Breaking: Charleston SC, white male shoots 8 people at Souths oldest black church


wow. you just proved that there is at least one racist anti-obama person on the internet.

good job.

And that is what it comes down to

South Carolina fought to fly that flag to placate the racists in the state wishing to refight the Civil War. You can be sure the members of Emanuel AME opposed the flying of that flag

The little fucker had that wonderful flag on his license plate

the confederate flag has been a harmless symbol of southern regional pride for generations.

as demonstrated by the success of the dukes of hazzard tv show.

Yeah, those rednecks flying the confederate flag are all about history. lol

The simple fact is that the confederate flag, in addition to being a foreign flag of a nation that only existed in war against the US, has been co-opted by ignorant, redenck racists.

The swastika is an ancient simple, and is "holy" in some religious cultures. But since WWII it has been almost exclusively used as a symbol of hatred. That is what it has become. The confederate flag is the same thing.

Don't like that? Blame the KKKers who created the hatred that it has come to symbolize.
The White Supremacists use two loser flags, the Swastika & the Confederate flag .. pitiful.
They also use the white flag of surrender at Appomattox...

john hinkley was motived because he knew that he and jodie foster had something going.

sane people should not be held responsible for the delusions of the mad.
Except that the actions of Roof are rooted in a matrix of political beliefs that are shared by many such as conservative right wingers the backbone of the GOP...nobody shared any of the Hinkley beliefs about Jody Foster

think try to think

the unibomber was spot on with the green weenies.

are they marginalized in your mind?

are you one of them?

john hinkley was motived because he knew that he and jodie foster had something going.

sane people should not be held responsible for the delusions of the mad.
Except that the actions of Roof are rooted in a matrix of political beliefs that are shared by many such as conservative right wingers the backbone of the GOP...nobody shared any of the Hinkley beliefs about Jody Foster

think try to think

the unibomber was spot on with the green weenies.

are they marginalized in your mind?

are you one of them?

what environmental group are you linking him it mentioned in his manifesto ?

john hinkley was motived because he knew that he and jodie foster had something going.

sane people should not be held responsible for the delusions of the mad.
Except that the actions of Roof are rooted in a matrix of political beliefs that are shared by many such as conservative right wingers the backbone of the GOP...nobody shared any of the Hinkley beliefs about Jody Foster

think try to think

the unibomber was spot on with the green weenies.

are they marginalized in your mind?

are you one of them?

what environmental group are you linking him it mentioned in his manifesto ?

mix of political beliefs, your words.

funny how you moved the goal post there.

did it marginalize the green weenies?

Even Mitt Romney Says South Carolina Needs to Take Down the Confederate Flag
In the face of the stunning cowardice of almost all of the Republicans running for president in 2016, we get this from Mitt Romney of all people,

the southern strategy is a myth.

it is not brave to do what the howling mob wants you to do.

bravery is doing standing up to them.

the shooter does not define the south, as much as he and the lefties might want him to.
Bullshit -
do you believe the people you are disagreeing with have reasonable reasons to disagree with you or are we all evul, with "no heart and no soul"?

and yet, you also believe that as a liberal, that you are open minded.


You are not reality based to me believe unreasonable things about Blacks this killer

"racist rhetoric has metastasized into racist violence" Hillary Clinton

true dat

can you name any serious political issue, on which you respect those who disagree with you?
This white supremacist is at the heart of a merging of two of America’s great evils – gun violence and racial injustice.

Even Mitt Romney Says South Carolina Needs to Take Down the Confederate Flag
In the face of the stunning cowardice of almost all of the Republicans running for president in 2016, we get this from Mitt Romney of all people,

the southern strategy is a myth.

it is not brave to do what the howling mob wants you to do.

bravery is doing standing up to them.

the shooter does not define the south, as much as he and the lefties might want him to.
Bullshit -

none of the presidential candidates for the gop has ever offered any racist policies to appeal to the racist southerns to get them to switch parties.

the south switch came with the growth of a strong middle class.
This white supremacist is at the heart of a merging of two of America’s great evils – gun violence and racial injustice.

guns are not the problem. plenty of high gun ownership communities without high levels of gun violence.

and your racial injustice is mostly bullshit spun up to support your lib narrative that is so important to your agenda.
can you name any serious political issue, on which you respect those who disagree with you?
It is sufficient to say I sure do not respect your facts your approach your arguments none of that think this one word response "bullshit" settles the no Einstein LOL

fringe racist white hate groups have no love for the gop.

and why should they?

the gop has been pro-civil rights the whole way back, and up to present day.
No. 3 Republican Admits Talking to White Supremacist
Conference..Steve Scalise


yes, i remember that one.

typical lib lie.

he spoke at a building where the group was.

it was exaggerated that he spoke to them, by them to inflate their importance.

that was picked up by the lib media to smear the con.

he was asked about a speaking event that he did not recall, one of hundreds that occurred years ago, and he honestly said, he didn't remember.

this is your proof?
Odd that the NYTimes didn't identify the website or print any of the other pictures it describes. I don't doubt that the guy is a nut, but I can't imagine he was publicly display hat weapon in that manner.

Yeah they made it all shopped the deal..sure sure LOL

Such a proud southerner simply displaying the flag of southern culture.

if the unibomber didn't taint environmentalism with his murders, why should this guy taint the flag with his?
That is the flag of Slavers of white Supremacists ...what Environmentalist group was Unabomber with ?

the confederate flag is not evidence of membership of any group.

try to be less dishonest.
can you name any serious political issue, on which you respect those who disagree with you?
It is sufficient to say I sure do not respect your facts your approach your arguments none of that think this one word response "bullshit" settles the no Einstein LOL


i asked you a question about your beliefs designed to make a point.

all you had to do to disprove my claim was to mention a person that disagrees with you on a serious issue that you respect the person and his reasons for disagreeing.

seems you were unable to do that. would you like to try now?

i don't think it is possible to earn your respect. i think your mind is closed.
the south switch came with the growth of a strong middle class.

google "southern Strategy" "dog whistle GOP"

"dog whistle" is code for "we can't find racism, but we have to in order to paint our enemies as evul".

should i consider that an admission that you admit that there was never any racist policies offered to attract the racists of the south from the democratic party?

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