BREAKING: Another high-altitude object was shot down this afternoon over Lake Huron, U.S. officials tell

Scary shit going on... I wonder what would happen if China were to attack the United States... would we impeach and remove Biden and Harris and bring back Trump?...
They are not balloons, they are obviously drones of some type, but the F22 pilots who first engaged them stated they had NO visible means of propulsion, and that they directly interfered with at least one warbirds electronic sensors, which I might add is an act of war!
I have conducted some research as I am apt to do during such unusual occurences. Apparently the sharp, focused Chinese realized that NORAD radar apparently does not pick up such slow moving balloons, it is designed for faster moving objects. They may be testing this theory now. Furthermore, the one shot down in Canada was described as "having a payload". Interpret that as you will. Not a missile, but, some asset of value.
Of related concern:


Seriously. WTF? A denial of service attack on military comms?
Breaking update!

Pentagon presser in 40 minutes. [No further info, per Lookner Agenda Free TV broadcast.]
4 Shootdowns in 5 Days ( talk of sanctions against Manufactures of the components in the electronics and superstructures of the objects when debris inspected .

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