BREAKING: At least 10 feared dead from mass shooting in Dayton, OH

See. We went from "assault rifles" to semi auto.

That's pretty much most of the market.
I am willing to stick to assault rifles.

Sorry......that is a dumb have bolt action rifles, and semi-auto ban semi auto rifles you ban everything except for bolt action rifles, and lever action rifles..........which is the goal...and then, you will come back for those...

A ban on semi-auto rifles, which is what the dumb "assault weapon ban" would be....would also include all pistols, shotguns and revolvers that are not pump action, bolt action or lever action.....

And again, you would be back for those too.....since those rifles, shotguns and pistols can and will be used by mass shooters.......

Cumbria shootings in Britain....Double Barreled shotgun and bolt action rifle.... 13 dead, 11 injured

Russian Polytechnic shooting... tube fed, 5 shot, pump action shotgun...20 killed 40 injured.

So...the over 18 million rifles will be banned by you because 3 people misused will turn the owners of those rifles into felons if they don't turn in a rifle they never used for crime...because 3 people misused them...

That is insane....

Cars killed 38,000 people in 2017

Pools kill over 3,500 every year...

Mass shooters in 2018... 93 people.

You are irrational, which is why we don't trust anything you say.
and this is why we go around and around.

yes idiots use the AR-15 likely cause it's the LOOK of menacing. however, there are aftermarket accessories that can make *ANY* gun look like this. it took most of obama's presidency i feels like before the media finally caught onto the FACT that an AR15 is NOT an automatic weapon. they billed it that way and hell, CNN would post pictures of an AR15 with a grenade launcher that was pulsing like a high dollar vibrator. other reporters are out there saying the AR15 hurt their shoulder from the recoil. AR15's DO NOT HAVE a recoil that will hurt anyone.

why would anyone who understands guns even want to talk to people who deliberately mis-represent what the gun is so they can scare up some attention?

if you wonder why the right won't talk to the left on guns, this is why. the left has a BAD habit of saying they just want one thing and then turn around and demand so much more if they succeed in that. see the flag debate that started all the banning of anything related to southern culture. WE JUST WANT THIS ONE FLAG TAKEN DOWN led to so much more obliteration of the souths history.

now when they are coming for guns, they can't even define what they want to do EXCEPT ban them all when pushed for specifics. even now this deep into the conversation no one can define what an AR15 has that a low power ruger 10/22 can also do.

personally i would love to see us ensure the background database has all that it should have. that alone would have stopped at least 2 previous shooters from getting a gun. gun show loophole? to date no one has gotten a gun this way used in a mass shooting. i don't get the focus on that except it SOUNDS EVIL and people can try and snag low hanging fruit.

so for me, our background checks need to be complete and include history that should have been on there but for whatever reason was not. if you get flagged when trying to buy a gun, call this # and find out why and go from there.

anything else is a gun grab and going to cause a lot more pain for us all.

gun show loophole? to date no one has gotten a gun this way used in a mass shooting. i don't get the focus on that except it SOUNDS EVIL and people can try and snag low hanging fruit.

Gun Show Loophole is a quick way to stampede uninformed people......they want universal background checks as a way to get gun registration......and the Gun Show Loophole is the right "Catch Phrase" to lie to uninformed people, so that those uninformed people grant the demands of the left wing gun grabbers..... Just look at anytime you get a casual poster on here who starts talking about he gun show loophole. As soon as you tell them there is no loophole, they have nothing to say and go away....

The use Gun Show Loophole to cause a get uninformed people to give them Universal Background checks......then, when those don't stop criminals or mass shooters...which the gun grabbers already understand.....the gun grabbers can then come back and say ''Duh......our Universal Background checks obviously can't work if we don't know who have the guns in the first will now give us universal gun registration...or you want kids to die.....and you are a racist...."

Gun Grabbers want all the guns.....and they won't stop.....we need to draw the line here....
and - it gets very hard to trust the media in reporting all this cause they add shit, like huge suppressors and grenade launchers.


how are people supposed to understand the reality around the very few differences from one gun to another functional wise when a major news agency misrepresents reality in such a fashion?

and of course i can see the pic in my edit screen but it's not showing up in here.

how are people supposed to understand the reality around the very few differences from one gun to another functional wise when a major news agency misrepresents reality in such a fashion?

You know the answer...they aren't.

The goal isn't understanding the truth about the gun issues.....the goal is to stampede uninformed people into voting the democrats power to confiscate guns.....and the best way to do that is to lie about guns and gun use, crime and gun crime.....

Which of the anti-gunners here have ever been persuaded by actual facts on the issue. You can define their answers as.....we don't care, we want those guns banned....
I am willing to stick to assault rifles.

Sorry......that is a dumb have bolt action rifles, and semi-auto ban semi auto rifles you ban everything except for bolt action rifles, and lever action rifles..........which is the goal...and then, you will come back for those...

A ban on semi-auto rifles, which is what the dumb "assault weapon ban" would be....would also include all pistols, shotguns and revolvers that are not pump action, bolt action or lever action.....

And again, you would be back for those too.....since those rifles, shotguns and pistols can and will be used by mass shooters.......

Cumbria shootings in Britain....Double Barreled shotgun and bolt action rifle.... 13 dead, 11 injured

Russian Polytechnic shooting... tube fed, 5 shot, pump action shotgun...20 killed 40 injured.

So...the over 18 million rifles will be banned by you because 3 people misused will turn the owners of those rifles into felons if they don't turn in a rifle they never used for crime...because 3 people misused them...

That is insane....

Cars killed 38,000 people in 2017

Pools kill over 3,500 every year...

Mass shooters in 2018... 93 people.

You are irrational, which is why we don't trust anything you say.
and this is why we go around and around.

yes idiots use the AR-15 likely cause it's the LOOK of menacing. however, there are aftermarket accessories that can make *ANY* gun look like this. it took most of obama's presidency i feels like before the media finally caught onto the FACT that an AR15 is NOT an automatic weapon. they billed it that way and hell, CNN would post pictures of an AR15 with a grenade launcher that was pulsing like a high dollar vibrator. other reporters are out there saying the AR15 hurt their shoulder from the recoil. AR15's DO NOT HAVE a recoil that will hurt anyone.

why would anyone who understands guns even want to talk to people who deliberately mis-represent what the gun is so they can scare up some attention?

if you wonder why the right won't talk to the left on guns, this is why. the left has a BAD habit of saying they just want one thing and then turn around and demand so much more if they succeed in that. see the flag debate that started all the banning of anything related to southern culture. WE JUST WANT THIS ONE FLAG TAKEN DOWN led to so much more obliteration of the souths history.

now when they are coming for guns, they can't even define what they want to do EXCEPT ban them all when pushed for specifics. even now this deep into the conversation no one can define what an AR15 has that a low power ruger 10/22 can also do.

personally i would love to see us ensure the background database has all that it should have. that alone would have stopped at least 2 previous shooters from getting a gun. gun show loophole? to date no one has gotten a gun this way used in a mass shooting. i don't get the focus on that except it SOUNDS EVIL and people can try and snag low hanging fruit.

so for me, our background checks need to be complete and include history that should have been on there but for whatever reason was not. if you get flagged when trying to buy a gun, call this # and find out why and go from there.

anything else is a gun grab and going to cause a lot more pain for us all.

gun show loophole? to date no one has gotten a gun this way used in a mass shooting. i don't get the focus on that except it SOUNDS EVIL and people can try and snag low hanging fruit.

Gun Show Loophole is a quick way to stampede uninformed people......they want universal background checks as a way to get gun registration......and the Gun Show Loophole is the right "Catch Phrase" to lie to uninformed people, so that those uninformed people grant the demands of the left wing gun grabbers..... Just look at anytime you get a casual poster on here who starts talking about he gun show loophole. As soon as you tell them there is no loophole, they have nothing to say and go away....

The use Gun Show Loophole to cause a get uninformed people to give them Universal Background checks......then, when those don't stop criminals or mass shooters...which the gun grabbers already understand.....the gun grabbers can then come back and say ''Duh......our Universal Background checks obviously can't work if we don't know who have the guns in the first will now give us universal gun registration...or you want kids to die.....and you are a racist...."

Gun Grabbers want all the guns.....and they won't stop.....we need to draw the line here....
and - it gets very hard to trust the media in reporting all this cause they add shit, like huge suppressors and grenade launchers.


how are people supposed to understand the reality around the very few differences from one gun to another functional wise when a major news agency misrepresents reality in such a fashion?

and of course i can see the pic in my edit screen but it's not showing up in here.

how are people supposed to understand the reality around the very few differences from one gun to another functional wise when a major news agency misrepresents reality in such a fashion?

You know the answer...they aren't.

The goal isn't understanding the truth about the gun issues.....the goal is to stampede uninformed people into voting the democrats power to confiscate guns.....and the best way to do that is to lie about guns and gun use, crime and gun crime.....

Which of the anti-gunners here have ever been persuaded by actual facts on the issue. You can define their answers as.....we don't care, we want those guns banned....
the additions of EVIL LOOKING GUN are "enhanced" to be polite. if you're not familiar with guns, yes this looks bad. but to be honest, i've never seen an AR pump like that, have that big a suppressor, nor have a grenade launcher on it.

wonder why (sarcasm definitely on) CNN must extrem-ify this up like they have?
Because no system will be 100% perfect. None. So that begs the question: why have any laws at all? People still rape each other. People still murder each other. Human trafficking still goes on. Drunk drivers still drive drunk.

The system may be flawed but at least it catches some, and any law which reduces the potential for harm with causing greater harm is worth considering.

And that stupid point is brought up by you morons every time...because you want to constrict gun ownership as much as possible, and you have been shown over and over that none of the things you want will do anything to stop gun crime or mass say "Well, why have any laws at all...."

We have answers that actually work...but because they don't involve confiscation of guns, or turning normal gun owners into criminals, you don't want anything to do with them....

As to the best solution to 98% of gun crime? Long prison sentences....this is what Japan did to stop their criminals from using guns.....use a gun in Japan for a crime, you get life in prison. Get caught, as a criminal in mere possession of a gun, you get 15 Japan, you will be convicted, you will not be Bonded out in a few days, you do the whole stretch....

But see......that doesn't target normal gun you aren't interested in the actual solution...

Mass shootings in 2018.... 12. Number killed.....93

Gun murder in 2017...10,982...

So....drying up 98% of the gun murder is more that "not 100%" that you offer...... but you just want to ban guns.

I’m glad you like Japan’s approach, I do as well:

Japan has almost completely eliminated gun deaths — here's how

If Japanese people want to own a gun, they must attend an all-day class, pass a written test, and achieve at least 95% accuracy during a shooting-range test. Then they have to pass a mental-health evaluation, which takes place at a hospital, and pass a background check, in which the government digs into their criminal record and interviews friends and family. They can only buy shotguns and air rifles — no handguns — and every three years they must retake the class and initial exam.

And you just blew by the concept that actually locking up criminals would stop gun crime...without needing to bother normal gun owners...

No. I didn’t. Because it is a fallacy to think that alone will solve the problems and with Japan, who you use as an example from your cutnpaste library, there are a whole lot of other laws and regulations that factor in to it but were left out of your source.

Because they are irrelevant to criminals, who ignore all of those tests and paperwork.........nothing you listed that the Japanese do to normal citizens to own a gun, stopped the criminals from getting guns...and grenades...and using them.....

The entire point is to actually stop people who break the law, from using guns for crime.....nothing you listed would do that...

What stopped the criminals from using guns for crime? Long Prison sentences.....the only relevant point.

Normal people do not use guns for licensing them, taxing them, banning guns for them is pointless.....criminals ignore all of that and get their guns illegally.....stopping them is the point, and the only way you do that is we see in Japan.


Japan has a number of laws and regulations designed to deter and prevent gun violence. You are picking one out and claiming it is the sole reason for Japans low gun violence rates when it isnt. It is the entire package.

Consider this. Mass killeors do not get off lightly in this country. They get incarcerated for life, often on deathrow. That is no picnic. That is if they dont get killed in the process.

Have mass shootings gone down? How about gun violence?
And that stupid point is brought up by you morons every time...because you want to constrict gun ownership as much as possible, and you have been shown over and over that none of the things you want will do anything to stop gun crime or mass say "Well, why have any laws at all...."

We have answers that actually work...but because they don't involve confiscation of guns, or turning normal gun owners into criminals, you don't want anything to do with them....

As to the best solution to 98% of gun crime? Long prison sentences....this is what Japan did to stop their criminals from using guns.....use a gun in Japan for a crime, you get life in prison. Get caught, as a criminal in mere possession of a gun, you get 15 Japan, you will be convicted, you will not be Bonded out in a few days, you do the whole stretch....

But see......that doesn't target normal gun you aren't interested in the actual solution...

Mass shootings in 2018.... 12. Number killed.....93

Gun murder in 2017...10,982...

So....drying up 98% of the gun murder is more that "not 100%" that you offer...... but you just want to ban guns.

I’m glad you like Japan’s approach, I do as well:

Japan has almost completely eliminated gun deaths — here's how

If Japanese people want to own a gun, they must attend an all-day class, pass a written test, and achieve at least 95% accuracy during a shooting-range test. Then they have to pass a mental-health evaluation, which takes place at a hospital, and pass a background check, in which the government digs into their criminal record and interviews friends and family. They can only buy shotguns and air rifles — no handguns — and every three years they must retake the class and initial exam.

And you just blew by the concept that actually locking up criminals would stop gun crime...without needing to bother normal gun owners...

No. I didn’t. Because it is a fallacy to think that alone will solve the problems and with Japan, who you use as an example from your cutnpaste library, there are a whole lot of other laws and regulations that factor in to it but were left out of your source.

Because they are irrelevant to criminals, who ignore all of those tests and paperwork.........nothing you listed that the Japanese do to normal citizens to own a gun, stopped the criminals from getting guns...and grenades...and using them.....

The entire point is to actually stop people who break the law, from using guns for crime.....nothing you listed would do that...

What stopped the criminals from using guns for crime? Long Prison sentences.....the only relevant point.

Normal people do not use guns for licensing them, taxing them, banning guns for them is pointless.....criminals ignore all of that and get their guns illegally.....stopping them is the point, and the only way you do that is we see in Japan.


Japan has a number of laws and regulations designed to deter and prevent gun violence. You are picking one out and claiming it is the sole reason for Japans low gun violence rates when it isnt. It is the entire package.

Consider this. Mass killeors do not get off lightly in this country. They get incarcerated for life, often on deathrow. That is no picnic. That is if they dont get killed in the process.

Have mass shootings gone down? How about gun violence? I pointed out, they had all of those laws in place since the end of World War 2, and it didn't stop one Yakuza from using a gun to shoot each other. And it also didn't stop the Yakuza from lobbing grenades at each other, where at one point, they called it the Season of the Pineapple because of the number of grenades they were tossing, and they had to put out special pamphlets for the public about what to do if they found a Yakuza grenade laying in the street....

The only thing that stopped gun crime in Japan was a life sentence for actual gun criminals.......and 15 years if a criminal was caught simply carrying a gun...

All the rest.....was unnecessary and simply meant to keep good people from owning and carrying guns...since you can't show how any of it stops criminals from using guns....even on an Island like Japan with extreme gun control...

Mass killers killed 93 people in 2017 there were 10,982 gun mass shooters are completely different from regular criminals...and need a different solution...namely stopping the 24/7 news coverage, and ending gun free zones, the areas they tell us they target for attack....
And that stupid point is brought up by you morons every time...because you want to constrict gun ownership as much as possible, and you have been shown over and over that none of the things you want will do anything to stop gun crime or mass say "Well, why have any laws at all...."

We have answers that actually work...but because they don't involve confiscation of guns, or turning normal gun owners into criminals, you don't want anything to do with them....

As to the best solution to 98% of gun crime? Long prison sentences....this is what Japan did to stop their criminals from using guns.....use a gun in Japan for a crime, you get life in prison. Get caught, as a criminal in mere possession of a gun, you get 15 Japan, you will be convicted, you will not be Bonded out in a few days, you do the whole stretch....

But see......that doesn't target normal gun you aren't interested in the actual solution...

Mass shootings in 2018.... 12. Number killed.....93

Gun murder in 2017...10,982...

So....drying up 98% of the gun murder is more that "not 100%" that you offer...... but you just want to ban guns.

I’m glad you like Japan’s approach, I do as well:

Japan has almost completely eliminated gun deaths — here's how

If Japanese people want to own a gun, they must attend an all-day class, pass a written test, and achieve at least 95% accuracy during a shooting-range test. Then they have to pass a mental-health evaluation, which takes place at a hospital, and pass a background check, in which the government digs into their criminal record and interviews friends and family. They can only buy shotguns and air rifles — no handguns — and every three years they must retake the class and initial exam.

And you just blew by the concept that actually locking up criminals would stop gun crime...without needing to bother normal gun owners...

No. I didn’t. Because it is a fallacy to think that alone will solve the problems and with Japan, who you use as an example from your cutnpaste library, there are a whole lot of other laws and regulations that factor in to it but were left out of your source.

Because they are irrelevant to criminals, who ignore all of those tests and paperwork.........nothing you listed that the Japanese do to normal citizens to own a gun, stopped the criminals from getting guns...and grenades...and using them.....

The entire point is to actually stop people who break the law, from using guns for crime.....nothing you listed would do that...

What stopped the criminals from using guns for crime? Long Prison sentences.....the only relevant point.

Normal people do not use guns for licensing them, taxing them, banning guns for them is pointless.....criminals ignore all of that and get their guns illegally.....stopping them is the point, and the only way you do that is we see in Japan.


Japan has a number of laws and regulations designed to deter and prevent gun violence. You are picking one out and claiming it is the sole reason for Japans low gun violence rates when it isnt. It is the entire package.

Consider this. Mass killeors do not get off lightly in this country. They get incarcerated for life, often on deathrow. That is no picnic. That is if they dont get killed in the process.

Have mass shootings gone down? How about gun violence?

Those gun laws didn't stop this....

The Great Japanese Gang Wars

The season for pineapples (yakuza slang for hand grenades) may finally be over. Jake Adelstein and Nathalie-Kyoko Stucky on the bloody, seven-year battle between the Dojin-kai and the Seido-kai.

In Southern Japan, the brutal pineapple season may finally be over; pineapple is yakuza slang for “hand grenade”—one of the many weapons utilized in a seven-year gang war between the Dojin-kai (1,000 members) and the splinter group the Kyushu Seido-kei (500 members). It’s a gang war in which there have been over 45 violent incidents, including bombings, shots exchanged during high-speed car chases, and 14 deaths. At least seven deaths, including one civilian's, were from gunfire; a phenomenally high figure when you consider the number of gun deaths for all of Japan in 2011 was eight people. (Japan has some of the strictest gun-control laws in the world.)


The Gangs That Couldn’t Shoot Straight

The Dojin-kai and the Seido-kai are Kyushu-based yakuza gangs, once part of the same faction founded in 1971 in Kurume, Fukuoka Prefecture, by Isoji Koga. When the second generation Dojin-kai boss Seijiro Matsuo retired in May 2006, there was a fight over succession, and the group split into two factions, sparking a bloody gang war—where escalation seemed a matter of course. It started with shootings and bombs being thrown, and before it ended, the two gangs were lobbing grenades and Molotov cocktails, shooting machine guns, and sometimes attacking their own men. Things really escalated in in August 2007, when a shooter from the Seido-kai assassinated the head of the Dojin-kai.


But hospitals were not sacred refuges in this war. On Saturday, November 24, 2007, the 52-year-old head of the Seido-kai-affiliated Koga-gumi was shot dead at the entrance of a hospital in Omuta, Fukuoka Prefecture. Over the years, killings, assaults and shootings continued on both side.

On Wednesday April 6, 2011, a hand-grenade explosion killed former Seido-kai underboss Sueharu Matsunaga, 54, and his associate in their car. Both were the subjects of arrest warrants on suspicion that they had assaulted a senior member of their own gang with a whiskey bottle in a hostess bar in Omuta. When their bodies were found, it was not clear whether they had intended to attack the headquarters of the Seido-kai gang or had just mistakenly blew themselves up instead. Police suspect that one of them believed that one had to throw a grenade to make it explode and that pulling the pin was not enough.

This is how different Japanese gangs are from American gangs...

It is the criminal culture, not guns, that are the issue....

It may seem odd that a mafia group would deliver an official notice of dissolution to the police, but in Japan organized-crime groups, known as yakuza, and called boryokudan (“violent groups”) by the police, are not illegal. They are regulated but not outlawed. They have office buildings, business cards, and their exploits are celebrated in several fan magazines and sometimes comic books. They derive their income from extortion, racketeering, bid-rigging, financial fraud, labor dispatch, and some legitimate businesses (a.k.a. "front companies"). Currently, there are 22 designated organized-crime groups that are subject to regulation and harsh punishment under Japan’s organized-crime-countermeasure laws and ordinances. When the dissolution of the Seido-kai is officially confirmed, the number will drop to 21.
I’m glad you like Japan’s approach, I do as well:

Japan has almost completely eliminated gun deaths — here's how

If Japanese people want to own a gun, they must attend an all-day class, pass a written test, and achieve at least 95% accuracy during a shooting-range test. Then they have to pass a mental-health evaluation, which takes place at a hospital, and pass a background check, in which the government digs into their criminal record and interviews friends and family. They can only buy shotguns and air rifles — no handguns — and every three years they must retake the class and initial exam.

And you just blew by the concept that actually locking up criminals would stop gun crime...without needing to bother normal gun owners...

No. I didn’t. Because it is a fallacy to think that alone will solve the problems and with Japan, who you use as an example from your cutnpaste library, there are a whole lot of other laws and regulations that factor in to it but were left out of your source.

Because they are irrelevant to criminals, who ignore all of those tests and paperwork.........nothing you listed that the Japanese do to normal citizens to own a gun, stopped the criminals from getting guns...and grenades...and using them.....

The entire point is to actually stop people who break the law, from using guns for crime.....nothing you listed would do that...

What stopped the criminals from using guns for crime? Long Prison sentences.....the only relevant point.

Normal people do not use guns for licensing them, taxing them, banning guns for them is pointless.....criminals ignore all of that and get their guns illegally.....stopping them is the point, and the only way you do that is we see in Japan.


Japan has a number of laws and regulations designed to deter and prevent gun violence. You are picking one out and claiming it is the sole reason for Japans low gun violence rates when it isnt. It is the entire package.

Consider this. Mass killeors do not get off lightly in this country. They get incarcerated for life, often on deathrow. That is no picnic. That is if they dont get killed in the process.

Have mass shootings gone down? How about gun violence?

Those gun laws didn't stop this....

The Great Japanese Gang Wars

The season for pineapples (yakuza slang for hand grenades) may finally be over. Jake Adelstein and Nathalie-Kyoko Stucky on the bloody, seven-year battle between the Dojin-kai and the Seido-kai.

In Southern Japan, the brutal pineapple season may finally be over; pineapple is yakuza slang for “hand grenade”—one of the many weapons utilized in a seven-year gang war between the Dojin-kai (1,000 members) and the splinter group the Kyushu Seido-kei (500 members). It’s a gang war in which there have been over 45 violent incidents, including bombings, shots exchanged during high-speed car chases, and 14 deaths. At least seven deaths, including one civilian's, were from gunfire; a phenomenally high figure when you consider the number of gun deaths for all of Japan in 2011 was eight people. (Japan has some of the strictest gun-control laws in the world.)


The Gangs That Couldn’t Shoot Straight

The Dojin-kai and the Seido-kai are Kyushu-based yakuza gangs, once part of the same faction founded in 1971 in Kurume, Fukuoka Prefecture, by Isoji Koga. When the second generation Dojin-kai boss Seijiro Matsuo retired in May 2006, there was a fight over succession, and the group split into two factions, sparking a bloody gang war—where escalation seemed a matter of course. It started with shootings and bombs being thrown, and before it ended, the two gangs were lobbing grenades and Molotov cocktails, shooting machine guns, and sometimes attacking their own men. Things really escalated in in August 2007, when a shooter from the Seido-kai assassinated the head of the Dojin-kai.


But hospitals were not sacred refuges in this war. On Saturday, November 24, 2007, the 52-year-old head of the Seido-kai-affiliated Koga-gumi was shot dead at the entrance of a hospital in Omuta, Fukuoka Prefecture. Over the years, killings, assaults and shootings continued on both side.

On Wednesday April 6, 2011, a hand-grenade explosion killed former Seido-kai underboss Sueharu Matsunaga, 54, and his associate in their car. Both were the subjects of arrest warrants on suspicion that they had assaulted a senior member of their own gang with a whiskey bottle in a hostess bar in Omuta. When their bodies were found, it was not clear whether they had intended to attack the headquarters of the Seido-kai gang or had just mistakenly blew themselves up instead. Police suspect that one of them believed that one had to throw a grenade to make it explode and that pulling the pin was not enough.

This is how different Japanese gangs are from American gangs...

It is the criminal culture, not guns, that are the issue....

It may seem odd that a mafia group would deliver an official notice of dissolution to the police, but in Japan organized-crime groups, known as yakuza, and called boryokudan (“violent groups”) by the police, are not illegal. They are regulated but not outlawed. They have office buildings, business cards, and their exploits are celebrated in several fan magazines and sometimes comic books. They derive their income from extortion, racketeering, bid-rigging, financial fraud, labor dispatch, and some legitimate businesses (a.k.a. "front companies"). Currently, there are 22 designated organized-crime groups that are subject to regulation and harsh punishment under Japan’s organized-crime-countermeasure laws and ordinances. When the dissolution of the Seido-kai is officially confirmed, the number will drop to 21.

So are back to the same old if it doesn’t work 100% it doesn’t work.

How does gun violence in Japan compare with gun violence in America?
Mass murder is funny to Deplorables.

So what? You don't care how many people die in the "ghettos" because it doesn't effect you.

See my signature

I looked at your signature. He didn’t say he didn’t care. He said they aren’t a threat to him. most of us here, he doesn’t live in a ghetto or travel through one on a regular basis. But he probably does go to Walmart.

Which is likely to be a bigger threat?

It was in reference to "shooting deaths". Absolutely. If you say one is a threat to you and one is not--what do you think that implies?

So please. This says EXACTLY what it means, and you just underlined it. Shooting in the ghetto--who cares. Shooting in Wal Mart--oh no, I might die!


It implies exactly what I said, what most people not bent out of shape over abuse of the racist card would read it to be. Your obsessively looking for racist remarks and that one is a big stretch.

Guess what? I am NOT worried about the threat of ghetto violence. I live far from any inner city. I am more concerned about drunk drivers than being shot in a ghetto. Do I care about that violence? Of course I do. Innocent people and often it’s kids.

The sig is silly in this case because he is not saying they aren’t a threat. He is saying they aren’t a threat to HIM. Just like I am not particularly worried about a shark attack.

Sharks who are attacking are not fellow humans. People who get attacked by sharks are very few and far between.


You are not helping. You are showing the NIMBY-type attitude that defines modern Leftism. You are trying very hard to reword this to, "It doesn't affect ME, so....."

You realize this is why people resent Leftist policies, right? "HEY! All those illegal immigrants aren't going to land in MY neighborhoods and take MY jobs...."

"HEY! MY kids aren't going to be trapped in those awful schools....."

This is precisely why Democrats are losing minorities. Leftists pay the lip service but when it comes to it, "It doesn't affect me, so....."

Yes, Coyote. We know.

Let me see if I understand this: if, in every conversation involving violence you don’t show equal concern and outrage for every incident of mass violence in every part of the US you are showing a NIMBY type attitude (in your case typical of rightists)? Is that it? Because...I kinda think you might need to take a hard look in a mirror.

Or...maybe we should add an automatic disclaimer to every post.
And you just blew by the concept that actually locking up criminals would stop gun crime...without needing to bother normal gun owners...

No. I didn’t. Because it is a fallacy to think that alone will solve the problems and with Japan, who you use as an example from your cutnpaste library, there are a whole lot of other laws and regulations that factor in to it but were left out of your source.

Because they are irrelevant to criminals, who ignore all of those tests and paperwork.........nothing you listed that the Japanese do to normal citizens to own a gun, stopped the criminals from getting guns...and grenades...and using them.....

The entire point is to actually stop people who break the law, from using guns for crime.....nothing you listed would do that...

What stopped the criminals from using guns for crime? Long Prison sentences.....the only relevant point.

Normal people do not use guns for licensing them, taxing them, banning guns for them is pointless.....criminals ignore all of that and get their guns illegally.....stopping them is the point, and the only way you do that is we see in Japan.


Japan has a number of laws and regulations designed to deter and prevent gun violence. You are picking one out and claiming it is the sole reason for Japans low gun violence rates when it isnt. It is the entire package.

Consider this. Mass killeors do not get off lightly in this country. They get incarcerated for life, often on deathrow. That is no picnic. That is if they dont get killed in the process.

Have mass shootings gone down? How about gun violence?

Those gun laws didn't stop this....

The Great Japanese Gang Wars

The season for pineapples (yakuza slang for hand grenades) may finally be over. Jake Adelstein and Nathalie-Kyoko Stucky on the bloody, seven-year battle between the Dojin-kai and the Seido-kai.

In Southern Japan, the brutal pineapple season may finally be over; pineapple is yakuza slang for “hand grenade”—one of the many weapons utilized in a seven-year gang war between the Dojin-kai (1,000 members) and the splinter group the Kyushu Seido-kei (500 members). It’s a gang war in which there have been over 45 violent incidents, including bombings, shots exchanged during high-speed car chases, and 14 deaths. At least seven deaths, including one civilian's, were from gunfire; a phenomenally high figure when you consider the number of gun deaths for all of Japan in 2011 was eight people. (Japan has some of the strictest gun-control laws in the world.)


The Gangs That Couldn’t Shoot Straight

The Dojin-kai and the Seido-kai are Kyushu-based yakuza gangs, once part of the same faction founded in 1971 in Kurume, Fukuoka Prefecture, by Isoji Koga. When the second generation Dojin-kai boss Seijiro Matsuo retired in May 2006, there was a fight over succession, and the group split into two factions, sparking a bloody gang war—where escalation seemed a matter of course. It started with shootings and bombs being thrown, and before it ended, the two gangs were lobbing grenades and Molotov cocktails, shooting machine guns, and sometimes attacking their own men. Things really escalated in in August 2007, when a shooter from the Seido-kai assassinated the head of the Dojin-kai.


But hospitals were not sacred refuges in this war. On Saturday, November 24, 2007, the 52-year-old head of the Seido-kai-affiliated Koga-gumi was shot dead at the entrance of a hospital in Omuta, Fukuoka Prefecture. Over the years, killings, assaults and shootings continued on both side.

On Wednesday April 6, 2011, a hand-grenade explosion killed former Seido-kai underboss Sueharu Matsunaga, 54, and his associate in their car. Both were the subjects of arrest warrants on suspicion that they had assaulted a senior member of their own gang with a whiskey bottle in a hostess bar in Omuta. When their bodies were found, it was not clear whether they had intended to attack the headquarters of the Seido-kai gang or had just mistakenly blew themselves up instead. Police suspect that one of them believed that one had to throw a grenade to make it explode and that pulling the pin was not enough.

This is how different Japanese gangs are from American gangs...

It is the criminal culture, not guns, that are the issue....

It may seem odd that a mafia group would deliver an official notice of dissolution to the police, but in Japan organized-crime groups, known as yakuza, and called boryokudan (“violent groups”) by the police, are not illegal. They are regulated but not outlawed. They have office buildings, business cards, and their exploits are celebrated in several fan magazines and sometimes comic books. They derive their income from extortion, racketeering, bid-rigging, financial fraud, labor dispatch, and some legitimate businesses (a.k.a. "front companies"). Currently, there are 22 designated organized-crime groups that are subject to regulation and harsh punishment under Japan’s organized-crime-countermeasure laws and ordinances. When the dissolution of the Seido-kai is officially confirmed, the number will drop to 21.

So are back to the same old if it doesn’t work 100% it doesn’t work.

How does gun violence in Japan compare with gun violence in America?

Not even remotely a comparison between Japanese mono-culture and the U.S. If the U.S. had the WASP mono-culture instead of all the 'Diversity' rubbish it wouldn't have hardly any problems, since 'minorities' would have been handled like the rest of the planet handles them, by deporting or exterminating them; they wouldn't be here to whine about it, the same reasons the Arab countries in the ME have no black ghettos of any sort, despite over a thousand years of an active slave trade far longer than the western hemisphere had. And besides, Muslims sniveling about 'American gun culture' and 'mass murder is just hilarious, can't get any more hypocritical than that.
How is it weak, you dumb ass. None of the shooters committed crimes that put them in the system.....

But they were nuts and everyone in their lives knew they were nuts.

So...after universal background checks also fail, you asshats will be back demanding gun registration...another dumb thing that doesn't do let's you know where the guns are in the hands of normal people, which was the goal all along.

You can already get your hands on guns used in crimes..... the guns you can't touch, yet......are the guns that normal people have that are never used in crimes.....and you want those like the drug addict wants his Crack.......

Um, yeah. Because as you say, every last mass shooter was innocent of crimes until he wasn't. That's not a good enough standard.

Here's what I want. Personally, there is NO GOOD REASON for ANY civilian to own a gun. But I'm reasonable. If some of you need to compensate for a tiny pecker, who am I to judge.

But we need.

Real, comprehensive background checks. That means we talk to your neighbors, your coworkers, your teachers, your family. If any one of them says, you are a scary nut, NO GUN FOR YOU!

We have a "Red Flag" law. If someone says you are a scary nut with a gun, they can go in and take your guns. If you decide to go all Waco, they can shoot you like a black kid with a toy- no consequences.

Remove the immunity gun sellers and manufacturers currently enjoy. Man, once greiving victims can actually SUE these vultures, you bet they won't sell to the Scary Nuts. Now the Scary Nuts are their favorite customers, and that's the problem.
And that stupid point is brought up by you morons every time...because you want to constrict gun ownership as much as possible, and you have been shown over and over that none of the things you want will do anything to stop gun crime or mass say "Well, why have any laws at all...."

except that all those other countries that constrict gun ownership and these things don't happen there.

And that stupid point is brought up by you morons every time...because you want to constrict gun ownership as much as possible, and you have been shown over and over that none of the things you want will do anything to stop gun crime or mass say "Well, why have any laws at all...."

except that all those other countries that constrict gun ownership and these things don't happen there.

View attachment 273342

Yeah...and their gun control laws have nothing to do with it.....considering Britain can't stop the increasing flow of illegal guns into their the police told the press.....and countries on the Sweden...of all places, are experiencing increasing gun violence due to immigrant gangs running their drug trade....

You asshats think that crime is static, that in countries that once had a peaceful culture, with guns, can't turn into a cesspit with the addition of young males raised without fathers and importing 3rd world, violent males.......
How is it weak, you dumb ass. None of the shooters committed crimes that put them in the system.....

But they were nuts and everyone in their lives knew they were nuts.

So...after universal background checks also fail, you asshats will be back demanding gun registration...another dumb thing that doesn't do let's you know where the guns are in the hands of normal people, which was the goal all along.

You can already get your hands on guns used in crimes..... the guns you can't touch, yet......are the guns that normal people have that are never used in crimes.....and you want those like the drug addict wants his Crack.......

Um, yeah. Because as you say, every last mass shooter was innocent of crimes until he wasn't. That's not a good enough standard.

Here's what I want. Personally, there is NO GOOD REASON for ANY civilian to own a gun. But I'm reasonable. If some of you need to compensate for a tiny pecker, who am I to judge.

But we need.

Real, comprehensive background checks. That means we talk to your neighbors, your coworkers, your teachers, your family. If any one of them says, you are a scary nut, NO GUN FOR YOU!

We have a "Red Flag" law. If someone says you are a scary nut with a gun, they can go in and take your guns. If you decide to go all Waco, they can shoot you like a black kid with a toy- no consequences.

Remove the immunity gun sellers and manufacturers currently enjoy. Man, once greiving victims can actually SUE these vultures, you bet they won't sell to the Scary Nuts. Now the Scary Nuts are their favorite customers, and that's the problem. are a fascist....we are all criminals waiting to be grabbed by the state and questioned until we confess......we get would have been right at home in 1930s Germany
And you just blew by the concept that actually locking up criminals would stop gun crime...without needing to bother normal gun owners...

No. I didn’t. Because it is a fallacy to think that alone will solve the problems and with Japan, who you use as an example from your cutnpaste library, there are a whole lot of other laws and regulations that factor in to it but were left out of your source.

Because they are irrelevant to criminals, who ignore all of those tests and paperwork.........nothing you listed that the Japanese do to normal citizens to own a gun, stopped the criminals from getting guns...and grenades...and using them.....

The entire point is to actually stop people who break the law, from using guns for crime.....nothing you listed would do that...

What stopped the criminals from using guns for crime? Long Prison sentences.....the only relevant point.

Normal people do not use guns for licensing them, taxing them, banning guns for them is pointless.....criminals ignore all of that and get their guns illegally.....stopping them is the point, and the only way you do that is we see in Japan.


Japan has a number of laws and regulations designed to deter and prevent gun violence. You are picking one out and claiming it is the sole reason for Japans low gun violence rates when it isnt. It is the entire package.

Consider this. Mass killeors do not get off lightly in this country. They get incarcerated for life, often on deathrow. That is no picnic. That is if they dont get killed in the process.

Have mass shootings gone down? How about gun violence?

Those gun laws didn't stop this....

The Great Japanese Gang Wars

The season for pineapples (yakuza slang for hand grenades) may finally be over. Jake Adelstein and Nathalie-Kyoko Stucky on the bloody, seven-year battle between the Dojin-kai and the Seido-kai.

In Southern Japan, the brutal pineapple season may finally be over; pineapple is yakuza slang for “hand grenade”—one of the many weapons utilized in a seven-year gang war between the Dojin-kai (1,000 members) and the splinter group the Kyushu Seido-kei (500 members). It’s a gang war in which there have been over 45 violent incidents, including bombings, shots exchanged during high-speed car chases, and 14 deaths. At least seven deaths, including one civilian's, were from gunfire; a phenomenally high figure when you consider the number of gun deaths for all of Japan in 2011 was eight people. (Japan has some of the strictest gun-control laws in the world.)


The Gangs That Couldn’t Shoot Straight

The Dojin-kai and the Seido-kai are Kyushu-based yakuza gangs, once part of the same faction founded in 1971 in Kurume, Fukuoka Prefecture, by Isoji Koga. When the second generation Dojin-kai boss Seijiro Matsuo retired in May 2006, there was a fight over succession, and the group split into two factions, sparking a bloody gang war—where escalation seemed a matter of course. It started with shootings and bombs being thrown, and before it ended, the two gangs were lobbing grenades and Molotov cocktails, shooting machine guns, and sometimes attacking their own men. Things really escalated in in August 2007, when a shooter from the Seido-kai assassinated the head of the Dojin-kai.


But hospitals were not sacred refuges in this war. On Saturday, November 24, 2007, the 52-year-old head of the Seido-kai-affiliated Koga-gumi was shot dead at the entrance of a hospital in Omuta, Fukuoka Prefecture. Over the years, killings, assaults and shootings continued on both side.

On Wednesday April 6, 2011, a hand-grenade explosion killed former Seido-kai underboss Sueharu Matsunaga, 54, and his associate in their car. Both were the subjects of arrest warrants on suspicion that they had assaulted a senior member of their own gang with a whiskey bottle in a hostess bar in Omuta. When their bodies were found, it was not clear whether they had intended to attack the headquarters of the Seido-kai gang or had just mistakenly blew themselves up instead. Police suspect that one of them believed that one had to throw a grenade to make it explode and that pulling the pin was not enough.

This is how different Japanese gangs are from American gangs...

It is the criminal culture, not guns, that are the issue....

It may seem odd that a mafia group would deliver an official notice of dissolution to the police, but in Japan organized-crime groups, known as yakuza, and called boryokudan (“violent groups”) by the police, are not illegal. They are regulated but not outlawed. They have office buildings, business cards, and their exploits are celebrated in several fan magazines and sometimes comic books. They derive their income from extortion, racketeering, bid-rigging, financial fraud, labor dispatch, and some legitimate businesses (a.k.a. "front companies"). Currently, there are 22 designated organized-crime groups that are subject to regulation and harsh punishment under Japan’s organized-crime-countermeasure laws and ordinances. When the dissolution of the Seido-kai is officially confirmed, the number will drop to 21.

So are back to the same old if it doesn’t work 100% it doesn’t work.

How does gun violence in Japan compare with gun violence in America?

How about you look at how they keep their criminals from using guns........I told you, a life sentence for any crime where a gun is used...with an over 95% conviction rate..... judges let repeat gun offenders out on Personal Recognizance Bonds....after repeat felonies with repeat arrests for illegal guns....and the conviction rate for murder in this country, let alone just carrying an illegal gun is under 30%......

So.....if you get the democrat judges in democrat voting districts to lock up gun criminals for life if they use a gun for a stick up.......or 15 years if they are found to merely have a gun on them....then we can talk....

Nothing else you want to do actually works.
No. I didn’t. Because it is a fallacy to think that alone will solve the problems and with Japan, who you use as an example from your cutnpaste library, there are a whole lot of other laws and regulations that factor in to it but were left out of your source.

Because they are irrelevant to criminals, who ignore all of those tests and paperwork.........nothing you listed that the Japanese do to normal citizens to own a gun, stopped the criminals from getting guns...and grenades...and using them.....

The entire point is to actually stop people who break the law, from using guns for crime.....nothing you listed would do that...

What stopped the criminals from using guns for crime? Long Prison sentences.....the only relevant point.

Normal people do not use guns for licensing them, taxing them, banning guns for them is pointless.....criminals ignore all of that and get their guns illegally.....stopping them is the point, and the only way you do that is we see in Japan.


Japan has a number of laws and regulations designed to deter and prevent gun violence. You are picking one out and claiming it is the sole reason for Japans low gun violence rates when it isnt. It is the entire package.

Consider this. Mass killeors do not get off lightly in this country. They get incarcerated for life, often on deathrow. That is no picnic. That is if they dont get killed in the process.

Have mass shootings gone down? How about gun violence?

Those gun laws didn't stop this....

The Great Japanese Gang Wars

The season for pineapples (yakuza slang for hand grenades) may finally be over. Jake Adelstein and Nathalie-Kyoko Stucky on the bloody, seven-year battle between the Dojin-kai and the Seido-kai.

In Southern Japan, the brutal pineapple season may finally be over; pineapple is yakuza slang for “hand grenade”—one of the many weapons utilized in a seven-year gang war between the Dojin-kai (1,000 members) and the splinter group the Kyushu Seido-kei (500 members). It’s a gang war in which there have been over 45 violent incidents, including bombings, shots exchanged during high-speed car chases, and 14 deaths. At least seven deaths, including one civilian's, were from gunfire; a phenomenally high figure when you consider the number of gun deaths for all of Japan in 2011 was eight people. (Japan has some of the strictest gun-control laws in the world.)


The Gangs That Couldn’t Shoot Straight

The Dojin-kai and the Seido-kai are Kyushu-based yakuza gangs, once part of the same faction founded in 1971 in Kurume, Fukuoka Prefecture, by Isoji Koga. When the second generation Dojin-kai boss Seijiro Matsuo retired in May 2006, there was a fight over succession, and the group split into two factions, sparking a bloody gang war—where escalation seemed a matter of course. It started with shootings and bombs being thrown, and before it ended, the two gangs were lobbing grenades and Molotov cocktails, shooting machine guns, and sometimes attacking their own men. Things really escalated in in August 2007, when a shooter from the Seido-kai assassinated the head of the Dojin-kai.


But hospitals were not sacred refuges in this war. On Saturday, November 24, 2007, the 52-year-old head of the Seido-kai-affiliated Koga-gumi was shot dead at the entrance of a hospital in Omuta, Fukuoka Prefecture. Over the years, killings, assaults and shootings continued on both side.

On Wednesday April 6, 2011, a hand-grenade explosion killed former Seido-kai underboss Sueharu Matsunaga, 54, and his associate in their car. Both were the subjects of arrest warrants on suspicion that they had assaulted a senior member of their own gang with a whiskey bottle in a hostess bar in Omuta. When their bodies were found, it was not clear whether they had intended to attack the headquarters of the Seido-kai gang or had just mistakenly blew themselves up instead. Police suspect that one of them believed that one had to throw a grenade to make it explode and that pulling the pin was not enough.

This is how different Japanese gangs are from American gangs...

It is the criminal culture, not guns, that are the issue....

It may seem odd that a mafia group would deliver an official notice of dissolution to the police, but in Japan organized-crime groups, known as yakuza, and called boryokudan (“violent groups”) by the police, are not illegal. They are regulated but not outlawed. They have office buildings, business cards, and their exploits are celebrated in several fan magazines and sometimes comic books. They derive their income from extortion, racketeering, bid-rigging, financial fraud, labor dispatch, and some legitimate businesses (a.k.a. "front companies"). Currently, there are 22 designated organized-crime groups that are subject to regulation and harsh punishment under Japan’s organized-crime-countermeasure laws and ordinances. When the dissolution of the Seido-kai is officially confirmed, the number will drop to 21.

So are back to the same old if it doesn’t work 100% it doesn’t work.

How does gun violence in Japan compare with gun violence in America?

How about you look at how they keep their criminals from using guns........I told you, a life sentence for any crime where a gun is used...with an over 95% conviction rate..... judges let repeat gun offenders out on Personal Recognizance Bonds....after repeat felonies with repeat arrests for illegal guns....and the conviction rate for murder in this country, let alone just carrying an illegal gun is under 30%......

So.....if you get the democrat judges in democrat voting districts to lock up gun criminals for life if they use a gun for a stick up.......or 15 years if they are found to merely have a gun on them....then we can talk....

Nothing else you want to do actually works.
How about you look at the entire package instead of attempting to pick out the bit you like and claim victory? It works because it is part of a larger whole.

As I pointed out. Mass shooters in the US don’t get off easy. The guns they buy are legally bought, so harsh penalties for illegal guns won’t make any difference.

Yet it still keeps happening.
Because they are irrelevant to criminals, who ignore all of those tests and paperwork.........nothing you listed that the Japanese do to normal citizens to own a gun, stopped the criminals from getting guns...and grenades...and using them.....

The entire point is to actually stop people who break the law, from using guns for crime.....nothing you listed would do that...

What stopped the criminals from using guns for crime? Long Prison sentences.....the only relevant point.

Normal people do not use guns for licensing them, taxing them, banning guns for them is pointless.....criminals ignore all of that and get their guns illegally.....stopping them is the point, and the only way you do that is we see in Japan.


Japan has a number of laws and regulations designed to deter and prevent gun violence. You are picking one out and claiming it is the sole reason for Japans low gun violence rates when it isnt. It is the entire package.

Consider this. Mass killeors do not get off lightly in this country. They get incarcerated for life, often on deathrow. That is no picnic. That is if they dont get killed in the process.

Have mass shootings gone down? How about gun violence?

Those gun laws didn't stop this....

The Great Japanese Gang Wars

The season for pineapples (yakuza slang for hand grenades) may finally be over. Jake Adelstein and Nathalie-Kyoko Stucky on the bloody, seven-year battle between the Dojin-kai and the Seido-kai.

In Southern Japan, the brutal pineapple season may finally be over; pineapple is yakuza slang for “hand grenade”—one of the many weapons utilized in a seven-year gang war between the Dojin-kai (1,000 members) and the splinter group the Kyushu Seido-kei (500 members). It’s a gang war in which there have been over 45 violent incidents, including bombings, shots exchanged during high-speed car chases, and 14 deaths. At least seven deaths, including one civilian's, were from gunfire; a phenomenally high figure when you consider the number of gun deaths for all of Japan in 2011 was eight people. (Japan has some of the strictest gun-control laws in the world.)


The Gangs That Couldn’t Shoot Straight

The Dojin-kai and the Seido-kai are Kyushu-based yakuza gangs, once part of the same faction founded in 1971 in Kurume, Fukuoka Prefecture, by Isoji Koga. When the second generation Dojin-kai boss Seijiro Matsuo retired in May 2006, there was a fight over succession, and the group split into two factions, sparking a bloody gang war—where escalation seemed a matter of course. It started with shootings and bombs being thrown, and before it ended, the two gangs were lobbing grenades and Molotov cocktails, shooting machine guns, and sometimes attacking their own men. Things really escalated in in August 2007, when a shooter from the Seido-kai assassinated the head of the Dojin-kai.


But hospitals were not sacred refuges in this war. On Saturday, November 24, 2007, the 52-year-old head of the Seido-kai-affiliated Koga-gumi was shot dead at the entrance of a hospital in Omuta, Fukuoka Prefecture. Over the years, killings, assaults and shootings continued on both side.

On Wednesday April 6, 2011, a hand-grenade explosion killed former Seido-kai underboss Sueharu Matsunaga, 54, and his associate in their car. Both were the subjects of arrest warrants on suspicion that they had assaulted a senior member of their own gang with a whiskey bottle in a hostess bar in Omuta. When their bodies were found, it was not clear whether they had intended to attack the headquarters of the Seido-kai gang or had just mistakenly blew themselves up instead. Police suspect that one of them believed that one had to throw a grenade to make it explode and that pulling the pin was not enough.

This is how different Japanese gangs are from American gangs...

It is the criminal culture, not guns, that are the issue....

It may seem odd that a mafia group would deliver an official notice of dissolution to the police, but in Japan organized-crime groups, known as yakuza, and called boryokudan (“violent groups”) by the police, are not illegal. They are regulated but not outlawed. They have office buildings, business cards, and their exploits are celebrated in several fan magazines and sometimes comic books. They derive their income from extortion, racketeering, bid-rigging, financial fraud, labor dispatch, and some legitimate businesses (a.k.a. "front companies"). Currently, there are 22 designated organized-crime groups that are subject to regulation and harsh punishment under Japan’s organized-crime-countermeasure laws and ordinances. When the dissolution of the Seido-kai is officially confirmed, the number will drop to 21.

So are back to the same old if it doesn’t work 100% it doesn’t work.

How does gun violence in Japan compare with gun violence in America?

How about you look at how they keep their criminals from using guns........I told you, a life sentence for any crime where a gun is used...with an over 95% conviction rate..... judges let repeat gun offenders out on Personal Recognizance Bonds....after repeat felonies with repeat arrests for illegal guns....and the conviction rate for murder in this country, let alone just carrying an illegal gun is under 30%......

So.....if you get the democrat judges in democrat voting districts to lock up gun criminals for life if they use a gun for a stick up.......or 15 years if they are found to merely have a gun on them....then we can talk....

Nothing else you want to do actually works.
How about you look at the entire package instead of attempting to pick out the bit you like and claim victory? It works because it is part of a larger whole.

As I pointed out. Mass shooters in the US don’t get off easy. The guns they buy are legally bought, so harsh penalties for illegal guns won’t make any difference.

Yet it still keeps happening.

Mass shooters killed 93 people in 2018....

Regular criminals killed 10,982 in 2017......can you tell which is the actual problem?

A life sentence for a gun crime, and 15 years for carrying an illegal gun by an actual criminal, would dry up 95% of our gun crime the minute those laws were signed.....

Mass shooters are entirely different and you need a different approach......but you don't ban over 18 million rifles in law abiding hands over 3-4 guys who use them illegally.....

As to the bit I like? I take the bit that actually works....... you ignore that part and concentrate on taking guns away from people who don't use them for crime.....because you don't care about actual criminals with know you get their guns when they get drives you insane thinking about those million upon millions of guns you can't take because their owners don't use them for crimes. So, you make up new crimes that put those guns in your hands.....
Mass shooters killed 93 people in 2018....

List of mass shootings in the United States in 2018 - Wikipedia

323 mass shootings occurred in 2018 that fit the inclusion criteria of this article, resulting in 1,661 people being shot. Of those people, 387 people have died.

Regular criminals killed 10,982 in 2017......can you tell which is the actual problem?

Actually, they both are. Let's ban guns and fix that.

A life sentence for a gun crime, and 15 years for carrying an illegal gun by an actual criminal, would dry up 95% of our gun crime the minute those laws were signed.....

No, it really wouldn't. We don't have enough places to lock up the real criminals...
Mass shooters killed 93 people in 2018....

List of mass shootings in the United States in 2018 - Wikipedia

323 mass shootings occurred in 2018 that fit the inclusion criteria of this article, resulting in 1,661 people being shot. Of those people, 387 people have died.

Regular criminals killed 10,982 in 2017......can you tell which is the actual problem?

Actually, they both are. Let's ban guns and fix that.

A life sentence for a gun crime, and 15 years for carrying an illegal gun by an actual criminal, would dry up 95% of our gun crime the minute those laws were signed.....

No, it really wouldn't. We don't have enough places to lock up the real criminals...

Wrong, asshat.....a gang member spraying a rival gang's garden party isn't a mass public want to include it because if you don't, there were onlly 12 mass public shootings in 2018 with a total of 93 people killed...fewer people than death by pool......

But if you make uninformed people believe that mass public shootings are a real danger, then you can stampede them into giving up their rights......

And of the gang shootings......they got their guns illegally.....and will still get their guns illegally if you ban them, considering the Narco State of Mexico now has Drug Cartels building gun factories on the border....I wouldn't be shocked if the drug cartels were helping fund gun control legislation here....
Yeah...and their gun control laws have nothing to do with it.....

Yup, all those countries that have gun control don't have crime and mass shootings.

And we have guns and we have lots of crime and mass shootings. Nothing to see here..

Wrong, asshat....their cultures were peaceful when they had guns, and they didn't have gun murder rates that were, after recovering from the destruction, societal and cultural from World War 2, they have young males raised without fathers turning to violence, just like here, and young males from 3rd world countries fueling their drug gang violence....even Sweden is experiencing rising gun crime and dope.
Liar...not that that's news to most of us. Just make it up as you go along, eh? El Paso was one of yours--so was Gilroy..own it....and don't deflect to some tired lie about how since one put an enviro message in with his hatred spewing manifesto about Illegals..that somehow that transformed him into an instant leftist..that shit is so lame!
More FAKE NEWS from a former Internal Affairs scumbag....hang them police, no matter what....bastard!
LOL...your meds kicking in? That was the other guy, doofus...Although I do think that those who police the police..have the hardest job of all.

All the documents are on public where is the 'fake' part? it any part that doesn't fit your lil narrative/LOL!

Big League Politics can report that Connor Betts, the alleged mass shooter who killed at least 9 people in an entertainment district of Dayton, Ohio earlier today was a registered Democrat who has voted in 7 previous elections, including two Democratic Primaries. Betts was killed during the altercation with police.

Betts was a registered Democrat who, according to information made public by the state of Ohio, voted in two elections. He allegedly murdered 9 people, including his sister Megan Betts, earlier today in Dayton, Ohio.

Fox News reports:

Dayton Deputy Director and Assistant Chief of Police Lt. Col. Matt Carper identified the gunman as 24-year-old Connor Betts. His sister, 22-year-old Megan Betts, was among the nine killed, according to Carper, who added that all of those killed during the rampage were shot in the city’s Oregon District around Fifth Street.

Betts was killed by police less than a minute after he opened fire with a .223-caliber rifle in the streets of the Oregon District around 1 a.m. Sunday in the second U.S. mass shooting in less than 24 hours after at least 20 people were slain in El Paso, Texas.

Latest: UN Plans New Global Censorship Push to Combat "Hate Speech"

The Greene County Board of Elections reveals Betts began voting in 2012, and next voted in the Democratic Party Ohio Primary on March 15 of 2016. After voting in the 2016 General Election, Betts later voted in the 2018 Democratic Party Primary on May 8, 2018. Betts voted in a total of 7 elections, including Democratic Primaries.

(Excerpt) Read more at ..

Purge a member of Atomwaffen ?? Neo nazis?
The Ohio gunman described himself on social media as a pro-Satan “leftist” who wanted Joe Biden’s generation to die off, hated President Trump and law enforcement, and hoped to vote for Sen. Elizabeth Warren for president.

In the early hours of Sunday morning, rifle-wielding Connor Betts rampaged through a Dayton entertainment district, killing his sister and eight other people and leaving dozens of others wounded before police killed him.

“I want socialism, and i’ll not wait for the idiots to finally come round to understanding,” he wrote in one tweet, according to

The breaking-news outlet said it had found Betts‘ Twitter page (handle @iamthespookster) and verified that the account belonged to the gunman “through multiple verification factors, including a matching tattoo on both a page selfie and prominent news outlets’ pictures of Connor Betts; several family linkages to the page; similar photos, including of him and the family dog, on the page and family members’ verified accounts; and references to college and growing up in Ohio and Dayton.”

The Twitter account painted a picture of a left-wing anarchist and discontent, very far from the anti-immigration manifesto posted by Saturday’s El Paso gunman.

“Vote blue for gods sake,” he wrote last Nov. 2. On the day of the senator’s death, Betts wrote “F—k John McCain.”

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Another pro Satan moron. Just like Eddy boy here!
The conservatives here have been hammering home the message that Betts was a Democrat all week. But it doesn't track that his political beliefs had anything to do with shooting up the customers of a bar, including his sister. That was a sheer suicidal/homicidal act.

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