Breaking: Check out the Haugen chick testifying against criminal FB and the honey to the right of her

damn right it is a set up. Don't think for a minute that they care about the freedom and right to speech of Americans....well they do...but their concern is to remove it from you.

It's about the equivalent of a democrat female bureaucrat charging Andrew Cuomo with sexual abuse. and you saw how well that went.
Wow. What a polished professional this young woman is.

Guys. This is the keepers kinda your lazy asses..hehehehehe

Hope she doesn't catch Arkansas Sudden Death Syndrome.
She donated to Dems, she’s still a leftwing shill.
From your mouth to God's ears!

"Delete your FB accounts."
The first sign of a loser is to even have a FB account. My God what a waste of life. I feel so sorry for your types. You'll understand on your death bed that how many fake friends you have is meaningless.

There is still time. Even for someone as confused as yourself. Think for yourself once in your life

You're welcome from Tough Love
She's a isn't bad enough that Facebook is working hand in hand with the democrats...she wants the government to run it....
Boy I been been a lotta grief over this thread........................lololololol
The first sign of a loser is to even have a FB account. My God what a waste of life. I feel so sorry for your types. You'll understand on your death bed that how many fake friends you have is meaningless.

There is still time. Even for someone as confused as yourself. Think for yourself once in your life

You're welcome from Tough Love
oh silly one! I don't have a Facebook account, never have and never will! Not a twitter, or instagram, or tik tok or parlor account either.

now go to the corner and sit for three hours facing the wall, as your punishment for being so wrong!!! :)

oh silly one! I don't have a Facebook account, never have and never will! Not a twitter, or instagram, or tik tok or parlor account either.

now go to the corner and sit for three hours facing the wall, as your punishment for being so wrong!!! :)
I highly doubt that. That's where you idiots get your news....lololol

Why I responded was an error, you're on scroll by..sorry for the bother

My God
Fuck Facebook.

Totally evil corporation.

Break em up
That's where right wingers get all of their news....mostly fake news.... And it's killing this once great, democratic nation. :(
Now you had to tattle tail and get my pose deleted on my own fucking thread....................BAWWWWWHAHAHAHA....OMG what a place....lololol
whistleblower my ass.

Boaty McFake Whistleblower BoatFace

Now you had to tattle tail and get my pose deleted on my own fucking thread....................BAWWWWWHAHAHAHA....OMG what a place....lololol
What? Huh? What post? There wasn't any post of yours that was offensive to me? I was having fun in our back and forths???

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