Breaking! British Ambassador to U.S. Quits Over Donald Trump Leak Storm


Platinum Member
Jan 24, 2019
Excellent! Draining the embassy swamp.


Brit ambassador to US QUITS after Trump branded him 'very stupid' in leak row

He knew that Trump is a child that will hold a grudge for decades about the mean things said about him.

He did what was best for all involved. Once his view of Trump became known he was never going to get anything accomplished.
A good ambassador wouldn’t say mean things! Ambassadors are supposed to be good will people.

He knew that Trump is a child that will hold a grudge for decades about the mean things said about him.

He did what was best for all involved. Once his view of Trump became known he was never going to get anything accomplished.
A good ambassador wouldn’t say mean things! Ambassadors are supposed to be good will people.

The ambassador is supposed to give his honest assessment of the situation in the country they are assigned to. He was nice and did not say them publicly.

He knew that Trump is a child that will hold a grudge for decades about the mean things said about him.

He did what was best for all involved. Once his view of Trump became known he was never going to get anything accomplished.
A good ambassador wouldn’t say mean things! Ambassadors are supposed to be good will people.

The ambassador is supposed to give his honest assessment of the situation in the country they are assigned to. He was nice and did not say them publicly.

What 'situation'?

I saw personal remarks. Not critical commentary.

In any case, there is always a whistle blower. So one should keep one's mouth shut.

He knew that Trump is a child that will hold a grudge for decades about the mean things said about him.

He did what was best for all involved. Once his view of Trump became known he was never going to get anything accomplished.
A good ambassador wouldn’t say mean things! Ambassadors are supposed to be good will people.

The ambassador is supposed to give his honest assessment of the situation in the country they are assigned to. He was nice and did not say them publicly.
He was outed by a leaker! Another British leaker. First Steele and now this guy! Britain is interfering in our business! They need to stay home awhile.

He knew that Trump is a child that will hold a grudge for decades about the mean things said about him.

He did what was best for all involved. Once his view of Trump became known he was never going to get anything accomplished.
A good ambassador wouldn’t say mean things! Ambassadors are supposed to be good will people.

The ambassador is supposed to give his honest assessment of the situation in the country they are assigned to. He was nice and did not say them publicly.
He was outed by a leaker! Another British leaker. First Steele and now this guy! Britain is interfering in our business! They need to stay home awhile.

They're good at that kind of thing.

He knew that Trump is a child that will hold a grudge for decades about the mean things said about him.

He did what was best for all involved. Once his view of Trump became known he was never going to get anything accomplished.
A good ambassador wouldn’t say mean things! Ambassadors are supposed to be good will people.

And Darroch did that. These are internal memos and cables, not meant for public eyes. He gave, what he thought, was an accurate assessment.
Trump's reaction was certainly over the top, but given how the diplomatic world operates, he had no choice but to step down.

It is notable that his comments came in the early stages of the Trump Administration, and were based on nothing more than his reading of the Washington Post and the NYT. He had NO INSIDE information on the inner workings of the Administration, only the gossip from these Leftist rags.

Isn't it interesting that Lefties are positively effusive in commenting on the irrelevancies of the Trump Administration and absolutely silent on its many profound and noteworthy accomplishments?

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