BREAKING: Active shooter in Midland/Odessa TX

I’m surprised they have not released the name of the suspect yet.

They haven't released the name yet, because they don't want to give this guy any more notoriety than they have to. Police even said so.
I'm sure that's it nothing says let's not reveal the name because it doesn't fit the narrative as this shooting does.
What "narrative" doesn't it fit?
Well for one did he lawfully possess the firearm or was he a felon?
Listen. Every major news station and publication would LOVE to break the news who this guy was and everything they can dig up on him. Fact.
This "conspiracy theory" mindset that the "MSM" is withholding information because it doesn't back up liberal ideas is total bullshit. MSM is in it for the clicks and the ratings. Period.

You're right, there are lots of media outlets that would love to be the ones to break who the guy was and all that other stuff. But, the link I posted at 566 says a bit different as to why they aren't releasing his name, and it's not because of the media, it's because of the police.

Death Toll In West Texas Shooting Rampage Now At 7

Little is known about the gunman or his motivations. Police have deliberately withheld the shooter's name.

"You'll notice that I'm not naming the subject. And there's a reason for that. I'm not giving him any notoriety for what he did," said Odessa Police Chief Michael Gerke.
I'm sure that's it nothing says let's not reveal the name because it doesn't fit the narrative as this shooting does.

Sure, never let a good crisis go to waste.

Your paranoia is showing.
No just quoting Rahm Emanual

Rahm.............he is such an asshole. But, he doesn't have anything to do with that area. At some point, you started sounding like you were watching some black helicopters and looking for some tinfoil.
The philosophy is historically a democrat thing
And you anti-gunners don't want to take anybody's gun
Look ole girl; I know the history.
How many would have been shot if he didn`t have a firearm genius?

Didn't he have a car? Aren't cars used in about 30 times the number of homicides than guns? About a thousand times the number of homicides than so called assault rifles? He would have done what they do in France, and just run people over.
More people are killed by lawnmowers every year in the country than people using ARs to kill people. And no one in this country has an right to lawnmower ownership...

People kill people not firearms… Firearms have no control over people
in 2017 5977 pedestrians were hit and killed by a vehicle while 403 people were killed with a rifle.

In 2018, 387 people were killed in mass shootings alone (that's 4 or more people killed in a single shooting). Considering there have been more than 40,000 gun deaths in the US in 2018 alone, you can bet that the total number easily exceeds your measly 5977.

How many of those gun deaths were suicides?

Then how many of those gun deaths were done by someone that obtained their firearm illegally?

Now you have laws on the books already to prevent stuff from happening, so how many more do you need to tell someone not to drive and fire on the public?

So how often do 4 or more people get together & decide to shoot themselves?

A ban won't stop then all, but Jesus Fucking Christ can wed do something to stop a lot of them????
I’m surprised they have not released the name of the suspect yet.

They haven't released the name yet, because they don't want to give this guy any more notoriety than they have to. Police even said so.
I'm sure that's it nothing says let's not reveal the name because it doesn't fit the narrative as this shooting does.
What "narrative" doesn't it fit?
Well for one did he lawfully possess the firearm or was he a felon?
Listen. Every major news station and publication would LOVE to break the news who this guy was and everything they can dig up on him. Fact.
This "conspiracy theory" mindset that the "MSM" is withholding information because it doesn't back up liberal ideas is total bullshit. MSM is in it for the clicks and the ratings. Period.
Sure, never let a good crisis go to waste.

Your paranoia is showing.
No just quoting Rahm Emanual

Rahm.............he is such an asshole. But, he doesn't have anything to do with that area. At some point, you started sounding like you were watching some black helicopters and looking for some tinfoil.
The philosophy is historically a democrat thing
And you anti-gunners don't want to take anybody's gun
Look ole girl; I know the history.

I'm not a democrat and I'm not an anti-gunner. While I am at it, I hate CNN.
Didn't he have a car? Aren't cars used in about 30 times the number of homicides than guns? About a thousand times the number of homicides than so called assault rifles? He would have done what they do in France, and just run people over.
More people are killed by lawnmowers every year in the country than people using ARs to kill people. And no one in this country has an right to lawnmower ownership...

People kill people not firearms… Firearms have no control over people
in 2017 5977 pedestrians were hit and killed by a vehicle while 403 people were killed with a rifle.

In 2018, 387 people were killed in mass shootings alone (that's 4 or more people killed in a single shooting). Considering there have been more than 40,000 gun deaths in the US in 2018 alone, you can bet that the total number easily exceeds your measly 5977.

How many of those gun deaths were suicides?

Then how many of those gun deaths were done by someone that obtained their firearm illegally?

Now you have laws on the books already to prevent stuff from happening, so how many more do you need to tell someone not to drive and fire on the public?

So how often do 4 or more people get together & decide to shoot themselves?

A ban won't stop then all, but Jesus Fucking Christ can wed do something to stop a lot of them????
Your need to feel safe doesn't trump peoples rights.
Sure, never let a good crisis go to waste.

Your paranoia is showing.
No just quoting Rahm Emanual

Rahm.............he is such an asshole. But, he doesn't have anything to do with that area. At some point, you started sounding like you were watching some black helicopters and looking for some tinfoil.
The philosophy is historically a democrat thing
And you anti-gunners don't want to take anybody's gun
Look ole girl; I know the history.

I'm not a democrat and I'm not an anti-gunner. While I am at it, I hate CNN.
I hate mainstream media and that includes FOX
Here we go again. The day before Texas relaxes the gun regs on the very weapon that was probably used. He fired a semi auto rifle while driving. It was a high capacity, high rate of fire that could be fired one handed while he drove a vehicle. Anyone care to guess what that weapon probably is? Even with the Cops in direct pursuit all the way from the start, he still managed to kill 7 wounding 22 including 3 cops before they cornered him and killed him.

At Least 8 Dead, 20 Injured In Midland/Odessa Shooting, Suspect Killed; ‘Oh God, They’re Shooting Right There’
There is no report on what guns he used ya lying bastard.

Actually, I found an article that not only tells what type of weapon was used, and it also identifies the name of the shooter, Seth Ator.

Everything We Know About the Drive-By Mass Shooting in West Texas

According to Midland and Odessa authorities, the gun-violence nightmare began at 3:13 p.m. on Saturday when two Department of Public Safety troopers stopped a gold sedan for failing to signal a turn on Interstate 20 in Midland. The driver, later identified by law enforcement officials as 36-year-old Seth Ator, pointed an AR-style assault rifle at the DPS officers through his rear window and opened fire without stopping the vehicle. One trooper was shot. The gunman then drove off and fled west to Odessa, about 20 miles away, shooting at other cars as he did. He shot another person where I-20 meets Loop 338 on the eastern edge of the city, then continued his drive-by mass shooting through the city, firing indiscriminately at cars, shoppers, and pedestrians as he drove. The city was was placed on lockdown and police worked to clear the roads.
Here we go again. The day before Texas relaxes the gun regs on the very weapon that was probably used. He fired a semi auto rifle while driving. It was a high capacity, high rate of fire that could be fired one handed while he drove a vehicle. Anyone care to guess what that weapon probably is? Even with the Cops in direct pursuit all the way from the start, he still managed to kill 7 wounding 22 including 3 cops before they cornered him and killed him.

At Least 8 Dead, 20 Injured In Midland/Odessa Shooting, Suspect Killed; ‘Oh God, They’re Shooting Right There’
It seem from news in the area that Patrick Crusius of Allen, Texas. Is a Mental case and was a loner when he was younger. He hated both Polictial parties and illegals and the open border laws the Democrats want. Well I guess this is another case a Nut Job with a Gun with a whole lot of hate.

Hate to tell you, but you are getting your mass shootings mixed up. The shooter that did the Wal Mart in El Paso was Patrick Crusius.

The guy that did the shooting in Odessa was named Seth Ator.

Try to keep your mass shootings straight please.
More people are killed by lawnmowers every year in the country than people using ARs to kill people. And no one in this country has an right to lawnmower ownership...

People kill people not firearms… Firearms have no control over people
in 2017 5977 pedestrians were hit and killed by a vehicle while 403 people were killed with a rifle.

In 2018, 387 people were killed in mass shootings alone (that's 4 or more people killed in a single shooting). Considering there have been more than 40,000 gun deaths in the US in 2018 alone, you can bet that the total number easily exceeds your measly 5977.
identify the weapon used in those so called mass shootings

All but one with a body count of over 12 belongs to the AR. The only exception was one Battle Trained Marine with a Semi Auto Pistol with multiple mags and a skill set far beyond any person that confronted him. Imagine what he could have done had he been able to pick up an AR in a 30 minute buy at his nearest Gun Shop with nothing more than a Background Check or, worse, no background check at all.

Lets say you are correct. Lets say that EVERY killing involved an "assault" rifle. So, as a society, we ban them. What happens when a guy with a semi auto pistol kills 30 people? Do you favor banning them as well? How about a killer who uses an auto loading shotgun to spread his carnage after you ban pistols? Will you also demand they be banned?

Do you REALLY believe that banning this weapons will bring an end to the killings?

----------------------------------- they will go after EVERYTHING they can while going after the efficient and effective guns first 80Zephyr .
Your paranoia is showing.
No just quoting Rahm Emanual

Rahm.............he is such an asshole. But, he doesn't have anything to do with that area. At some point, you started sounding like you were watching some black helicopters and looking for some tinfoil.
The philosophy is historically a democrat thing
And you anti-gunners don't want to take anybody's gun
Look ole girl; I know the history.

I'm not a democrat and I'm not an anti-gunner. While I am at it, I hate CNN.
I hate mainstream media and that includes FOX
France has strict gun laws. Still had a mass shooting (by brown colored people) that doubled the number of victims of the worst shooting ever in this country.

Then there was that truck that killed like 80 people in France. Get that? The truck did it. Not the brown muslim that was driving the truck. The truck did it.

Terrorists (brown colored) were able to kill over 3000 people here and not one gun was used.

There is a point here. Oh yeah, it seems that left are very happy when the mass murder fits their narrative. White guy, gun..blah blah blah.

Their solution? American constitution is antiquated and racist. It needs to be burned and America needs to destroyed. Borders need to be eradicated and the new world order needs to be established with every Christian silenced. In the meantime, make sure we change the narrative when the mass killing doesn't fit our narrative. Their agenda, is everything.
How many would have been shot if he didn`t have a firearm genius?

Didn't he have a car? Aren't cars used in about 30 times the number of homicides than guns? About a thousand times the number of homicides than so called assault rifles? He would have done what they do in France, and just run people over.
More people are killed by lawnmowers every year in the country than people using ARs to kill people. And no one in this country has an right to lawnmower ownership...

People kill people not firearms… Firearms have no control over people
in 2017 5977 pedestrians were hit and killed by a vehicle while 403 people were killed with a rifle.

To play devil's advocate for a moment (I'm a pro 2nd amendment guy) , how many of those people killed by the car were killed on purpose? I think that's the downfall of the car vs gun analogy. Most people killed by the AR are killed on purpose. Even people killed by druken drivers are not typically killed on purpose. The guy didn't say "I'm going to get drunk and go head on someone today." But those killing with an A R are doing just that.

But the real point is the gun doesn't kill anyone without the scumbag pulling the trigger with the purpose to kill people.

Actually, no....not really.

Gun murder is an intentional illegal 2018 there were 12 mass public shootings killing 93.

Cars accidentally killed over 38,000 people in 2017...

So...that means that cars are responsible, by accident, for 38,000 deaths, while we have 600 million guns in private hands and even with 12 nuts, only 93 were killed...

Cars are far more deadly than guns are....and that doesn't even add into the equation the fact that normal people use their legal guns 1.1 million times a year to save lives....according to the Centers for Disease Control....

To be honest I'm not sure if you were responding to me or not. Guns and cars don't kill people. People kill people. People use objects to kill people. That object could be anything.

The difference I see is if the act was purposeful or not. Rarely does some use a car to kill someone else. In America at least. People use guns far more often. So to me the car analogy isn't a good one due to fact there is a HUGE difference between killing someone accidentally with a car and killing someone on purpose with a gun.

That being said, humans will always find a way to kill. If it's not a gun, then it will be knives, or bombs or cars. If we took away all the guns you would see an increase of people using bombs or cars or both to kill.

Plus, in America I'm not sure we could stop guns from coming in. We can't stop drugs. How do we stop guns?
More people are killed by lawnmowers every year in the country than people using ARs to kill people. And no one in this country has an right to lawnmower ownership...

People kill people not firearms… Firearms have no control over people
in 2017 5977 pedestrians were hit and killed by a vehicle while 403 people were killed with a rifle.

In 2018, 387 people were killed in mass shootings alone (that's 4 or more people killed in a single shooting). Considering there have been more than 40,000 gun deaths in the US in 2018 alone, you can bet that the total number easily exceeds your measly 5977.

How many of those gun deaths were suicides?

Then how many of those gun deaths were done by someone that obtained their firearm illegally?

Now you have laws on the books already to prevent stuff from happening, so how many more do you need to tell someone not to drive and fire on the public?

So how often do 4 or more people get together & decide to shoot themselves?

A ban won't stop then all, but Jesus Fucking Christ can wed do something to stop a lot of them????
Your need to feel safe doesn't trump peoples rights.
All those innocent people going about their own business who died in Texas last month from mass shooters and all the people who were injured might disagree with you that their safety doesn't trump people's "rights" to a deadly weapon.

Acceptable risk to live in America.

Love it or leave it!


No Assault Type Weapons.

Better training

Tough concealed carry permits

smaller magazines

No background check loopholes

No assault style weapons...

You will set the definition to include all firearms to be assault style...

I agree. What will happen is semi auto rifles will be banned, then semi auto shotguns, then semi auto pistols. What will be left will be bolt action rifles and revolvers. Then speed loaders will be out. It will be interesting to see what they would do next. Go for all rifles and handguns?
in 2017 5977 pedestrians were hit and killed by a vehicle while 403 people were killed with a rifle.

In 2018, 387 people were killed in mass shootings alone (that's 4 or more people killed in a single shooting). Considering there have been more than 40,000 gun deaths in the US in 2018 alone, you can bet that the total number easily exceeds your measly 5977.

How many of those gun deaths were suicides?

Then how many of those gun deaths were done by someone that obtained their firearm illegally?

Now you have laws on the books already to prevent stuff from happening, so how many more do you need to tell someone not to drive and fire on the public?

So how often do 4 or more people get together & decide to shoot themselves?

A ban won't stop then all, but Jesus Fucking Christ can wed do something to stop a lot of them????
Your need to feel safe doesn't trump peoples rights.
All those innocent people going about their own business who died in Texas last month from mass shooters and all the people who were injured might disagree with you that their safety doesn't trump people's "rights" to a deadly weapon.
----------------------------------------------- that's the problem with EMOTIONAL Driven and nonthinking people OldLady
"The fact is America is lost and the war is over before it ever began"...

Yes, and if Trump isn't reelected it is going to be sooner than later.

...because Trump is the very model of civility and respect!
VandyHandy sez: "...because Trump is the very model of civility and respect!"
Yes he is! :D So long as you're playing nice, he is nicer. But you knew that didn't ya.

Yeah, a real sweetheart of a guy! Did he ever win his feud with McCain? I mean, with him being dead, and all, I figure that Trump finally had the last word.
How could you bring up a dead hero whose last political act was to betray a President based on lies he listened to that were a very seductive false narrative. Some graves are best left undisturbed. National hero John McCain's is one of them. It would be a kindness on your part to allow Senator McCain a chance to rest in peace. And I am saying, "please." Thank you.

Well, apparently, Trump feels like he won the debate with McCain, but you still have unresolved issues. My best advice is to continue the discussion with his daughter.
Nope. She's been through enough. What did you miss about my post above that said "Some graves are best left undisturbed." Just go with it, stop the trolling, please.
in 2017 5977 pedestrians were hit and killed by a vehicle while 403 people were killed with a rifle.

In 2018, 387 people were killed in mass shootings alone (that's 4 or more people killed in a single shooting). Considering there have been more than 40,000 gun deaths in the US in 2018 alone, you can bet that the total number easily exceeds your measly 5977.

How many of those gun deaths were suicides?

Then how many of those gun deaths were done by someone that obtained their firearm illegally?

Now you have laws on the books already to prevent stuff from happening, so how many more do you need to tell someone not to drive and fire on the public?

So how often do 4 or more people get together & decide to shoot themselves?

A ban won't stop then all, but Jesus Fucking Christ can wed do something to stop a lot of them????
Your need to feel safe doesn't trump peoples rights.
All those innocent people going about their own business who died in Texas last month from mass shooters and all the people who were injured might disagree with you that their safety doesn't trump people's "rights" to a deadly weapon.

I get your compassion. And some of them might agree with you. Others may not. I'm guessing you are for outlawing all semi automatics or are you for banning all guns? Or something in between?
in 2017 5977 pedestrians were hit and killed by a vehicle while 403 people were killed with a rifle.

In 2018, 387 people were killed in mass shootings alone (that's 4 or more people killed in a single shooting). Considering there have been more than 40,000 gun deaths in the US in 2018 alone, you can bet that the total number easily exceeds your measly 5977.

How many of those gun deaths were suicides?

Then how many of those gun deaths were done by someone that obtained their firearm illegally?

Now you have laws on the books already to prevent stuff from happening, so how many more do you need to tell someone not to drive and fire on the public?

So how often do 4 or more people get together & decide to shoot themselves?

A ban won't stop then all, but Jesus Fucking Christ can wed do something to stop a lot of them????
Your need to feel safe doesn't trump peoples rights.
All those innocent people going about their own business who died in Texas last month from mass shooters and all the people who were injured might disagree with you that their safety doesn't trump people's "rights" to a deadly weapon.
Your need to feel safe does not trump others rights.
I will add Only a moron would want to give up a right that allowed them the best outcome for their survival. Those people have mental issues and should be silenced and locked away for their own safety.

Acceptable risk to live in America.

Love it or leave it!


No Assault Type Weapons.

Better training

Tough concealed carry permits

smaller magazines

No background check loopholes

No assault style weapons...

You will set the definition to include all firearms to be assault style...

I agree. What will happen is semi auto rifles will be banned, then semi auto shotguns, then semi auto pistols. What will be left will be bolt action rifles and revolvers. Then speed loaders will be out. It will be interesting to see what they would do next. Go for all rifles and handguns?
That's when law-abiding stops

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