....if you cock suckers don't denounce #BlackLivesMatter and demand Farrakhan and all others who have incited killings of may as well be included as terrorists with them.

Do we know for sure they were black?
Could be a local drug ring.
The retards say they were Black. Why are you arguing with them?
Abilene officer murdered at home in planned, coordinated attack by 'multiple parties'


Abilene, Texas cop AT HOME off duty. Killed in what FBI calls "coordinated, planned attack by multiple parties". Very little information being released. FBI and Texas State Police on scene.

They're now coming for cops at their homes. Probably followed him home from work.

Democrats....if you cock suckers don't denounce #BlackLivesMatter and demand Farrakhan and all others who have incited killings of may as well be included as terrorists with them.
One of the best knee jerk reactions without evidence I've seen in a while..
Always give the perps the benefit of the doubt...ehhhh moonbeam?
Moonbeam is just an ignorant troll. He's only here to amuse himself. I do not recall EVER reading an intelligent post created by him.
Terrorism: The use of violence or threats of it for political gain or change.

By definition this is what the violent words uttered by some of these #BlackLivesMatter rallies are doing. Seeking to change how the government is operating via violence or threats of violence on government members.

Farrakhan belongs in Gitmo.

There you have it. Black Lives Matter is by all definitions of the word, a terrorist organization.

Will Obama authorize the drone trikes to start?
So the US government and military are terrorists?
Abilene officer murdered at home in planned, coordinated attack by 'multiple parties'


Abilene, Texas cop AT HOME off duty. Killed in what FBI calls "coordinated, planned attack by multiple parties". Very little information being released. FBI and Texas State Police on scene.

They're now coming for cops at their homes. Probably followed him home from work.

Democrats....if you cock suckers don't denounce #BlackLivesMatter and demand Farrakhan and all others who have incited killings of may as well be included as terrorists with them.
One of the best knee jerk reactions without evidence I've seen in a while..
Always give the perps the benefit of the doubt...ehhhh moonbeam?
Moonbeam is just an ignorant troll. He's only here to amuse himself. I do not recall EVER reading an intelligent post created by him.
says the tile layer that get's drunk from a disappointing life...
Terrorism: The use of violence or threats of it for political gain or change.

By definition this is what the violent words uttered by some of these #BlackLivesMatter rallies are doing. Seeking to change how the government is operating via violence or threats of violence on government members.

Farrakhan belongs in Gitmo.

There you have it. Black Lives Matter is by all definitions of the word, a terrorist organization.

Will Obama authorize the drone trikes to start?
So the US government and military are terrorists?

That poses an interesting question. Some people seem to think your president is a terrorist. His authorized drone strikes have killed way more civilian women and children than all of the strikes under GW.

You obviously support him, so that makes you a collusionist.
Generations of blacks have been raised to believe what the PC Police have been telling them.

Human beings can be conditioned, skin color irrelevant, and it's much worse when it becomes inter-generational.

Since you're an example, there's nothing I can say to change your mind on anything, so I won't try.

Dont be shy Mac, be specific....What are those things blacks believe that are just a figment of our imagination? Dont forget the "be specific" part.

Why in the world would I waste any time or effort doing that?

You're sold. Done deal.

Add to that, you're a liar, which makes communication with you essentially worthless.

But I do apologize for being as far up in your head as I am, that was not intended.

Why would you explain your post? IDK, because I asked or maybe you dont have any specifics to begin with. I can be proven wrong very quickly tho by backing up your bullshit.

So, whats up? You credible or nah?
All this attention is so flattering!'

Can you feel flattered after you explain yourself?
I don't care enough about your opinion to burn a lot of effort here.

But, as far up in your head as I am, I'll provide links in which I have already gone over this:

Post 11: why do majority of blacks let liberal asians, whites, mexicans, and every other race control them? | Page 2 | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
Post 145: Why do Blacks vote Democrat? | Page 15 | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
Post 83: Liberals cannot be racists | Page 9 | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
Post 13: Black Community | Page 2 | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum


And please note: Your opinion on the above posts is irrelevant to me, so you can stop humping my leg any time now.
Abilene officer murdered at home in planned, coordinated attack by 'multiple parties'


Abilene, Texas cop AT HOME off duty. Killed in what FBI calls "coordinated, planned attack by multiple parties". Very little information being released. FBI and Texas State Police on scene.

They're now coming for cops at their homes. Probably followed him home from work.

Democrats....if you cock suckers don't denounce #BlackLivesMatter and demand Farrakhan and all others who have incited killings of may as well be included as terrorists with them.
One of the best knee jerk reactions without evidence I've seen in a while..
Always give the perps the benefit of the doubt...ehhhh moonbeam?
Since you don't know jack, you'll throw anyone in the meat grinder...
Terrorism: The use of violence or threats of it for political gain or change.

By definition this is what the violent words uttered by some of these #BlackLivesMatter rallies are doing. Seeking to change how the government is operating via violence or threats of violence on government members.

Farrakhan belongs in Gitmo.

There you have it. Black Lives Matter is by all definitions of the word, a terrorist organization.

Will Obama authorize the drone trikes to start?
So the US government and military are terrorists?

That poses an interesting question. Some people seem to think your president is a terrorist. His authorized drone strikes have killed way more civilian women and children than all of the strikes under GW.

You obviously support him, so that makes you a collusionist.
Ah yes, unsubstantiated bullshit, your specialty...

Last edited:
Dont be shy Mac, be specific....What are those things blacks believe that are just a figment of our imagination? Dont forget the "be specific" part.

Why in the world would I waste any time or effort doing that?

You're sold. Done deal.

Add to that, you're a liar, which makes communication with you essentially worthless.

But I do apologize for being as far up in your head as I am, that was not intended.

Why would you explain your post? IDK, because I asked or maybe you dont have any specifics to begin with. I can be proven wrong very quickly tho by backing up your bullshit.

So, whats up? You credible or nah?
All this attention is so flattering!'

Can you feel flattered after you explain yourself?
I don't care enough about your opinion to burn a lot of effort here.

But, as far up in your head as I am, I'll provide links in which I have already gone over this:

Post 11: why do majority of blacks let liberal asians, whites, mexicans, and every other race control them? | Page 2 | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
Post 145: Why do Blacks vote Democrat? | Page 15 | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
Post 83: Liberals cannot be racists | Page 9 | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
Post 13: Black Community | Page 2 | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum


And please note: Your opinion on the above posts is irrelevant to me, so you can stop humping my leg any time now.

I'm not falling for that shit...I'm not Charlie Brown.

I simply asked What are those things blacks believe that are just a figment of our imagination? And while you responded 3 times you've told me everytime that you dont have the time....3 times. You can post it here thanks
Generations of blacks have been raised to believe what the PC Police have been telling them.

Human beings can be conditioned, skin color irrelevant, and it's much worse when it becomes inter-generational.

Since you're an example, there's nothing I can say to change your mind on anything, so I won't try.

Dont be shy Mac, be specific....What are those things blacks believe that are just a figment of our imagination? Dont forget the "be specific" part.

Why in the world would I waste any time or effort doing that?

You're sold. Done deal.

Add to that, you're a liar, which makes communication with you essentially worthless.

But I do apologize for being as far up in your head as I am, that was not intended.

Why would you explain your post? IDK, because I asked or maybe you dont have any specifics to begin with. I can be proven wrong very quickly tho by backing up your bullshit.

So, whats up? You credible or nah?
He is credible. You? Not a fucking chance
Why in the world would I waste any time or effort doing that?

You're sold. Done deal.

Add to that, you're a liar, which makes communication with you essentially worthless.

But I do apologize for being as far up in your head as I am, that was not intended.

Why would you explain your post? IDK, because I asked or maybe you dont have any specifics to begin with. I can be proven wrong very quickly tho by backing up your bullshit.

So, whats up? You credible or nah?
All this attention is so flattering!'

Can you feel flattered after you explain yourself?
I don't care enough about your opinion to burn a lot of effort here.

But, as far up in your head as I am, I'll provide links in which I have already gone over this:

Post 11: why do majority of blacks let liberal asians, whites, mexicans, and every other race control them? | Page 2 | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
Post 145: Why do Blacks vote Democrat? | Page 15 | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
Post 83: Liberals cannot be racists | Page 9 | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
Post 13: Black Community | Page 2 | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum


And please note: Your opinion on the above posts is irrelevant to me, so you can stop humping my leg any time now.

I'm not falling for that shit...I'm not Charlie Brown.

I simply asked What are those things blacks believe that are just a figment of our imagination? And while you responded 3 times you've told me everytime that you dont have the time....3 times. You can post it here thanks
Just as I expected.

I posted four (4) links, and you're playing games.

Go away. I'm confident your fellow PC Police will be proud of your efforts here.
Nice to see the PC Police doing the right thing and pointing out that not all the evidence is in yet.

Of course, they're not nearly that reasonable and patient when a member of a PC-protected group dies.

Go figure, huh?
^see Mac not take Bucky to task for knee jerking this has something to do with BLM.

Go figure, huh?
You wont see a thread from Mac on this one because he's all about being fair :alcoholic:
I don't worry about being fair with the PC Police.

You people are dishonest, cowardly and destructive. Full speed ahead on you.

But thanks for caring.

Yep. Screw fairness with the left.

#BlackLivesMatter radicals called Texas leftists to arms last week to kill cops. Now cops in Texas are being murdered. No genius needed to connect it. It's not like cops are murdered every day in every city (they arent).

#BlackLivesMatter calling for violence on cops is now equal to ISIS calling for violence on troops and cops inside our borders.

#BlackLivesMatter and ISIS have a common enemy: American cops.
You'll use black people in general as tools every chance you get. I will applaud when karma catches up with you.
Terrorism: The use of violence or threats of it for political gain or change.

By definition this is what the violent words uttered by some of these #BlackLivesMatter rallies are doing. Seeking to change how the government is operating via violence or threats of violence on government members.

Farrakhan belongs in Gitmo.

There you have it. Black Lives Matter is by all definitions of the word, a terrorist organization.

Will Obama authorize the drone trikes to start?
So the US government and military are terrorists?

That poses an interesting question. Some people seem to think your president is a terrorist. His authorized drone strikes have killed way more civilian women and children than all of the strikes under GW.

You obviously support him, so that makes you a collusionist.
Is that a roundabout way of saying "yes, the US government and military are terrorists"?
Generations of blacks have been raised to believe what the PC Police have been telling them.

Human beings can be conditioned, skin color irrelevant, and it's much worse when it becomes inter-generational.

Since you're an example, there's nothing I can say to change your mind on anything, so I won't try.

Dont be shy Mac, be specific....What are those things blacks believe that are just a figment of our imagination? Dont forget the "be specific" part.

Why in the world would I waste any time or effort doing that?

You're sold. Done deal.

Add to that, you're a liar, which makes communication with you essentially worthless.

But I do apologize for being as far up in your head as I am, that was not intended.

Why would you explain your post? IDK, because I asked or maybe you dont have any specifics to begin with. I can be proven wrong very quickly tho by backing up your bullshit.

So, whats up? You credible or nah?
He is credible. You? Not a fucking chance

Why would I care what a jailbird thinks. Take your tin cup and beat it
You clearly care as you single me out repeatedly & daily.

PS. I worked for my tin cup unlike your brethren

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