Breaking: Biden Fails To Comply With House Oversight Committee Investigation Into Top-Secret Docs After Promising "Highest Standards In Transparency"

Coyote backed up her claims and provided proof that yes, a VP has the authority to classify and declassify documents.'s your turn. Got any links that Biden gave Hunter a shitload of classified documents that were handed to Ukraine as you are claiming? I'm guessing this is supposition on your part that you are pulling outta your ass.
Many of the documents that were found concern Ukraine.
Try watching YouTube or TikTok once in a while where the news isn't deleled.
No. It doesn’t. He isn’t making any fake claims of psychically declassifying it.

Who or what was vetted?

It doesn’t matter what you think of Obama, the EO stands and from a practical view, there is no reason a VP shouldn’t be able to do it.

I think your post provides an excellent example of what you are griping about.
I dislike these bubble posts, but I'll just say I totally disagree with you.

And, the super secret confidential documents stored in Biden's garage were Corvetted for sure, lol
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Under an Obama-era executive order, vice presidents have the authority to classify and declassify documents — just like presidents. In January 2023, after news broke that federal documents pertaining to U.S. President Joe Biden's tenure as vice president were uncovered at his former office and Delaware home, critics pushed the erroneous notion that he didn't have the authority, while serving under Obama, to declassify those files. Nonetheless, the matter was irrelevant to the U.S. Department of Justice's review of Biden's handling of such files.
If that was true, Garland wouldn't have appointed a special council. Plus the media would have reported it by now.
I want to see the EO as opposed to seeing it on snopes.
The fact is I don't think Biden knew what the hell he was doing back then and I don't think he knows what the hell is going on now.
He also left the documents in vulnerable places.

I think he's being set up.

My last post didn't say she was wrong but it's obvious there are no standards and procedures in force for this scenario.
I am also well aware of what scumbags Joe and Hunter Biden are.
Biden's handing money to Zelensky like there's no tomorrow when millions of US citizens live in dire poverty, but I realize Liberals don't give a shit about US citizens.

You may not have said that she was wrong in so many words, but you DID say that you wanted to see the EO as opposed to seeing it on Snopes. That infers doubt, meaning that you don't believe what she posted.
If that was true, Garland wouldn't have appointed a special council. Plus the media would have reported it by now.
The appointment of a special counsel has nothing to do with whether or not Biden can classify or declassify documents.
If that was true, Garland wouldn't have appointed a special council. Plus the media would have reported it by now.

A special counsel is appointed to see if there is anything to prosecute. If there is, then they go after the person, but if they don't find any evidence of wrongdoing, they say so and it goes away. A special counsel doesn't mean guilt or innocence, just means it needs to be investigated.

In the United States, a special counsel (formerly called special prosecutor or independent counsel) is a lawyer appointed to investigate, and potentially prosecute, a particular case of suspected wrongdoing for which a conflict of interest exists for the usual prosecuting authority.

Notice that it says "potentially prosecute", not prosecute. There has to be evidence found by the special counsel first, before prosecution proceeds.
The appointment of a special counsel has nothing to do with whether or not Biden can classify or declassify documents.
If Biden could have classified or declassified documents the media would have announced it by now. Even legal scholars like Dershowitz and Turkey would have confirmed it. But no! Not one news media pundit has said anything. One thing they've confirmed is only the president can determine which documents to classify and declassify.
Does it show Biden giving Hunter all these documents…any documents?
Do you know why JB keeps giving Zelensky billions of dollars and gives trespassers billions of dollars and gives American Blacks nothing?

You may not have said that she was wrong in so many words, but you DID say that you wanted to see the EO as opposed to seeing it on Snopes. That infers doubt, meaning that you don't believe what she posted.
Let me put it to you this way...
When's the last time I used Fox News to back up my posts?

I like to see the actual source.
If Biden could have classified or declassified documents the media would have announced it by now. Even legal scholars like Dershowitz and Turkey would have confirmed it. But no! Not one news media pundit has said anything. One thing they've confirmed is only the president can determine which documents to classify and declassify.
No they would not have, because Biden, unlike Trump, has not claimed he psychically declassified anything. So why would it even come up?
No they would not have, because Biden, unlike Trump, has not claimed he psychically declassified anything. So why would it even come up?
The sad fact is that Biden can't state anything because he can't finish a 4 word sentence.
The question is why President Obama would allow VP Biden to do this as he wanted Biden to disappear for 7 years and 50 weeks.
Why shouldn’t tbe VP be able to do this? Actually, a number of government officials can classify and declassify material.

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